


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

 photo mahathir_PRU14_1.png


 photo the-new-phase-of-democratic-reform-reject-state-islamization.jpg

马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Friday 28 October 2011

柯嘉逊: 对侵害人权者, 能有什么期待?

柯嘉逊: ————————————



1998年,前警察总长拉欣诺(左图)则因几乎杀害前副首相而被判坐牢。这不仅是他(拉欣诺)自己不懂做人,同时也使我国看来像是一个香蕉共和国"(Banana Republic), 在世人面前丢脸, 因为他身居国家警察最高官员,竟作出这么不名誉的行为(译者注:“香蕉共和国”是西方人惯于称呼政府软弱、治理欠佳、依赖外国援助的国家的侮辱性用语)。在一个文明国家,警察部队是全体国民的保护者.保护人身安全是世界上每个人所应享有的最基本权利。

前警察总长拉欣诺由于殴打在拘留期间的前副首相,而被判为一个最卑劣的侵害人权者. 所以, 他最没有资格谈论人权。显而易见,他所受的两个月短暂的牢狱刑罚,不足以遏制他藐视人权。所有在警方扣留期间死亡的扣留者,同样地被剥夺了他们的人身安全  这项基本人权。


马哈迪(右图)完全明白,在1987年,他如何利用茅草行动”来达到他的政治目的。当时,巫统B队向法庭提出申请,要求宣判巫统党选无效(当时,马哈迪的A队在党选获得险胜)。大逮捕之后的白色恐怖时期,首席大法官被撤职,另外几个联邦法官也遭到停职。结局是尽人皆知的: 马哈迪得以继续担任首相至少15年。

马哈迪确实曾经在1987, 为了本身的政治目的,进行逮捕并无审讯拘留监禁了106名马来西亚人(包括我本人)。他绝对不能够利用美国关塔纳摩湾监狱的违反人权案例,来开脱自己的罪行。

人权捍卫者会將对这两个侵害人权者予以同声谴责。是的,马哈迪的人权纪录跟美国在关塔纳摩湾监狱的记录显示, 他们都是一丘之貉。唯一的差别是: 美国侵害的是美国非公民的人权; 而马哈迪侵害的则是马来西亚公民的人权。

正值阿拉伯之春泛起之际,所有的独裁者,不管是当前的, 还是不再有影响力的,迟早都必须为他们侵害人权的罪行,向世人作出交代!


abdul rahim noor perkasa 2nd agm前全国总警长拉欣诺(Abdul Rahim Noor)警告,一波“新人权宗教”浪潮正侵袭大马,企图削弱甚至颠覆已被人民所共同认可的政策。














他甚至指控当日本投降时,马共本身的三颗星(Tiga Bintang)抗日游击队,以及由共产党所领导的马来亚人民抗日军(MPAJA)所杀害的马来人人数,竟比513种族暴乱期间更多。

他说,这起事件及英国人所倡导的马来亚联邦(Malayan Union)导致马来人醒觉他们不能让遭华裔所主导的马共掌权。


其他出席土权大会者包括前新闻部长再努丁(Zainuddin Maidin)、前国防副部长卡立尤努斯(Khalid Yunus)、播放反对党领袖“性爱影片”拿督T之一的艾斯卡(Shazryl Eskay Abdullah)以及退出公正党的独立议员祖基菲里(Zulkifli Noordin)。祖基菲里也被委任为土权副主席。




















What Do We Except of Condemned Human Rights Violators?


By Dr Kua Kia Soong, Director of SUARAM, 27 October 2011

On this 24th anniversary of Operation Lalang, we would have expected the former autocrat Dr Mahathir (Left)  to recant his cynical use of the ISA for his political purpose in 1987. Instead he supports (Please find at attachment 2) the former IGP’s warning about how human rights will harm the country (Please find at attachment 1).

Rahim Noor (left), the former IGP has already served his sentence for nearly killing the former Deputy Prime Minister in 1998. This was not only his failure as a human being but he also brought dishonour to the nation’s highest police post by making us look like a banana republic. The police force in a civilised state is meant to be the protector of all citizens and the right to security of the person is the most fundamental human right to be enjoyed by every person in this world.

He should therefore be the last person in this country to talk about human rights because he was condemned as a most despicable human rights violator for beating up the former Deputy Minister who was in his custody. Obviously, his short sentence (two months?) has not served as a deterrent to his scorn for human rights. All the detainees who have died under police custody have likewise been deprived of their fundamental human right to safety of the person.

What this country desperately needs is a human rights wave to make our country ratify the Convention against torture and other forms of ill-treatment and the International Covenant on Civil and political rights so that human rights violators including the police and political leaders do not get away with impunity but are given the most severe deterrent sentence.

Dr Mahathir (right)  knows full well how he used Operation Lalang for his political purpose in 1987 when Team B of UMNO had applied to the courts to declare the UMNO elections (the one in which Mahathir’s Team A had won by the skin of their teeth) null and void. During the white terror following the mass arrests, the Lord President was sacked and other Supreme Court judges suspended. The rest is history and it allowed him to continue as Prime Minister for at least 15 more years!

Yes, Dr Mahathir violated fundamental human rights of at least 106 Malaysians (including myself) in 1987 by detaining us without trial for his political purpose. He cannot wash his hands of this gross violation by pointing to the US violations in Guantanamo Bay. Human rights defenders condemn both these violators. Yes, Mahathir’s record of human rights violations belongs to the same league as the US record in Guantanamo Bay. The only difference is of course, while the US violates the human rights of non-US citizens, Dr Mahathir has violated the human rights of Malaysian citizens.

In the light of the Arab Spring, all autocrats – current as well as spent ones – should be prepared to answer for their human rights violations sooner or later!


Attachment 1:

Ex-IGP Rahim Noor warns of 'human rights wave'
Former inspector-general of police Abdul Rahim Mohd Noor today said the coming of a "human rights wave" would threaten the principles on which the country was founded.

Describing the wave as a new religion, he said it would threaten and erode the agreements among the different various races which were stitched at independence.
abdul rahim noor perkasa 2nd agm
"If I subscribe to this religion, then I would question why I cannot be a royalty, what more if it concerns the status of the bumiputera?"

Rahim made the comments at a rare public appearance since serving a two-month prison sentence 10 years ago for beating up former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, who is now opposition leader.

The former police chief gave a keynote speech at the 2nd Perkasa Annual General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur this morning where he called on the Malays to be united against this ‘human rights wave’.

"I say this not as a Perkasa member - you can check the members’ numbers, I'm not part of the organisation, nor am I an Umno member."

This new wave, he said, was similar to the “communist wave” that hit our shores in 1930s and 1940s which was dominated by the Chinese.

Rahim said the communists had attempted to form an "enterprise" with Malay leftists to form a People's Republic of Malaya.

‘Malay leftists were communist stooges’

Taking PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu to task for suggesting that nationalist Mohamed Indera was a freedom fighter, he said the Malay left such as the Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (PKMM) was a puppet of the Chinese-dominated Communist Party of Malaya (CPM).

"The PKMM was funded by CPM... When the CPM first set up its headquarters in Ipoh, PKMM also set its headquarters there and when the CPM moved to Kuala Lumpur, PKMM was also ordered to set its office here."

He added that during the Japanese surrender, the Bintang Tiga and All-Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA) had murdered Malays on a scale greater than the May 13 riots.

This and the Malayan Union, he said, made Malays realised that they could not allow the Chinese-dominated CPM to come to power.

"It is under such an environment that Umno was formed to unite the Malays," he said.

Rahim, who oversaw the communist surrender as Special Branch chief, urged Malays to be cohesive in face of this "human rights wave" as they were during the “communist” wave.

Attachment 2:

'Opposition using human rights for their benefit'
"...While we respect human rights as a universal value, it should be implemented within our capabilities," said Mahathir today.
NONEOpposition politicians are using human rights issues for their political benefit, warned former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In saying this, Mahathir said he agrees with concerns raised that certain quarters were using the 'human rights wave' for political purposes instead of to save people.

"If we follow the West, which adopts extreme human rights that allows men to get married with (other) men and women getting married with (other) women, (that) should be rejected outright," he added.

Mahathir said as a developing, multiracial and multireligious country Malaysia is not like countries in the West.

"When they are trapped in, they impose much more worse human rights violations compared to us, as what is done in Guantanamo Bay."

"They (United States) don't have laws to detain people without trial, as in Guantanamo (Bay detention camp), and now it is already 11 years. Why don't they release (those detainees)?"

He said while Malaysia has laws to arrest people like the Internal Security Act, the US do not have such laws, but they still arrest and torture detainees for 11 years.

"Their government allows the torture of the detainees. Do not focus on our human rights record, lah. If you want to criticise, criticise (Barack) Obama, lah, for the human rights violations."

He stressed that Malaysia should focus on issues relevant to Malaysia and not adopt all the values in the West.

Yesterday, former inspector-general of police Abdul Rahim Noor, when addressing the second Perkasa annual general meeting, warned of people using human rights issues to harm the country.

Mahathir backs Felda listing

Mahathir also said he supports the proposed listing of the Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) and for a certain percentage of its shares to be set aside for non-Malays to purchase.

He noted that the Malays’ purchasing power is limited and by allotting a percentage (of shares) for non-Malays they are able to participate in the development of the scheme directly.

“We should not listen to the opposition in criticising the listing exercise as the Felda settlers had received a lot of benefits. I have heard many regretting at not being able to participate in the scheme, regretting as they cannot receive a lot of benefits.

azlan“Now the price of palm oil has increased to more than RM3,000 a tonne compared to RM600 previously. Felda has successful businesses. Hence, the settlers should not heed what is said by the opposition as they have nothing good to say,” he said.

He also supported plans for the present government to conduct studies in extending the New Economic Policy (NEP), despite moves by the government to liberalise the economy.

Mahathir however, admitted that the results of the NEP policy and its administration were far from those desired.

“When we came up with the policy in 1971, it was for a period of 20 years. Now it’s already 40 years and the Malays’ achivements should have by now surpassed what we had then targetted. However, we cannot achieve the target until now.

“Possibly the government should review the shortcomings in the policy and improve on them. I am glad I am not in the government. However, I have seen some successful bumiputera entrepreneurs and that if they work hard and adopt good practises they will be successful,” he said.

Earlier in his keynote address during the launching of an Entrepreneurial Symposium, Mahathir said Malays should get rid of the attitude of wanting to see immediate returns on their investments as what they have to do is work hard.

“Using the approved permits (APs) for vehicles as an example, there are those given APs who chose to sell it to others immediately to get returns. However, there are those who got it like Naza, they have kept the APs and used the profits to build their business to what it is today.”

“So do not expect quick returns on your investments. Even when I entered this bread business (The Loaf) with six outlets, I have yet to receive any profits yet. But we must continue to persevere,” he advised the entrepreneurs.

Also present was Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nor Mohamed Yakcop.

Saturday 1 October 2011

TRANSFORMING THE ISA : Old Poison in New Bottle

Old Poison in New Bottle

By Dr Kua Kia Soong, Director of SUARAM, 29 Sept 2011

[Note: This article is prepared and presented by Dr. Kua Kia Soong in the "THE REPEAL of ISA-EO! Implications and Justifications" forum organised by PSM , SUARAM, Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) and KLSCAH: Civil Rights Committee on 28 September 2011]

Prime Minister Najib Razak’s recent announcement to repeal the much loathed Internal Security Act (ISA) does not give us cause for celebration when he simultaneously says that it will be replaced by two anti-terrorism laws. There is no doubt that these new anti-terrorism laws will again allow the government-of-the-day to detain people without charge. The entire function of the ISA since 1960 has been for the Alliance and then the Barisan Nasional government to deal with the Opposition and other dissidents through detention without charge.

Before we look at the way in which other countries deal with terrorism, it may be worth our while to ask if an emergency situation exists in Malaysia to warrant such legislation. The US, UK and other western countries are the objects of terrorism mainly because of their support for Israel and their aggression against Iraq, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries. September 11th 2001 of course provided President Bush and Prime Minister Blair with the perfect excuse to launch their offensive against Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya and to pass anti-terrorism laws in their own countries.

Articles 149 & 150 which enabled the legislation of the Internal Security Act (which is inconsistent with Articles 5, 9 & 10 guaranteeing liberty of the person, freedom of movement and freedom of speech, assembly & association respectively) were included in the 1957 Federal Constitution because the Emergency of 1948-60 was on-going.

The BN government’s pledge to annul the three states of emergency in force since 1964 shows their recognition of the fact that there is no justification for any state of emergency in Malaysia. So why is there a justification for new anti-terrorism laws when our existing laws can cope with any eventuality?

If an emergency situation should arise in the future, the government still has Articles 149 and 150 to fall back on and to legislate appropriate laws to cope with the situation as they have done in the past. Alas, as with other lapses in their governance, they have been most tardy in annulling the states of emergency once the emergency had blown over. And their tardiness has been most costly for many victims of their draconian laws.

Based on its record, the government cannot be trusted to use detention-without-trial laws responsibly. Apart from the detention of peace-loving citizens like me under the ISA, it is worth pointing out that out of the more than 10,000 ISA detainees since 1960, few if any have been charged in court for terrorist crimes. It is also an indication of the warped priorities of the government and its security forces that the alleged terrorist in the Bali bombing killed by the Indonesian police, Mat Top had never been detained under the ISA!

The Importance of Due Process

Many people are not aware of the fact that throughout the repugnant career of the ISA since 1960 when the Emergency had been declared over, the ISA was more draconian than similar laws in South Africa under apartheid or even Northern Ireland during the IRA campaigns.

In 1962, a black South African was picked up after returning from training in bomb-making and guerrilla warfare in Ethiopia. He then spent 27 years in jail but he was given access to lawyers and his prosecutor had to follow rules of due process. That man later became the president of South Africa.

Terrorism laws must be clearly worded, passed by parliament, and the powers of the executive must be balanced by wider review, new checks and balances.

The government will try to justify long period of detention without charge by claiming that the police need time to scrutinize mountains of documents, computer data, etc. However, this excuse does not carry water because major fraud and pornography trials face similar challenges. The government must bear in mind that suspects are not terrorists.

Existing anti-terrorism laws

Britain already has 200 pieces of anti-terrorism legislation, while Malaysia also has terrorism-related offences in the Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of 2006. There is also an Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001. Moreover, the police can detain people on less serious charges and still question them on the more serious ones as they sometimes do.

In the UK, terrorism is defined as:

“Any politically motivated violence against people, property or electronic systems designed to influence the government or intimidate the public for a political, religious or ideological cause…”

This raises the question of whether people have the right to take up arms against tyranny, injustice or foreign occupation. And what about the assault on civilian targets by states as we have seen in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and elsewhere?

The definition of terrorism is also intended to proscribe organisations whose activities “glorify, exalt or celebrate terrorism.” What happens is that in the process, peaceful organisations can be banned and support for mainstream Muslim causes criminalized. Consequently, this will drive more to go underground.

It is instructive to treat “terrorists” as criminals (as in the UK) based on justice and due process and not as combatants in war based on fear and suspicion (as is the case in the US).

The Executive’s Extraordinary Powers

The US president possesses extraordinary powers compared with the executive in the UK. Even so, it is instructive that in the Special Registration Program soon after September 11th 2001, 80,000 men from Arab and Muslim countries were “ethnically profiled” but it resulted in not a single terrorist conviction.

With the US resolution of 18 Sept 2001, the US Congress authorised the President to use force against any person or entity he might determine to be responsible for Sept 11, providing for indefinite detention of suspected terrorists anywhere in the world without any guarantee of charge or trial. Then by a secret order, President Bush authorised the National Security Agency to intercept communications (wire tapping) without judicial warrant.

Period of detention without charge in the West

With the war in Northern Ireland, Britain has had detention without charge although there is judicial review unlike the case of Malaysia’s ISA. In 1997, there was an upper limit of four days’ detention without charge and in 2000, it became seven days. After 2001, it became 14 days. In 2005, the Terrorism Bill was proposed for 90 days of detention without charge but this was defeated in the House of Commons. The new Terrorism Act then allowed 28 days of detention without charge. In 2008, the House of Lords defeated another Bill asking for 42 days’ detention without charge.

In the other European countries, the period of detention without charge is as follows:

• France…………………. 4 days
• Greece…………………. 5 days
• Spain..………………… 13 days
• Australia………………   7 days
• Canada………………… 1 day

In France & Spain, an independent judge decides if there is a case to answer while in Australia, detention is under ordinary remand provisions.

The US PATRIOT Act 2001

This Act stands for “Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.” The first thing about this Act is that it can only be used against foreigners. This begs the question: Why is the same act not “terrorist” if committed by US citizens?

Secondly, the US government is required to press charges within 7 days. Since the passing of the Act, US have detained more than 80,000 people, nearly 800 of them at Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo Bay prisoners are not given Prisoner Of War status nor charged nor given lawyers. The US government uses “enemy combatant” designation to detain indefinitely, allowing no access to lawyers.

There is a repeated pattern of extraordinary powers first used only against non-citizens, but then extended to include citizens.

Judicial Checks on the Executive

President Bush has got away with a lot since September 11th 2001 and detainees have suffered for it. But the US judiciary has also stood up to the US Commander-in-Chief. Thus in Rasul v Bush in 2004, the Supreme Court ruled that a non-citizen had the right to challenge detention:

“Executive imprisonment has been considered oppressive and lawless since King John at Runnymede pledged that no free man should be imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed or exiled save by the judgement of his peers or by the law of the land.”

After each defeat in the Supreme Court, the US government amended the law but once again in Hamdan v Rumsfeld 2006, Supreme Court ruled:

“The (new) legislation did not prevent federal courts hearing habeas corpus petitions; detainees are entitled to protection of Article 3 of the Geneva Convention (which prohibits cruel treatment and torture) and that detainees were entitled to trial before a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees recognised as indispensable by civilised peoples.”

After further legislative change, the US Supreme Court ruled in Boumedienne v Bush 2008 that detainees had a constitutional right to habeas corpus and legislation was unconstitutional:

“The laws and constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force in extraordinary times. Liberty and security can be reconciled; and in our system they are reconciled within the law.”

In 2006, the federal judge in Michigan ruled that President Bush’s secret order authorising the National Security Agency to intercept communications without any judicial warrant was a violation of federal criminal law and added:

“There are no hereditary Kings in America.”

Supranational Views on Terrorism Laws

The Council of Europe pronounced in 2002:

“While the state has the right to employ to the full its arsenal of legal weapons to repress and prevent terrorist activities, it may not use indiscriminate measures which would only undermine the fundamental values they seek to protect.”

In 2004, the International Commission of Jurists in its Berlin Declaration proclaimed that:

“In adopting measures aimed at suppressing acts of terrorism, states must adhere strictly to the rule of law, including the core principles of criminal and international law and the specific standards and obligations of international human rights law, refugee law and, where applicable, humanitarian law.”

Finally, Cicero’s old adage is the wisest caution against terrorism laws from the Wild West: “Salus populi suprema est lex” (The safety of the people is the supreme law).

Malaysians would do well to demand that there is no return to detention without charge and that we do not accept the old ISA poison in a new bottle!









Chan Heng Chee (1976: 202,203) 分析了李光耀如何系统化的把人民行动党建立为一党独大的政治格局。这一个政治目的是通过两个方向来完成,‘一是,利用政府的行政体系涵盖整个社会层面以建立新社会秩序,这中间尽量的排挤了敌对势力的活动空间。另一方面,使用实质性的措施来遏止敌对势力的发展;也即是动用维护公众安全法规PPSO (Preservation of Public Security Ordinance) 的权力。. ’





Bello & Rosenfeld(1990)有两段叙述。其一(pp303,304):‘李光耀上台后,调转枪头对付他的合作伙伴。他使用两件工具,一是撤销职工会的社团注册,一是动用内安法令。…左派职工会和政府的冲突高潮是1963年2月那一件恶名昭著的冷藏行动,有超过100多名的职工会领导和其他反对人士被逮捕。…彻底的歼灭了左派职工会,亲人民行动党的NTUC成为唯一的工人声音。’


T N Harper (2001)从林清祥的政治历程,仔细的回顾了当年的时代背景和政治角力,重新梳理和解读了一些历史事件的来龙去脉。Harper是使用原始档案资料进行论证,去还原一些历史真相。这篇论文的贡献是有力的驳斥了官方版本的新加坡政治历史观。


‘ ”共产党统一阵线”是一个不符合实情的虚晃不当名称;这群人并不是共产党,也没有组织什么统一阵线,他们都只不过是各别的个体活动。这一个历史判断的证据来自英国人的内部档案:迟至1948年初,英国人还不承认马来亚半岛的动乱是由于共产党策动所导致。’这说明了,共产党统一阵线纯粹是一个杜撰的组织,也是用来逮捕人民的莫须有罪名。




‘有两位英国历史学者从档案文献中发现,英国曾试图阻止李光耀的一些逮捕行动,因为当局要保护自己在后殖民时代的政治超然地位,不愿意被看成在本土政治斗争上有不公正的立场。英国政府认为左派政治既是符合宪法也得到广泛的民众支持。总督副手对林清祥的评估是:“我们接受他是共产主义者的说法,但是,没有证据证明他接受来自馬共,北京或者莫斯科的领导。我们认为他是自己一个人在行动,他的根本意图不是建立共产世界,而是要争取新加坡的合法统治权。没有确实迹象显示他在上台后会成为北京或者莫斯科的工具。” ’由此看来,官方说辞的共产党威胁论亦是人为的虚构,没有真实性。


T N Harper的历史论述,通过对一些历史概念和事迹的重新认识,为新加坡提供了官方历史评述之外的,另一个完全相反,和全新的历史版本。




通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)