


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

 photo mahathir_PRU14_1.png


 photo the-new-phase-of-democratic-reform-reject-state-islamization.jpg

马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Friday 22 June 2007

01.07.2007赛扎哈里著《万千梦魇 — 赛查哈里回忆录2》及 黄信芳著《历史的补白 一个逃亡的新加坡立法议员~ 黄信芳回忆录》新书推介礼


日期:2007 年 7月1 日(星期日)
时间:下午2 时 至 4 时30分
地点:南方学院(讲堂B )

柔佛州人民之友工委会及《马来西亚历史的另一面》编委会订于2007年07月 01日(星期日),下午两点正,在南方学院(讲堂B),为赛扎哈利和黄信芳的新著举办推介礼。

黄信芳的《历史的补白 —一个逃亡的新加坡立法议员~ 黄信芳回忆录》和赛扎哈里的第二本回忆录《万千梦魇 — 赛查哈里回忆录2 》,是《马来西亚历史的另一面》编委会出版的第六及第七本历史丛书系列。

黄信芳的回忆录,不仅是在回忆他在上个世纪五、六十年代投入那反殖、反帝,争取国家与民族解放与独立的热火朝天浪潮中,同时,也流露了他对这片土地、人民与亲人的思念与挂怀!自 1963年被迫离开新加坡至今已40多年了,至今他不被允许回国,而被迫流落他乡。




《历史的另一面》编委会, 大马人民之声(新山支会)

(祝俊雄) (严居汉)





首先,我们要感谢义务律师团这几天给予我们法律援助。同时,也感谢大马律师公会及其人权小组、柔佛州律师委员会人权小组、各在野政党如民主行动党全国秘书长林冠英、公正党全国主席Wan Azizah、回教党柔佛州主席马洛夫、社团和各界热心人士的支持。大家无论是通过电话给予我们慰问和关心、通过短讯和电话广泛传达这项讯息和致电、发短讯及到警局报案表达对警方处理态度的不满,都在舆论上制造足够的压力,促使警方释放他们。希望大家能秉承着互相支援精神,继续为民主人权事业做出贡献。






Urgent Appeal Updates 3: Two Human Rights Defenders Released

Date: 20 June 2007

The two human rights defenders, Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Min, who were arrested at 17 June 2007 (Sunday) in Johor Bahru for leafleting, were released yesterday (19 June 2007) around 8.45pm.

This clearly another abuse of police power, the police should release them before the remand order end at 2.30pm (time the magistrate granted a 24-hour remand on 18 June 2007), but the police fail to meet the deadline.

Nyam and See were released by police bill and asking to report back on 26 June 2007 before 8am.

On 19 June 2007 around 8am, without warrant the police went to search the houses of the two arrested activists. The police had taken away Nyam's CPU, pen drive and some personal documents. This again clearly illustrates the abuse of power by the police.

For more information, please contact Moon Hui at +60 3 77843525, mobile: +60 12 7209981 or email: suaram@suaram.net.

Memorandum to SUHAKAM 1: Arrests of 2 human rights defenders in JB a blatant abuse of police powers and gross violation of Constitutional rights

Date: 19 June 2007

Memorandum to SUHAKAM: Arrests of 2 human rights defenders in JB a blatant abuse of police powers and gross violation of Constitutional rights


On 17 June 2007, residents in Johor Bahru organised a protest against stark rising crime rates in Johor in front of the Menteri Besar’s residence. Two SUARAM activists, Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Mun, who had intended to distribute a leaflet calling for the setting up of the Independent Police Complaint and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) at the demonstration, were arrested by police at about 11.00am when the demonstration was about to end.

Nyam Kee Han (male, 24) is the branch coordinator of SUARAM Johor Bahru while See Siew Mun (female, 27) is a secretariat member of the branch.

They were detained at the Johor Bahru police station for a night on 17 June and subsequently brought to magistrate’s court on 18 June for remand. The police applied for a three-day remand. The lawyer of the detainees, Abdul Razak protested the unjustified application. In the end, the Johor Bahru Magistrate Court only granted a 24-hour remand order at 2.30 pm, 18 June 2007.

Today, the police may release them, or charge them or apply for a further remand order. If charged by the police, the two human rights defenders may face charges of participating in illegal assembly and distributing leaflets under the Sedition Act.

Arrests a disrespect for Constitutional rights and blatant abuse of police power

SUARAM strongly condemns the arbitrary arrests of the two human rights defenders. They are clear examples of abuse of power by the police, misusing their authority to intimidate those who tried to expose the slack attitude and incompetence of the police force in resolving crimes.

In a time when crime rates are soaring high and the general public losing confidence in the police in solving crimes and protecting pubic safety, it is regrettable that the police seem to be more interested in intimidating and harassing peaceful citizens instead of busting crimes and catching criminals. This is not only a waste of public monies but gross violations of human rights of the citizen.

We therefore would like to raise the following complaints:

1. Arbitrary arrest

It must be stressed that the arrests should not have taken place in the first place. The two arrested activists were merely exercising their fundamental rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression which is unambiguously guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Malaysian Declaration of Human Rights. The demonstration on 17 June 2007 in Johor Bahru was peaceful, with no untoward incidents throughout.

2. Illegal detention

The police have blatantly abused their powers by detaining the two activists for more than 24 hours without charging them. Nyam and See were arrested at 11.30am on 17 June 2007 but only brought to the Johor Bahru Magistrate Court at 2.30pm on 18 June 2007. It is pertinent to point out that statements from the two arrested have not been taken by the police. Article 5(4) of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia clearly states:

Where a person is arrested and not released he shall without unreasonably delay, and in any case within twenty-four hours (excluding the time of any necessary journey) be produced before a magistrate and shall not be further detained in custody without the magistrate’s authority.”

In the case of Nyam and See, the police have failed to produce them before the magistrate within 24 hours. The detention of the two had been illegal by the time they were brought to the Magistrate’s court.

3. Unwarranted search of detainees’ house

We have also been informed that the police have obtained warrant to search the houses of the two arrested activists. This again clearly illustrates the abuse of power by the police. Based on the allegations brought against them – illegal assembly and distributing allegedly seditious leaflets – there is absolutely no need to search their houses as the two were arrested whilst having the leaflets with them. SUARAM views the search by the police at their houses as a further abuse of power and an attempt to intimidate the friends and families of the two.

4. Unjustified remand order

We strongly protest against the remand order given to the police. First of all, a case of illegal assembly and leafleting is very straight forward. There is no need for further investigation. Secondly, even if the police intend to conduct further investigation, they can always do so by giving police bail and release the detainees. The detention and the remand order are totally unnecessary and unjustified.

It must also be pointed out that no statement was taken by the police from the two within the first 24 hours of their arrests. Since no statement was taken, we question the need for remand orders on the two for further investigations. We view this as a deliberate attempt by the police to delay the release of the two arrested activists, especially when their statements have yet to be taken within 24 hours of their arrests.

5. Mala-Fide of Police Action

The arrests and the deliberate attempt by the police to delay the release of the two arrested activists clearly demonstrate that the police yet again failed to carry out its duties to protect the fundamental right of the people to live without fear, but instead have instilled fear of the public by abusing their powers blatantly.

Without charging them or taking their statements, the arrests of the two activists by the police are clearly a revenge with bad faith meted out to punish the human rights defenders for their dissent and action against police corruption and abuse of powers, rather than to investigate their cases.

We also deem this as an incident used by the police to silent rising public criticism against the police for their incompetence in solving crimes and corrupt practices.

Conclusion and Demands

The case of Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Mun illustrate further the falling public confidence in the police force. The need to set up the IPCMC is more urgent than ever to restoring the professionalism of the police force, enhancing the efficiency in solving crimes and ensuring public safety for all.

We demand SUHAKAM to:

  1. Pressure for the immediate and unconditional release of Nyam and See.

  1. Ensure that SUHAKAM’s recommendations on the right to peaceful assembly be respected by the police at all times.

  1. Demand that that the 24-hour investigation period be respected and not be misused by the police.

  1. Ensure that remand orders would not be conveniently given by the magistrates as in this case.

  1. Pressure for concrete action to be taken against police personnel who misuse their powers.

  1. Push for the implementation of the IPCMC immediately.

[Letter to CPO] Unconditional and Immediate Release of Two Human Rights Volunteers

Mohd. Amir Sulaiman,

Chief Police Officer of Johor State

Johor State Headquarter

Malaysia Royal Police Force

80990 Jalan Tebrau,

Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Tel: +607-2254422 Fax: +607-2240115


Unconditional and Immediate Release of Two Human Rights Volunteers

We would like to express our concern and protest regarding the recent arbitrary arrest of two human rights volunteers from Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) Johor Branch who are alleged to participate in illegal assembly and possessing of seditious material.

2. From our understanding, the arrested human rights volunteers, Nyam Kee-Han and See Siew-Min were trying to show their concern on the deteriorating security and rampant criminal activities that threaten safety of each individual in the city of Johor Bahru in a peaceful gathering held on 06/17/2007 (Sunday). However, they were subsequently arrested by the police for reasons mentioned above after the mass had been dispersed by the police. They will subsequently be charged in the court on the same allegations.

3. We seriously question the legitimacy of the action by the police which has violated the fundamental human rights of freedom of assembly and speech. To charge human right volunteers for participating in peaceful assembly and possessing of leaflet urging to set up the Independent Police Complaint and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), which ironically is aimed to improve the Malaysia Royal Police Force, is a disgrace to the human rights record in your country.

4. We therefore would like to voice our protest and strongly urge that the two human rights volunteers be released unconditionally and immediately. We also urge the Malaysia Royal Police Force to discharge their duty in putting down crimes while adhering to the human rights as enshrined in your constitution.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,


(name and signature of representative)


Prime Minister cum Interior Minister Mr. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

Prime Minister's office
Blok Utama Bangunan Perdana Putra
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia
Tel: +603-88888000/88888032
Fax: +603-88883444

Email: ppm@pmo.gov.my

Mr. Abdullah Rahim Bin Bakri

Malaysian Friendship & Trade Center, Taipei

8F, 102 Tunhwa N. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, 105, R.O.C.

Tel: +886-2-2713-2626


Email: mwtaipei@ms34.hinet.net

Urgent Appeal Updates 2: Detention of Two Human Rights Defenders Extended

The two human rights defenders, Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Min, who were arrested yesterday (17 June 2007) in Johor Bahru for leafleting were brough to a magistrate's court today. The police applied for three-day remand order, however the magistrate only granted a 24-hour remand.

The police will have to decide to release them or charge them in court tomorrow or they can apply for another extension of the detention. The police said if they are charged, it would be like for illegal assembly and inciting riots.

Suaram protested strongly against the remand of the two activists. This is clearly a human rights violation, an abuse of power by the police and a decision with bad faith to punish the two human rights defenders who have been campaigned against abuse of power of the police.

For more information, please contact Tah Moon Hui at +60 3 77843525, mobile: +60 12 7209981 or email: suaram@suaram.net.

Biro Penerangan Parti Keadilan Rakyat Press Statement: Arresting activists will not solve rising crime in Johor


No 110-3, Jln Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur

(atas Hong Leong Bank, sebelah Monorail Station)

Telefon: 03-22723220, 03-22724220   Faks: 03-22721220

Website: www.keadilanrakyat.org Email: biropen@gmail.com

Press Statement

18 JUNE 2007

Arresting activists will not solve rising crime in Johor

I have been informed that the Johor Bahru magistrate’s court had granted the police a one-day remand of two young man – Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Min, who were arrested yesterday morning for distributing a leaflet which called for an independent police commission to be established, during a 200-strong residents protest on the disturbing rise in crime in the state.

This remand is unconstitutional as the Federal Constitution is very clear that the police are only allowed to hold a person for not more than 24 hours. Both the police and the judiciary should know of this, but yet the application was allowed.

This begs the question – has the lack of respect for the law, which is evident in the alarming levels of crime and lawlessness, been extended to the judiciary and the police?

Instead of wasting time and public funds to persecute those who speak truth to power, the police should have used their resources to step up crime prevention and to apprehend the real culprits. Arresting residents and activists will not resolve crimes in Johor.

The state of crime in Johor has reached a level where there are places in residential areas which residents themselves are too fearful to venture out after dark. Robberies and rape cases have become too frequent in the past few years.

I call on the police to immediately and unconditionally release the two men in remand and I further urge the Chief Minister of Johor to step up all efforts to stop crime in Johor.

Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail


People’s Justice Party (KeADILan)

FORUM-ASIA Press Statement: Malaysia - Condemns the Detention of Two Human Rights Defenders

Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 4:32 PM

(Bangkok, 18 June 2007) FORUM-ASIA, in its open letter to the Chief of Johor Bahru Police Stateion, Mr. Nor Hashim, condemns the arrest of two human rights defenders, Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Min, which occurred on 17 June 2007. The two human rights defenders are working with Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM).

Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Min were arrested at around 11.00 am on 17 June 2007 while handing out leaflets at a demonstration in front of the residence of Menteiri Besar (Chief Executive of the State).

The peaceful demonstration was meant to draw the Chief Executive's attention to the rising crime rate in Johor Bahru. The two defenders were handing out leaflets calling for the immediate creation of the Independent Police Complaint and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), recommended by the Royal Commission, to push for the police reform.

At present the defenders have not been given any concrete information about the charges they face, but it is believed that they will be charged with illegally demonstrating and handing out leaflets against the sedition law. Mr. Anselmo Lee, the Executive Director of FORUM-ASIA said in the open letter that, "As a member state to the United Nations, this charge is not acceptable. Malaysia must abide by the international obligations, which protect the right to freedom of assembly. Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) stresses that 'no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile.'"

The open letter state that Malaysia must follow the 1998 Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, which states that human rights defenders have the "right, individually and in association with others…to meet or assemble peacefully". "We call for the immediate and unconditional release of the two activists. This action will demonstrate the Malaysian government's respect for human rights standards and the international treaties to which the Malaysian government is a party," stressed Mr. Lee.

FORUM-ASIA also asks specific UN experts to take immediate action on this matter:
  • UN Special representative of the Secretary General on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders, Ms. Hila Jilani; and,
  • UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions, Ms. Manuela Carmena Castriollo, Ms. Leila Zerrougui, Ms. Soledad Villagra, Mr. Tamas Ban, and Mr. Seyed Mohammad Hashemi.
Sincerely yours

Anselmo Lee
Executive Director

For further information, please contact Mr. Anselmo Lee, Executive Director, FORUM-ASIA, +662 391 8801 (ext. 502), Mr. Pokpong Lawansiri, Human Rights Defenders Program, +662 391 8801 (ext. 606)

SUARAM KL Press Statement: Arrests of two activists in JB a disrespect of Constitutional rights and blatant abuse of power, release the two immediatel

Press Statement: 18 June 2007

2 SUARAM activists, Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Mun, arrested for leafleting at a demonstration in Johor Bahru yesterday (17 June 2007) have yet to be released by the police. The police will obtain remand orders for the two from the Johor Bahru Magistrate Court today.

Nyam and See were leafleting at a demonstration in front of Menteri Besar's residence, Johor Bahru on 17 June 2007. The demonstration was calling for MB's attention and action on the rising crime rates in Johor Bahru. During the demonstration, the two activists distributed leaflets calling for the setting up of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). When the demonstration almost ended, the police suddenly arrested the two activists.

The arbitrary arrests are clear examples of abuse of power by the police, misusing their authority to intimidate those who tried to expose the slack attitude of the police force in resolving crimes.

SUARAM condemns strongly the arbitrary arrest of the two activists. In a time when crime rates are soaring high, the actions of the police in intimidating the activists, who were merely exercising their Constitutional rights, instead of busting crimes have yet again proven to be a waste of public monies. The police have yet again failed to carry out its duties to protect the fundamental right of the people to live without fear, but instead have instilled fear of the public by abusing their powers.

We demand that the police respect the people’s Constitutional rights to freedom of assembly and expression. We call on the police to immediately and unconditionally release the 2 arrested activists.

We further reiterate our demand on the setting up of the IPCMC – the only step that could put a stop to the blatant abuse of powers that is more and more unbecoming, as was is seen in the arbitrary arrests of the two activists in Johor Bahru.

For more information, please contact Moon Hui, tel: 012 7209981.

[Urgent Appeal] Police to Remand Two Human Rights Defenders for Leafleting at Demonstration in Johor Bahru

Urgent Appeal: 18 June 2007

Police to Remand Two Human Rights Defenders for Leafleting at Demonstration in Johor Bahru

The Police arrested 2 activists from Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) Johor Bahru branch who were leafleting at a demonstration in front of Menteri Besar's residence, Johor Bahru on 17 June 2007. The demonstration was calling for MB's attention and action on the rising crime rates in Johor Bahru.

The police said the two activists will be brought to a magistrate's court today for remand order application. Suaram condemns strongly the arbitrary arrest and remand of the human rights defenders. The police of Johor Bahru is wasting public monies in intimidating human rights defenders instead of doing their job of busting the crimes.

The two activists are Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Min. Nyam is the coordinator of Suaram's Johor Bahru branch while See Siew Min is a secretariat member of the branch.
They are currently being held at the IPD Johor Bahru (Selatan) police station. The leaflet that they distributed calls for immediate setting up of the Independent Police Complaint and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), as recommended by the Royal Commission on police reform.

The Federal Constitution of Malaysia and international Human Rights law enshrine freedom of assembly, the arbitrary arrests by police is clearly an abuse of power and a persecution to activists who tried to expose the slack attitude of the police force in resolving crimes.
We call on the police to immediately and unconditionally release the 2 arrested activists.

Recently, there have been increasing public outrage on the rising crimes in Johor Bahru, evidently with a series of robberies and rapes cases. A group of Johor Bahru's residents on their own initiative organized a demonstration on 17 June 2007 in front of the residence of Johor Menteri Besar. They call for the attention of the MB to take action to reduce the crime rates in JB.
The two activists attended in support of the residents and at the same time distributed a flyer calling for the setting up of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), one of the 125 recommendations of a royal commissin set up by the government to reform the police force.
When the demonstration almost ended, the police suddenly arrested the two activists.

Action Needed
Solidarity action for the two human rights defenders is urgently needed. Please state your protest against the arrest of the 2 activists and demand for the immediate release of them via faxes and phone calls to the following:
1. Johor Bahru Police Station
ASP Nor Hashim's mobile phone : +60 12 7235776
CID chief of IPD Johor Bahru (Selatan)
OCPD: ACP Safie bin Ismail
IPD Johor Bahru (Selatan)
Ibupejabat Polis Daerah Johor Bahru
Polis Diraja Malaysia
JKR No.489, Jalan Meldrum, 80000
Johor Bahru, Johor,
Tel: +60 7 2232222-27
Fax: +60 7 2246925

2. Tan Sri Musa Hassan

Inspector General of Police

Ibupejabat PDRM,

Bukit Aman,

50560 Kuala Lumpur


3. Tan Sri Abu Talib bin Othman
National Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

Tingkat 29, Menara Tun Razak,

Jalan Raja Laut,

50350 Kuala Lumpur

Email: humanrights@ suhakam.org. my
For more information, please contact Moon Hui, tel: +60 3 77843525, mobile: +60 12 7209981 or suaram@suaram.net.

谴责警方拘捕参与新山和平集会的两名人权工作者 (附录:抗议书)


这两名是来自新山人民之声的人权工作者分别为严居汉与徐秀敏。严居汉现被关入新山南区警局 (IPD), 徐秀敏则拘留于新山拉庆警察局。









OCPD: ACP Safie bin Ismail

IPD Johor Bahru (Selatan)

Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Johor Bahru

Polis Di-raja Malaysia

JKR No: 489, Jalan Meldrum, 80000 JB, Johor.

Tel: 07-2232222-27

Fax: 07-2246925


Kami Daripada ____________________________________________ membantah tindakan pihak polis IPD Johor Bahru Selatan yang menahan dan seterusnya lokapkan 2 orang aktivis dari Suaram Rakyat Malaysia tanpa alas an yang munasabah , dengan tuduhan bahawa mereka menyertai perhimpunan haram dan mempunyai cetakan hasutan.

Dua orang yang dituduh tersebut adalah Hyam Kee Han dan See Siew Min, di mana mereka hanya menunjukan keprihatinan terhadap tindakan rakyat JB yang mengadakan perhimpunan aman untuk mendesak Menteri Besar Johor untuk mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya untuk membanteras jenayah yang kini sering berlaku.

Sedangkan masalah jenayah yang masih belum selesai oleh pihak polis, apatah rasionalnya pihak polis masih buang masa bagi menahan aktivis yang ingin memberi prihatin terhadap keselamatan dan keamanan masysarakat.

Oleh yang demikian, kami mendesak kedua-dua aktivis yang ditahan tersebut harus dilepaskan serta-merta dengan tanpa sebarang syarat.

Yang benar,


[Protest Letter] Protest of 2 activists arrested at demonstration in Johor Bahru

The Police arrested 2 activists from Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) Johor Bahru branch who were attended a demonstration in front of Menteri Besar's residence, Johor Bahru this morning. The demonstration was calling for MB's attention and action on the rising crime rates in Johor Bahru.

The two activists are Nyam Kee Han and See Siew Min. Nyam Kee Han is currently being put into lock up at IPD Johor Bahru while See Siew Min is detain in Balai Polis.

Suaram consistently calls for immediate setting up of the Independent Police Complaint and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), as recommended by the Royal Commission on police reform.

Suaram condemns strongly the arbitrary arrest of the activists. The police of Johor Bahru is wasting public monies in intimidating activists instead of doing their job of busting the crimes.

The Federal Constitution of Malaysia and international Human Rights law enshrine freedom of assembly, the arbitrary arrests by police is clearly an abuse of power and an intimidation to activists who tried to expose the slack attitude of the police force in resolving crimes.

We call on the police to immediately and unconditionally release the 2 arrested activists.


A group of Johor Bahru's residents today on their own initiative organized a demonstration in front of the residence of Johor Menteri Besar. They call for the attention of the MB to take action to reduce the crime rates in JB.

The two activists attended in support of the residents and at the same time intended to distribut a flyer calling for the setting up of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). However the crowd had been dispersed by the police before they had chance to distribute the flyer.

When the demonstration ends, the police suddenly arrested the two activists.

Action needed please state your protest letter(sample attached) against the arrest of the 2 activists via faxes or phone calls to the following:

OCPD: ACP Safie bin Ismail

IPD Johor Bahru (Selatan)

Ibupejabat Polis Daerah Johor Bahru

Polis Diraja Malaysia

JKR No.489, Jalan Meldrum, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor

Tel: 07-2232222-27

Fax: 07-2246925


Kami daripada _________________________________________ membantah tindakan pihak polis IPD Johor Bahru Selatan yang menahan dan seterusnya lokapkan 2 orang aktivis dari Suara Rakyat Malaysia secara haram dengan alasan menyertai perhimpunan haram dan mempunyai bahan hasutan.

Dua orang yang ditangkap secara haram tersebut adalah Nyam Kee Han dan See Siew Min. Mereka cuma menunjukan keprihatinan mereka terhadap keadaan keselamatan sosial di Negeri Johor khasnya Daerah Johor Bahru yang semakin teruk dan mengancam keamanan masyarakat.

Apa rasionalnya pihak polis menahan orang yang prihatin terhadap keselamatan dan keamanan masyarakat sedangkan begitu banyak kes jenayah yang tidak diselesaikan oleh pihak polis dengan alasan tidak cukup anggota polis.

Oleh yang demikian, kami mendesak semua yang ditahan dibebaskan dengan serta-merta dan tanpa syarat.

Yang Benar,


For details please call Moon Hui 012 7209981

Saturday 16 June 2007


大马人民之声(新山支会) 2007年 06 月15 日文告


本月12日新山努沙再也镇发生 4匪追撞抢劫一对男女,并砍伤男受害者与轮奸女受害者的暴行。数年来,这段马新第二通道的必经之路发生过多起抢劫和伤人案件,威胁每天出入新加坡工作的我国公民的人身安全。即使警方频频接获投报,这个恶劣的状况一直没有改善。新山市民没有看到警方采取相应的行动,例如加强侦查和巡逻以预防犯罪。令人更为震惊的是,受害者的亲人向警方巡逻车求救,警员却对市民的安危和罪行的发生无动于衷,随即扬长而去。

另外,今年四月 22日,新山士古来花园居民林云花因抵抗破门行窃匪徒而遭杀害。士古来民政党州议员张国智更质疑自己执政阵线所管辖的警察部队,所提呈的犯罪率下降数据。


捍卫治安和打击罪行是警察的天职,在国境内享受安全的社会环境是国民的基本人权,这起事件曝露了警方的束手无策和严重失责。人民之声呼吁国内安全部长阿都拉和全国总警长慕沙哈山即刻着手解决新山区,乃至全国猖獗的犯罪活动。同时制定打击犯罪大蓝图和设定主要绩效指标 (KPI),以及定期评估该指标和警队效率。

慕沙哈山必须马上调查该起事件失责的巡逻警员,并对涉及者采取严厉纪律行动,以挽回民众对警队的信心。这次的失责,是现今警队低效率、缺乏能力、缺乏责任感和涉及贪污的最好缩影,要彻底解决国内安全问题,改革警队已经是刻不容缓的任务。我们呼吁国内安全部致力贯彻2005年皇家调查委员会深入调查后所列出的 125项建议,建立现代化、高效率及清廉的皇家警察部队,还社区一个安全的生活环境。

我们希望提醒首相阿都拉与总警长慕沙哈山,警察的滥权和贪污行为需要一个超然的权力机构来调查和裁决,125项建议中的一条— 设立警察违例行为投诉独立委员会( IPCMC )的用意就是为此。总检察署已经耗用许多时间在研究该委员会,我们希望首相、总警长和总检察署迅速做出决定,成立警察违例行为投诉独立委员会,取缔警队中的害群之马,洗脱警队一直蒙受的污名。


Tuesday 12 June 2007






Monday 11 June 2007







首当其冲的公共医院,让我们看到的现实情况却是,贫苦百姓(非公务员)的候诊期超长;医疗水准并没有提升,反而导致许多的专业医务人员被吸引到私人界服务。公共医院需要为3/4 的国人提供服务,却只剩下1/3的专业医务人员继续留在公共医院内任职。

同时,以盈利为导向的私立医院也如雨后春笋,从原本只有50余间私立医院,增加至2001 年散布在主要城市的224间。


人民之声呼吁所有的国人,关注我国日益朝向利益和私营化发展的医疗设施服务。同时,我们也希望各地的公民社会团体,针对此课题进行公开的讨论,并签署一份由马来西亚消费人协会、反对医疗私营化联盟以及马来亚大学普通职员职工会,于2007 年3月25日联合举办的一场"医疗保健基金研讨会"的8项会议议决。

在此,我们附上2007年3月25 日"医疗保健基金研讨会"会议议决,供大家参考。任何建议或疑问,请联络人民之声执行秘书(郑文辉)07-5581098,妇女发展中心(WDC)wdc@streamyx.com ,或反对医疗私营化联盟秘书(Jeyakumar Devaraj医生)019-5616807。

Suaram cordially invites you to 50:44 Anniversary of Merdeka & Commemoration of May 13th Tragedy Book Launch

“May 13 - Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969”

by Dr. Kua Kia Soong

“the first credible account of the May 13, 1969 racial riots in Malaysia based on documents recently declassified at the Public Records Office in London


Public Forum

“Revisiting May 13 Tragedy: Race Relations and National Unity After Independence


Dr. Syed Husin Ali, Dr. S Nagarajan, Dr. Kua Kia Soong

Date: 13 May 2007, Sunday

Time: 10.00am – 1.00pm

Place: Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur

Free admission to the book launch and the public forum. The public forum will be conducted in Bahasa Malaysia and English. For more information, please kindly contact Suaram, Ms. Enalini Dewi Ellumalai at telephone: +60 3 77843525 or email: suaram@suaram.net.


updated:2007-05-02 07:00:52 MYT

























通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)