


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

 photo mahathir_PRU14_1.png


 photo the-new-phase-of-democratic-reform-reject-state-islamization.jpg

马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Monday 30 September 2019




































Sunday 29 September 2019

美国CIA灭亡中国战略曝光: 美国对华战略 分三步走

美国对华战略 分三步走




















  • 第一步是西化、分化中国,使中国的意识形态西方化,从而失去与美国对抗的可能性;
  • 第二步是在第一步失效或成效不大时,对中国进行全面的遏制,并形成对中国战略上的合围;
  • 第三步就是在前两招都不能得逞时,不惜与中国一战,当然作战的最好形式不是美国的直接参战,而是支持中国内部谋求独立的地区或与中国有重大利益冲突的周边国家。

前公正党署理主席赛胡先表示: 马哈迪迟交棒将使希盟被摧毁!


来源:<当今大马> malaysiakini.com/news/493674

发表于 2019年9月28日20:29  时分   更新于 同日20:30 时分


赛胡先也是公正党顾问理事会署理主席。他今日在马大出席纪念布哈努丁(Burhanuddin Helmi)逝世50周年后对记者说,马哈迪未适时交棒给安华,将摧毁公正党和希盟。
















布哈努丁在二战后,曾创立马来国民党(Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya,PKMM),提倡反殖民与左翼思想。


Saturday 28 September 2019

美国媒体无不谴责中国"极权"; 中国却是寻找进步政策的典范


作者 / 来源:艾丹 / <多维新闻>

作者在本文中说明了 “美国进步人士”妄指中国为“极权国家”并对中国的敌意如此之深的原因。作者所指的“美国进步人士”就是美国国内的自由派人士。各国一些跟着美国指挥棒同唱一首歌的“自由民主人士”,也自觉或不自觉地成为“反华”急先锋。















1. 中国共产党是政府的一部分,受严格监督





2. 中国政府制定长期规划,并予以履行



3. 中国共产党能够将犯罪的大鳄绳之以法




4. 中国能够刺激经济发展,而并非一味地施惠于富豪






5. 中国承诺推动可再生能源的开发且言出必行




6. 中国正在通过积极政策帮扶弱势群体




7. 中国尊重其他国家的主权和国际法




8. 中国有全世界规模最大的劳工运动


9. 中国大力发展艺术、文化和教育事业


10. 中国在监管经济的重要方面、确保公平透明的同时鼓励创业










Wednesday 25 September 2019



卢维思(Mike Rowse,右图右一)此前参加活动照。


据中国官媒环球网9月25日报道,这位港府前高官名叫卢维思(Mike Rowse),曾是香港回归以来首位加入中国籍的港府高官,现已退休。









文章中,卢维思又指责了那些选择跑到美国大使馆门前求美国“收留”的极端分子,称这些挥舞着支持美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)的标语,甚至希望他2020年能连任的人极度“不要脸”。









Saturday 21 September 2019

Teks ucapan sidang presidium Sahabat Rakyat sempena Majlis Ulang Tahun ke-18 - Pertubuhan Rakyat Harus Mempertahankan Kebebasan, Otonomi dan Berdampingan dengan Rakyat Selepas PRU “509” [28 Sep kemaskini: Klip video]

Teks ucapan sidang presidium Sahabat Rakyat sempena Majlis Ulang Tahun ke-18
Pertubuhan Rakyat Harus Mempertahankan Kebebasan, 
Otonomi dan Berdampingan dengan Rakyat Selepas PRU "509"

Ahli Presidium: Chan Jock Lan, Choo Shinn Chei, Nyam Kee Han

Ahli Presidium Sahabat Rakyat Chan Jock Lan membaca mesej daripada Sidang Presidium Sahabat Rakyat sebelum permulaan forum "Mahathir kembali ke puncak kuasa dalam PRU ke-14, Kemajuan atau kemunduran pergerakan reformasi demokratik?" sempena Ulang Tahun ke-18 Sahabat Rakyat

Sebagai sumbangan sempena ulang tahun ke-17 penubuhan Sahabat Rakyat, kami telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bertajuk "Bersatu padu, Mempertahankan Reformasi Demokratik Tulen! Buangkan Khayalan, Menghalang Pemulihan Mahathirisme!" sebagai pandangan kami terhadap perkembangan situasi politik setelah penubuhan kerajaan PH selepas PRU "509" pada bulan September tahun 2018. Selepas setahun, rakyat jelata telah membincang beramai-ramai sama ada kerajaan ditubuhkan selepas “509” itu kerajaan yang baru, ramai berasa kecewa dengan kerajaan Mahathir. Sempena ulang tahun ke-18 penubuhan Sahabat Rakyat, kami menganjurkan forum bertema “Mahathir Kembali ke Puncak Kuasa dalam PRU ke-14, Kemajuan atau Kemunduran Pergerakan Reformasi Demokratik?”. Dengan mengambil kesempatan melanjutkan topik perbincangan tersebut bersama-sama rakan seperjuangan yang prihatin terhadap pergerakan reformasi demokratik negara kita, dan kawan yang mengambil perhatian terhadap kemudaratan pemulihan Mahathirisme, kami berharap ini membantu pembentukan kuasa rakyat yang mempromosikan pergerakan reformasi demokratik yang tulen pada tahap ini.

Dalam kenyataan yang sama, kami mengulangi 4 pandangan berkenaan peranan reformasi masyarakat badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang diucap oleh anggota presidium Sahabat Rakyat, Nyam Kee Han, selaku Setiausaha eksekutif Sahabat Rakyat (ketika itu dengan nama Jawatankuasa FOS) dalam majlis makan malam seribu orang yang dianjurkan oleh DAP Miri untuk meraikan ulang tahun ke-30 pendaratan DAP di Sarawak pada 12 Julai 2008. Antaranya, pandangan ketiga berbunyi “sifat dan status pertubuhan masyarakat tidak akan berubah tidak kira parti politik mana yang berkuasa, pertubuhan masyarakat sentiasa bersama rakyat dan bertindak demi kepentingan rakyat”. Saya menyebutnya semula di sini kerana ia berkaitan dengan cabaran utama yang dihadapi oleh NGO semasa mempertahankan sifat kebebasan dan tidak berpartisan.

Sebelum tahun 2018, NGO sering membuat pelbagai kritikan terhadap dasar-dasar salah BN dan memperjuangkan reformasi demokratik atas pendirian rakyat. Ini kerana NGO-NGO tersebut secara sedar berpegang kepada sifat kebebasan dan tidak berpartisan, dan enggan dipikat dan direkrut oleh rejim BN. Selepas kekalahan BN dan Mahathir kembali ke puncak kuasa, kedudukan rakyat masih diperintah. Oleh itu, NGO perlu mengekalkan sifat kebebasan dan tidak berpartisan yang dipegang pada masa lalu dan menolak rejim baru yang mungkin memikat dan merekrut mereka. Hanya dengan cara ini, badan bukan kerajaan dapat bertindak demi kepentingan rakyat selama-lamanya dan terus berjuang untuk reformasi demokratik. Pada tahap Mahathir kembali ke puncak kuasa ini, kami bersedia berkongsi usaha dengan NGO yang lain untuk sama-sama mempertahankan kebebasan dan sifat bukan berpartisan NGO, dan menolak pemikatan dan rekrut daripada rejim baru.

Di samping itu, kita memberi perhatian mengenai satu lagi cabaran terhadap NGO yang mempertahankan kebebasan adalah campur tangan dari kuasa asing, terutamanya hegemoni AS, yang menyusup dan menguasai NGO di negara lain. Baru-baru ini, salah satu faktor utama kepada perubahan peristiwa anti-pindaan RUU ekstradisi Hong Kong menjadi kekacauan hari ini adalah campur tangan hegemoni AS melalui NGO dalam politik Hong Kong. Kami bersetuju dengan ulasan bahawa ini adalah versi buatan hegemoni AS seperti "revolusi warna" yang berlaku di beberapa negara CIS dan kawasan Asia Tengah pada akhir abad yang lalu, dan "Arab Spring" di beberapa negara Islam pada awal abad ini di Hong Kong. Campur tangan hegemoni AS telah mencemari istilah "NGO", sehingga “NGO” senang dihubungkait dengan kegiatan "revolusi warna". Untuk mengurangkan kesan propaganda negatif tersebut, kami bercadang untuk mengurangkan penggunaan istilah "NGO" dan menggantikannya dengan istilah "pertubuhan rakyat”.

Berdasarkan penjelasan dalam kenyataan yang berbunyi "Bersatu padu, Mempertahankan Reformasi Demokratik Tulen! Buangkan Khayalan, Menghalang Pemulihan Mahathirisme!" tersebut, kami ingin menekankan erti “pertubuhan rakyat”, iaitu pertubuhan komuniti yang ditubuhkan oleh rakyat mengikut peruntukan undang-undang negara sedia ada yang berdasarkan keperluan dan aspirasi rakyat, dan bukannya dibentuk oleh kerajaan demi memenuhi keperluan politik dan dasar kerajaan). Ia harus termasuk pelbagai jenis persatuan, dewan-dewan perniagaan, kesatuan sekerja dan pelbagai pertubuhan masyarakat yang berasaskan budaya, pendidikan, kepercayaan, agama dan lain-lain lagi. Saya telah cuba berkongsi secara mudah dua cabaran yang dihadapi oleh pertubuhan rakyat yang mempertahankan kebebasan. (1) sama ada kita mempertahankan sifat tidak berpartisan dan menolak rejim baru dari memikat dan merekrut kami selepas Mahathir kembali ke puncak kuasa; (2) penguasaan negara besar terutamanya hegemoni AS terhadap golongan pertubuhan rakyat di Malaysia.

Mulai tahun 2013, Sahabat Rakyat tidak menerima sebarang elaun atau subsidi luaran. Semua perbelanjaan aktiviti ditaja oleh peserta atau dermaan secara sukarela. Kami menempatkan diri sebagai pertubuhan masyarakat yang mengambil bahagian dalam usaha rakyat secara otonomi membina gerakan demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia di Malaysia. Kami tegas berpendirian politik bebas dan berotonomi, tidak berpartisan, berdikari dalam cara operasi, menolak sama sekali pelbagai modal asing termasuk Amerika Syarikat. Pada masa akan datang, kami terus mengamalkan  garis panduan "pertubuhan rakyat sentiasa berdampingan dengan rakyat jelata" dalam kerja kami. Saya bagi pihak Sahabat Rakyat ingin menyampaikan terima kasih kepada semua yang pernah memberi sokongan kepada kami dan berharap rakan-rakan sekalian terus menyokong Sahabat Rakyat.

Sekian, terima kasih.

人民之友成立18周年纪念主席团献词 —— “509”后民间组织仍要坚持独立自主、与民同在 【9月28日更新:视频】







2018年以前,非政府组织经常对国阵的错误政策发表种种批评,站在人民立场上争取民主改革。这是因为过去这些非政府组织有意识地坚持独立性和非党性,拒绝国阵政权的收编。在国阵败选、马哈迪当政以后,人民仍然是被统治的一方,非政府组织有必要维护过去秉持的独立性和非党性,拒绝新政权的可能收编。 只有这样,非政府组织才得以永远站在人民立场上做事,继续争取民主改革。在马哈迪当政的现阶段,我们愿意与其他非政府组织共勉,一同维护非政府组织的独立性和非党性,拒绝新政权的收编。





封建与威权主义笼罩下的半调子改革:希盟执政以来错失的机遇 【9月21日 11.30晚 更新:主讲人照片; 9月28日 更新:视频】


作者/来源:唐南发 /<人民之友>部落格



印尼前总统哈比比(BJ Habibie)刚刚去世。虽然他的任期只有短短的十七个月,即1998年5月到1999年10月,但任内排除万难推动大刀阔斧的改革,包括开放党禁报禁,削减军方在国会的势力,冒着军事政变的危险,允许东帝汶独立公投,印尼军方撤退前夕烧毁当地大量基建以示报复,Habibie的修补方式就是尽力协调联合国部队驻守和调动国际支援,稳定当地局势,也为印尼军人在过往的滥权行为,尤其是苏门答腊北部的亚齐省,向民众公开道歉。

对印尼华人而言,Habibie最重要的举措是签署总统指令,禁止使用pribumi和non pribumi的字眼,也撤销官方证明书的要求,一张身份证就足以证明印尼国籍,让印尼华人去污名化,以此促进族群关系。





坦白说:今天马来西亚的情况能比当年的印尼糟糕吗 ? 我们本来就有相对开放和健全的政治与司法体制,军队也一贯地专业与中立;我国军人最接近夺权的契机是1969年513事件之后,有三个军人代表进入拉萨政府成立的国家行动理事会,但1974年恢复选举之后,军人就完全退出政治舞台至今。说可能发生军事政变是对马来西亚军人的侮辱。






纳吉时代的一马公司(1MDB)确实是个金融大窟窿,足以证明政商分家,金融改革刻不容缓。让人震惊的是马哈迪延续旧有的作风,出任国库控股(Khazanah Nasional Berhad) 主席,还委任阿兹敏出任副主席,而非委任专业人士全权负责。过去几个月,马哈迪主导国库控股的运作,不断出售产业,但过程缺乏透明度,也让人想起1998年经济风暴之时,当时的马哈迪迫使国库控股收购亏损的巫统朋党公司,即哈林拥有的玲珑和达祖丁蓝利拥有的马航,TRI以及天地通(Celcom)等行为。





可惜马哈迪并不正视民生困苦的事实,拒绝大幅度调整基本薪资甚至落实足够生活薪资(living wage),反而老调重弹必须以提升劳动力为前提,继续以“马来人懒惰”等言论来回避本地工人薪资太低的窘境。







Mahathir Returns to Power – Does it Matter? [Updated picture on 21 Sep 11:30pm; Video clip on 28 Sep]

Mahathir Returns to Power 
– Does it Matter?

Author/Source: Siti Kasim / Sahabat Rakyat Blog

This article is full text written by Siti Kasim, Human rights lawyer, specially for the forum in commemoration of the 18th Anniversary of Sahabat Rakyat entitled "Mahathir returns to power after regime change in the 14th General Election, A progression or regression of the democratic reform movement?" at Cathay Restaurant, Kulai on 21 September 2019.

I am anti regression, anti racism and pro progression. Always for progressive policies and acts. 

GE14 resulted in the throwing out of the old kleptocratic, racist, divide and rule regime that has been in power for 60 years to be replaced hopefully by a more democratic, much more multi racial governing coalition. Is that not a progressive change? In my opinion it is.

Are having Mahathir, PPBM and AMANAH, two racially and religiously exclusive coalition partners; mean the change is regression of our reform movement?  No, it does not.

Progress comes in either incremental or step change. But it is progress, nonetheless. The American Revolution in 1775 gave Americans a nation of their own, so did Merdeka.  Still, it did not free slaves or gave women the right to vote.  The American civil war of 1861, almost a hundred years later, gave blacks their freedom but it still did not give them equality.  It took the civil rights act of 1964 to give them that equality. Women’s right to vote came only via the 19th constitutional amendment of 1920.

So, as you can see, progress is a continuous process.  History has also shown that democratic progresses are not led by politicians. Slavery proponents came from the abolitionist movement, women vote from the women's suffrage movement and black equality via the civil rights movement. No politicians started out in the forefront of these movements all throughout history.

As I said in my recent article, politicians cater to the lowest common denominator.  If we leave it to politician to set the agenda of reform, we will be waiting-for-Godot forever. Reform will not come from Mahathir or any other politician. Reform will have to come from us, the progressive citizens of this Nation in an organized fashion, putting pressure and demanding change and making our presence always felt including at elections.

Take the current KHAT issue. Do you know, that Islamic and related classes for years 4, 5 and 6 totals approximately 128 hours versus science at 64 hours?  So, instead of revamping our education system that is Islamic-centric to one that is science-centric so that we have a progressive education, the Minister of Education add further Islamic related content into the curriculum.

We can say "this is Mahathirism" or we can say this is expected political gamesmanship of playing to the base in.  If there are no concerted pushback amongst progressive thinking citizenry, slowly but surely regressive forces will take over the agenda of change and move the country backward as has been the case the last 30 years, at least.

In fact, the Khat  issue proves that pushback works. Uncomfortable as it may sound, unpleasant as it maybe it had to be done. The pushback had the impact of stopping the khat implementation in its track. The pushbacks were successful. MoE had to backtrack. I can assure you, as with all half-assed initiative that it has now been revealed to be, this Khat becoming voluntary is now dead.  If it is not yet dead, we just keep vigilant and flog it to death whenever we see it rear it head up again.

In fact, I pretty much do not subscribe to the existence of "Mahathirism". To me politics when it is focused on one person being the master manipulator for their own perverse agenda, is just "despotism" that’s all.  This did not start with Mahathir and it will not stop after Mahathir. We've had despotism before we voted the current coalition to power.  It just came in a different format.

The work of perfecting this federation that we call Malaysia is a continuous one.

So, with respect to the topic of this forum, my thesis is that democratic reform will always progress as long as progressive citizens continue to organize and engage in the political and governing process of this country. The more relevant question is how should such a process of keeping progress in reforming the Nation can be most effectively exercised?

Whilst I think political governance and legislation is the endgame in any reformation, it does not constitute the whole process. It is just one of the ways reform is achieved. But getting there, making sure the right candidate with the right agenda is elected and continuing engagement with elected representatives and government bureaucracy forms the whole spectrum of citizen reform movement.

May 9th has conclusively showed us that progressives, liberals and moderates can make big political change – if we work together. Make no mistake, GE14 was turned by almost 100% non-Malay and liberal Malay votes not just in Peninsula but also importantly Sabah and Sarawak. It was an election won by liberals. And this points us the way.

I believe this is the way to think. Mahathir or any other politician is not the concern per se. Reformation and progressive movement must continue to organize and work tirelessly whomever would be in power. That, ladies and gentlemen, is my thesis.

I believe the country is ready for a formal institutionalized nonpolitical citizen movement. And because of that myself and like minded friends has formed the Malaysian Justice for Action and Unity, MAJU, to be an all encompassing platform to unite progressive citizens of all races and religious background, network and organize on causes that will bring us towards this aim of reforms based on liberal, moderate and progressive values. We have a bold agenda at MAJU. We will be deliberate and strategic.

We are not just any other NGO working on a narrow cause. Our activities are a means to and end. We want to change the social, economic, education and political discourse and build the roadmap and the endgame of this Nation. The endgame being a progressive, liberal, moderate and scientifically educated modern Malaysia. And we think we know how to achieve that. In order to do do that, we need real Malaysian citizens to back us up. To stand together with us as Supporters. No longer faceless and anonymous but proud to embrace being liberals, moderates and progressives, and just Malaysians. We want Supporters to stand by the courage of their conviction and put their name and money where their mouths are.

I would like to end by urging everyone to join MAJU as Supporters and work hard at getting others to join as Supporters. Time to organize and stand together in an uncompromising voice and demand a progressive Nation. We will MAJU together for Malaysia.

Thank You.

民主运动是制衡马哈迪的最佳途径 【9月21日 11.30晚 更新:主讲人照片; 9月28日 更新:视频】







这边厢,期盼在野阵线和所有反对力量团结一致,时局已经为变天打开最佳的历史窗口,马哈迪的加入和领导,纾缓马来和乡区选民的不安,提供希盟最缺乏的马来领导(Malay leadership),当时安华还在牢内。


















著名律师汤米汤姆斯受委会总检察长、大马选举委员会主席和副主席由人权律师阿兹哈论及马大法律系讲师阿兹米沙隆担任、两名捍卫自由律师团(LFL)执行董事,拉蒂花(Latheefa Koya)分别受委为大马反贪污委员会(MACC)主席和艾力保森(Eric Paulsen)成为东盟跨政府人权委员会(AICHR)的大马代表。

此外,前净选盟主席安美嘉则担任5人小组的体制改革委员会成员,代表进步中庸的马来知识份子和前政府高管G25发言人诺法丽达(Noor Farida)成为大马人力资源发展基金(HRDF)主席。




















这些人士计有,人权律师西蒂卡欣(Siti Kasim)、玻璃市宗教司阿斯里(Asri Zainul Abidin),以及某些社交媒体帐号拥有超过百万粉丝的传教士。












PH & Tun Mahathir's UMNO era divisive racial policies & politics in ‘preserving’ B75 Indian poor in Malay-sia Baru [Updated picture on 21 Sep 11:30pm; Video clip on 28 Sep]

PH & Tun Mahathir's UMNO era divisive racial policies & politics in ‘preserving’ B75 Indian poor in Malay-sia Baru

Author/Source: P. Uthayakumar / Sahabat Rakyat Blog

This article is the full text written by P. Uthayakumar specially for the forum in commemoration of the 18th Anniversary of Sahabat Rakyat entitled “Mahathir returns to power after regime change in the 14th General Election, A progression or regression of the democratic reform movement?” held at Cathay Restaurant Kulai, Johor on 21 September 2019.


It is 470 days today of Tun Mahathir’s  Pakatan Harapan(PH) government. It appeared magical and a dream come true for especially the B75 Indian poor when real multi-racialism took centre stage and the end of the UMNO era divisive racist and supremacist policies and politics. The euphoria was further escalated when unprecedentedly the Attorney General, four(4) Ministers and the Deputy Rural and Regional Development Deputy Minister were Indians, Lim Guan Eng and Gobind Singh were  made Finance and Multimedia (Information) Ministers respectively, Liew Chin Tiong the Deputy Defence Minister and Richard Malanjum the Chief Justice. Further Jakim was to be reviewed, three most powerful UMNO leaders (and the then Attorney General) were barred from leaving the country and later prosecuted,UMNO Accounts frozen and the all powerful UMNO crushing and falling before our very eyes etc.  

What more Pakatan Harapan (PH) also winning up to 95% of the Indian votes on the promises made in the 25 point Pakatan Harapan (Indian) GE 14 Elections Manifesto which promises to solve almost the A to Z of the B75 Indian poor problems. But fast forward 470 days today, it appears that in Pakatan Harapan and Tun Mahathir’s UMNO era divisive racist and supremacist policies and politics especially in ‘preserving’ the B75 Indian poor in Malay-sia Baru to be yet again left behind from Malay-sia Baru’s National Mainstream Development … appears to reigning supreme all over again in contravention of especially Article 8 of the Federal Constitution which guarantees equality before the law and the very core of the Pakatan Harapan 25 Point (Indian) Manifesto itself. 

Our Case in these 470 days but to no avail :-

  1. (More for record purposes) vide our letter dated 14/5/18 we had written to Tun Mahathir titled “Humble proposal for post of D.G. Implementation & Coordinating Unit (ICU), PM’s Dept in particular to implement Pakatan Harapans’ Indian manifesto for Hindraf De Facto Leader and senior lawyer Mr.P.Uthayakumar”.
  2. Vide our letter dated 25/5/2018 and 23/7/18 to Tun Mahathir titled “Permohonan pendaftaran Hindraf 2.0” and  “Rayuan – Penolakan pendaftaran Hindraf 2.0 oleh Pendaftar Pertubuhan; tidak mematuhi Perlembagaan Persekutuan(Freedom of Association) Akta Pertubuhan, “Rule of Law”, Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat & Malaysia Baru”.
  3. Within three(3) weeks of PH taking power, vide our 13 page researched Memorandum to Tun Mahathir dated 28/5/2018 we had proposed amongst others the creation of 100,000 business and self employment opportunities per year for the B75 Indian poor especially so in undoing the injustices caused by the UMNO era divisive racist policies and politics.
  4. Vide our letter dated 18/6/2018 we had written to Tun Mahathir and Mrs. Anwar Ibrahim,DPM cum Welfare Minister titled “Homeless Partially Blind Indian Lady (also 3 of her 5 children), husband broke both legs in accident & still hospitalized : Permanent Solutions for B75 Indian poor?:Tip of Iceberg!”.
  5. Vide our letter dated 10/7/2018 to Prime Minister and Federal Territories Minister Khalid Samad titled “SOS: Rayuan supaya Store Peniaga Kecil Barangan Lusoh India tidak dirobohkan … dalam memenuhi Manifesto No18 Kerajaan PH… Beli dari B75 India miskin @ B75 membeli Mee Maggi. (3) Cadangan “legalise” Perniagaan Besi Lusoh”. However four Indian Recycling Outlets in Setapak were demolished on 21/2/2019.
  6. In not wanting to give a walk over in the backdrop of PH still flying high, we cautiously marked the 100th day of PH in power with a small Public Forum in Brickfeilds outlining our 4 page researched Memorandum to Tun Mahathir dated 17/8/2018 amongst others calling for the delivery of the 25 point PH Indian Manifesto wherein they had acknowledged in particular in the preamble thereto “Sebagai rakyat yang mempunyai hak yang sama dengan semua warganegara lain, sudah tiba masanya untuk semua bentuk diskriminasi yang  menzalimi warga India dihapuskan … Pengagihan kekayaan negara mestilah dilakukan secara adil dan penindasan ekonomi terhadap warga India dihentikan serta-merta…” Wow!
  7. On 9/4/2019 the Putrajaya Federal Court Panel led by Tan Sri Azhar Mohamad dismissed a Public Interest case for justice  by lawyer P.Uthayakumar where OKU Muneswaran who from birth is blind in one eye, the other eye partially blind and of low intelligence was beaten by a group of 12 policemen at his low cost flat, also involving an A.C.P up until he vomited blood.
  8. On the 1st year anniversary of PH rule, at a small outdoor Rally in Brickfeilds on 12/5/2019 (also attended by Sahabat Rakyat) we were about the first to albeit politely rebuke Tun Mahathir publicly vide our 21 page researched Memorandum dated 8/5/2019 and titled “1 year Pakatan Harapan Govt @ Indian Manifesto Report Card. End 62 years racist & supremacist policies & politics victimizing B75 Indian poor: 1% delivery for B75 (Indian poor) & 50.1% Rating : HINDRAF 2.0”.
    (Note: It was only after this 1 year critical mass timeline that the B75 Indian poor and others started openly and publicly appearing to rebuke the Pakatan Harapan administration)
  9. Vide our Statement copied to Tun Mahathir titled “Harapans’ Indian poor non delivery reverberates in Kedah “Barisan lost, Harapan won but did the B75 Indian poor win? … “End Umno era divisive racist policies and politics!”  @ Lunas, Padang Serai forum on 23/6/19.
  10. On 26/7/2019 Legal Aid Lawyer K.Arivom Namasivayam was prosecuted by Negeri Sembilan State Prosecution Director DPP Wan Shaharuddin bin Wan Ladin for merely discharging his duties in defending a domestic violence victim who had lodged 16 police reports against her estranged husband. This is despite Arivom’s Lawyer P.Uthayakumar’s letter of representation dated 21/7/2019. 
  11. On 15/8/2019 P.Uthayakumar’s Public Interest Appeal was dismissed by the Putrajaya Court of Appeal for the Pengarah Penjara Kajang to be cited for Contempt of Court for failing to abide by the Kuala Lumpur High Court Orders to imprison him at Kajang Prison separately from common criminals like where the Malay and Chinese Political Prisoners were imprisoned and to be sent for Medical treatment to HUKM.
  12. Vide our letter dated 17/9/2019  to Tun Dr.Mahathir and the IGP titled “On Malaysia Day, 2 Malaysian Indians & 1 British P.R. family mere suspects shot dead by police, ‘enforced disappearance’ of wife. SOS: Stop police “shoot to kill policy” & “enforced disappearance” under Pakatan Harapans’ New Malaysia, forthwith implement IPCMC, guns & bullets Audit, & Urgent Appointment with IGP.
  13. Summary of  PH top 15 non delivery of even of the very basic necessities food, shelter and education for the B75 Indian Poor is as per Annexture 1 enclosed herewith.

(Note: Dr.Mahathir and PH did not even reply to our aforesaid letters)


As it stands today, the 470th day, even the PH top leaders like Lim Kit Siang and Rais Hussin have conceded that if the General Elections were to be held today PH would lose, largely because of their non fulfillment of the GE 14 Election promises. It is  disappointing to note that Tun Mahathir appears to be going back to his good old ways  … started playing up the UMNO era divisive racist and supremacist policies and politics including denial of Matriculation and critical courses seats for the B75 Indian poor, Zakir Naik, Khat(Jawi), Zamri Vinod, PHs’ late reaction to non muslim food products  boycott, Indira Ghandi’s unlawfully converted daughter   still "not recovered” even by IGP Hamid Bador, Sedition Act,POCA,POTA, the death sentence and other repressive laws not repealed,ICERD not ratified, the attempted demolishment and/or denial of land to the Seafeilds Temple and thousands of other Hindu temples, cemeteries, Tamil schools, Indian Felda and Felcra schemes, cow farms, besi buruk and car wash outlets etc.

So what is to be the solution? … A Third Force perhaps … ? 

De Facto Leader, Hindraf 2.0

Annexture 1*
  1. The 100 days promise to some 350,000(4) B75 Indian poor is yet to be delivered by failing to fulfill even PH Promise No.1 by still denying them their Constitutional Birth Certificates and Citizenship @ innate Birth Rights which could be resolved merely by the stroke of the pen by the Prime Minister and/or Home Minister’s Directive to the Director General of the National Registration Department.
    (We have recorded only the seasonal mere 200 citizenships announced by the Home Minister during Deepavali 2018 @ 0.05% delivery. To quote Social Activist Dr.Kua Kia Soong “at this rate we will be witnessing such yearly Deepavali “gifts” for the next 1,500 years!(5). Maybe marking PHs’ 1st anniversary(5A) a further 1,641(0.46%) citizenships were dished out). 
  2. Vide PHs’ Promise No 10, RM1,500.00 minimum wage also within 100 days is not fulfilled. 
  3. Vide Promise No 2 PH promised to provide affordable Housing especially for the estate workers and the B40 (B75 for Indian poor). To the direct contrary we have recorded at PHs’ 1st anniversary an accumulated 45,403 (10) cases of homeless, landless and the homes of the B75 Indian poor being demolished arising largely from the unfulfilled Tun Razak Estate Workers Housing Scheme 1973 Policy.
    (Note: The Malays, Orang Asli, Kadazan, Iban etc. have tens of thousands of villages, farms  and land banks nationwide (also foreign workers in their respective countries), even the poor Chinese have 630 Chinese New Villages. To the contrary the B75 Indian poor have almost Zero villages, farms and land banks as their social safety net(11). In an emergency or in the event of a misfortune, they have Zero Social Safety Net to the extent that their option may be to commit suicide (12).
  4. Vide PH promise No 4, full financial aided status for all 525 Tamil schools with same infrastructure standards as that of  National schools within their first term (Parliamentary Term) is a non starter. We have however recorded 191(13) instances of Tamil Schools being denied even the very basics for example tables and chairs, children using tar roads as playing fields, ammonia fumes and ash from factory and crematorium, denied kindergartens, annex buildings, toilets in deplorable state, access roads etc.
    (Note: Critical situations in Tamil schools ranging from being under high tension TNB electric cables, 90 year old wooden and on the verge of collapsing, termite infested, catching fire, cramped up by almost 100%, Serendah Tamil School yet to be built even after one by-election, two General Elections and two “pecah tanah”, public protests etc, construction of 37 Tamil schools not completed even up to 8 years now, Tamil School even in the Education Minister’s Constituency denied 150 meters access road and therefore cannot be opened, operating from Construction Cabins, low enrolment schools refused to be relocated to largely Indian populated areas). 
  5. Vide PH Promise No. 15 and 18, small Indian businesses would be given micro credit, financial assistance, licenses and business permits will be made easy especially for the Indian Recycling outlets.
    (Note: Why not licenses and micro credit facilities be given to even operate Burger, Mobile Stalls and Food Trucks in Chinese Housing areas let alone denying tens of thousands of petty trading licenses etc. We have recorded seven elderly Indian traders in Brickfields having operated for 40 years who were given Notice to evict (72). An Indian Sugarcane water and food stall was similarly demolished in Setapak (73) and another Indian Recycling Outlet in Puchong demolished (74).
  6. Vide Promise No. 17 PH will grant FELDA and FELCRA like land settlement schemes with financial assistance. However we have recorded Zero to date. PH could have Compulsorily Acquired further to Section 76 (aa) (ii) and Section 116(1)(d)(4) of the National Land Code read together with the Land Acquisition Act 1965 and the Local Government Act of for example Sime Darby Plantation lands for this purpose. PH choose to watch silently as bulldozers literally bulldozed 111 traditional Indian vegetable farms in Cameron Highlands (75).
  7. Although qualified, only an estimated 2% of Public Universities’ intake are allowed for Malaysian Indians and most B75 cannot afford Private Universities especially in the critical courses like Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Pharmacy, Accountancy, Architecture  and other Professional courses.
  8. For the year 2018 a total of 2,200 Matriculation places were granted by the previous BN government for high achieving Indian SPM students also after Hindrafs’ public protests since 2010. But the PH Education Minister Maszlee Malek announced that the said 2,200 places was a one off grant. The next day PH must have directed their powerless and showpiece Indian Senior most Minister to do a la MIC Tamil Dailies headlines propaganda that the said 2,200 places is retained but which was never mentioned in the said Education Minister’s Media Statement released on the very same day! (76).
  9. PH has also still refused to recognize the long outstanding. Thousands of B75 Indian poor Medical Graduates from affordable overseas Medical Universities.
  10. Vide Promise No. 6 and 7,  PH promised places in Fully Residential schools, MRSM and Regular Residential Secondary Schools (and Giat Mara Colleges?) for the B 75. We have recorded the announcement of 377 out of 7,760 places (78) or 4.85% in Form One at MRSM for the year 2019 intake. In confirming the authenticity of even the said 377 places the Rural and Regional Development Ministry has not published a list of the names and Identity Card numbers of the said students. In giving proper effect, provisions for Indian food, Hindu Counselor Teachers and weekly Hindu Temple visits is not made.
  11. Vide Promise No. 19, PH promised to provide sufficient places for Hindu Temples and Hindu Cemeteries. However not only were the existing Hindu temples not granted land, gazette and granted Land Titles accordingly but many were demolished. The Seafeilds Hindu Temple demolishment saga sent a dangerous signal when at least 12 people were injured and 23 of the intruder’s cars unprecedentedly burnt by angry Hindus. Disregarding “Dr. M: Riots should be a wake up call” (79), PH government further demolished the Relau Hindu Temple in Penang (80).
    (Note : In the aftermath of the 25th November 2007 Hindraf Rally, the UMNO government made a Ministerial Statement in Parliament that no Hindu temples would be demolished in Kuala Lumpur which was honored as at the 2018 General Elections. To the contrary PH demolished the Kampong Limau PPR Hindu temple (81), and the Jinjang Utara Hindu Temple in April 2019. The PPR Kg Baru Air Panas Hindu Temple was slated for demolished also on the 17th of April 2019 but was deferred when Hindraf 2.0 launched a Social Media campaign against the same. We have henceforth recorded three Hindu temple demolishments by the PH government. 152 hindu temples in need of the PH State government land (potential Seafeilds Temple time bombs?) including the 120 year old Tepi Sungai, Klang Mariaman Hindu Temple (82). The Prime Minister as Chairman of the National Physical Planning Council by the stroke of the pen can direct that all houses of worship (and cemeteries), no matter how small it is to be incorporated and recognized on the Masterplan of any land(83), and thereafter gazetted and issued Land Titles accordingly.
    We have also recorded thirteen(13) Hindu cemeteries and last rites ceremony Halls similarly denied Land Titles with one Hindu Cemetery actually going missing in thin air(84).
  12. Vide Promise No. 11, PH promised to direct GLCs’, Federal Government Agencies and Local Authorities to target 10% of the workforce for the B75 Indian poor. To date we have actually recorded ZERO
  13. Vide Promise No. 22,  PH promised to address (B75) Indian poverty “unlike the UMNO government”. Our monitoring however reveals widespread chronic poverty :- “If lucky we get rice porridge, if not rice in water” for single mother and 3 children (85), Son, daughter and daughter in law all passed away leaving eight grand children aged 7, 9, 10… with grandmother (60) and are given a mere RM200.00 by the Welfare Department! (86), students going hungry to school (87), Single Mother with two young children denied Welfare help at all (88) Homeless family living at bus stop with 3 year old baby (89), No mattress and forced to sleep on cement as her husband is in jail for mother(62) with 3 young children who is also a stroke patient(90), Broke hand and leg in accident, single mother with 7 children struggles (91), Three children 11,14 and 15 cannot even afford to go to school (92).
    (Note: This widespread B75 chronic poverty also contributes to increase in Indian crime rate which came about only in the last 30 years of UMNO and the last 470 days in the PH rule.  
  14. Widespread B75 workforce victims denied SOCSO Claims and Pensions. The powerless PH Indian Human Resources Senior Minister is of no or very little help!!!
  15. Vide promise No 16. PH promised to form the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in combating (widespread racial) discrimination and unfairness both in the public and private sectors. But we have recorded ZERO delivery, maybe in recognition of the Zero votes for BN campaign! 

  1. The Malaysian Insight 1.5.19
  2. Malaysiakini 14.1.19
  3. Based on ONE year monitoring and research covering over 500 newsreports mostly from the 4 Tamil Dailies, three English Dailies and 5 Internet Newsportals and Social Media.
  4. Hindraf  (2.0s’) Malaysian Indian Minority Human Rights Violations Annual Report 2009 at page 23.
  5. Press statement by Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser 26 Oct 2018
    (5A) Malaysia Nanban 8/5/2019 at page 1
  6. Malaysiakini 30 April 2019
  7. The Star 16.1.2019 at page 25, Malaysia Nanban 14/12/2018 at page 4 and 30/1/19 at pg 1.
  8. M.kini 11.1.19
  9. MakkalOsai 8/8/2018 at page 6. 
  10. 27,803 at as 100 days and a further 1,777 totaling 29,580as at the 200th dayand a further 15,758 totaling 45,338as at the 365th day.
  11. Ref: Hindraf 2.0s’ 25 Proposals to Tun Mahathir, TunDaim and Council on Institutional Reforms dated 28.5.18).(PHPromise No 2 and 3 refers)
  12. Poverty and poverty related suicides among the Indian community in Malaysia: Ref- MakkalOsai 13/1/2019 at page 13, Tamil Malar 19/3/2019 at page 1.
  13. 113 as at 200th day
  14. Tamil Malar 19/11/2018 at page 5.
  15. The Star 8/10/2018 at page 2.
  16. The Star 29/10/2018 at page 11.
    16A. Details of the 45 critical conditions in Items 17 - 71 hereinbelow are outlined in Appendix 1)
  17. The Star 23/11/2018 at page 30.
  18. The Star 27/8/2018 at page 18.
  19. MakkalOsai 3/9/2018 at page 3
  20. Malaysia Nanban 9/9/2018 at page 5
  21. MakkalOsai 14/9/2018 at page 3
  22. Malaysia Nanban 14/9/2018 at page 1
  23. Malaysia Nanban 19/9/2018 at page 2.
  24. MakkalOsai 29/9/2018 at page 10.
  25. Tamil Nesan 19/8/2018 at page 1
  26. MakkalOsai 28/8/2018 at page 10
  27. MakkalOsai 6/10/2018 Headlines
  28. MakkalOsai 23/8/2018 at page 14, Malaysia Nanban 25/82018 at page 3, Malaysia Nanban 11/9/2018 at page 12, Malaysia Nanban 23/8/2018 at page 12 and Tamil Nesan 2/10/2018 Headlines respectively
  29. Malaysia Nanban 28/8/2018 at page 12 and MakkalOsai 5/8/2018 at page 10 respectively. 
  30. Malaysia Nanban 20/12/2019 Headlines
  31. MakkalOsai 1/3/2019 at page 7 / MakkalOsai 13/1/2019 at page 10
  32. MakkalOsai 1/3/2019 at page 3
  33. Malaysia Nanban 2/3/2019 at page 16
  34. Malaysia Nanban 4/3/2019 Headlines
  35. Malaysia Nanban 5/3/2019 at page 3
  36. Tamil Malar 9/3/2019 at page 12
  37. Malaysia Nanban Headlines 7/3/2019
  38. Tamil Malar 14/3/2019 at page 2
  39. Tamil Malar 14/3/2019 at page 6
  40. MakkalOsai 3/2/2019 at page 1
  41. Tamil Malar 2/2/2019 at page 5
  42. MakkalOsai 2.5.2019 at page 1
  43. Ref NST 28/4/2019 at page 4
  44. Malaysia Nanban 17/1/2019 Headlines
  45. The Star 16/1/2019 at page 18
  46. Tamil Malar 15.1.2019 at page 1 
  47. Tamil Nesan 13/1/2019 at page 1
  48. The Star 14/1/2019 at page 12
  49. MakkalOsai 13/1/2019 at page 1 
  50. The Star 12/1/2019 at page 21
  51. MakkalOsai 10/1/2019 at page 1
  52. Malaysia Nanban 6/1/2019 at page 12
  53. Malaysia Nanban 8/1/2019 at page 7
  54. Malaysia Nanban 8/1/2019 Headlines
  55. MakkalOsai 30/12/2018 at page 12
  56. Malaysia Nanban 30/12/2019 at page 1
  57. Tamil Nesan 29/12/2019 at page 1
  58. MakkalOsai 28/12/2018 at page 3
  59. MakkalOsai 27/12/2019 at page 10
  60. MakkalOsai 27/12/2018 at page 3
  61. Starmetro 27/11/2017 at page 10
  62. The Star 7/1/2019 at page 16
  63. Tamil Malar 3/1/2019 at page 5
  64. (Kinrara, Lancang, Blue Valley, Jelebu, Semenyih, Saga, Taman , Keladi (Sg. Petani), Ampang and Menglembu Tamil schools)
  65. MakkalOsai 3/2/2019 at page 12 &MakkalOsai 20/12/2018 headlines 
  66. Malaysia Nanban 3/1/2019 at page 7
  67. Malaysia Nanban 4/1/2019 at page 3
  68. Malaysia Nanban 31/3/2019 at page 1
  69. Malaysia Nanban 4/1/2019 headlines
  70. Air Manis(Muar),Tebrau Estate, Dublin Estate (Kulim), Semburong (Renggam), Changkat Jong Estate (Sg.Siput),ChangkatKending(Ipoh) Tamil Schools.
  71. Malaysia Nanban7/5/2019 at page 1 (Layang2 Tamil School) 
  72. Starmetro 19/12/2019 at page 4
  73. Malaysia Nanban 20/2/2019 at page 16
  74. Tamil Malar 5/3/2019 at page 1
  75. Malay Mail 9/4/2019
  76. Tamil Malar 25/4/2019 Headlines (2,200)
  77. The Star 3/12/2018 at page 3 (cuba)
  78. MakkalOsai 23/3/2019 at page 1 (mrsm)
  79. NST 30/11/2018 at page 2
  80. The Star 4/5/2019 at page 18
  81. NST 5/1/2019 at page 51
  82. Malaysia Nanban 23/2/2019 at page 1
  83. The Star 29/11/2018 at page 3
  84. Tamil Malar 6/1/2019 at page 4 
  85. MakkalOsai 8/1/2019 at page 1 (rice)
  86. MakkalOsai 31/12/2019 at page 1 (granny)
  87. MakkalOsai 11/3/2019 at page 14 (hungry)
  88. MakkalOsai 9/3/2019 at page 16 (No Welfare)
  89. Tamil Malar 25/12/2018 at page 15 (Bus)
  90. MakkalOsai 1/4/2019 at page 1 (cement)
  91. Tamil Nesan 19/1/2019 at page 16 (accidt)
  92. Tamil Malar 7/1/2019 at page 2 (no school)
  93. Tamil Nesan 5/12/2019 at page 5 (dcm)
  94. MakkalOsai 12/1/2019 at page 7 (spkr)
  95. Tamil Nesan 14/1/2019 at page 6 (Kedah
  96. MakkalOsai 8/3/2019 at page 3 (bus)
  97. Tamil Nesan 15/12/2018 at page 4 (prk ex)
  98. Tamil Malar 20/1/2019 at page 3 (full pg)
  99. Tamil Nesan 14/1/2019 at page 1 (pgl) 
  100. Malaysia Nanban 31/3/2019 at page 1 (comm)
  101. MakkalOsai 3/3/2019 at page 16 (wtrd.conn)
  102. MakkalOsai 4/3/2019 at page 2 (fld)
  103. Malaysia Nanban 10/3/2019 at page 16 (6k)
  104. Tamil Malar Headlines 31/1/2019 (poca)
  105. Malaysia Nanban Headlines 26/11/2019 (mud)
  106. The Star 4/10/2018 at page 19 (tosai)
  107. The Malaysian Insider 1/5/2019 (3d)
  108. MakkalOsai 9/12/2018 at page 3 (rly)
  109. Malaysiakini 15 Apr 2019 (lose)
  110. Malaysiakini 31.12.19 (kua)
  111. (FMT21.12.18) 
  112. The Star 29/12/2018

Appendix 1

“Tamil school left without electricity for two weeks” (17) , “PTA wants (90 years old wooden Tamil) school relocated for safety” (18), PH Indian Selangor EXCO dishing out RM 150.00 for top Tamil School students scoring 7As’(19) but denied entry into MRSM, fully residential schools etc, “Bukit Raja Tamil School classrooms infested by white ants”(20), 170 pupils (cramped) into Gelang Patah Tamil School (originally meant) for 90(21), Electric Wiring caught fire at (wooden) Tebrau Estate Tamil School (and pupils forced to study along the corridors)(22), Security Guards salary not paid in Tamil Schools (23), “Three Perak Tamil School building works stop”(24), St Helier Tamil School Building Works (stopped)(25) ,90 year old (wooden) Malos Estate Tamil School on the verge of collapsing (26) , 74 Tamil School toilets in deplorable state(27), five Tamil Schools in Rembau, Ulu Tiram, Lunas, Batu Gajah and Port Dickson denied Land Titles (28), Sg Kawang Tamil School and St Leonard Tamil School denied Annex Buildings (29) in catering to increased intake, 18 Tamil schools denied kindergartens (30), Semenyih Tamil School denied 6 acres land (31), Sg Jerik Tamil School, Pahang denied RM350,000.00(32) , Despite land being granted by UMW and even after one by-election, two General Elections, two “pecah tanah” ceremonies and scores of Tamil media headlines catching public protests involving even school children, the Serendah Tamil School is yet to be built (33), Changloon Tamil school denied playing field and kindergarden(34), Kulim Tamil school child dies of heatstroke! (35), PH grants Pajam Tamil School RM5,000.00 and two bicycles for top students! (36), Deputy Headmasters’ position in danger in Tamil schools (37), Third World era Mayfeild Tamil School Hall (38), Taman Melawati Tamil School’s defective canteen (39), Tuition problems at Kampong Pandan Tamil School (40),  NGOs’ help pay school fees for GunungRapat Tamil School pupils (41), Tamil Secondary School denied (Promise No 5, PH Indian Manifesto) (42), High Tension TNB Electric Cables built above Frasers Hill Tamil School (43), 41 year old right to “Cuti Peristiwa” now denied (44), Four new Johor Tamil schools unable to be opened(45), C.F denied for Tebrau Tamil School (46), Parents physically stop developers attempt to demolish Semenyih Tamil School Fencing(47), (UMNO era Education Ministries’ racist policy) to solve Tamil School problems one by one (48), PH EXCOs’ (even) RM2,000.00 Deepavali goodies announcement to 61 Negeri Sembilan Tamil Schools not honoured ! (49), 16 Tamil schools not open despite being completed two years already! (50), CF denied to Bukit Jalil Tamil School (51), smelly and dirty rubbish lorry pass through Jalan Akob Tamil school (52), PH Minister’s (yet another empty promise of) Hostel in Carey Island Tamil School (53), 37 Tamil schools building not completed up to 8 years (54),Kelumpang Tamil School denied maintainance funds (55), 95% completed 18 months ago but Tun Dr.Ismail Tamil school, Johor cannot be occupied (56),Annual Funding denied to Kelumpang Tamil School (57), Jeram Tamil School still in Construction Cabins (58), afternoon session in Saraswathy Tamil school, SgPetani (59), Traffic lights to prevent accidents denied to Changkat Jong Estate Tamil School(TelukIntan)(60), Storage area converted into classroom at LadangEscot Tamil School (61), Tun Dr. Ismail Tamil School in Education Minister’s Constituency denied 150 meters access road, termites, wiring issuesand cannot be openedfor use(62), (cramped)Mak Mandin Tamil school denied adjoining land (63), Eleven Tamil Schools/Annex Buildings cannot be opened for up to 3 years because denied C.F. (64), Highlands Estate and 32 Tamil Schools denied even Kindergartens (65), Five (estate) Tamil schools with no enrolment in standard one but refused to be relocated to largely Indian populated areas in nearby towns(66), Eleven Tamil Schools with fewer than 10 pupils in standard one in Batang Padang District (Tanjung Malim)but refused to be relocated to largely Indian populated areas in nearby towns(67),  Six Tamil schools in Baling alonebut refused to be relocated to largely Indian populated areas in nearby towns(68),Borrow students from Towns to avoid Tamil school closure (69)  Six Tamil schools with very low enrolment in estates refused to be relocated to largely Indian housing estates in nearby towns(70). Semburung (Layang2) Tamil School denied PH Government allocation and funding. (71)

*as per PHs’ 1st year Anniversary Paper by P.Uthayakumar

通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)