


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

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马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Friday 31 August 2007

[Surat Aduan kepada CPO] 2 orang tahan dibawah ISA

30 August 2007


1) Ketua Polis Johor

Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontigen Johor

Jalan Tebrau,

80990 Johor Bahru, Johor.

Tel: 07-2254422

Faxs: 07-2240115

2) BP Pasir Gudang

Polis Diraja Malaysia

JKR No. 5233, Jalan Masjid,

81700 Pasir Gudang, JB, Johor

Tel: 07-2513222

3) BP Masai

Polis Diraja Malaysia

JKR No. 4621, Jalan Lama,

Johor Bahru Kongkong,

81750 Masai, JB, Johor




2 orang tahan dibawah ISA

Saya merujuk kepada 2 orang yang berusia 25 dan 29 telah ditahan dibawah Seksyen 28 Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) pada 29 Ogos 2007 seperti yang tersiar dalam Metro Setempat bertarikh 30 Ogos 2007 (keratan akhbar disertakan bersama surat ini).

Mengikut laporan akhbar, dua orang lelaki dipercayai dalang penyebaran SMS fitnah yang mendakwa akan berlaku pergaduhan kaum di Masai dan Pasir Gudang sejak awal bulan ini. Menurut akhbar, dua orang lelaki itu akan direman selama tujuh dan enam hari bagi membantu siasatan.

Kami memandang amat serius keatas kes penangkapan dibawah ISA adalah zalim dan kejam. Ini kerana semua orang perlu ditahan dengan mempunyai bukti dan fakta yang cukup dan tepat sebelum seseorang itu boleh ditahan.

ISA merupakan sebuah akta yang menafikan kebebasan sseorang individu untuk melalui proses perbicaraan dan membela diri. Ia sememangnya kontradik sengan Artikel 5, Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia Segajat.

Oleh yang demikian pihak SUARAM Cawangan Johor ingin memperolehi maklumat-maklumat lanjut berkaitan perkara ini untuk tindakan lanjut, antaranya ialah:

a) Maklumat peribadi dan butir-butir orang kena tahan dibawah ISA.

b) Tempat yang jelas di mana mereka kena tahan.

c) Adakah mereka telah mendapat Peguambela dan telah menghubungi keluarga masing-masing.

d) Adakah sebarang penyiasatan (inquest) dijalankan mengenai perkara ini dan perkembangan terkini penyiasatan.

Kami berharap pihak Tuan dapat memberikan maklumat-maklumat yang diingin dalam masa dua minggu untuk membolehkan kami menyiasat kes ini. Kerjasama pihak Tuan adalah amat dihargai.

Sekian, terima kasih.


Yang Benar,

Nyam Kee Han


Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)

s.k :

-Dato’ Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister and

Minister of Internal Security

- Tan Sri Musa Bin Dato’ Hj. Hassan, Ketua Polis Negara, Bukit Aman

- Tan Sri Abdul Ghani bin Patail, Peguam Negara, Jabatan Peguam Negara

- Tan Sri Abu Talib, Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

- Majlis Peguam Malaysia ( Jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Manusia)


JOINT STATEMENT: Kami mahukan keamanan!

Salam Kemerdekaan!

Baru-baru ini, telah tersebar khabar angin berkaitan dengan pergaduhan yang akan berlaku pada 30hb dan 31hb Ogos 2007 dan ianya telah menakutkan hati kita semua terutamanya yang menetap di sekitar Pasir Gudang.

Pada malam 28hb Ogos 2007, bertempat di Dewan Terbuka Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Cendana, telah diadakan satu sesi penerangan berkaitan dengan masalah yang sedang melanda penduduk kawasan Taman Cendana. Antara yang hadir pada malam itu ialah ADUN Permas iaitu Datuk KS Balakrishan, wakil rasmi Datuk Khaled Nordin, Ketua Polis Daerah Seri Alam (OCPD Roslan), Ketua Kampung Mukim Plentong, wakil-wakil penduduk kawasan berhampiran dan orang awam.

Majlis itu telah dihadiri oleh 500 orang warga setempat. Tujuan majlis ini kononnya adalah untuk menenangkan perasaan takut antara penduduk sekitar Pasir Gudang.. Dalam sesi penerangan itu, terdapat sehelai kertas bersize A4 telah disebarkan kepada semua yang hadir ke majlis itu dengan tajuk "Warga Taman Cendana". Tujuan utama penyebaran risalah itu adalah supaya kita jangan sesekali mempercayai SMS yang disebarkan kepada masyarakat pada saat ini. Ia juga menegaskan bahawa penyebaran SMS itu adalah bersifat khabar angin semata-mata.

Namun begitu, hati setiap orang masih lagi berada di dalam ketakutan. Ini berkemungkinan ekoran daripada tidak mendapat maklumat secara menyeluruh. Akhirnya ia telah menyebabkan pelbagai jenis cerita atau ramalan antara satu sama lain wujud. Keadaan ini sebenarnya lebih menekan perasaan dan mewujudkan ketakutan antara satu sama lain dan jika dibiarkan berterusan, prejudis antara satu sama lain akan menjadi lebih teruk lagi.

Dengan itu, kami dari badan-badan NGO dan parti politik telah mengariskan 5 permintaan penting agar pihak berkuasa dan orang awam dapat memberikan perhatian. Antaranya ialah:

1) Kami menyeru supaya pihak berkuasa mendedahkan apakah yang sebenarnya berlaku di Taman Cendana. Ianya adalah hak kami sebagai rakyat untuk mendapatkan maklumat secara terbuka dan tepat.

2) Kami menyeru kepada semua agar tidak melihat kes jenayah ini daripada sudut perkauman kerana dalam isu jenayah, sesiapa sahaja boleh menjadi mangsanya tanpa mengira bangsa, kaum ataupun agama.

3) Kami juga menggesa pihak berkuasa agar tidak bersikap prejudis dalam menjalankan tugas semasa menjaga keamanan di sekitar Pasir Gudang, khasnya di Taman Cendana.

4) Kami percaya bahawa khabar angin ini telah membongkar satu kebenaran yang tidak boleh dinafikan lagi iaitu bahawa yang sebenarnya, hubungan antara kaum di Malaysia memang tidak tenang sejak dahulu lagi. Kita sebagai satu masyarakat pelbagai kaum sebenarnya tidak mempercayai antara satu sama lain. Satu formula perlu dibuat untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini demi masa depan Malaysia yang lebih cemerlang.

5) Dan, sempena sambutan 50 tahun kemerdekaan negara, kami menyeru kepada semua pihak tidak kira bangsa, kaum ataupun agama, supaya sentiasa ingat bahawa kita adalah rakyat Malaysia dan memiliki hak serta tanggungjawab yang sama rata.

Semoga Hari Kemerdekaan ke-50 ini lebih bermakna kepada kita semua!

Badan-badan NGO, parti seperti berikut:

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) cawangan Johor Bahru

Persahabatan Semparuthi Johor Bahru

Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Johor (DPPNJ)

Orang yang boleh dihubungi :

Nyam Kee Han , h/p no: 016-7782707 Mohan, h/p no: 017-7540597 Nazman, h/p no: 013-7437472


Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) Persahabatan Semparuthi Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri
(SUARAM caw JB) No1 Jalan PI 15/6 Johor (DPPNJ)

8A Jalan Ronggeng 11, Tanam Pulai Indah Pejabat Pentadbiran Dewan
Taman Skudai Baru, 81110 Kangkar Pulai Pemuda Pas Negeri Johor
81300, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia Simpang Renggam, Johor

Johor, Malaysia Tel / Fax: +607-5276145 Tel / Fax: +607-7554693
Tel / Fax: +607-5581098

Wednesday 29 August 2007

大马民族团结 出现裂痕 / Cracks show in Malaysia unity

大马民族团结 出现裂痕

作者:饶朱丽亚( Julia Yeow)



一个月以来的前奏节目有: 大型摩托游行、耗资不小的烟火以及军队的操步.这就庆祝当时的马来亚独立的方式.


在过去的20年里,大马的经济成长率起了巨大的改变, 主要靠出口和大型建设计划。


我国以多元民族的家,其中60%马来人,华裔则占人口的25%,印裔却只占9% 。其余的则原住民, 如: 伊班族、卡达山族等等。

然而,事实证明,各族之间只存在着表面上的友好关系。不可否认, 潜藏在背后的各族之间的紧张情绪。

今年五月,"李娜乔事件" 就最好的例子。她从小在穆斯林家庭长大,可20 年来,她一直都在信奉基督教。为了争取自己成为基督教徒,她在法庭上斗争了几十年。


经过多次在低级法院申请转换信仰失败后,她上诉到最高法庭. 不幸的,她最终还无法如愿以偿。李娜乔的事件,引起了全性的关注: 马来西亚否有宗教信仰的自由?



副首相纳吉的言论引起了公民社会组织, 如: 律师公会等的强烈反弹,对纳吉的言论不表赞同,并指出, 依据1957年所达致的社会契约,我国显然"世俗"。


其中最重要的事项一个由42个非政府组织, 收集了各大种族、宗教和公民社会组织的报告书,表明, 必须不分区域,尊重大家所提出的不同意见.



非政府组织发表的 <独立声明> 羅列了社会不平等的现象。这些现象不单单只局限在族际间,其实马来族群內部的收入不平等,更为显著。

1970 年开始实行的 "新经济政策",所宣称的主要目的, 要提高马来人和土著的经济能力。经过了30年的实施,受益的只少数的马来精英分子,大部分的土著仍然还生活在贫困之中。



亚洲策略及领导研究院高级分析家德莉夏, 针对政府否定这<声明>表示遗憾,并会尽快召开对话会,让大家辩论与讨论。

德莉夏也说:"其实,每一个组织都代表着一些人的声音. 他们所发表的报告书以各种族、宗教和文化为背景的"。




反对党领袖林吉祥也说,民族最渴望的认同感,希望政府把所有的人视为"马来西亚人", 而不以马来人、华人或印度人来看待。


马来西亚在庆祝独立50周年之际,沒妥善處理宗教和族群关系,同时, 政府贪污腐败,导致社会治安问题日益严重。


Cracks show in Malaysia unity

, dpa
(NOTE: Malaysia independence Day is Friday, Aug 31)

Kuala Lumpur (dpa) - As festivities start building up in conjunction with Malaysia's planned celebrations of its 50th year of independence, a growing insecurity and sense of uncertainty among its minority races seems to be looming over the outward show of revelry.

A month of festivities ranging from motorcar events to massive fireworks displays will culminate with an annual flower and march-past parade on August 31, when the nation will celebrate 50 years of freedom from former British rulers.

On the front, there is much to celebrate: Malaysia has flourished from a former agriculture-driven backwater to become one of the most advanced nations in Asia with an economy poised to grow about 6 per cent this year and next.

Over the past 20 years, economic development has seen tremendous growth, in particular the export sector as well as building of large-scale infrastructure projects.

But aside from the megaprojects, the world-class buildings and infrastructure and relatively steady economy, the government's pride for years has been the ability of Malaysia's many ethnic and religious groups to co-exist in relative peace for the past 50 years.

The nation is made up of some 60 per cent of ethnic Malays, who by definition of the constitution are all Muslims. The ethnic Chinese comprise about 25 per cent of the population, followed by Indians with 9 per cent. Other races make up the remainder of the population.

However, behind the façade of a harmonious potpourri of ethnic groups and religions, lurks an undeniable sense of discomfort at rising racial tensions in recent times.

In May, Lina Joy - a former Muslim woman who had embraced Christianity for more than 20 years - lost a long battle in court to have her personal identification card state her new religion.

Under Malaysian Islamic law, a Muslim can not marry a non-Muslim without her partner also converting to Islam, meaning Joy could not marry her Christian fiancé until she could be legally recognized as a non-Muslim.

Joy had brought her appeals to Malaysia's highest court as a last-ditch attempt after several lower courts ruled against her, but she finally lost the right to officially change her religion when the Federal Court ruled against her. The decision sparked a nationwide debate on the freedom of religion in the country, or the lack of it.

Adding to the religious tensions, leaders from the United Malays National Organization party - the backbone of the ruling coalition - have outwardly declared the country an Islamic state.

In June, deputy prime minister Najib Razak said during a press conference that Malaysia "has never been a secular state, and has always been Islamic."

His comments drew criticism from all levels of society, from the Bar Council to Muslim and non- Muslim organizations, as the country's constitution clearly states that Malaysia is a secular state.

Recently, the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI) produced what it called a "wish list" of eight most urgent needs in the country.

Topping the list, which was compiled as result of opinions taken from 42 non-governmental organizations representing all major races, religions and rights groups, was a call for greater unity among the people.

"Recently, the state of unity has been fraying at the edges. Ethnic, linguistic and religious divides have deepened, causing genuine pain and hurt to many in the nation," the statement said.

"Such a fragile state of unity should not have happened after 50 years of nation building."

The report, called the 'Merdeka Statement,' also listed an urgent call to redress the imbalances in society, with the group noting with concern the growing income inequalities within the same ethnic groups, especially the ethnic Malays.

In 1971, the government launched the New Economic Policy which is a series of affirmative action policies designed to benefit Malays and certain indigenous groups known collectively as "bumiputera," or "sons of the soil."

More than 30 years later, critics say the policy failed in its objectives of eradicating the hardcore poor among the bumiputera, but instead has caused only certain groups of Malays to grow rich while the majority remain in poverty.

Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin dismissed the 42 NGO's as representing the general sentiment, and called the statement a "clever attempt to disunite the people in the country.

"This is not a citizens' wish but the wish of a handful of people. This is uncalled for," he said, adding that the government would not take into consideration the contents of the statement.

Tricia Yeoh, senior analyst at ASLI, called the government's rejection regrettable, and appealed for a dialogue and discussion to be held instead.

"Each of the organizations represent a large group of Malaysians in their own respective right, and together they cover Malaysians of all ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds," Yeoh said.

The worry hanging over the Merdeka celebrations is ironic in that unity - the very desire and goal which drove the country's fight for independence - is now threatening to tear the nation apart.

"There is a growing number of Chinese and Indians who are starting to seek permanent residence in alternative countries," said a political analyst on condition of anonymity.

"There is a sense of insecurity in our very citizenship, our right in this country which our parents and grandparents had fought to keep together. It's sad, but that's the situation now," he said.

Chairman of the opposition Democratic Action Party, Lim Kit Siang, recently said that the nation's early aspiration to build a society identifiable as Malaysians and not different ethnic groups, has failed.

"Many people are wondering what is the meaning of this 50th Merdeka anniversary if they are feeling more alienated, more divided and more polarized," Lim said in an interview with the Sun newspaper recently.

Adding to the widening religious and racial divide, Malaysians will now prepare to celebrate their 50th year of independence while facing the fact that corruption remains high in the government, and there is an alarming increase in crime.

Perhaps, as Lim and many other Malaysians now feel, the way to move forward for the nation in terms of unity, is to look back.

Friday 24 August 2007

人民之声捍卫工人权利,反对政府修订 <工业关系法令> <职工会法令> 。


大马人民之声(新山支会)针对人力资源部"静悄悄"地在73日提出《1967 年工业关系法令》及《1959年工会法令》修订法案,深感遗憾。

人力资源部,在还未咨询马来西亚职工总会(MTUC)和工人的意见下,就提呈这两项修正法案, 那是违背"三方协商机制"精神的做法。一些修正条文显然只是"亲雇主"的,完全沒顾及工人的利益。

所提出的修正条文包括:遭雇主辞退的员工, 最多只能获赔24个月的薪金; 接近退休年龄而遭辞退的工人, 再也不能享有"未来收入的损失"的赔偿; 若雇主在21天内不承认职工会,职工会必须在14天内以书面通知工业关系总监,否则职工会的申请将作废; 工人不得参与纠察活动, 等等。

"柔佛州人民之友服务中心"81日成立至今,就接獲了两宗侵犯工人权益的投诉.其一是,一名来自某工厂的员工, 在一个大裁员行动下,雇主不但没给予合理的赔偿,还逼迫员工签下不合理的赔偿合约;其二是,一名散工在放工回家的路上,遭遇车祸后,脚骨碎了,得修养而无法工作至少两个月。雇主也没有为这名员工索取社会保险(Sosco)赔偿,导致这名员工失去两个月的收入,生活陷入困境.

人民之声严厉批评政府修订两项法令, 加入维護雇主利益, 侵蚀工人权益的条文。希望政府尊重<宪法><世界人权宣言> 赋予我们的结社自由和工人的基本权利

〈世界人权宣言〉第233 )和(4)条规定:

"每一个工作的人、有权享受公正和合适的报酬,确保他有一个符合人的尊严的生活条件,必要时辅以其他方式的社会保障工作条件,并享受免予失业的保障。" 和 "人人有维护利益而组织和参与职工会的权利。"


Friday 17 August 2007




同一天,卫生部长蔡细历和马华总会长黄家定,也表明, 内阁只是"基本上"接受黄明志的道歉,但必须由检察署深一层研究与了解。


前天(8月14 日),黄明志在威迫利诱下,选择通过卫生部长蔡细历向巫统道歉。他迫不得已要求民众停止发表情绪化的意见,以免 ”加深误会”。人民之声抗议,当政者压制发表思想和言论的自由, 制造"白色恐怖"。

<马来西亚人权宪章>第14章,第1条"表明:”每个人都有表达言论的自由. 在不受干涉迫害的情况下,使用表达意见的自由及义务。"



Monday 13 August 2007

[Open Letter to Nepal Embassy] Nepalese Workers in Malaysia Need Urgent Support

12 August 2007

To whom it may concern,

Nepalese Workers in Malaysia Need Urgent Supports

Regarding the above matter, we, SUARA RAKYAT MALAYSIA (Johor Bahru Branch) would like to get your serious attention towards an urgent issue of a number of Nepalese workers in Malaysia.

2. For your information, SUARA RAKYAT MALAYSIA (Johor Bahru Branch) is a voluntary based human rights’ support group based in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. We have been working on various kinds of human rights’ violations issues in the Southern tip of Malaysia since the year 2001. Our purpose is to uphold the fundamental rights of the oppressed people.

3. Last month we received a workers’ rights violation case from Nepalese workers. The detailed outcomes of an interview with one of them, named Puspa Lal Shrestha on 24/7/07 can be referred in the attachment. According to him, two batches of Nepalese workers arrived in March and May respectively in this year have served for a security firm, Special Squad Security Sdn. Bhd.(SSS). He said, however, they are being largely under paid and working without enough rest hours, etc. At the moment, they are struggling to find a way return to their home country, Nepal.

4. As a result, we are writing this letter to urge any party in Nepal who could deliver your kind help to fulfill their wish to return home. We are ready to provide any necessary assistance so that their problems could be overcome.

Thank you for your concerns.

Yours faithfully,

Shinn Chei Choo

Service Centre Coordinator


Attachment of Interview Outcomes:

Worker Name: Puspa Lal Shrestha
Passport number: 3122548
Puspa’s statement -

“Narandra Gurung who is the agent in Nepal promised me that I will work as a security guard in Malaysia. Then I have signed an Employment Contract with Special Squad Security Services Sdn. Bhd.

On 11/12/2006 in Nepal, as the contract states, I will be paid RM 800 as monthly basic salary and given overtime according to Malaysian Labour Law. I will work 12 hr/day and 48 hours/wk for three years. I have paid Narandra Gurung an amount of RM 6000 to cover all the travelling costs from Nepal to Kuala Lumpur.

In March 2007, I arrived in KLIA and my passport was handed over to an Indian man, named Moti Omar. I was being asked to sign an Employment Contract with letterhead of Casa Magnificient Sdn. Bhd. I was told to sign it so that I could be allowed to enter Malaysia at the KLIA.

Then I and another 18 Nepalese who came together were being brought to JB. We joined Special Squad Security Sdn. Bhd.(SSS) as a security guard. We are given a nametag, with signature of Pengarah Operasi named A. Harbhajan Singh PJK.

I was provided with hostel. However, I have always been working continuously for at least 36 hours without rest at hostel in the mean time. Then I will be given 5 to 6 hours-rest before report to work place again. I have been shifted to different post alternately every 12 hours. I am not told about my salary amount. I ams only given RM 60/wk by my superior named Lokman.

Every week the driver who sends me to work will hand over RM 30.00 twice. One of the posts I work for is London Biscuits Sdn. Bhd.

One of my friend, Chandra Kumar Lembu (passport number: 2779987) is given a Multiple Entry Visa. In that visa, it is written Chandra Kumar Lembu is employed as a production operator by Bluesea Technology Sdn. Bhd. In fact, he work for Special Squad
Security Sdn. Bhd.(SSS) as a security guard. One of the posts he works for is Crescendas Mec (M) Sdn. Bhd.

I have asked for my salary from my employer. Mr. A. Harbhajan Singh has said to kill me if I bring up my case. I feel being threatened.

I want to return to Nepal. I told my problems to Sujan who is also my Nepalese agent. He said he will help me to get my passport and salary back by 26/7/07."

通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)