


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

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马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Sunday 23 August 2015

Forum dan jamuan ulang tahun ke-14 Sahabat Rakyat lima pakar dan dua tetamu kehormat dijemput berucap (kemaskini tajuk penceramah pada 27 Ogos 2015)

23 Ogos 2015
kenyataan akhbar ketiga
Forum dan jamuan ulang tahun ke-14 Sahabat Rakyat
lima pakar dan dua tetamu kehormat dijemput berucap

Sahabat Rakyat akan menganjurkan majlis ulang tahun ke-14 pada 6 September 2015 (Ahad), jam 11 pagi hingga 2 petang, di DeFortune Restaurant, Kulaijaya, Johor. Dua program utama majlis ialah (1) Forum "Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia" dari jam 11 pagi hingga 1 petang dan (2) jamuan makan dari jam 1 petang hingga 2 petang. Majlis menjemput hadirin sampai sebelum pukul 10.45 pagi supaya forum boleh dimulakan tepat pada waktu dan meluangkan secukup masa untuk sesi soal-jawab, agar forum ini mencapai hasil yang sempurna.

Semua panelis yang dijemput telah mengesahkan kehadiran mereka kecuali mantan pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 yang berprestij dalam arena perundangan, Ambiga Sreenavasan, tidak dapat hadir atas sebab peribadi. Oleh itu, pihak penganjur telah mengundang pengerusi Badan Peguam Malaysia (Malaysian Bar Council) atau wakilnya untuk menjadi penceramah forum ini. Malaysian Bar telah mengesahkan dengan pihak penganjur pada 11hb Ogos bahawa Firdaus Husni selaku pengerusi bersama Jawatankuasa Perundangan Berpelembagaan Badan Perundangan Malaysia (Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee) akan hadir dan memberi ucapan dalam forum ini. Berikut merupakan panelis dan tajuk mereka:
  1. Firdaus Husni (Federal Constitution: Preserve, Protect and Defend) 
  2. P. Waytha Moorthy (Democratic Change is Meaningless without Commitment for True and Genuine Reforms) 
  3. S. Arutchelvan (Mobilising for change - what to do first) 
  4. Dzulkefly Ahmad (Strengthening Parliamentary Reforms: The Way Forward) 
  5. Lina Soo (Malaysia 'Great Buttress of Freedom In Asia' - Truth or Fiction?)
Ucapan kesemua penceramah ini mempunyai perwakilan tersendiri. Penganjur mengalu-alukan pemimpin masyarakat, pertubuhan dan individu dalam negara khasnya negeri Johor yang berminat dengan gerakan demokratik dan hak asasi manusia tidak melepaskan peluang keemasan ini untuk hadir bersama dan saling berinteraksi.

Sahabat Rakyat juga telah mengaturkan ucapan khas oleh dua tetamu jemputan iaitu Ravi Sarma, anak kepada mendiang pejuang anti-penjajahan P.V.Sarma, dan Tan Tai Kim, Pengerusi DongZong demi memperkayakan isi majlis ini.

Sahabat Rakyat mengundang Ravi Sarma, yang telah menyumbang kepada gerakan demokratik nasional Malaya (termasuk Singapura) dan mempunyai latar belakang baik, untuk membawa bersama-sama keluarga dan ibunya yang telah berusia 88 tahun untuk menghadiri majlis kami. Ravi Sarma telah menghabiskan banyak masa dan usaha yang berharga dalam menterjemahkan dua segmen terakhir (iaitu "Kebangkitan pergerakan HINDRAF" dan "Kesimpulan") dalam kertas kerja Bahasa Mandarin Nyam Kee Han yang bertajuk "Pergerakan HINDRAF Merupakan Hasil Gerakan Demokratik Semasa Komuniti India Malaysia" kepada bahasa Tamil, supaya masyarakat Tamil boleh memahami dengan lebih tepat dan langsung berkaitan pandangan dan pendirian kami yang memahami dilema mereka dan menyokong perjuangan mereka. Selepas dua hidangan dalam masa jamuan, kita akan menjemput Ravi untuk berucap mengenai perasaan dan pendapat beliau mengapa beliau menerima undangan untuk menterjemahkan teks "Kebangkitan dan Halatuju Pergerakan HINDRAF", dan saling bertukar pandangan dengan hadirin.

Selain itu, selepas empat hidangan, majlis juga akan menjemput Tan Tai Kim, pengerusi Dong Zong, untuk menerangkan secara ringkas bagaimana beliau dan kumpulan pembaharuan menangani gangguan dan huru-hara yang dibawa oleh puak setia raja (royalist) yang diketuai oleh Yap Sin Tian untuk mengelakkan Dong Zong dari krisis dibatalkan pendaftaran oleh Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS), dan menerangkan posisi dan halatuju Dong Zong sebagai pertubuhan pimpinan gerakan pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin dalam fasa kini gerakan reformasi demokratik di Malaysia, serta saling bertukar pandangan dengan hadirin.

Sahabat Rakyat telah terpisah daripada naungan Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) secara rasmi pada awal tahun 2013. Ini bermaksud kami kini meneruskan usaha pembangunan teori demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia yang sejajar dengan kepentingan dan aspirasi bangsa dan kelas tertindas tanpa menerima sebarang dana daripada mana-mana pihak. Sahabat Rakyat juga tidak mengupah sebarang kakitangan, kesemua ahli jawatankuasa merupakan sukarelawan yang tidak menerima sebarangan balasan, setiap aktiviti yang dijalankan ditaja oleh peserta sendiri atau perlu mencari tajaan daripada masyarakat umum yang berahi. Oleh itu, majlis ulang tahun kali ini juga berhasrat untuk mengumpul derma untuk menampung perbelanjaan asas termasuk sewa pejabat, bil elektrik, air dan telekomunikasi selama satu atau dua tahun. Maka, semua peserta perlu membeli kupon untuk menyertai aktiviti kali ini. Kami mengalu-alukan semua ahli masyarakat yang prihatin terhadap demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia membeli kupon dan menyertai majlis ini, RM60 untuk setiap kupon, dan RM1000 untuk satu meja sokongan (10pax). Penganjur menyediakan jumlah 30 meja (300pax). Bagi sesiapa yang berminat, sila hubungi 017-7696713 atau emel ke sahabatrakyat.my@gmail.com.

Forum cum luncheon in commemoration of Sahabat Rakyat’s 14th Anniversary, 5 experts delivering speech and 2 guests are invited to speak (updated speaker's title on 27 Aug)

Forum cum luncheon in commemoration of
Sahabat Rakyat’s 14th Anniversary
5 experts delivering speech and
2 guests are invited to speak

Sahabat Rakyat will be holding its 14th anniversary commemoration event. Particulars are as follows: Date: 6 September 2015 (Sunday) Time: 11am – 2pm (11am – 1pm : “The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia” forum; 1pm – 2pm : Luncheon) Venue: DeFortune Restaurant, Kulaijaya, Johor

Due to our tight schedule, audiences are encouraged to be seated before 10:45am to ensure forum to begin on time and to allow sufficient time for Q&A session.

All invited speakers have confirmed their attendance except Ambiga Sreenavasan, the former co-chairperson of Bersih 2.0 who is prestigious in the legal profession is unable to join us due to some personal reasons. Therefore, Sahabat Rakyat has invited the President of Malaysian Bar or his representative to attend and speak in the forum. We were notified on 11 Aug that Malaysian Bar delegated the co-chairperson of the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee, Firdaus Husni to speak on behalf. Panel speakers and the titles of their speech are:
  1. Firdaus Husni: Federal Constitution: Preserve, Protect and Defend 
  2. P. Waytha Moorthy: Democratic Change is Meaningless without Commitment for True and Genuine Reforms 
  3. S. Arutchelvan: Mobilising for Change - What To Do First 
  4. Dzulkefly Ahmad: Strengthening Parliamentary Reforms: The Way Forward 
  5. Lina Soo: Malaysia 'Great Buttress of Freedom In Asia' - Truth or Fiction?
Speeches from the 5 panel speakers above will definitely have their own representative view. We hope that leaders of non-governmental organisations and individuals in the country, especially in Johor who are enthusiastic in democratic and human rights movement, will appreciate this opportunity and attend the program to exchange views face to face.

In order to make the commemoration event more meaningful, Sahabat Rakyat has also arranged 2 of the invited guests to speak on stage during luncheon. They are Ravi Sarma, son of the late anti-colonial fighter, P V Sarma and Tan Tai Kim, President of Dong Zong (United Chinese School Committees’ Association of Malaysia).

Ravi Sarma has spent plenty of his precious time and effort in translating two segments, i.e. “The rising of of Hindraf’s movement” and “Conclusion”, of Nyam Kee Han’s working paper in Chinese language entitled “Hindraf Movement is a Product of Current Democratic Reform Movement of the Malaysia Indian Community” to Tamil language, so that more Indian masses can have a more accurate and direct understanding on our position and views towards their dilemma and the support towards their struggle. Therefore, Sahabat Rakyat is inviting Ravi Sarma who has a good background, and has spared effort and contributed to Malaya’s (including Singapore) national democratic movement to bring along his family and his 88-year-old mother to attend our event. During luncheon period after two dishes have been served (pause serving), we will invite Ravi to speak and share about his feelings and his thoughts on being invited to translate The Rising of Hindraf’s Movement and Its Trend.

Apart from that, after serving four dishes (pause serving), we will then invite Tan Tai Kim, President of the Dong Zong, to briefly describe how does he and the reform faction deal with the disruption and damage created by Yap Sin Tian and the royalist faction led by Yap to avoid Dong Zong from the adversity of being deregistered by the Registrar of Societies (RoS), and to share with audience the correct standpoint of Dong Zong and its future trend, as the leadership of the Chinese education movement in the present phase of democratic reform movement in Malaysia.

Sahabat Rakyat was detached from Suara Rakyat Malaysia, SUARAM back in early 2013. This means we are now continuing the development of the theory of democracy and human rights that are in line with the interests and aspirations of the oppressed races or oppressed classes without receiving any funds. Sahabat Rakyat does not employ any staff, all committee members are volunteers, every activity carried out is self-sponsored by the participants or seek sponsorship from the general public. Thus, this commemoration event (“The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia” forum and luncheon) also aims to raise funds to cover basic expenses, including office rental, electricity, water and tele-communication services for the next one to two years. Hence, all participants will have to purchase coupon for attending this event, we welcome all concerned citizens to join this event [Coupons are available at RM60 each, while sponsorship tables are available at RM1000 each (10 seats per table)]. Organizer is preparing 30 tables in total (300 pax). For anyone who is interested, please contact 017-7696713 or email to sahabatrakyat.my@gmail.com.

人民之友第14周年纪念讲座宴会 5专人专题演讲​ 两嘉宾受邀发言 (8月27日更新主讲人题目)

5专人专题演讲​ 两嘉宾受邀发言


人民之友铁定于2015年9月6日(星期日)上午11时至下午2时假柔佛古来福临门酒家(DeFortune Restaurant, Kulaijaya)举办第14周年纪念庆祝活动。当天活动分成两个部分进行,即(1)​“马来西亚民主改革的新阶段”专题讲座​​是上午11时至下午1时,下午1时至2时为宴会时间。因时间紧凑,工委会敬请与会者于上午10时​45​分之前入席,以确保讲座能够​准时开始以及主讲人答问时间充足,以取得圆满效果。

原定的主讲人几乎全部​接受了邀请,唯独那名在法律界具有威望的净选盟2.0前主席的安美嘉(Ambiga Sreenavasan)因一些私人理由而未克参与。工委会因此而邀请了马来西亚律师公会主席或代表出席论坛、发表演讲。工委会于本月​11日​接获通知,马来西亚律师公会将委派该会的宪法委员会联合主席(Co-Chairperson of the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee)Firdaus Husni出席发言。以下是当日讲座的​​主讲人及其论文题目——

  1. 菲道斯·胡思妮(Firdaus Husni):《〈联邦宪法〉:保持、保护与保卫》(Federal Constitution: Preserve, Protect and Defend)
  2. 瓦达慕迪(Waytha Moorthy):《没有落实真正改变的民主改革是无意义的》(Democratic Change is Meaningless without Commitment for True and Genuine Reforms)
  3. 阿鲁哲文(S. Arutchelvan):《动员去改革,先要做什么》(Mobilising for change - what to do first)
  4. 祖吉菲李(Dzulkefly Ahmad):《加强议会改革:向前迈进之路》(Strengthening Parliamentary Reforms: The Way Forward)
  5. 徐丽娜(Lina Soo):《马来西亚“亚洲自由的巨大支柱”—真实或虚假?》


为了使纪念活动更具意义,人民之友也在宴会时段特地安排受邀的其中两​名嘉宾即已故反殖斗士​​​​P V​ ​​​沙尔玛(P. V. ​SARMA)的儿子​​拉维沙尔玛(RAVI​ SARMA​)​​和董总主席陈大锦分别发言。



人民之友在2013年初已经正式脱离大马人民之声(Suara Rakyat Malaysia, SUARAM)的隶属关系。这意味着我们是在没有获取任何津贴的情况下自力更生,继续为推动符合被压迫民族或被压迫阶级的利益和要求的民主人权的理论建设,做出努力。人民之友没有雇用受薪职员,所有工委都是义务自愿工作者,每次活动费用都由参与者自愿献捐或征求热心者赞助。我们举办这次的纪念活动(“马来西亚民主改革的新阶段”论坛与午宴),还带有筹集些微款项,作为应付未来一、两年的会所租金和水电通讯的基本开销的目的。因此,这次活动是以购券入场方式进行,欢迎关心民主人权的人士购劵参加。每张入场券为马币60令吉,赞助席每桌马币1,000令吉(10席)。宴会将开30桌(300人)。有意购买入场券或赞助席的人士,请拨电017-7696713或电邮至sahabatrakyat.my@gmail.com。

Sunday 9 August 2015

Repeal MAS Law That Suspends Or Deny Existing Worker And Trade Union Rights And Access To Justice – Laws that deny worker rights to assist businesses should never be enacted

Repeal MAS Law That Suspends Or Deny Existing Worker And Trade Union Rights And Access To Justice 
– Laws that deny worker rights to assist businesses should never be enacted

Media Statement-    4 August 2015

We, the undersigned 64 civil society organizations, trade unions and concerned groups, are disturbed by the Malaysian government’s unjust use of an Act of Parliament to suspend and/or deny existing worker rights in law, including also access to justice mechanisms, for the benefit of a private business and employer, being the Malaysian Airlines System Berhad(MAS Bhd), now wholly owned private company by Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund, Khazanah Nasional Berhad, a company.

Malaysia tabled and passed speedily the Malaysian Airline System Berhad (Administration) Act 2015 [Act 765], which came into force on 20/2/2015. This Act is most unjust to workers and trade unions of employees of the airline.

The Act, in section 11, states that “…on the appointment of the Administrator, a moratorium shall take effect during which… (e) no proceedings and no execution or other legal process in any court or tribunal may be commenced or continued with, and no distress may be levied, against the Administered Companies or their property except with the prior written consent of the Administrator;” – whereby the Administered company includes MAS Bhd, its wholly owned subsidiaries and some partially owned subsidiaries. The Administrator was appointed on or about 25/5/2015, and the period of administration could last for a maximum period of 2 years commencing from the date of the appointment of the Administrator.

What is disturbing is that when administration and moratorium ends, all monies, assets and business of MAS Bhd would most likely be transferred to a new legal entity Malaysian Airline Berhad(MAB). MAS Bhd would most likely be left an empty shell.

Worker Claiming Rights Cases Against MAS Bhd – Stopped and May Not Proceed 

There are currently many cases initiated and filed, now pending before access to justice mechanisms, including tribunals and courts between workers and MAS Bhd, the employer,   claiming wrongful dismissal and/or other worker rights, or between trade unions and MAS Bhd. The effect of the moratorium is that all these actions and cases will stop, and not proceed further until administration of MAS Bhd ends.

At the end, when moratorium is lifted, MAS Bhd would most likely be an empty shell – with no work and no money. Hence, it will be workers and trade unions that will suffer. Workers and Trade Unions do not just lose their right to justice, but also will have to shoulder additional loses, including all the monies utilized for lawyer and court fees,  time and others. For many workers, it may also mean loss of wages for the days they could not work because they had to attend at relevant departments, tribunal or court in their pursuit for justice. Hence, not only will workers and trade unions be denied justice, but will suffer even more injustice by reason of this anti-worker legislation.

Right To Join Parties To Satisfy Worker Claims Against MAS Bhd Denied

Normally, when the employer has lost the ability to provide remedies, damages or compensation to satisfy the claims of the worker, to ensure justice, the worker can proceed with an application to join third parties to the suit, possibly the owners (Khazanah Nasional) or others.

This MAS Act now unjustly prevents this ability to join parties, in amongst others, in section 25(2), which states that “ The Malaysia Airlines Berhad, the appointer and the Administrator shall not be named as a party in any claim or application made or joined as a party in any proceeding commenced or continued by or on behalf of any employees or former employees of the Administered Companies pursuant to the Industrial Relations Act 1967 [Act 177], Employment Act 1955 [Act 265], Sabah Labour Ordinance 1950 [Sabah Cap. 67], Sarawak Labour Ordinance 1952 [Sarawak Cap. 76] or the Trade Unions Act 1959 [Act 262].’

In fact, section 25(1) says clearly, amongst others, that ‘…the Administered Companies, the Administrator, appointer or the Malaysia Airlines Berhad shall not—(a) be regarded as the successor, assignee or transferee or a successor employer to the Administered Companies; (b) be liable for any obligation relating to any retirement plan or other post-employment benefit plans in respect of the employees or former employees of the Administered Companies or any predecessor of the Administered Companies that exists prior to the assumption of control or appointment; or (c) be liable for any sum which is calculated by reference to a period of time prior to the Malaysia Airlines Berhad becoming the employer of the person in question…’

Same Owner of both MAS Bhd and new Malaysian Airline Berhad (MAB)

Considering that the it is Khazanah Nasional that is the sole owner of MAS Bhd, and also the new company MAB, clearly all that is happening is really nothing other than the ‘same person changing shirts’ – and justice would demand that the new entity MAB or the owner, Khazanah, should be justly taking over the obligation and responsibility of MAS Bhd especially for cases involving worker and trade union rights.

The new MAB and MAS Bhd, both owned by Khazanah, really is nothing other that the same owner forming a new company to escape responsibility and liability to workers, is also supported by the following:-

a.      Christoph Mueller, the new chief executive of MAS Bhd was appointed on 1/5/2015, would later assume the same position with MAB. Same CEO for MAS Bhd, and new MAB?

b.      When the employees of MAS Bhd received their termination letters in early June 2015, those that were offered employment by the new MAB, were offered a different termination package from those not offered employment in MAB. Those offered employment in MAB, which was to take effect from 1/9/2015, were asked to continue coming in to work in MAS Bhd, while the others, about 6,000, were asked to stop coming in to work with the assurance they will continue to receive normal salary but could not commence employment with another employer before 31/8/2015 unless they first get approval of MAS Bhd’s Human Resource Department. For many airline employees, other than basic wages, income from allowances and such if they are working makes up sometimes 50% or more of their monthly take home income. Rightly, all employees of MAS Bhd, irrespective of whether they will be later employed in MAB, should have received the same benefits and ex-gratia on termination by MAS Bhd.
In the name of justice, MAB or Khazanah or the Malaysian government should really take over the obligation of any or all claims of employees and trade unions against MAS Bhd.

Avoiding Just Principles of Lay-Off and Termination

When an employer wants to reduce staff, they would justly retrench the number of workers they no longer need – and there are just  requirements that need to be complied in any retrenchment exercise like the ‘Last In First Out’(LIFO) principle. Here, this is avoided by MAS Bhd simply terminating all employees on 31/8/2015. Justly, the about 6,000 who were no longer required to come into work since June, should have been laid off then and there and paid all their entitlements.

Union Busting?

With the termination of all employees of Malaysia Airlines Systems Bhd (MAS Bhd), it would also mean the demise of about 7 in-house trade unions.

The only national trade union, the National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia, managed to  show support of 62.73% of the qualified employees, and obtain the Minister’s order that made it  a recognized union in MAS Bhd. Rather than accept this, MAS Bhd  went  for judicial review challenging the Minister’s decision. NUFAM alleges that only 2 out 10 executive committee members of the Union, who are employees in MAS Bhd have been offered employment in the new MAB.

As such, this ‘restructuring exercise of the airline’ and this new law can also be considered a means of union busting.

Loss of Regular Employment Until Retirement

Many workers who are regular employees until retirement in MAS Bhd, who have been offered employment in the new MAB find that they will now become precarious employees on short-term contracts, some even on 3 or 6 months employment contracts. There is no law in Malaysia that stipulates that short-term contract employees will continue as employees if the work they were hired to do still exist. Short-term and other precarious forms of employment also would likely deter union formation or involvement, deter workers from claiming rights and facilitate easier exploitation of workers.

Ignoring Worker and Families Financial Security and Wellbeing

Workers in Malaysia have families and dependents, and also many now have monthly loan-repayment obligations, and justly they should be provided secure regular employment until retirement, whereby they still could be terminated for misconducts, or laid off where the employers has to reduce jobs.

Whilst Malaysia says that it is concerned about the airline business, it has demonstrated a serious lack of concern for the welfare and wellbeing of workers.

We therefore urge:-

That the said Malaysian Airline System Berhad(Administration) Act 2015 be repealed, and the effect this Act has had on workers and trade unions be reversed. No law should be enacted to suspend/deny worker rights for selected employers;

That all pending cases with regard to labour matters, be it with workers or unions, shall be justly resolved or settled forthwith by MAS Bhd, and its owners Khazanah Nasional;

That for all worker and trade union cases against MAS Bhd,  MAB and Khazanah Nasional shall agree to be joined in as parties and assume obligations of MAS Bhd to workers;

That if the Malaysian Airlines is desirous of reducing the number of employees, it be done by letting go employees in compliance with the Last In First Out(LIFO) principle and other established just legal principles;

That if the Malaysian Airlines is to be taken over by another entity, like the Malaysian Airlines Berhad(MAB), workers should be employed by MAB as secure regular employees and not by means of precarious forms of employment like short-term contracts;

That Malaysia considers the rights, welfare and wellbeing of workers and their families are just as important, if not more, than the wellbeing and profits of government-owned or linked businesses.

Charles Hector
Syed Shahir bin Syed Mohamud
Mohd Roszeli bin Majid
Pranom Somwong

For and on behalf the 64 organisations, trade unions and groups listed below:

Airlines Workers' Union Sarawak
Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (Altsean-Burma)
Asia Monitor Resource Centre(AMRC), Hong Kong
Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral, CEREAL (Labour Studies and Action Centre), México
Center for Orang  Asli Concerns (COAC), Malaysia
Clean Clothes Campaign
Club Employees Union Peninsular Malaysia
Committee for Asian Women
CWI Malaysia (Committee For Workers’ International, Malaysia)
Daeduck Employees Union-Ind., CEPZ, Rosario, Cavite, Philippines
Eagle Ridge Golf Course and Residential Estate Employees Union, Cavite, Philippines
Electronic Industry Employees Union (EIEU) Southern Region, Peninsular Malaysia
Electronic Industry Employees Union(EIEU) Northern Region, Peninsular Malaysia
Garment and Allied Workers Union, Haryana, India
Globalization Monitor
Hye Sung Workers Union, CEPZ, Rosario, Cavite, Philippines
Institut PEREMPUAN (Indonesia)
Jaringan Kampung Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia(JKOASM)
Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Perodua
Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Mitsui Copper Foil (MCFEU)
Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja MHS Aviation Berhad(MHSEU)
Kesatuan Eksekutif AIROD
Kesatuan Pekerja-pekerja Perodua Engine Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd
Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd (KPP Proton)
Knights For Peace, International
MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)
Network of Action for Migrants in Malaysia(NAMM)
Nagkakaisang Manggagawa ng Keyrin(trade union), CEPZ, Rosario, Cavite, Philippines
North South Initiative
Malaysian Humanist and Rationalist Movement ("myHARAM")
Malaysian Trade Union Congress(MTUC)
Metal Industry Employees' Union(MIEU), Malaysia
MAP Foundation, Chiangmai, Thailand
Masyarakat Akar Rumput (MAKAR Indonesia)
Migrante International
Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM)
National Union of Transport Equipment & Allied Industries Workers (NUTEAIW)
National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (NUFAM)
National Union of Hotel, Bar and Restaurant Workers (NUHBRW)
National Union of Journalist (NUJ) Cawangan Utusan Melayu
National Union of Tobacco Industry Workers(NUTIW)
National Union Employees in Companies Manufacturing Rubber Products(NUECMRP)
Non-Metallic Mineral Products Manufacturing Employees Union (NMMPMEU)
NUBE (National Union of Banking Employees)
Paper Products Manufacturing Employees’ Union of Malaysia (PPMEU)
Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM)
Peoples Service Organization (PSO)
Perak Women for Women Society (PWW)
PERMAS (Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan)
Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor
Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor
Persatuan Komuniti Prihatin Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur
PINAY (Filipino Women's Organization in Quebec), Canada
Railwaymen's Union of Malaysia (RUM)
Sahabat Rakyat (人民之友)
School of Acting Justly, Loving Tenderly and Treading humbly (SALT)
Solidarity of Cavite Workers, Cavite, Philippines
Tenaga National  Berhad Junior Officers Union (TNBJOU)
Workers Assistance Center, Inc (WAC),
WH4C (Workers Hub For Change)
Yayasan LINTAS NUSA Batam – Indonesia

通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)