


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

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马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Monday 26 March 2012

(3月28日更新) 柔州人民之友与学运等非政府组织, 向325 华教救亡大会展现人民心声(组图)

 柔州人民之友与学运等 非政府组织 

 325 华教救亡大会展现人民心声 



1325日当天上午9时左右,柔佛州人民之友工委会(以下称“本工委会”)联合马来西亚青年与学生民主运动(以下称“学运”)等非政府组织,在“325华教救亡大会”举办会场外(即雪州加影新纪元学院大门入口处到临近的一个巴士停车站之间的一小段行人道上),张拉了两条分别写上“丢掉对国阵与政府的幻想,各民族教育才能起死回生!” 与 “Singkirkan khayalan terhadap BN dan Kerajaan,Untuk selamatkan pendidikan bahasa ibunda!”的横幅。

6:一名印裔支持者(左一)手持公平对待各民族母语教育的卡片与学运国际事务处秘书王佳骏(左二)、学运财政颜志杰(右二)及学运组织秘书黄翠妮(右一)在 丢掉对国阵与政府的幻想,各民族教育才能起死回生!马来文横幅前合影。
8: 隆雪华堂执行长兼著名评论人陈亚才看到丢掉对国阵与政府的幻想,各民族教育才能起死回生!横幅,高兴地说了一句这标语内容很好!,就取出摄像机将分别用华文和马来文书写的这两条横幅拍摄留存。





四、吁请教育部恢復以华语为主要教学媒介语的华小师资培训制度,设立师范课程华小组和制订妥善方案,来培训华小所需要的师资。必须具备大马教育文凭 (SPM) 华文优等的资格列为申请条件,以符合华小以华语作为主要教学媒介语的需要。





  3、作为一个为民主人权而奋斗的非政府组织,我们深刻理解, 我国各族人民争取接受母语教育的诉求,根本就是明明白白的基本人权问题,根本就是确确实实的政治问题。如果把委派不谙华语的教师到华文学校任教,简单地说成是行政偏差官员滥权所致,并期待国阵政府加以纠正,那是忘了慘痛的历史经验教训, 近乎是痴心妄想。 那就如有人在处理人权工作上,把被调查或被拘留人士(不管是政治案件或是刑事案件),在调查或拘留期间遭遇残酷虐待、离奇死亡事件,简单地归结为行政偏差警察滥权的结果,并期待国阵政府加以纠正,一样可笑!



Friday 23 March 2012

Singkirkan khayalan terhadap BN dan Kerajaan, Untuk selamatkan pendidikan bahasa ibunda!

Singkirkan khayalan terhadap BN dan Kerajaan,
Untuk selamatkan pendidikan bahasa ibunda!

Menurut pengumunan pihak penganjur, perhimpunan akan bermula pada jam 11 pagi, terdapat 7 orang tetamu khas dijemput untuk berceramah dan berjangka akan tamat dalam satu jam. Pengaturan sebegini pihak penganjur telah menarik perhatian dan perbincangan dalam parti dan pertubuhan patriotik dan demokrasi Negara dan masyarakat pendidikan bahasa cina. 

Berikut merupakan "3 isu kenyataan" tentang perhimpunan selamatkan pendidikan bahsa cina yang dikeluarkan oleh Jawatankuasa kerja Sahabat SUARAM Johor pada 21hb mac 2012

1. "Perhimpunan Selamatkan Pendidikan Bahasa Cina 325" adalah satu himpunan adil rakyat berbangsa Cina seluruh negara demi menyelamatkan kewujudan sekolah rendah Bahasa Cina. Himpunan adil ini juga melambangkan rakyat semua kaum (terutamanya kaum minoriti termasuk Kaum Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan Dusun.) Himpunan selamatkan Pendidikan Bahasa Cina tidak seharusnya hanya dimiliki oleh mana-mana individu pertubuhan, mana-mana parti politik atau mana-mana kumpulan; Himpunan ini harus dimiliki oleh persatuan Cina, masyarakat Cina mahupun parti dan pertubuhan patriotik dan demokrasi dan rakyat pelbagai kaum pelbagai lapisan seluruh negara.  

2. Tuntutan "Perhimpunan Selamatkan Pendidikan Bahasa Cina 325" bukan pertama kali-nya dikemukakan sejak kemerdekaan. Jika dikira dari himpunan protes besar-besaran lebih daripada 3,000 wakil persatuan dan pati-parti politik pada 11 Oktober 1987 di Tokong Thean Hou, KL, sudah lebih daripada 25 tahun masyarakat Bangsa Cina menuntut supaya masalah ini diselesaikan secara rasional oleh pihak kerajaan. Pihak berkuasa masa itu telah membalas tuntutan para pejuang pendidikan Bahasa Cina dan rakyat semua kaum dengan 'Operasi Lalang'. Pengalaman pahit ini tidak boleh dilupakan begitu sahaja. Adalah tidak masuk akal jika kita masih percaya retorik bahawa guru yang tidak memahami Bahasa Cina dihantar ke SRJKC adalah satu 'pendekatan sementara', 'soal pendidikan tidak harus dipolitikkan'.

3. Sebagai sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang memperjuangkan demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia, kami faham tuntutan rakyat semua bangsa demi hak menerima pendidikan bahasa ibunda, jelas merupakan persoalan hak asasi manusia maka tidak boleh dinafikan ia adalah persoalan politik yang nyata. Jika menganggap masalah "guru yang tidak memahami Bahasa Cina dihantar ke SRJKC untuk mengajar" merupakan masalah 'pernyelewengan pentadbiran' atau 'salah guna kuasa pegawai', dan mengharapkan kerajaan BN untuk membetulkan keadaan ini, ia adalah angan-angan yang timbul kerena terlupanya pengalaman silam yang pahit. Ia sama karut dengan ada pihak yang beranggapan kes-kes seksaan dan kematian dalam tahanan polis sebagai kes  'pernyelewengan pentadbiran' atau 'salah guna kuasa polis' dan mengharapkan kerajaan BN untuk membetulkan keadaan ini.

Rakyat semua kaum, pertubuhan dan individu demokratik seluruh malaysia, dengan ini, kami mengungkapkan pendirian terhadap "Perhimpunan Selamatkan Pendidikan Bahasa Cina 325" dengan slogan : Singkirkan khayalan terhadap BN dan Kerajaan,Untuk selamatkan pendidikan bahasa ibunda! 




“325“ Supporter在本部落格《3点声明》之后留言:




Thursday 22 March 2012

“325华教救亡大会”新闻资料: 看!历史事实说明什么? —— 华小师资短缺36年无法解决!




Wednesday 21 March 2012

关于“325华教救亡大会”的《3点声明》:丢掉对国阵与政府的幻想, 各民族教育才能起死回生!






3、作为一个为民主人权而奋斗的非政府组织,我们深刻理解我国各族人民争取接受母语教育的诉求,根本就是明明白白的基本人权问题,根本就是确确实实的政治问题。如果把委派不谙华语的教师到华文学校任教,简单地说成是行政偏差官员滥权所致,并期待国阵政府加以纠正,那是忘了慘痛的历史经验教训, 近乎是痴心妄想。 那就如有人在处理人权工作上,把被调查或被拘留人士(不管是政治案件或是刑事案件),在调查或拘留期间遭遇残酷虐待、离奇死亡事件,简单地归结为行政偏差警察滥权的结果,并期待国阵政府加以纠正,一样可笑!


Tuesday 20 March 2012

爱国者与冒牌者的历史 -- 《爱国者与冒牌者》书评之三



上图摄于《马来亚人民独立斗争的真相 —— 爱国者与冒牌者》新书推介礼。





而且,为了支付制作壮阳药的庞大开销,野史还说:韩愈嘛,此后不得不抛头露面,出外part time兼职,代人书写留名百年的碑铭墓志,赚取一点名家的稿费和酬劳。





Monday 19 March 2012

《东方日报》2012年3月19日报导 李万千:部分历史渐被淹没



Sunday 18 March 2012

HINDRAF Chair Waytha Moorthy: Time to correct historical wrongs. Time to dismantle Article 153.

 HINDRAF Chair Waytha Moorthy: 
Time to correct historical wrongs.
Time to dismantle Article 153.

Waytha Moorthy: "I call upon the Yang Dipertuan Agong to openly call his Government and Cabinet to introduce a bill in Parliament with a view to amending Article 153 and restoring the lost dignity of all Malaysians for the past 55 years. There can be no dignity without equality."

Good evening to all participants of Forum on “Article 153 of Federal Constitution and Equality of All Ethnic Communities”. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to present my thoughts on this taboo subject in Malaysia.

The supreme law of our country is the written Federal Constitution of Malaysia drafted by the British along with the then elites of Malaya. Any law or policies that do not adhere to this written law would become redundant as it would be unconstitutional.

Several articles from the Constitution that contradicts Article 153 in its manipulation can be observed in Articles 5, 8, 10, 11, 12 by the conduct of the present-day government, not a situation that prevailed at the time it was written.

Under article 153, His Royal Highness, the Yang Dipertuan Agong is expected to protect the “special position” of Malays, not “right” to do the following;

To exercise his functions under the Federal Constitution in such manner as may be necessary to safeguard the special position of the Malays and Natives;
To ensure the reservation for the Malays and Natives of positions in the public service, scholarship, exhibitions and other similar educational or training privileges, any permit or licence for the operation of any trade or business is required by federal law in such proportion as he may deem reasonable;
To ensure reservation for the Malays and Natives of places in any university, college and other educational institution providing education after Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) or its equivalent in such proportion as he may deem reasonable in the event the number of qualified person for any course or  study is more than the number of places available.
The responsibility conferred to the His Royal Highness (HRH) is subject to clause (2) of article 153. Clause (2) provides that the responsibility shall be exercised by HRH the Yang Dipertuan Agong in accordance with article 40. The authority to protect the “special position” to HRH in article 153 is not exercisable by HRH at his discretion at all, but only on the advice of the Cabinet or any Minister acting under the general power of the Cabinet or the ruling government.

How these powers have been usurped by the present government defeats any reasonability for its people and its citizenry on the basis of human rights and purported democracy in Malaysia.

If you look closely, the injection of “reasonableness” into Article 153 to protect the “Special position” of the Malays shows the yesteryear on the predicament of the Malays then, and not the current scenario in 2012 for all Malaysians and those who are jus soli.

It is expressly stated in Article 153(1) that “It shall be the responsibility of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA) to safeguard the special position of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interest of other communities”.

The legitimate interests of other communities provided by the Constitution have been totally disregarded

The phrase ‘legitimate interest of other communities’ means that original intention of the federal constitution does not allow simply any kind of preferential treatment in favour of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak similar to a ‘blank check’, but merely confers reasonable powers on the government and parliament, pursuant to Article 153 under the purview of the Agong, to act reasonably without derogating from the principle of equality and equal protection of the law.

Such is the current scenario where 90% of the public service, scholarship for education, 80% of business permits are solely tailored and allocated for the majority Malays.

Clause (9) in Article 153 says 'Nothing in this Article shall empower Parliament to restrict business or trade solely for the purpose of reservations for Malays.'

If that is the case, then why do government projects should be awarded only to majority Bumiputra owned or where we have directive in law firms that you will need a Bumi Partner with more than 51 % ownership before a firm is accepted into any panelship to provide legal work in government related agencies which later stretched itself into the many other private industries such as finance, shipping, oil & gas, insurance, education and banking industry with such directive.  

The maneuvered special position and the manipulation of Article 153 have even entrenched itself into the private sectors, the executive branch of the democracy organ, the judiciary including cultural and religious practice that seems oblivious to protect the legitimate interest of other communities that form part of the nation.

Article 153 is bound to Review 15 Years after the Implementation of the Constitution

In revisiting the archives, it was very clear that the Alliance and the Reid Commission had every intention for Article 153 to be a transitional one to be reviewed after 15 years. 

This is what Sir Alan Lennox-Boyd represented in the House of Commons on the 12th July 1957 said.

Now, a word about the balance achieved between the rights of Malays and Chinese. The special position of the Malays was recognized in the original treaties made by His Majesty in previous years, and Her Majesty Queen Victoria and others with the Malay States. It was reaffirmed when these treaties were revised. It was confirmed in the 1948 Agreement, and reference was expressly made to it in the terms of reference of the Reid Commission. So the Malay privilege clauses in the articles of the Constitution do not, in the main, introduce any precedent, but give recognition in the Constitution to the existing situation.

Observation - This statement was made deliberately to mislead the House of Commons into agreeing the provisions of the special privileges for the Malays. The original treaties with the Malay Rulers only state that the Sultan has to accept all advice given by residents except in matters involving the Islam religion and Malay custom. There was no mention of Malay privileges in the treaties.

This was what the Secretary for colonies had to say to justify the permanent feature of the Special position in the Constitution.

The Reid Commission found very little opposition in any quarter in Malaya to the continuance of the present system for a time, and it made certain recommendations which hon. Members will have read. The Alliance Government—this was accepted by the three parties composing the Alliance—wanted a number of changes, which have been made. They relate mostly to quotas in the public service, to permits, scholarships, and land reservations.

Very generally, the proposal to review the quotas after fifteen years has been dropped within the framework in the constitution. The responsibility of the High Commissioner is transferred to the Head of State, but—and it is a genuine safeguard for other races—the Head of State will act on the advice of the Cabinet, and the Cabinet is bound to be sensitive to the feeling of public opinion at any time.

HINDRAF is of opinion that the non-Malays were shortchanged and irresponsibly left at the mercy of the majority Malay politicians and the Head of State by the British Government at that juncture. Even in 1957 the component parties, MCA and MIC were held at ransom by UMNO. The British Government conducted Legislative Council elections in 1955 where apparently alliance swept into power with overwhelming majority and confidence of the Malayan electorate. This was a sham as almost 90% of eligible Chinese and Indian voters were denied their right to vote in the elections. MCA and MIC had depended on UMNO to win the elections on the seats they contested. Justification for such an unbalanced and inhumane provision is against basic tenet of human liberty.

UMNO distorted the Federal Constitution and deprive other communities of their legitimate interests

Malaysia is a secular country and in their representation to Reid Commission in 1956, the Rulers have specifically agreed that Islam should be for ceremonial purpose and that they did not intend to make Malaysia an Islamic state nor dilute the basic human rights of Non Malays in Malaysia to live a life without fear, favour or restriction.

The original Federal Constitution only bears a biased mirror of its original model against the minorities on a pretext of Article 153 for the benefits of the UMNO-based politicians.

In real terms, the poor and marginalized communities, including those aborigines, have been recolonized by the UMNO Malay ultras for their hegemony at the expense of human liberty and human rights for Malaysians.

HINDRAF is not against fellow Malays, but as a representative of a Malaysian nation, it stands tall to ensure that human liberty and freedom should not be subjected to one’s race, religion or creed, but to ensure equality is across the board,  starting with the poor and marginalized. In this light, HINDRAF stresses the need to have a special economic and social  program to specifically tailor for the almost 800,000 displaced estate workers who contributed to this country’s economy for almost 200 years, who today live in shacks and  rumah panjangs as illegal squatters . They live a life of indignity as a result of institutionalized racism practised by UMNO for the last 55 years. We speak for the marginalized Indians on this need. Likewise we welcome all other groups to similarly speak for the respective communities they represent, and let us all join forces in a concerted manner, to fight the injustice perpetrated by UMNO under its 55 years’ rule.

Article 153 conveniently forgot the  Orang Asal’s who were the aborigines of Malaya, the Chinese Babas, and Indian Chittys of Malacca who were all part of the early Malayan people. Migrant Indonesians were given citizenships as early as the 1950’s as the Malays felt threatened with the number of the Chinese community.

Are we to be treated as “pendatang” and “second class citizens” forever?

After 55 years of Merdeka, millions of other Malaysians, just like me, are sons of this soil, but we are permanently termed as pendatangs and treated as second class citizens. Given another 45 years, when we celebrate our 100th Anniversary Independence celebrations, we would still be pendatangs.

What do we tell our great grandchildren when they question us as to why we are termed pendatangs. They would be the 8th – 10 generation Malaysians then.

The non-Malays may account to about 15-20% by then, if we are lucky, as a result of Bangladeshi’s, Pakistanis, Philippines, and Indonesians being made Bumiputras simply because they are Muslims. Sabah and Sarawak too would be filled with Muslims from the region and they would be equally disenfranchised.

The elite and upper class Chinese and Indians would be settled overseas. We can see this trend even this day. The remaining non-Malays and Borneo natives would be the underclass. The Malays who believe that their race is the master race just like the Nazis, would treat the non’s like slaves. I dread to imagine that day. More temples, Churches and Chinese temples would be demolished. I can imagine The Scott road Hindu temple would be demolished as there would be no more Indian elites left in the country, and the government would justify their demolitions, as this temple sits at a prime location. The Chinese temples in the caves along Jalan Kuala Kangsar Ipoh would have been history, as they would say the caves did not belong to the Buddhists. The familiar “illegal temples” term would then stick on to Chinese temples and Christian churches.

The Hindraf's law suit against the British is much more than the demand for compensation for the Indian community

HINDRAF is pursuing the legal civil suit against the British government. It is with merit as there is clear negligence on the part of the past British rulers and the conduct of the present government for the last 55 years, without safeguarding the interest of the non-Malays, who continue to face uncertainty and regression in their socio-economic development due to the maligned provision of Article 153. When it comes up in the UK courts, the case would reveal the deceit and manipulation of Britain and UMNO. Winning or losing the case does not matter, but Malaysians must be given the chance to prove the truth. On behalf of Hindraf, I invite all lovers of truth, justice, equality and democracy to join us, and contribute in whatever ways possible to that end. The civil case in Britain should not only be an Indian case for reparations, but a case of all Malaysians who care for the future. We must build Malaysia as a home for our grandchildren to live in peace and equality. Let not our grandchildren suffer the indignity and racial prejudice we have suffered from birth to death.

The Malays must understand that a provision favoring their race as the supreme race which deserves something better than others, is really a conspiracy of the elite, and everybody loses - Malays Chinese, Indians, Orang Asals and the Borneons. Article 153 is evil in nature.

All religions in the world and conventions and covenants of the United Nations speak about equality of all human beings. The Yang Dipertuan Agong is falsely placed in a difficult position to perpetuate this conspiracy. The legality of Article 159 (5) which restricts amendments to Article 153  is disputable as the Agong is a Constitutional monarch, who is bound to act upon the directions of a 2/3 amendment to the Constitution.

I call upon the Yang Dipertuan Agong (Malaysian King) to openly call his Government and Cabinet to introduce a bill in Parliament with a view to amending Article 153 and restoring the lost dignity of all Malaysians for the past 55 years.

There can be no dignity without equality.

Thank you.

P. Waytha Moorthy

(Note: Subtitles are added by the editor.)



瓦达慕迪:“我呼吁马来西亚最高元首公开促请政府内阁,在国会提出一项法案,修改153条,以恢复全民55年来所丧失的尊严。没有平等, 就没有尊严。”


大家好! 谢谢你们给我这个机会,对这个在马來西亚是个忌讳的课题,提出我的看法。




根据马來西亚的人权和所谓民主的原则,当今政府怎能篡夺这些权力?对人民和公民來说,这确实不合理。如果深一层研究, 为153条(保护“特殊地位”的条文)注入“合理性”,对所有马來西亚人和土生土长的人士來说,那只能显示马來人以往的窘困的處境,却跟目前2012年的情況沾不上边。










1957年7月12日,波依德勋爵(Sir Alan Lennox-Boyd)代表英国下议院时,是这样说的:


















华裔与印裔的上层精英将在海外定居。即便是现在,我们就可以看到这种趋势。留下來的非马来人与婆罗洲土著将沦为下层阶级。那些相信马来民族是“优等民族”的马來人,就像纳粹分子一样,将把非马來人当作奴隶來看待。我不敢想像那一天的到来。更多的兴都庙宇,基督教堂与华人神庙将被拆除。我可以想象,在Scott Road的兴都庙宇将被拆除,因为在国内已沒有印裔精英了,而政府将以那庙宇坐落在商业繁华地点为由,顺理成章地把它拆除。怡保Jalan Kuala Kangsar沿路的山洞里的华人神庙也将成为历史,因为政府会宣称,那些山洞不属于佛教徒。“非法神庙”的标签,将广泛使用于华人神庙与基督教堂上。



马来同胞必须了解,把他们的种族当作“优等民族”的条文,而又认为他们应享有比其他族群更为优越的待遇,这一切其实是统治精英的一项阴谋。遭受损失的是我们大家 —— 马来人、华人、印度人、原住民、东马土著。第153条本质上是邪恶的。

世上所有的宗教和联合国的公约,都强调人人平等。然而,最高元首却被摆在一个窘困的位置上,这是为了使这项阴谋长期延续下去。159(5)条款多方限制国会修改153条。施加这类限制,其合法性是备受争议的,因为作为立宪君主(不是绝对君主), 最高元首必须遵从国会三分二大多数国议员的指示,來进行修改宪法。


没有平等, 就没有尊严。


瓦达慕迪(P. Waytha Moorthy)

通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)