阿勒格尼县的验尸官表示,37岁的刘兵(Bing Liu音译)是匹兹堡大学医学院的研究员,于周六被发现死于匹兹堡北部罗斯镇的家中,头部、颈部与身体中弹。第二名死者为46岁的男子顾浩(Hao Gu音译),被发现在一英里外的一辆车中受枪伤死亡。
事发地点 (图片来源:CBS视频截图)
计算与系统生物系主任伊维特·巴哈对《匹兹堡邮报》表示,刘兵最近正开始研究新冠病毒,“刚刚开始取得有趣的成果”。该学院官网的声明中也表示:“在了解新冠病毒感染的细胞机制以及其并发症的细胞基础上,刘兵即将取得非常重大的成果(very significant findings)。我们将努力完成他开始的工作,以向他杰出的科学成就致敬。”
Professor researching Covid-19 was killed in an apparent murder-suicide, officials say
Updated 1944 GMT (0344 HKT) May 6, 2020
University of Pittsburgh professor Bing Liu was shot and killed in apparent murder-suicide, police said.

The research assistant professor, identified as Bing Liu, was found in his townhouse Saturday with gunshot wounds to the head, neck, torso and extremities, according to the Ross Police Department.
Investigators believe an unidentified second man, who was found dead in his car, shot and killed Liu in his home before returning to his car and taking his own life. Police believe the men knew each other, but say there is "zero indication that there was targeting due to his (Liu) being Chinese," according to Detective Sgt. Brian Kohlhepp.
The university issued a statement saying it is "deeply saddened by the tragic death of Bing Liu, a prolific researcher and admired colleague at Pitt. The University extends our deepest sympathies to Liu's family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time."
"Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications," his colleagues at the university's Department of Computational and Systems Biology said in a statement.
Members of the university's School of Medicine describe their former colleague as an outstanding researcher and mentor, and have pledged to complete Liu's research "in an effort to pay homage to his scientific excellence."
CNN's Christina Walker contributed to this report.
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