


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

 photo mahathir_PRU14_1.png


 photo the-new-phase-of-democratic-reform-reject-state-islamization.jpg

马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Menghapuskan Institusionalisasi Perkauman Memperjuangkan Hak Samarata Semua Kaum

Menghapuskan Institusionalisasi Perkauman
Memperjuangkan Hak Samarata Semua Kaum

Teks ucapan setiausaha eksekutif Jawatankuasa Sahabat SUARAM
 (Friends of SUARAM, FOS) Negeri Johor, Fang Pei Fen telah dijemput 
untuk berucap dalam Bahasa Melayu semasa Jamuan  anjuran Parti 
Sosialis Malaysia (cawangan Nusajaya) pada 27hb Februari 2012.

[Nota editor] Rencana ini merupakan teks ucapan Setiausaha eksekutif Jawatankuasa Sahabat SUARAM (Friends of SUARAM, FOS) Negeri Johor, Fang Pei Fen, di majlis makan malam “Rakyat Johor Bersatu! Tolak Parti Komponen BN!” yang berlangsung di Sports club Taman Universiti Skudai, Johor pada 25hb Febuari 2012 anjuran Parti Sosialis Malaysia (cawangan Nusajaya). Ucapan ini menarik perhatian dan mendapat sambutan hangat oleh Lebih kurang 400 peserta berbangsa India yang hadir dalam majlis ini. 

Lebih daripada 50 tahun negara kita sudah merdeka, laungan menuntut hak samarata semua kaum tidak pernah berhenti. Tuntutan sedemikian yang dibawa oleh rakyat berbangsa India lantang kedengaran beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. Baru-baru ini, Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) menuntut Kerajaan memansuhkan artikel 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan melalui satu e-petisyen global, kerana beranggapan bahawa Artikel ini merupakan punca rasisme berleluasa di negara ini.

Pada penghujung tahun 2011, Pengerusi Human Rights Foundation Malaysia, Waytha Moorthy, yang juga merupakan pengerusi HINDRAF, telah membentangkan satu laporan bertajuk “Kebebasan Keagamaam dan Institusionalisasi Perkauman Di Malaysia” kepada  US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, US State Department, Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. Human Rights Foundation Malaysia, mengikut Waytha Moorthy, merupakan sebuah pertubuhan yang giat melindungi dan meningkatkan status dan hak asasi golongan terpinggir di Malaysia. Dalam laporan tersebut di atas, beliau mengemukakan pelbagai fakta dan bukti yang menunjukkan hampir kesemua hak asas rakyat berbangsa India di Malaysia telah dicabul dan sehingga kini masih dihantui dilemma ‘dijajah’ walaupun negara telah merdeka. Waytha Moorthy menjelaskan bahawa tujuan beliau mewakili Rakyat Malaysia berbangsa India menyerahkan laporan ini kepada organisasi antarabangsa dengan harapan dapat meraih sokongan daripada institusi antarabangsa (samaada pertubuhan kerajaan atau pertubuhan bukan kerajaan) terhadap komuniti terpinggir di Malaysia.

Artikel 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, pada dasarnya, telah membahagikan rakyat kepada 2 kelas. Ini merupakan asas kepada segala sistem perkauman di Malaysia.

Sebahagian besar rakyat negara kita beranggapan bahawa perkauman negara kita adalah akibat daripada sistem birokasi yang cacat dan tidak berkeupayaan, semua ini hanya merupakan unjuran daripada dasar affirmative action. Namum, anggapan ini jauh daripada tepat. Realitinya adalah, dengan perlaksanaan pelbagai dasar, pihak yang berkuasa cuba memperkukuhkan kedudukan pemerintahannya atas nama mempertahankan “Ketuanan Melayu”. Selain daripada itu, operasi sistem perkauman di negara kita mendapat perlindungan dari undang-undang zalim seperti “Akta Keselamatan dalam Negeri” (ISA), Akta Rahsia Rasmi, Akta Hasutan dan sebagainya; Pihak pemerintah mempunyai kawalan sepenuhnya keatas segala jentera negara. Barang siapa yang cuba merentasi batasan, dia akan mengahadapi risiko ditahan atau didakwa. Ini merumitkan lagi rakyat jelata dalam memahami fenomena perkauman di negara kita; ia telah memberi satu gambaran yang kabur, dan membentuk anggapan bahawa perkauman di Malaysia mempunyai “citarasa tempatan” yang unik.

Frasa “Ketuanan Melayu” hanya diwujudkan dalam satu ucapan Abdullah Ahmad, ahli Parlimen UMNO pada tahun 1986, di Singapura. Barang siapa yang berani mempersoalkan hal ehwal, hak, kedudukan, hak istimewa dan sebagainya di bawah artikel 153 adalah dilihat telah mencabar “Ketuanan Melayu”, malah boleh dituduh menghina institusi Diraja dan agama Islam. “Pencabar” perlu berhadapan dengan ancaman Akta Keselamatan dalam Negeri” (ISA), dan “Akta Hasutan”. Lebih-lebih lagi Ketua Pemuda UMNO, pada tahun 2004, 2005 dan 2006, 3 tahun beturut-turut telah mengeluarkan keris dalam Persidangan Tahunan UMNO, untuk menunjukkan keunggulan “Ketuanan Melayu”.

Sejak BN hilang majoriti 2/3 kerusi di Parlimen dalam pilihanraya 308, UMNO telah ‘sub-kontrakkan’ agenda perkauman mereka kepada kononnya “pertubuhan bukan kerajaan” di bawah kawalan mereka, terutamanya PERKASA. PERKASA bekerjasama rapat dengan kumpulan lebih radikal dan suka melawan PEKIDA dan kumpulan mafia separa militant ‘3 Line’. Mereka menyebar benih permusuhan antara kaum, dan pada masa yang sama, menjana perasaan takut di kalangan masyarakat bukan Melayu.  Perkasa mendapat sokongan terbuka kepimpinan tertinggi UMNO (termasuk bekas  Perdana Menteri, bekas pegawai Tentera dan bekas Ketua Polis) untuk menghebohkan “Ketuanan Melayu”.

Kaum minoriti di Malaysia menghadapi dilema di bawah institusionalisasi perkauman. Antaranya termasuk : 

1.      Layanan tidak adil oleh kerajaan – kebanyakan tabung pembangunan ekonomi, pendidikan dan sosial, pelagai lesen, permit dll hanya diberi kepada satu kaum.
2.      Layanan oleh polis Malaysia – kebanyakan mangsa merupakan rakyat berbangsa India, antara kes yang paling signifikan ialah kes kematian kugan dalam tahanan polis.
3.      Layanan oleh Jabatan Eksekutif negara – lebih daripada 77% kakitangan awam merupakan rakyat berbangsa Melayu.
4.      Layanan di bawah sistem kehakiman negara – anggaran lebih daripada 90% pegawai kehakiman adalah rakyat berbangsa Melayu-Muslim.
5.      Layanan media – Liputan terhadap isu-isu kaum minoriti adalah selektif, tidak adil malah ada yang disekat langsung. Liputan sedemikian jelas cenderung kepada sifat perkauman atau membuat ramalan yang bermuslihat. Cenderung kepada sifat perkauman bermaksud menganggap elit Melayu sebagai Tuan, dan orang bukan-Melayu selalu menjadi pihak yang menerima sedekah.
6.      Layanan oleh sistem pendidikan – Ratusan juta bajet dan peruntukan pendidikan telah disalurkan untuk membangunkan pendidikan rakyat berbangsa Melayu, tetapi pembangunan pendidikan kaum minoriti seperti rakyat berbangsa India, Cina, dan lain-lain minoriti telah dikorbankan.

Isi yang disebut diatas ini adalah dipetik daripada laporan “Kebebasan Keagamaam dan Institusionalisasi Perkauman Di Malaysia”. Jawatankuasa Sahabat SUARAM (FOS) Negeri Johor bersetuju dengan kenyataan tersebut, dan berpendapat bahawa untuk menghapuskan perkauman yang sudah diinstitusikan bukan satu perkara yang boleh dicapai dalam masa yang singkat.

Saya hendak menjelaskan kepada hadirin sekalian, terutamanya sahabat saya yang berbangsa India: Jika kita sokong kepada pendirian yang dibawa oleh En. Waytha Moorthy yang mewakili HINDRAF, pertama sekali kita harus bersetuju untuk mengemukakan tuntutan segera seperti berikut:

1)      Kerajaan harus membenarkan Waytha Moorthy untuk balik ke negara kita, dan menjamin bahawa beliau boleh bergerak secara bebas tanpa ditahan dan dipenjarakan selepas beliau balik ke sini; dan

2)      Kerajaan mesti mengakui HINDRAF adalah sebuah pertubuhan yang sah, dan mesti menjamin hak HINDRAF sebagai satu pertubuhan yang sah seperti pertubuhan-pertubuhan sah yang lain.

Jika dua tuntutan diatas ini tidak dapat dicapai, maka pemansuhan institusionalisasi perkauman hanya akan tinggal sebagai cakap-cakap kosong yang tidak membawa maksud sebenar.

Oleh itu, saya menyeru semua rakan berbangsa India negeri Johor yang hadir pada malam ini bersatu-padu! Buangkan semua harapan kosong terhadap parti-parti komponen Barisan Nasional! Maju ke depan dengan berani, mengikut jejak pemimpin bijaksana Bangsa!

Akhir sekali, saya ingin berkongsi satu pandangan arwah Lim Lian Geok, jiwa kepada rakyat bangsa Cina negara kita, yang dikemukakan pada Julai Tahun 1959 dalam mesyuarat Jiao Zhong :

“Kesamarataan hak antara bangsa hanya akan tercapai selepas mengalami liku-liku dan pelbagai kesusahan. Kita mesti melihat yang paling jauh dan yang paling tinggi dan membuat pertimbangan menyeluruh. Mari kita berusaha sedikit demi sedikit dengan menjadikan perpaduan itu kekuatan kita, menggunakan cara yang sah, berpegang kepada keadilan dan kesaksamaan dan mendepankan kepentingan negara.   ”

Sebelum saya mengundur diri, saya ingin menjemput sahabat-sahabat saya sama-sama naik ke pentas untuk melafazkan sebuah sajak English yang dituliskan oleh anonymous yang bertajuk “Not the Chinese”

Not the Chinese... 
Malaysian Chinese?

We are Malaysians of Cina origin. 
Not Chinese from China.
Not Chinese from Taiwan.

Yes, we do work hard. Very hard.
We work many hours and skip lunch. 
We have no time off for tea, prayers, etc.

We go back late, take lower pay but when we get our bonuses we deserve it.

We can't say that for others though. 
I have seen other colleagues, who take tea time, share fashion ideas, sell Cosway and Avon plus a host of other things during office hours.

More medical leave than most of us.

Fridays we work throughout lunch to get work done due to lack of time put in by theothers.

So what's this? 
Chinese are rich?
Some are, but not all.

Now you see who owns the best houses and drive the better cars.

Who buys more gold and jewelry?

Who takes more international holidays?

Who has scholarships easily?

Who fails exams and takes them again and again?

Who doesn't pay the PTPTN Loans?

Who are CEOS of banks and big companies?

Who gets overseas scholarships, at less A's?

I have a long list...
But the answer is

Are we envious of others?

We work harder. 
Or we go out of the country that does not value us. 
And we get better recognition elsewhere due to meritocracy.

Who is sinking the country?
Now, you know the answer?

Monday 27 February 2012

Forum on “Article 153 of the Federal Constitution and the Equality of Ethnic communities” cum the launching of Kua Kia Soong’s New Book “Patriots and Pretenders - The Malayan Peoples’ Independence Struggle”

Forum on “Article 153 of the Federal Constitution and the Equality of Ethnic communities”  
 the launching of Kua Kia Soong’s New Book “Patriots and Pretenders - The Malayan Peoples’ Independence Struggle”

Statement by Friends of Suaram Working Committee Johor

27 February 2012

Since the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) rally held on 25 November 2007, the majority members of the Indian community who are at the bottom level of our society have generally become more aware of their poor state of conditions. Under the leadership of their progressive leaders, Hindraf has begun to delve into the causes of the dilemma hitherto faced by the Indian community (particularly the laboring masses).

Hindraf has resorted to action by way of courageously voicing their demands for equality. As a consequence, Hindraf suffered brutal suppression by the BN government. Waytha Moorthy (right), the Chairperson of Hindraf, was forced to go into exile. But, he persists in leading the Hindraf struggle from abroad. 

In the meantime, he is seeking international support. In his capacity as the leader of an organization, Human Rights Foundation Malaysia, he submitted a Report entitled “Institutionalised Racism and Religious Freedom in Malaysia” to the US Foreign Affairs Committee, and Tom Lantos Human Rights Committee towards the end of last year [2011].

Of late, Hindraf has also launched a global e-petition, demanding for the repeal of Article 153 of the Malaysian Constitution; for the removal of all racist and religious supremacist policies; and for the fair treatment of all communities. The just action on the part of Hindraf, shows that the Indian community has taken the initiative to put forward its demands for equality on behalf of all ethnic communities as an urgent agenda.

Currently, apart from a forum on “Institutionalised Racism in Malaysia” held in Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) on 17 January 2012, no other political parties or organisations (even the Parliamentary opposition parties who claimed to be well prepared to topple the BN government), have yet to  show the necessary concern and support for the core demands raised by the Indian community represented by Hindraf. 

Friends of Suaram Working Committee Johor (FOS Johor) has decided to organise a forum on “Article 153 of the Federal Constitution and the Equality of  all communities” in March this year. We intend to invite some experts and scholars to present their views. Such decision was made after some thorough discussions, and after taking into consideration the abovementioned circumstances. It is hoped that the forum will arouse the interest of the audience in these important issues.

Fos Johor has invited Mr Waytha Moorthy, Hindraf’s chairperson to be one of the speakers. He may deliver his speech either via teleconferencing or through his representative. FOS Johor has also invited Dr Azmi Sharom (left), Associate Professor of Law studies of Universiti Malaya, as well as Dr Kua Kia Soong, director of Suaram as speakers. These speakers from the three main ethnic communities are well-known experts and scholars for their in-depth understanding of the national and social issues. We also hope to disseminate their papers at the Forum. 

In addition, FOS will take the opportunity to have a book launch of the Chinese rendition of Dr. Kua’s recent publication, Patriots and Pretenders - The Malayan Peoples’ Independence Struggle. In the book, Dr. Kua (right) expresses his clear-cut stand and critical views regarding the origins of the so-called “social contract” and “Malay dominance”. The book provides important reference and material for exploring the current issue of repression suffered by the ethnic minorities as well as the struggle and resistance put up by them. It is particularly an instructive book on the campaign launched by Hindraf to repeal Article 153 of the Federal Constitution and all racist policies and legislation, and to advocate equality for all Malaysians irrespective of race.

The new book will be launched by the veteran bilingual columnist Lee Ban Chen, who will speak in Mandarin. FOS has also invited a columnist, Yong Sun Yong to have a review of the book, to be written in Chinese.

The speeches by the speakers and the book review will appear in FOS Johor’s blog (sahabatrakyatmy.blogspot.com). They will also be forwarded to the media for publication.

The particulars of the Forum and the book launch are as follows:

·       Date : 18 March 2012 (Sunday)
·       Time : 2pm
·       Venue : Johor Tourism Information Centre (JOTIC)

FOS Johor welcomes the attendance of all citizens from all walks of life, who are concerned with democracy and human rights in our country. Admission is free. For further inquiry, please contact Ms Fang (016-7782707).

“探讨《联邦宪法》153条文与各族人民平等权利问题”讲座会 暨 柯嘉逊著《马来亚人民的独立斗争 ——爱国者与冒牌者》 新书推介会




20071125日兴都权益行动力量(缩称兴权会)大集会以来,处在我国社会最底层的广大印族人民普遍觉醒起来,在先进领袖的领导下,开始探索他们的族群(尤其是劳动人民)长期陷于困境的根源,并行动起来,勇敢发出要求平等权利的呼声。兴权会运动因此遭遇国阵政府的残酷镇压,兴权会主席瓦达慕迪(Waytha Moorthy)被迫流亡国外继续领导国内斗争,并不断寻求国际支援。
2011年底,瓦达慕迪以马来西亚人权基金( The Human Rights Foundation Malaysia)领导人的身份,向美国外交事务国会委员会和Tom Lantos人权委员会提呈了《马来西亚的制度性种族主义和宗教自由》报告。兴权会最近也展开了一项全球电子请愿(global e-petition),要求马来西亚政府废除《联邦宪法》153条文、废除所有种族主义政策和法律条文,并平等对待所有人民。兴权会的正义行动,就意味着印裔族群将全国各族人民要求平等权利的诉求,主动提到议事日程上来。



工委会除了邀请兴权会主席瓦达慕迪(Waytha Moorthy)通过网络视频亲自发表讲话或委派代表莅临会场宣读其讲稿,还邀请了马大法律学系副教授阿兹米沙隆博士(Dr. Azmi Sharom)与我们大马人民之声的董事柯嘉逊博士作为主讲人。我们希望三位分别来自印巫华三大族群社会、研究国家和民族政治、熟悉各自族群社会问题的专人学者,各自发表对讲座会议题(即上述主题)的真知灼见,并提供稿件。

此外,工委会也会在当天推介由杨培根律师翻译成华文的柯嘉逊博士新著《马来亚人民的独立斗争 —— 爱国者与冒牌者》一书。柯嘉逊在该书说明了所谓的社会契约马来主权的由来和发展,并表达了他对有关课题的明确立场和精辟见解。这可作为探索和思考我国当前阶段弱势族群被打压及其抗争课题的参考,尤其是对理解兴权会最近分别在国内外所提出的撤销《联邦宪法》第153条文、立即废除所有的种族主义政策和法律条文、平等对待全体马来西亚人的诉求,更有启示作用。



这场探讨《联邦宪法》153条文与各族人民平等权利问题讲座会暨《马来亚人民的独立斗争 —— 爱国者与冒牌者》新书推介礼的活动详情如下:

·     日期:2012318日(星期日)
·     时间:下午2时正
·     地点:柔佛州旅游咨询局(JOTIC


反掉制度性种族主义 争取各民族平等权利






兴权会主席瓦达穆迪(Waytha Moorthy)以马来西亚人权基金( The Human Rights Foundation Malaysia) 领导人的身份,在去年年底向美国外交事务国会委员会和Tom Lantos 人权委员会提呈了一份题为《马来西亚的制度性种族主义和宗教自由》的报告书。瓦达慕迪说明,他所代表的马来西亚人权基金是一个维护与提高马来西亚被边缘化者的人权和地位的组织。他在报告书中,提出许多事实和理由,说明马来西亚印裔族群在国家独立之后,还是照旧处在被殖民(统治)的困境,基本权益几乎被剥夺殆尽!瓦达慕迪表示,他代表印裔族群向国际组织提呈这份报告书,目的是寻求国际组织(无论来自政府或民间)对国内被边缘化的社会群体的支援。

《联邦宪法》第153条, 基本上, 确立了两种等级的公民. 这就是马來西亚种族主义制度的根源。

大部分的国人都认为我国所发生的种族主义只不过是我国有缺陷且又无能的官僚体制所造成的后果; 一切都是扶弱政策的表现而已。但事实并不是如此。事实是当权者企图透过各种政策,假借维护”马来主权“来巩固其执政地位。此外,我国的种族主义制度的运作, 得到《内安法令》、《官方机密法令》、《煽动法令》等恶法的庇护; 执政者牢牢控制者各种国家机器。有谁胆敢越过雷池一步, 他就得面对被扣留, 或被提控的风险。这就不容易让人们看透马來西亚的种族主义现象; 它给人一个模糊不清的感觉, 觉得马來西亚的种族主义, 具有独特的“本土风味” 。

“马來主权” 源自1986年, 巫统时任国会议员阿都拉.阿末(Abdullah Ahmad) 在新加坡的演词 。任何人胆敢质疑第153条下的事物、权利、地位、特权等等, 都被当作是对 “马来主权” 的挑战,并且还可视为侮辱皇室与伊斯兰教。这些“挑战者”都需要面对惡名昭彰的《内安法令》及《煽动法令》对付。不仅如此,2004, 2005, 2006 连续3年, 时任巫统青年团团长,在巫统常年大会上, 明目张胆地挥舞马來克利斯短剑, 旨在显示 “马來主权” 的威风。

国阵在308失去了三分之二的国会委托权之后,巫统把明目张胆的种族主义议程, 外包给他们控制下的所谓”非政府组织“, 特别是土权会(PERKASA)。土权会跟更加激进好斗的 “大马回教福利组织” (Pekida) 与半武装的 名为“三线” (3Line)的黑帮组织合作无间。他们长期散播种族仇恨, 同时, 在非马来人社群中制造恐惧心理。土权会获得巫统最高领导层 (包括前首相,前军官与前警察总长 ) 的公开支持,来宣扬“马来主权”。


1. 在政府政策下的不公平待遇 - 大部分的经济、教育、社会发展计划基金、各种执照、准证等, 只发给一个族群.

2. 在马来西亚警方手中的待遇 – 大部分的受害者都是印裔族群其中最典型的就是苦甘扣留营死亡案件。

3. 国家行政部门给予的待遇- 全国77%以上的政府公务员来自马来族。

4. 司法制度下所得到的待遇- 估计有90%以上的司法官员, 都是由马来穆斯林担任。

5. 媒体所给予的待遇 - 少数族群课题或问题的报道, 是有选择性的,或有失公正,或者索性封锁新闻。这类报道明显具有种族主义倾向,或作些附有阴谋诡计的推断. 种族主义倾向指的是, 把马来精英当作高高在上的主人,而非马来人则永远是他们施舍的对象。

6. 教育制度下所获得的待遇- 政府数以亿计的财政预算,在教育方面的拨款,绝大部分用在发展马来族的教育, 却牺牲了华族、印族、和其他族群的教育发展。








在结束我的演讲之前,我想邀请我的战友一起上台朗诵一首由佚名作者写的题为《Not the Chinese》 英文诗歌作为结束:

Not the Chinese...
Malaysian Chinese?

We are Malaysians of Cina origin.
Not Chinese from China.
Not Chinese from Taiwan.

Yes, we do work hard. Very hard.
We work many hours and skip lunch.
We have no time off for tea, prayers, etc.

We go back late, take lower pay but when we get our bonuses we deserve it.

We can't say that for others though.
I have seen other colleagues, who take tea time, share fashion ideas, sell Cosway and Avon plus a host of other things during office hours.

More medical leave than most of us.

Fridays we work throughout lunch to get work done due to lack of time put in by the others.

So what's this?
Chinese are rich?
Some are, but not all.

Now you see who owns the best houses and drive the better cars.

Who buys more gold and jewelry?

Who takes more international holidays?

Who has scholarships easily?

Who fails exams and takes them again and again?

Who doesn't pay the PTPTN Loans?

Who are CEOS of banks and big companies?

Who gets overseas scholarships, at less A's?

I have a long list...
But the answer is

Are we envious of others?

We work harder.
Or we go out of the country that does not value us.
And we get better recognition elsewhere due to meritocracy.

Who is sinking the country?

Now, you know the answer?

Wednesday 22 February 2012

法媒:习近平谈人权 "弦外之音"十分厚重

法媒:习近平谈人权 "弦外之音"十分厚重


近平迎午宴上致辞。新华社记者 张铎 摄


中国副主席习近平,访美之旅举世瞩目。他自首日会老朋友基辛格始即妙语连珠,继之以晤拜登、希拉里、奥巴马,见工商界,就中美关系,不断发表精 辟见解。诸如劝美国“不要因大选因素给中美关系留下后遗症”的表述,可谓可圈可点,弦外之音十分厚重。14日,习近平接招美国诟病中国人权问题,称“人权 问题没有最好只有更好”,再次成为媒体津津乐道的头条标题。

众所周知,人权观念是美中之间分歧最大的问题之一。两国高层就此曾多有交锋。但习近平一句“没有最好只有更好”,可谓是近年最为简洁、精彩的总 结之一。其弦外之音,堪称具四两拨千斤的力量。佐以“增进了解,缩小分歧,相互借鉴,共同进步”的“十六字令”,习近平“一言以蔽之”的弦外之音逐渐清 晰。

首先,人权话语权一直为西方垄断,故自诩为老牌人权国家的政客,自然而然地将自己放在人权山头的制高点,讨论起来,“一览众山小”,无平等可 言,基本是一种肯定自己,指责对方的态度。而习近平一句“没有最好”,立即将这些国家拉下人权神坛,点出其与其他国家一样,仍有需要继续努力的地方。

第二,西方国家历来将世界以“民主国家”与“非民主国家”来划分,并由此引申出人权在这两种国家的“质”的区别,其潜台词是:多党制才有人权, 一人一票才有人权,反之则不可能有人权。但习近平的话,点出不同社会制度下的不同人权状况并不存在“质的差别”,而只有量的不同。

也就是说,世界上不存在一点人权都没有的制度,也不存在做到完美的制度。你可能这方面比我多,我可能那方面比你多。不好的要争取较好,较好的要 争取更好。人权事业是一个向着“最好”努力,而又永远无法达到最好的渐变过程。如果全世界都承认人权事业永无止境,恐怕即使自诩“第一”的美国,似乎也不 敢说“自己已经好到了底而再无增量努力的空间”。习近平的话,妙在既未为自己辩护,也未指责他人,而是说出一条任何人都无法反驳的朴素真理。

纵观人类走向文明的历史,就是一部不断争取人之权利“更好”的人权进步史。以华夏文明与西方文明各自走过的路,都可以找到对这一观点的支撑。西 方与中国一样,也经历了人权的黑暗时期,美国也有过如同中国奴隶制般的黑奴制;欧洲也有如同中国封建社会般残忍的中世纪。西方通过启蒙运动,工业革命,最 终以民主共和制度取代政教合一与封建王权,达到人权进步;而中国也在结束封建统治之后,结合自己文化特质,经过百年摸索,以一个屹立于世界的“中国模 式”,取得人权领域长足进步。

如果看看21世纪前10年,东西方在人权领域平等对话、取长补短的空间十分广阔。欧洲的危机就说明,仅有罢工示威权利,并不能解决贫困加剧,最 低工资缩水、经济增长乏力等等涉及“面包”的人权问题;而中国在取得巨大经济成就之后所出现的社会矛盾也说明,只有“面包”也不行,还必须不断探索体制改 革,借鉴他国有益经验,才可能做得“更好”。


“没有最好,只有更好”,激励世人在人权领域不懈努力,追求进步;劝告世人相互借鉴而非相互指责;取长补短而非妄自尊大。世界各个民族、各个文 化,平等相待,在寻找适合自身发展模式的同时,向着“更好”的方向上下求索、不懈进取,将是未来全球范围内,人权事业发展进步的必由之路。

Tuesday 21 February 2012

We need System of Check and Balance to Monitor Enforcement Authorities!

We need System of Check and Balance

to Monitor Enforcement Authorities!

Press Statement: 21 February 2012

SUARAM views the latest complaint by S Mogan, 42 years old; (20 February 2012) who alleged that, he was tortured and beaten with a gun pointed to his head to force a confession is clearly shows the clear abuse of power by the enforcement agencies. 

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) strongly condemns the violation of human rights principles and mistreatment on S Mogan by the police and the RELA. This is not the first time an allegation of abuse of powers and torture were reported on the police and RELA; we are strongly in view that abuses of powers by the police and RELA will continue to happen unless there is a system of accountability as an oversight mechanism on the power of the enforcement authorities.

"SUARAM remains concerned over this continuation of culture of impunity by the enforcement agencies, exacerbated by the failure of the government to implement a credible oversight mechanism. SUARAM questions the government on the delay over the implementation of Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission Act that was passed by Parliament recently. We view the delay on the establishment of the Commission is critical and exposes the government’s lack of political will to establish professionalism of these agencies and of human rights protection.

SUARAM is of the view that despite its call for IPCMC to monitor the duties and complaints on the police, we are also of the view that similar mechanism must be placed to oversee other law enforcement agencies. 

SUARAM call on government to investigate and conduct an inquest into this complaint immediately. The involved policeman and the RELA officers should be suspended until investigations have been completed and must be punished for this crime.

SUARAM stands firm in our demand to establish an independent body to monitor enforcement agencies. We also express our protest over the involvement of RELA in public policing duties as the agency lacks the professionalism and legal procedures in handling such matters. Besides that, SUARAM also calls on the government to ratify few primary international instruments of human rights, namely The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and Convention against Torture (CAT), which had also been recommended by SUHAKAM in their first annual report in 2000.

Released by,

Nalini Elumalai

Executive Director

Related News Reporting:

Mechanic: Gun pointed at my head to force confession
A 42-year-old mechanic has claimed that he was stopped and assaulted by eight Rela personnel after filling petrol in his car in Kajang four days ago.

On top of that, when the Rela officers turned him in to the Taming Jaya police station, he was assaulted by four police personnel who allegedly wanted him to admit to car and lorry theft.

NONES Mogan (left), of Balakong, said his ordeal began about 5am before he was to meet a friend who had sought his help at his workshop and house.

“I decided to fill up my car with petrol as I wanted to send my children to school soon after. As soon as I filled up, I was stopped by the Rela personnel who accused me of car theft,” he said at a press conference today.

“They searched my Nissan Sunny car and saw that I had many spare parts. I told them that I am a mechanic but this was met with one of them using a metal rod to hit my left leg. Then the other Rela personnel assaulted me, punching and kicking me on the body and in the back.”

Mogan said he was then taken to the Taming Jaya police station by the Rela personnel where they told the police that he was a drug addict.

There, the police personnel allegedly assaulted him with a water hose and hit him on the feet, to get him to confess to stealing cars and lorries.

“At one point, one of them pointed a gun at my head, threatening to kill me if I did not confess. The police officers showed me vehicles (outside the police station that they said) had been stolen. (They said the cases) remained unsolved and (that they) would put the blame on me to have the cases closed.

“They continued to beat me on the feet and shouted verbal abuse. I was in severe pain as I suspected that my left leg had been fractured by the use of the iron rod.

“When they pointed the gun at my head, I told them to shoot me as I could not stand the pain. They wanted me to sign a blank letter but I refused.”

Mogan, who said he was held at Taming Jaya from 6am to 9am, was taken to the Kajang district police station where a police officer put him through a urine test.

Mogan, who is married and has three children, said the officer also checked his background and noticed that he does not have a criminal record.

“As the urine test proved to be negative and as I do not possess any criminal record, the officer decided to release me. He told me to seek medical treatment and to come back to lodge a police report afterwards.”

Losses of RM5,000

That afternoon, after seeking medical treatment, he went to retrieve his car from the Taming Jaya police station and noticed that the spare parts, spare battery, alternator, and tools were missing.

“I had RM1,300 in my wallet, which was given to the police, but the money is missing. My Nokia handphone and other spare parts like spark plugs are also missing. I estimate my loss to be in the range of RM5,000,” he said.

“I have lodged a police report soon as I wanted the police to investigate the matter. There are receipts for all the items at my workshop. If the items are from stolen vehicles, come and prove it to me.”

He claimed that his injuries have caused bruises all over his body, a fracture to his left leg, and slight difficulty in hearing.

Mogan said a police officer had taken photos of his injuries yesterday.

“I am scared as one of the police officers in Taming Jaya warned me that they will watch me closely. I fear for my life,” he said.

police tortured victim 110107 lawyer P UthayakumarHindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leader P Uthayakumar (right), who was present, said there has been a concerted effort by the authorities to pick up Indian Malaysians and to try to force confessions out of them to resolve crime.

“Hindraf does not condone crime but we are concerned if the Rela and police are going about this in such a way as to force a confession. This is illegal and worrying and we want the inspector-general of police (IGP) and the attorney-general (AG) to investigate the matter,” he said.

“For this reason, I have written to the AG and IGP today to investigate this allegation. Mogan does not have a criminal record as verified by the Kajang police but why subject him to such treatment?”

Uthayakumar said Hindraf wants to see the formation of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission as proposed by former Chief Justice Mohd Dzaiddin Abdullah.

通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)