


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

 photo mahathir_PRU14_1.png


 photo the-new-phase-of-democratic-reform-reject-state-islamization.jpg

马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Friday 30 September 2016

United Front and GE 14

United Front and GE 14

S. Arutchelvan

Arutchelvan (picture above) presented his speech entitled "United Front Theory and GE 14" in "Differentiate between enemy and ally, bury UMNO hegemony" forum organised by Sahabat Rakyat held on 25 Sep 2016 in commemmoration of the 15th anniversary of Sahabat Rakyat at Crystal Crown Hotel, Johor Bahru. 

[Editor's Note]: The following is the video record of Arutchelvan's speech in the forum. The organiser requested all panel speakers including Arutchelvan to submit paper prior to the forum so that their views can be fully elaborated for readers to have a precise understanding. In the absence of paper from Arutchelvan, we can only upload the video record of Arutchelvan in the forum to our blog to allow readers to gain some basic understanding on the contents he presented. To ensure readers understand Arutchelvan's views correctly, we anticipate that he will furnish us with his paper within a reasonable time frame i.e. one to two weeks after and we will upload his paper to our blog.

Arutchelvan's Speech Part 1:

Arutchelvan's Speech Part 2:

Sunday 25 September 2016

人民之友成立15周年纪念论坛 — 主席团献词(10点40分更新:主图)







更难得的是,人民之友工委会自2013年在迫不得已的情况下离开了大马人民之声(Suara Rakyat Malaysia,简称SUARAM)并没有因此而倒下,而且还毅然决然撑起了人民之友(Sahabat Rakyat)的旗帜,在人力财力单薄的情况下还继续坚持推动马来西亚的民主改革运动。由于我们再也没有接受任何的津贴或资助,每次活动费用都由参与者自愿献捐或征求热心者赞助,我们感激大家一路来的支持,也希望大家往后一如既往的支持我们。



Dimanakah harapan Pakatan Harapan? (Kemaskini pada 27 Sep: Pautan dan gambar)

 Dimanakah harapan Pakatan Harapan?

Penulis: Chow Yu Hui
Ketua Editor The Rocket; ADUN DAP Bilut, Pahang

Penterjemah: See Siew Min
Artikel Bahasa Melayu ini merupakan penterjemahan daripada teks asal Bahasa Cina yang dihantar sebagai teks ucapan penulis dalam Forum “Membezakan Sekutu dan Musuh Perjuangan, Menguburkan Hegemoni Umno” sempena ulang tahun ke-15 Sahabat Rakyat yang diadakan pada 25 September 2016 di Crsytal Crown Hotel, Johor Bahru. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan antara versi Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Cina, versi Bahasa Cina adalah muktamad.

Dalam Pilihanraya Umum yang lalu (PRU ke-13), biarpun Pakatan Rakyat (PR) berjaya meraih 52% undi, PR masih tidak dapat menawan Putrajaya disebabkan pilihanraya yang tidak bersih, dan persempadanan kawasan undian yang tidak adil. Sehari selepas pilihanraya, Najib berhujah tentang “Tsunami Cina” atas keputusan pilihanraya. Pemimpin-pemimpin PR segera membalas bahawa ia sebenarnya “Tsunami Bandar”, namun selepas itu ketiga-tiga anggota Parti PR mula terpedaya, dengan beransur-ansur bersetuju sepakat bahawa kegagalan menarik undi Melayu yang cukup merupakan faktor utama kegagalan PRU ke-13. Bahkan mereka mengharap-harapkan berlakunya “Tsunami Melayu” apabila sokongan rakyat terhadap Najib merosot. Pemikiran tersebut telah menafikan sendiri balasan PR terhadap hujah Najib. Sebenarnya PR telah menyetujui dalam hati bahawasanya “Tsunami Cina” telah berlaku semasa PRU ke-13. 

Maka, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) pun berpendapat bahawa meraka kehilangan undi Melayu kerana berada dalam Pakatan Rakyat; Demi mendapat kembali pengiktirafan bahawa mereka adalah pejuang tulen Islam, PAS telah menonjolkan Hukum Hudud dan memutuskan sendiri hubungan dengan perjuangan PR; Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) berpendapat Parti Tindakan Demokratik Malaysia (DAP) telah berkembang terlalu kuat sehingga menakut-nakutkan undi Melayu; DAP pula mula berasa parti ini tidak dapat mewakili keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia.

Oleh sebab Chow Yu Hui telah mengaturkan program lain
pada hari tersebut, maka beliau tidak dapat hadir untuk
berucap. Jawatankuasa forum telah melantik Choo Shinn
Chean untuk membacakan makalah beliau (dalam Bahasa
Cina) dan merumuskan dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Parti-parti pembangkang seiras langkah menetapkan ‘memenangi undi Melayu’ sebagai garis umum dalam PRU akan datang. Mereka beranggapan bahawa mereka sudah semestinya boleh menawan Putrajaya seandainya memperoleh sokongan undi Melayu. Maka dalam beberapa tahun kebelangkangan ini, misi utama mereka adalah menenteramkan “kegelisahan Melayu”, dengan sedaya updaya mengelakkan isu-isu sensitif masyarakat Melayu seperti kaum dan agama, walhasil bermacam-macam sandiwara, antaranya:

Demi memenangi undi Melayu, PKR sanggup memeluk PAS yang telah memungkiri prinsip, mengkhianati rakan sekutuannya dan bermain mata dengan UMNO. Biarpun PAS berkeras-kepala mewujudkan pertandingan tiga penjuru dalam pilihanraya kecil Sungai Besar dan Kuala Kangsar, PKR tetap memilih untuk bertoleransi dengan PAS di Selangor, mengizinkan PAS terus berada dalam Kerajaan Negeri Selangor. Ini telah menjadikan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor sebuah kerajaan yang ‘freak’ dan aneh, wahai Setiausaha Agung pula menyeru masyarakat bukan Melayu memahami rusuh resah masyarakat Melayu.

Demi memenangi undi Melayu, DAP sanggup mengenangi Tun Razak; membisu diri apabila kuasa-kuasa Diraja bercampur tangan dalam urusan kerajaan (sebagaimana juga PKR dan AMANAH). Apabila berdepan dengan isu-isu hak istimewa Melayu dan hegemoni Islam, DAP tidak lagi mempertahankan pendirian di medan terdepan seperti dahulu.

Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH) yang baru ditubuhkan walaupun mewar-warkan ianya parti yang dibentuk oleh kelompok berfikiran progresif, namum masih tidak dapat menbebaskan diri daripada mitos ‘Kegelisahan Melayu’. Presidennya cuba menyakinkan rakyat bahawa adalah mustahil Malaysia akan diperintah oleh orang Cina. Disamping itu ahli-ahli akar umbi pula menyaran DAP supaya tidak meletakkan calon Melayu untuk bertanding dalam kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN), kerana mengkhuatiri tindakan ini akan memberi gambaran kepada masyarakat Melayu bahawa DAP berwawasan untuk memegang jawatan Menteri Besar, justeru itu menakut-nakuti undi Melayu.

Apa yang lebih tergamam lagi apabila ketiga-tiga parti Pakatan Harapan (PH) berganding bahu mengadakan sidang media pada 19 hb Januari ini, tak tersangka-sangka mereka menekankan lagi bahawa “Pakatan Harapan mengambil peduli dan akan menyelesaikan kegelisahan Melayu”. Mereka sekali lagi menatang keluar Dasar Bersama Pakatan Harapan, menjamin bahawa PH akan mempertahankan hak-hak etnik Melayu tetapi setakat menggunakan istilah “tidak akan mengabaikan” dan berharap boleh mudah membereskan etnik-etnik bukan Melayu lain.

Kabur-kabur harapan Pakatan Harapan

Apakah sebab satu pakatan politik yang mengaku hendak melangkaui politik kaum dan agama, satu pakatan alternatif (untuk memerintah) yang bercakap gah bahawa mereka lebih maju dan berfikiran lebih progresif berbanding dengan BN, begitu asyik dengan kegelisahan satu etnik, merasionalkan “Kegelisahan Melayu”, dan mengutamakan penyelesaian “Kegelisahan Melayu”? Adakah semua ini hanya disebabkan etnik Melayu merupakan majoriti pengundi piliharaya, maka pengundi Melayu semestinya menjadi sasaran perkhidmatan premier PH? Dimana titik ketinggian moral PH dalam meyakinkan orang bukan Muslim dan bukan Melayu bahawa selepas menawan kerajaan pusat, PH tidak akan bertindak sama seperti Barisan Nasional yang mengagung-agungkan Ketuanan Melayu?

Terlebih dahulu, PH semestinya dengan jelas menganalisa di mana “Kegelisahan Melayu”? Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa UMNO melalui agenda-agenda fitnah dan mencemarkan imej DAP melalui media perdana sejak lama dahulu, telah berjaya membentuk persepsi fobia tanpa sebab terhadap DAP dalam masyarakat Melayu, mereka senantiasa ingat DAP ingin merampas “Kuasa Politik” yang dimiliki Melayu. Maka kegelisahan di kalangan Melayu wujud apabila DAP dengan lantang menuntut hak-hak samarata untuk semua, sebagai contoh, mansuhkan ketidaksamarataan hak antara bumiputra dan bukan bumiputra, mansuhkan Dasar Ekonomi Baru, tuntut pembelaan samarata bagi sekolah berbilang aliran, menyeru agar kerajaan melaksanakan meritokrasi dalam pemilihan dan promosi bakat dalam semua bidang.

Kesemua tuntutan mengejar hak samarata semua etnik disasarkan tepat pada pemikiran “Ketuanan Melayu” di kalangan Melayu yang sekian lama ditanam oleh UMNO. Dalam PRU ke-13 Pakatan Rakyat tidak dapat melegakan rasa khuatir di kalangan Melayu tentang kehilangan kuasa politik, biarpun antara parti-parti PR terdiri daripada PKR dan PAS yang ahlinya majoriti Melayu.

Pendek kata, Pakatan Harapan (sebelum ini Pakatan Rakyat) sebagai pakatan alternatif yang bersiap sedia mengambil-alih kuasa memerintah, segala tuntutan progresif yang dipaparkan PH demi membentuk politik era baru Malaysia sebenarnya bercanggahan secara intrinsik dengan “Kegelisahan Melayu”. Nampaknya PH sekarang lebih cenderung dan meletakkan tugas menenangkan rusuh resah Melayu sebagai keutamaan, maka mereka seboleh-bolehnya mengelakkan diri daripada isu-isu yang melibatkan sentimen kaum dan agama supaya tidak terpijak periuk api dan diasak oleh UMNO sekaligus menyebabkan kehilangan lebih banyak lagi undi Melayu.

Persoalannya, betulkah dengan perbuatan sedemikian yang nampaknya pragmatik ini dapat menjamin sokongan undi Melayu? Pada hakikatnya selepas PRU 2008, selepas Pakatan Rakyat dibentuk, tiga parti komponen PR telah menandatangani perjanjian agar menghormati Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan, mengakui Islam sebagai agama rasmi Negara, dan menerima Peruntukan Hak Keistimewaan Bumiputra dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Akan tetapi PR masih kehilangan undi Melayu dalam PRU ke-13. Jikalau pakatan berangan-angan boleh mendapat undi dengan menenteramkan kegelisahan Melayu, ke tahap mana Pakatan Harapan harus berundur untuk memperoleh undi Melayu? Adakah PH perlu menyokong perlaksanaan Hukum Hudud? Atau terus mengisytiharkan bahawa tidak lagi memperjuangkan peluang bagi bukan Melayu untuk menyandang jawatan Menteri Besar di Negeri-negeri Melayu?

Bukan Melayu turut Gelisah

Seandainya PH betul-betul berjaya menawan Putrajaya dengan mengelakkan diri daripada tuntutan samarata untuk semua, tetapi hanya dengan menonjolkan isu-isu rasuah dan penyelewengan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN), maka barisan pimpinannya akan beranggapan kejayaan ini datang kerana PH berjaya menenteramkan kegelisahan Melayu. Maka kerajaan baru ini akan meneruskan polisi-polisi berat sebelah mengikut kaum dan agama yang digubah oleh kerajaan BN, supaya dapat mengekalkan pemerintahannya lebih daripada satu penggal. Seperti mana kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat/Harapan di negeri Selangor dan Pulau Pinang yang belum nampak lagi melaksanakan apa-apa polisi yang berkesan untuk memansuhkan dasar kuota diskaun bumiputra dalam pembelian hartanah, walaupun telah berjaya menawan pucuk pemerintahan negeri sejak tahun 2008.

Sungguhpun kerajaan PH sebenarnya berupaya membawa serba sedikit perubahan berasaskan kesamarataan, seperti memulihkan pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan, tetapi jika pada hari nanti masyarakat Melayu menyuara lagi kerisauan mereka akan kerajaan baru, khuatir bahawa pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan akan menyebabkan masyarakat Melayu kehilangan kuasa, atau Program Matrikulasi masih mesti memperuntukkan kuota 90% kepada bumiputra, maka boleh dijangka kerajaan baru akan berbelok ke kanan dengan serta-merta supaya mengambil hati dan menuruti selera kalangan masyarakat Melayu yang kononnya “dalam kegelisahan”.

Agenda menghitam-hitamkan imej Pakatan Harapan tidak akan terhenti selagi UMNO masih wujud. Apakah PH, sama ada memerintah atau tidak, mesti mengutamakan pertimbangan terhadap perasaan etnik Melayu, walaupun ia mungkin tidak selaras dengan nilai-nilai sejagat, walaupun ia mungkin memudaratkan masyarakat Malaysia yang majmuk? Kegelisahan Melayu bagaikan lautan yang tak tersampai tebingnya, PH harus berwaspada dalam membelainya, janganlah sampai mengikut jejak lama Barisan Nasional.

Pakatan Harapan perlu insaf bahawa walaupun masyarakat Melayu memang risau akan kehilangan kuasa politik, namum bukankah masyarakat bukan Melayu sebenarnya juga bimbang akan pertembungan kaum dan agama yang kian runcing? Dengan kerajaan yang malfungsi dalam pentadbiran, yang rancak rasuah dan penyelewengan, yang insitusi politik-ekonomiknya kian roboh, dan yang berleluasa ekstremisme kaum dan agama, selain daripada kelompok berkepentingan segera, siapakah rakyat yang akan merasakan tanah air kita ini aman damai dan masa depan penuh dengan harapan ceria?

Apabila kian ramai orang bukan Melayu kecewa lalu berhijrah keluar, kian ramai orang bukan Melayu terpaksa menyeberangi tambak johor untuk mencari rezeki, apakah kegelisahan orang bukan Melayu tidak memerlukan prihatin utama supaya diselesaikannya? Adakah disebabkan pengundi bukan Melayu telah memberi sokongan menyeluruh kepada Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU ke-13, maka Pakatan Harapan telah menganggap mudah dan ramalkan pengundi bukan Melayu sudah semestinya akan mengundi PH dalam PRU akan datang?

Membatasi pencorakan wawasan masa depan

Perbuatan PH dengan sengaja menekankan kegelisahan Melayu agar memancing undi telah membataskan ruang-ruang bagi PH mencorak wawasan masa depan. Perbuatan demikian dengan tidak langsung juga memanfaatkan UMNO, mengizikannya dengan melulu tanpa risau mempermainkan politik perkauman dan agama, kerana UMNO telah checkmate PH memandangkan PH terpaksa akur kepada undi Melayu, maka daya lawan balik PH memang terhad. Keadaan ini dapat dilihat dari kes Himpunan Baju Merah 916 dan kes rusuhan Plaza Low Yat. Sekarang pula Himpunan BERSIH berasa gelisah kerana peserta Cina melebihi Melayu dalam himpunan BERSIH 4, bagaikan himpunan kehilangan kebenarannya jikalau kekurangan penyertaan orang Melayu.

Pakatan Harapan seolah-olah terketar-ketar dalam menyiasat dan memaksa tanggungjawap si pesalah isu kaum dan agama, tidak berupaya langsung kerana UMNO telah berjaya membina suatu suasana ketakutan putih bahawa hegemoni Melayu/ Islam pantang dicabar. Pembangkang yang sepatutnya memainkan peranan membetulkan permasalahan ini pula tidak dapat merempuh situasi baru dan terikut-ikut langkah UMNO bagai buta kehilangan tongkat.

Pakatan Rakyat berjaya memperoleh sokongan 52% undi dalam PRU ke-13 sebab rakyat dapat menyaksikan azam PR, terasa kemungkinan adanya harapan bahawa pakatan politik ini memang bertekad mengusahakan kebahagiaan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. PR pada masa itu tidak pun melaung-laungkan ingin menyelesaikan “Kegelisahan Melayu”, tetapi membebani tanggungjawab untuk mengusahakan Malaysia Baru. Kini Pakatan Harapan semacam langsung tidak menuju arah ini dan tidak menunjukkan ketegasan yang sedemikian.

Pakatan Harapan kini terperangkap dalam pusaran kaum dan agama yang diplot oleh UMNO. PH kelihatan kekurangan tekad melangkaui politik lama, mengangan-angankan undi orang bukan Melayu masih lagi kukuh bagaikan kubu, maka PH boleh berjaya menawan Putrajaya dengan menyambut hati masyarakat Melayu dan mententeramkan “kegelisahan” mereka. Ini bukannya taktik sementara tetapi tidak sedar diri, telah lupa bahawa tumbangkan BN hanyalah sarana tetapi matlamat muktamad sesuatu parti politik itu adalah untuk membangkitkan kesedaran politik rakyat jelata. Walaupun betapa dekatnya kita dengan kuasa pemerintahan, kita tetap tidak boleh menyongsangkan matlamat ini.

Pakatan Harapan merupakan harapan penyelamat terakhir Negara ini, ia tidak boleh menjadi Pakatan Mengecewakan. Dalam berdepan dengan hegemoni Melayu/ Islam yang dipermainkan oleh UMNO, PH perlu teguh memimpin dan mengharunginya,bukannya respon dan pertahan secara pasif; Bagi PH, bukan kegelisahan Melayu yang perlu diselesaikan tetapi kegelisahan seluruh raktyat; Bukan undi Melayu yang perlu diraih tetapi undi harapan daripada seluruh rakyat.

【Catatan pengarang: artikel ini merupakan lanjutan kepada petikan bertajuk "Pakatan Harapan perlukan undi harapan, bukan undi Melayu" yang telah diterbitkan sebelum ini, mohon maaf jika terdapat kekurangan dalam hujah dan pendapat.】

希望联盟,希望在哪里? (9月27日更新链接及照片)



Dimanakah harapan Pakatan Harapan?

本文是邹宇晖应邀在人民之友纪念成立15周年而举办的主 题为“认清斗争敌友,埋葬巫统霸权”论坛上发表的论文。作者申明,此文是以他本人发表于《当今大马》读者来函栏目上的《希望联盟需要的不是马来票,是希望之票》一文的基本观点来延伸阐述的见解。

[《人民之友》编者按语] 邹宇晖(左图)接受人民之友邀请作为“认清斗争敌友,埋葬巫统霸权”论坛主讲人,竟然发送了两篇论文给论坛筹委会,其一是《希望联盟,希望在哪里?》,其二是《谁是敌 谁是友?》。 


论坛筹委会理所当然尊重邹氏的选择和决定,并且相信邹氏做出这项选择和决定,一定有着他本身的考虑和理由。为此,论坛筹委会和邹氏双方同意,将其第二篇论文即《谁是敌 谁是友?》,另外同时张贴在《人民之友》部落格上供人阅览参考。 以下是邹氏的《希望联盟,希望在哪里?》的全文内容——






  • 公正党为了马来票抱住一个背叛原则、背后插刀和与巫统眉来眼去的伊党,即使在大港和江沙补选,伊党坚持打三角战,公正党也依然选择在雪州采取包容态度,让伊党留在雪州政府,让雪州政府成了一个怪胎政府,总秘书要求非马来社会谅解马来社会的焦虑。

  • 行动党可以为了马来票去缅怀敦拉萨、在面对皇权干政时保持沉默(公正党,诚信党一样),对于马来特权和伊斯兰霸权问题,行动党也不再像过去一样站在最前线反对,新成立的诚信党虽然标榜是开明派成立的政党,但依然无法逃出马来人不安的迷思,党主席去告诉国人,大马不可能由华人统治,然后基层要求行动党不要在州席置放马来候选人,只因为担心行动党置放马来候选人会让马来社群觉得行动党要做大臣,吓走马来选票。

  • 最让人乍舌的是,三党组成的希望联盟更在今年1月19日召开记者会,竟然特地去强调“希盟会正视和解决马来人不安”,然后再次举出希望联盟的协议内容,一再保证希盟会捍卫马来人权益,只用“不会忽略”来忽悠其他族群。














特意强调马来人不安以换取选票这种做法,限制了希盟对未来愿景的刻画空间,此举也间接助攻巫统,让它继续肆无忌惮玩弄种族宗教政治,因为巫统看死希盟始终要顾及马来选票,反抗力度有限,这可从916红衫军与刘蝶暴动事件可见一斑,现在就连净选盟大游行也因为Bersih 4时华人参与者多过马来人而感到不安,似乎少了马来人的集会就缺少了正当性。





[作者原注 :此文是此前发表的《希望联盟最需要的不是马来票,是希望之票》文章的延伸,意见论点未尽完善,还请见谅。]



作者:林德宜 (政策倡议中心董事)




巫统霸权基本上是从1957年由巫统开始跟马华组成政治联盟一直到后来的国民阵线,在国家议会(federal parliamentary)占有实质的垄断地位而形成的。我们可以从以下几个方面来理解——





  • 《1960年内部安全法令》
  • 这项预防性的扣留法令已被重复用来对付巫统政治对手、监控公众生活和民间社会。根据政府提供的数据,已有超过一万人在《内安法令》下被逮捕。

    如今《1960年内部安全法令》已废除了,而由另一项压制性略低却同样可憎的《2012年安全保护(特别措施)法令》(Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012)所取代。

  • 《1958年公共秩序(保护)法令》
  • 在《1958年公共秩序(保护)法令》下,相关部长有权对任何公共秩序受扰乱或威胁的地区宣布为“安全保护区域”(proclaimed area),为期可以长达一个月。在这项法令下,警方为了维持公共秩序可以行使广泛权力,这些权力包括封闭道路、设立栏栅、实施戒严、禁止或控制5人或5人以上人数的集合、会议或游行。

  • 《2012年和平集会法令》
  • 《2012年和平集会法令》规定公民只有遵循该法律下的限制条件,才可以组织及参与和平集会。在此法令下,我国公民可以组织和平集会,包括游行活动(见该法令第3条文下关于“集会”和“集会地点”的定义),必须在活动日10天前书面通知当地警方(见该法令第9(1)条文)。大规模的群众集会或游行组成的街头抗议活动是不被允许的(见该法令第4(1)(c)条文)。




  • 《2016 年国家安全理事会法令》
  • 在最新出台的《国家安全理事会法令》下,设立了一个国家安全理事会,由首相担任主席。这个国家安全理事会主席有权宣布特定地区为“保安区”。这项法令允许执法当局在没有搜查令及逮捕令的情况下,任意搜查、逮捕保安区内任何“正在犯罪者,或准备犯罪者,或被合理怀疑牵涉犯罪的任何人。


    据国际特赦组织东南亚及太平洋区部发表的文告称:“新法令赋予政府绝对权力,恐催生更多滥权行为。 (https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/08/malaysia-national-security-act-abusive-powers/)



    选举委员会是确保选举自由、公平、公正的关键。但他的独立性在1962年选举修正法令下终结了。林鸿海(译音,Lim Hong Hai)在其《Electoral Politics in Malaysia: ‘Managing’ Elections in a Plural Society》(见http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/01361005.pdf)一文中引述杰出的宪法专家H. E. Groves教授的说法:

    “很明显,以往的选举委员会是一个独立机构,他们的决定就成为法律,其委员享有永久任期,在新修订的选举法令下,选举委员会变成了一个咨询机构,其委员没有确定任期,薪资除外,一切取决于内阁的喜好。因此,划分选区和选民人数的决定权力已丧失。按照最早的宪法条文规定而成立的选举委员会,从其任期和地位上,是独立自主、公平廉洁的,而现行的宪法条文却把 选区划分的权力完全移到一个只有短暂任期的国会多数派(即当权集团)。当权集团为了赢得选举的政治利益,通过选区不公平的重新划分或调整选民人数, 城乡选区之间的选民人数悬殊,就是有力的证明。”


    • 维护”一人一票”原则,用以限制选区大小差异所带来的不公,及阻止选举霸权行为;将“比例代表”的元素(elements of Proportional Representation)纳入选举制度。
    • 贯彻”行政中立”原则,用以禁止执政党利用地方发展的保证以及公共服务设施和配备来助选及误导选民,藉此收买选票。
    • 保障各个政党在大众传播媒体上有自由和公平的途径。
    • 消除选举不公:通过整理选民册、废除国内邮寄选票、启用点墨制。


    选举委员会对巫统是多么的屈从,这点可以从其前任主席阿都拉昔(Abdul Rashid)在他于2014年加入马来右翼组织土权时公开宣称他能将在选举委员会任职时累积的经验的知识,在来届大选中用以维护马来人权益,并确保马来人继续享有统治级地位看得出来。 (http://www.tindakmalaysia.com/archive/index.php/t-7259.html)






    关于马来西亚选举制度的一个关键事实是,这选举制度旨在保护马来穆斯林权利,使其凌驾于其他族群及宗教团体之上,藉此保证主要的马来人政党巫统的优势。由于马来穆斯林只占总人口数的54%,而且并非每一马来人都支持国阵,他们唯有通过操纵选举系统来继续执政。此外,巫统霸权也在国阵中分别以华人和印度社群为主的两个小政党(指马华和印度国大党)支持下,持续被巩固。(Adam Carr, How They Stole the Malaysian Election)








    根据陶菲克•伊斯迈(Tawfik Ismail),他是在敦拉萨时代担任副首相的已故敦伊斯迈阿都拉曼的儿子,在接受《马来西亚局内人》的网站(今已关闭)的访谈中指出,“现今的巫统已经变成了一个在我国前所未有的赞助机器,马来民族主义只是作为表面镶饰罢了。” (https://dinmerican.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/umno-patronage-money-dispensing-machine-for-malay-elites/)

    他说:“即使在最底层,即支部的层面,支部主席很可能会被任命为村长的官职,妇女组的领袖会被委任为社会/乡区发展局的领导(乡区发展部之下的社区发展),而青年团领导也会被委任为国家干训局 (Civics Bureau) 的领导。如此系统继续保存,巫统将变得牢不可破。



    在一个以“钱者王也”(“cash is king”)为座右铭的首相的领导下,巫统的区部领导层主要由原来是商界人士或渴望成为商界人士的人所组成,而“金钱政治”就是他们提高自己的社会和经济地位的通行证;公共服务领域的高层几乎已经完全被马来人支配,拆除赞助机器,在现阶段几乎是不可能的事情,而这个任务是由一个全新、廉洁、改革的政府来承担,才有望完成。




    与此同时,我们应该站出来,呼吁除去或中和那些涉及散播种族及宗教不信任及敌对情绪的个人和机构,特别是来自统治圈内人和官僚,尤其是巫统高层和官方媒体,如《马来西亚前锋报》(Utusan Malaysia)和TV3。





    Overcoming UMNO' s Hegemonic Hold Over Malaysia (Updated link and photo on 27 Sep)

    Overcoming UMNO's Hegemonic Hold Over Malaysia

    This article is the full text written by Dr. Lim Teck Ghee specially for the forum in commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of Sahabat Rakyat entitled “Differentiate between ally and enemy, bury UMNO hegemony” held at Crystal Crown Hotel, JB on 25 September 2016.

          Lim Teck Ghee
    Malaysians are waking up to the fact that UMNO's hegemonic hold over power – now reinforced by the passing of the National Security Council Act which further concentrates power in the hands of the Prime Minister – effectively the president of UMNO – has been detrimental to our democratic system. It has also had adverse impact on the multi-racial and multi-religious character of our country and held back our socio-economic development.

    Before the rakyat can break UMNO's hegemonic grip over the country, it is important to understand how and why this has come about.

    Basically UMNO's hegemony, and with it a virtual monopoly of power at the federal parliamentary level through the Barisan Nasional coalition which it dominates since 1957 – comes from diverse sources.

    These sources include:

    1.Use of Authoritarian Legislation

    Dr Lim Teck Ghee was unable to attend the forum and deliver
    the speech due to unfit physical condition. The forum
    committee appointed Ang Pei Shan to read out his paper
    (in English), and outlined the main points in Chinese.
    Our constitutional rights include the right to personal freedom, freedom of thought, conscience and religion; freedom of peaceful assembly; freedom of expression and information; freedom of association; and equality before the law without discrimination.

    Various articles of the Federal constitution provide a sound basis for these basic freedoms and liberties. However, these provisions have been considerably weakened especially by emergency and anti-democratic laws, including the latest National Security Act, (NSA) enacted purportedly to deal with new security threats. Many of these laws go back a long time and partially explain why efforts by the opposition party and other dissidents have been beaten back. The repressive laws include:

    • Internal Security Act 1960.
    This preventive detention law has been repeatedly used against political opponents of UMNO and to control public life and civil society. More than 10,000 people have been arrested under the ISA according to government figures.

    Since then repealed, its has now been replaced by the less repressive but equally odious Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012.

    • Public Order (Preservation) Act 1958.
    Under the Public Order (Preservation) Act 1958, the relevant Minister may temporarily declare any area where public order is seriously disturbed or threatened to be a "proclaimed area" for a period of up to one month. The Police has extensive powers under the Act to maintain public order in proclaimed areas. These include the power to close roads, erect barriers, impose curfews, and to prohibit or regulate processions, meetings or assemblies of five persons or more.

    • Peaceful Assembly Act 2012
    The Peaceful Assembly Act gives citizens limited right to organise and participate in peaceful assemblies subject to the restrictions under the Act. Under the law, citizens are allowed to hold assemblies, which includes processions (see the definition of "assembly" and "place of assembly" in section 3 of the Act), upon giving 10 days notice to the police (section 9(1) of the Act). Street protests, which consist of "mass" marches or rallies, are not permitted (See section 4(1)(c) of the Act).

    Both POPPA and PAA have been used to control the freedom of assembly in favour of UMNO and its support groups such as the Red Shirts who are generally left undisturbed in their protest assemblies while discriminating against assemblies or rallies organized by the opposition or what are seen by the government to be anti-BN elements.

    To curb UMNO's hegemony, it is necessary to rescind various constitutional amendments that have effectively abrogated other constitutionally protected fundamental freedoms and rights. Such action is necessary for the restoration of our democratic rights and freedoms and the breaking up of UMNO's and BN's hegemonic rule.

    There is also a need to make the government conform to international standards through the ratification of United Nation-related principles of human rights and basic freedoms such as the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Elimination of Torture, and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment and other similar covenants.

    • National Security Council Act 2016
    This latest authoritarian piece of legislation provides for the establishment of a the National Security Council, chaired by the Prime Minister, to declare "security zones". This will give authorities the right to search or arrest without warrant any individual “found committing, alleged to have committed, or reasonably suspected of having committed any offence under written laws in the security area

    Although the new law has not yet been invoked, critics within the country as well as human rights organizations outside such as Amnesty International fear that the new law empowers the Malaysian authorities to trample over human rights and act with impunity by providing the power to carry out warrantless arrests, search and seize property, and impose curfews at will.

    According to Amnesty International's Deputy Director for South East Asia and the Pacific, “With this new law, the government now has spurned checks and assumed potentially abusive powers” (https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/08/malaysia-national-security-act-abusive-powers/)

    2. Electoral Gerrymandering

    Leading political scientists have noted that in Malaysia, at both national and state levels, the manipulation of electoral boundaries; the great disparity of voter numbers among the constituencies, use of the governmental machinery in support of UMNO and BN candidates; the incidence of phantom, postal and absentee voters; and various other irregularities and unethical practices have debased the credibility and legitimacy of the electoral process. These handicaps against the opposition have also strengthened UMNO's and BN's hegemonic power by distorting electoral outcomes.

    The Electoral Commission is the key stake player in ensuring free and fair elections. The beginning of the end of the Electoral Commission's independence took place in 1962 with the Constitution (Amendment) Act. According to a leading constitutional law, Profesor H. E. Groves, cited by Lim Hong Hai in his article, Electoral Politics in Malaysia: ‘Managing’ Elections in a Plural Society (see http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/01361005.pdf)

    It is apparent that the new amendments as to elections converted a formerly independent Election Commission, whose decisions became law and whose members enjoyed permanent tenure, into an advisory body of men of no certain tenure whose terms of office, except for remuneration, are subject to the whims of parliament. The vital power of determining the size of constituencies as well as their boundaries is now taken from a Commission, which the constitution-makers had apparently wished, by tenure and status, to make independent and disinterested, and has been made completely political by giving this power to a transient majority of parliament, whose temptations to gerrymander districts and manipulate the varying numerical possibilities between “rural” and “urban” constituencies for political advantage is manifest.

    To ensure that the electoral system is fair, the following reforms need to be undertaken:

    • Uphold the principle of “one person one vote”, by restricting the disparity in constituency sizes and prohibiting gerrymandering; and introducing the elements of Proportional Representation (PR) into the electoral system.

    • Adherence to the principle of administrative neutrality, by barring ruling parties from buying votes through development pledges and misusing public service facilities and apparatus for electioneering purposes.

    • Ensuring free and fair access to mass media by all parties.

    • Elimination of polling irregularities by cleaning up the electoral roll, abolishing domestic postal voting and employing indelible ink.

    Finally, to protect the integrity of the electoral system and process, the 1962 amendment to the Constitution which abrogated the Electoral Commission’s right to enforce fair delineation of constituencies should be repealed. At the same time, the Electoral Commission should be granted full power to enforce its decision and should be made free from any form of political pressure or influence.

    It is symptomatic of how subservient the EC is to UMNO when its previous Chairman is able to openly assert that his experience and knowledge in the EC can help the majority race keep power on the occasion of his joining the Malay rights group Perkasa in 2014. According to Abdul Rashid, he needs to champion Malay rights and ensure they remain [dominant] in the scheme of things after the next general election (http://www.tindakmalaysia.com/archive/index.php/t-7259.html)

    3. Electoral Malapportionment at the National Level

    At the last GE, BN polled 5,237,699 votes, or 47.4% of the vote. The opposition PR polled 5,623,984 votes, or 50.9% of the vote. However, the BN won the election with 133 seats against the opposition's 89. The PR increased their vote by 2.9%, while the BN vote fell by 3.9%, yet the PR made a net gain of only 7 seats. This outcome did not happen by accident but by deliberate design and manipulation.

    Firstly, Sabah and Sarawak have become UMNO's fixed deposit states with a greatly disproportionate number of seats allocated to them compared to the West Malaysian states. According to a recent study, they have 22 more seats than their proportion of enrolled voters entitles them to. The opposition must win over the two states to break UMNO's power hegemony over the entire country.

    Secondly, UMNO's and BN’s strength lies in the rural states of West Malaysia, and in Sabah and Sarawak. To protect this, UMNO and its partners in Sabah and Sarawak will always put the urban and non-Malay vote on the sacrificial table.

    According to the author of a recent study on how UMNO/BN has been able to win the last GE:

    The key fact about the Malaysian electoral system is that it is designed to preserve the power of the Malay Muslim population over all other racial and religious groups, and within that population, to ensure the dominance of the main Malay party, UMNO. Since only 54% of the population are Malay Muslims, and since not all of them vote for UMNO, this requires rigging the electoral system to ensure UMNO’s continued dominance. UMNO supremacy is also safeguarded by an alliance with small parties representing the Chinese and Indian communities (MCA and MIC respectively) in the National Front (BN) coalition. (Adam Carr, How They Stole the Malaysian Election)

    4. Elimination of Local Government Elections

    Local government forms the underpinning of democratic values and public accountability at the grassroots. On March 2, 1965, local government elections in the nation were suspended with the promise of its restoration “the very moment peace is declared and the emergency regulations are withdrawn”. This promise has yet to be honored. Today, the need for reform to the present unelected form of local government is urgent in the wake of the systemic wastage, mismanagement and corruption found in many local councils where UMNO and its BN allies wield power.

    The reintroduction of local elections, which can be done by either the Federal Government or individual state governments under Article 113(4) of the Federal Constitution can help fragment and reduce UMNO and BN hegemony though it may not completely overcome this power concentration.

    5. UMNO's Corruption and Patronage Machine

    One of the key sources as well as outcomes of UMNO's hegemonic rule has been the cancerous growth of corruption and patronage which have come with the party's growing tentacles in the business world and civil service sector.

    In fact, the twin scandals of 1MDB and the massive donation in the Prime Minister's personal bank account presently in the news are the latest in a long line of power abuses which have cost the taxpayer billions of ringgit while lining the pockets of UMNO's leaders and their cronies. Various mega projects such as the commission for Scorpene submarine purchase, Eurocopter deal, the National Palace project, and others together with the cost of bailing out GLCs, starting with Bank Bumiputra in 1970 and continuing with the bailing out of Proton and MAS have cost us hundreds of billion ringgit. These instances of mega financial disasters and associated questionable or corrupt practices go all the way back to the 1960's. They are continuing today.

    The other side of the corruption and power abuse coin which has enriched the select elite in UMNO/BN and their proxies in the business world, civil service and other key strata of Malaysian society is the nation-wide patronage machine or gravy train which UMNO has come to represent. Through its control of the civil service countless material and non-material benefits have been doled out to UMNO's leaders and supporters at the grassroots.

    According to Tawfik Ismail, the son of the late Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman who served as deputy prime minister under Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, in an interview with the now shut down The Malaysian Insider, “Umno has now become an unparalleled patronage machine that has Malay nationalism as a veneer" (https://dinmerican.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/umno-patronage-money-dispensing-machine-for-malay-elites/)

    In his words, “Even at the lowest level: the branch, the branch head will more likely than not, be appointed to the government position of ketua kampung (village head). The head of the Women wing will be appointed the head of Kemas (Community Development under the Ministry of Rural Development), the Youth head will be appointed the head of the Biro Tatanegara (Civics Bureau).

    If this system is sustained, Umno becomes impregnable.”

    Tawfik also noted that "Umno and the government have become so fused together, it is impossible to see where the party's responsibilities end and the government's function begins."

    How to dismantle this huge patronage machine and ensure that our civil service is neutral, serves all Malaysians fairly, and is above politics is probably the biggest obstacle to breaking UMNO's hegemony.

    With a Prime Minister whose motto is “cash is king”; the current makeup of UMNO's leadership where the division heads are primarily businessmen or aspiring businessmen, and money politics is the passport to upward mobility; and a civil service in which the top strata is almost entirely dominated by Malays, dismantling of the patronage machine is an impossibility unless it is undertaken by a new clean and reformist government.

    Conclusion: Taking the fight to UMNO

    The only way to break down UMNO's hegemonic hold over the country – which has extended beyond the political sphere to cover all aspects of culture, economy and society – is to fight it everywhere where it is found – and not only in the key sources identified above, and in the voting booth during election time.

    Minimum proactive actions include those specific reforms outlined above.

    At the same time we should speak out and call for the removal or neutralizing of those institutions and individuals guilty of sowing and escalating racial and religious distrust and antagonism, in particular that emanating from the ruling circles and the bureaucracy, especially from UMNO ranks and the official print and electronic media, particularly Utusan Malaysia and TV3.

    Such sentiments are clearly being propagated to brainwash the rakyat and strengthen UMNO's hold over the Malay masses so that it can continue in power indefinitely.

    Leaders of the other Barisan Nasional component parties who have been silent, indifferent or impotent towards UMNO's hegemony and the escalation of the hate politics of race and religion must find their voices and put pressure on UMNO from within BN. Other key stake players such as PAS and Malay Muslim NGOs must be more active in influencing Islamic elements towards more progressive positions that can counter the hegemonic policies and politics of racial envy and hate propagated by UMNO.

    Failure to respond to UMNO's hegemony will see the country’s resources frittered away by the dominant BN party's leadership or hijacked by their cronies with political strings to UMNO and its partners. We could also see racial tensions and divisions escalate towards a breaking point, with the minorities very much on the defensive and the authorities unwilling to protect the minority. UMNO's hegemony has already led to hardened and polarized positions on all sides, setting the stage for instability and social strife.


    Thursday 22 September 2016

    谁是敌 谁是友?

    谁是敌 谁是友?


    [《人民之友》编者按语] 本文是作者邹宇晖(左图)应邀作为人民之友举办的主题为“认清斗争敌友,埋葬巫统霸权”论坛主讲人,在预定日期内,传送给论坛筹委会的两篇论文的其中之一。 











    何况,伊党已经摆明要推动伊刑法到底,假设与伊党谈判成功,选民将会质疑希望联盟胜选后是否会继续与伊党共组联合政府,届时又再次陷入另一个困局。 喜欢与否,只要伊党一天没有放弃伊刑法的坚持,继续跟巫统暗渡陈仓,伊党就是“敌”,不是“友”。因此,我们要为无法避免的三角战而做好准备。













    Monday 19 September 2016

    Oppose State Islamization is the Central Task of Democratic Reform in Our Country at Present

    Oppose State Islamization is the Central Task
    of Democratic Reform in Our Country at Present

    Author: Choo Shinn Chei

    The author of this article Choo Shinn Chei is one of the members of Presidium, Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee. This article was originally written in Chinese language and published on Sahabat Rakyat's blog on 12 September in Choo's personal capacity. In order to fill up the vacancy of a Mandarin speaking speaker in the forum in commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of Sahabat Rakyat entitled “Differentiate between ally and enemy, bury UMNO hegemony” held at Crystal Crown Hotel, JB on 25 September 2016, the forum organising committee arranged Choo Shinn Chei to present his basic view points in this article at the forum. The picture above was taken during Choo Shinn Chei's speech at the forum. 

    In the case of any discrepancy between the English rendition and the original Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
    UMNO-led BN hegemonic rule is the root cause of the miserable living conditions experienced by the petty bourgeoisie and working masses of various ethnic groups in our country. Hence UMNO hegemonic ruling clique is the main struggle target of the people of all ethnic groups. During the period 2008-2015, the political struggle for democratic reform against UMNO hegemony was led by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) comprised of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS). However, PR which claimed itself as the representative of people’s will against UMNO hegemonic rule did not adopt the demands of the struggle of the oppressed people, not to mention developed consensus of democratic reform agenda. At the end, PR split on the issues of Syariah Laws made use by the UMNO hegemony to divide the people of various ethnic groups.

    The political split and restructuring within the ruling clique and within the oppressed people of the country came to a turning point in 2016. The Mahathir and Muhyiddin represented UMNO interests group formed Parti Pribumi Bersatu after losing influence in the partial split occured within UMNO ruling clique. Mahathir seems to be the dominant figure in the struggle against BN since the release of “Citizens’ Declaration” until uniting the opposition parties to fight against BN in the coming General Election (GE).

    On the other hand, the struggle line of PAS was overturned ever since the pro-UMNO conservative faction led by Hadi Awang took full control over the party’s leadership. They gave up the idea of overthrowing UMNO hegemony, they are now keen on joining hands with UMNO hegemony to promote the state islamization agenda. Not long ago, PAS joined force with Parti Ikatan Bangsa Malaysia (Ikatan) to form Gagasan Sejahtera in preparation of the coming GE. In the past one year, Parti Amanah Negara (PAN), founded by the progressive faction of PAS formed a new coalition, Pakatan Harapan (PH) together with PKR and DAP. Some of the key leaders in PH attempt to fight against Najib by working with Mahathir after PH suffered defeats consecutively in the Sarawak state election and two by-elections of parliamentary seats in the peninsula.

    Regardless of how the situation evolves, the political split and restructuring during this period will yield symbolic results in the coming GE. NGOs should now learn the lessons based on the setbacks experienced in the previous phase of democratic reform especially from the split and disintegration of PR. NGOs have to demonstrate their independent and autonomous character, and recognize the meaning of state Islamization in the perspective of opposing UMNO hegemonic rule. Then NGOs will need to put forward the agenda of opposing state Islamization as a significant content of the current phase of democratic reform in our country in order to re-strengthen the force to fight against the UMNO hegemonic rule.

    State Islamization is an Important Ruling Strategy of the UMNO Hegemonic Rule

    The fact shows that state Malayisation has been promoted thoroughly by the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique till a Malay racist system has ultimately been established. Through the implementation of racist policies such as the FELDA projects and Bumiputra economic system, state Malayisation enables UMNO hegemonic ruling clique successfully divert the attention of the Malay middle and bottom class masses for a long period of time in order to hinder their political awareness and cheat for their blind supports. The racial conflict intimidation card is also played by the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique so that the oppressed ethnic communities including the Chinese and Indians whose ethnical rights are fully violated feel fearful and frightened whereas their community leaders abjectly surrender to the ruling clique. “Suqiu” incident of Chinese associations in 1999 is a typical example. State Malayisation has been the main means employed by UMNO hegemonic ruling clique to divide and rule the people of various ethnic groups since 1970s. It serves as an important component of their ruling strategy.

    As a response to the development of state industrialization in the 1980s, urbanization of the Malay society and improvement of the general education level, as well as the uprising of the Islamic Revivalism and the gradual expansion of PAS at the east coast, the state Malayisation agenda was pushed towards state Islamization rapidly by the Mahathir-led UMNO hegemonic ruling clique. Its significant meaning to the UMNO hegemonic rule to parade UMNO as a party that not only defends the Malay community, but also defends the Muslim community. In addition, UMNO masters the right to speak and govern about Islam via taking control over the regime.

    Mahathir solicited Anwar for the Islamization of government machinery which refers to but not limited to the implementation and development of Islamic values in the laws, finance and education sectors including the establishment of Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, Islamic stock index (debenture, unit trust, shares), International Islamic University, Islamic medical centre, upgrading the Islamic bureucracy and developed a foreign policy oriented to the Muslim world. Two autonomous jurisdiction systems, i.e. the secular and Islamic have been created. With the scope of the secular jurisdiction being continuously eroded by the state Islamization drive, the secular state nature of our country is under threat.

    On this basis, Najib launched the Malaysian Syariah Index in February 2015 so that the governance of the eight major areas namely law, politics, economy, education, culture, infrastructure, environment and social are in compliance with the Syariah requirements. He is keen in implementing the Islamic law in full. Besides, Najib has called for the supports from the ulamas in developing Islamic administration system and also in implementing the fair and equitable distribution of wealth.

    The implication of state Islamization in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society is the marginalization of all the non-Muslims. It is the manifestation of double oppression ethnically and religiously. Long years of state Islamization has resulted in the dissatisfaction of the non-Muslim communities. The Hindraf’s struggle to defend the interests and rights of the Hindu communities was one of the products of the dissatisfactions. In order to achieve the same effect of ruling strategy like the state Malayisation, the “religious conflict” intimidation card has been used by the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique. It was seen in the typical example of “Allah” wording controversy in 2014. UMNO hegemonic ruling clique’s attempt of suppressing the rights to freedom of beliefs and religions of the non-Muslims is to force the non-Muslim communities to accept the fact the Malaysia is an Islamic state and to succumb to the superior position of Islam among others in our country. It is the premeditation of the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique to divide the Muslims and non-Muslims from unity so that it can strengthen and prolong its rule.

    All in all, the state Islamization serves as an important strategy of the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique to consolidate its ruling position by dividing the people across ethnic groups. Its ruling position will get even consolidated with state Islamization policies that are more intense. To oppose the UMNO hegemonic rule, one has to oppose the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique from Islamizing the state and oppose every concrete policy of the state Islamization.

    Any political party or individual, who fights for the interests of people of all ethnicities, has to expose the plot of UMNO hegemonic clique to Islamize the state, and safeguard the rights of both Muslims and non-Muslims communities, so that the people of all ethnic groups would unite from divide to form an unbreakable strong force to complete the task of burying UMNO hegemonic rule. We have reason to believe that any political party or individual, who claims to oppose UMNO hegemonic rule, but does not oppose state Islamization or even supports it, actually does not genuinely want to bury UMNO hegemonic rule. They just want to take over the throne from the UMNO leaders then continue the ruling strategies of enslaving and oppressing the people.

    Opposing State Islamization is Not Anti-Islam

    The main content of opposing state Islamization in our country is opposing the laws and policies implemented by the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique whose guiding ideology is to materialize Islamic doctrine that will affect all aspects and levels of the daily lives of non-Muslims. In other words, the state Islamization is a forced assimilation process of the government using Islamic doctrine against the non-Muslim people. Its main feature is the government acts on behalf of the will of the Islamic doctrine to impose the religious doctrine forcefully on the people of all ethnicities and beliefs of the entire nation with an ultimate goal to establish an Islamic state. On the other hand, anti-Islam means the denial of the existence of Islamic religion in Malaysia and the right of anyone to believe in Islam.

    A simple example of opposing state Islamization is disagreement of government in regulating the non-Muslims to wear according to the Islamic doctrine when entering the governmental offices. On the other hand, an example of anti-Islam is calling for the government to ban anyone from wearing according to the Islamic doctrine when entering the governmental offices.

    Obviously, oppose state Islamization is totally different from anti-Islam. One opposes state Islamization genuinely respects Islam as one of the religions being practiced by the people and wishes Islam as a religion that respects different beliefs and religions of others.

    Anti-Islam is a position to create religious strife and violate human rights. On the contrary, oppose state Islamization is a position to maintain religious harmony and uphold human rights. In the era of globalization, anti-Islam means deeming the whole Muslim world as enemy. This is an absurd and seriously undesirable attitude, and is absolutely no shelter in the Malaysia society with Muslims has all the while been the majority population. This is different from opposing state Islamization where one opposes state Islamization merely opposes its instigator, i.e. the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique and those main leaders of PAS who recently promotes Hudud law in Kelantan.

    This is especially relevant when a scholar, Farouk A. Peru described that the tendency of Islamofascism in form of systematic oppression is manifested politicially in Malaysia (Note 1). Although opposing Islamization began with initiative to safeguard the rights and interests of non-Muslim masses, its significance lies in the fight against the ruling UMNO hegemonic clique to prevent the rise of fascism and the country from headings towards religious totalitarianism. The Muslims’ rights remains intact in this struggle. In essence, oppose state Islamization is beneficial to all the people being ruled in Malaysia including the Muslims and non-Muslims.

    State Islamization which comes with dominant policy thinking only based on a particular religious doctrine, is clearly in violation of the reality that the Malaysian elected goverment shall represent the people of all ethnic groups and religions, and therefore will be opposed by the non-Muslim communities. The rationale of opposing state Islamization is in line with the proposotion of the Chinese and Indian communities in opposing the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique which only focuses on National School and discriminates SRJK(C) and SRJK(T). They oppose the government which diverts the resources from people of all ethnic groups but centralizes in the development and promotion of the Islam and the interests of its followers, while ignores even discriminates, oppresses the other beliefs and religions and their believers.

    Therefore, oppose state Islamization is essentially to defend the representation of the interests of the non-Muslim communities in the people-elected government, to safeguard the religious freedom rights of the non-Muslim masses, and maintain equal relationship of mutual respect among religions. This is definitely conducive to the long term harmony with one another in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society.

    The feature of state Islamization that vastly violates the principles of democracy and human rights spirit is, only a few priviledged individuals who are so-call proficient in Islam predominate the power of discourse in any policy throughout the process of policy making from the proposal to implementation, under the shield of religious doctrine. In the specific case where Hudud law is being pushed forward by PAS leaders in Kelantan, ordinary Muslims are regarded as ought-to-be-supporters whereas non-Muslims who are considered as non-fluent in Islam should not hold any dissent.

    Even if laws of state Islamization are enforced through the democratic process of parliamentary majority, these laws will be resolutely resisted by non-Muslims by all means. Individuals who truly defend the rights to freedom of religion, including Muslims will not agree and support these laws too. This is in view of the fact that society in Malaysia is made up of various ethnic communities and religions.

    NGOs should Promote Unity of All People to Oppose State Islamization

    At the current stage, all political parties and NGOs flaunting the banner of democratic reform should face the issues of state Islamization, the secular state status of Malaysia and demands of the oppressed ethnic communities for rights to freedom of religion squarely. The threat of the secular state’s character in the Federal Constitution being intentionally deteriorated is no longer a secret. UMNO hegemonic ruling clique will never stop the process of state Islamization in our country as long as it is beneficial for them to stay in power. For the non-Muslim community, state Islamization in our country has reached an extremely stern moment.

    Hudud law pushed forward by PAS leadership in Kelantan will be the first to constitutionally breach the secular state nature of our country. There have been some non-Muslim communities fighting to uphold the equality of rights to belief and religion respectively in the past. Hindraf struggle was one among them, which once yielded enormous political influence. Now more non-Muslim organized forces will be gradually mobilized to oppose the implementation of Hudud law.

    NGOs with the position of serving the people will realize that the moment has come to put forward the issue of state Islamization as an urgent agenda. The struggle to oppose state Islamization will serve the purpose of opposing UMNO hegemonic rule, as state Islamization serves for UMNO hegemonic rule.

    NGOs must treat each and every law and policy of state Islamization that infringe the rights and interests of non-Muslims specifically and fight for the legitimate rights of non-Muslims, with resolute stand in opposing state Islamization. This will bring about the rises of many mass struggles against state Islamization policies, in which will finally be united as a strong mass power against state Islamization.

    Mean while, NGOs must explain the essense of state Islamization in the aspect of laws and policies and demands of the non-Muslim masses to Muslim masses, in order to strive for the understanding and support of Muslims. Even though the Muslim masses are temporarily hoodwinked, with the worsening of UMNO hegemonic ruling’s corruptness, they will soon realize that UMNO hegemonic ruling clique is the main struggle target of the people of all ethnic groups in our country.

    NGOs must emphasize that opposing state Islamization is not anti-Islam but opposing the UMNO hegemonic rule. Thus, a united front will be gradually formed by people of all ethnic groups and religions opposing state Islamization. This united front will launch a powerful struggle against UMNO hegemonic ruling clique.

    The internal contradiction of UMNO ruling clique was gravely intensified when the anger to spurn UMNO hegemonic rule was roared by people of all ethnic groups in our country in the past two general elections. Najib, who has fallen into dire straits due to continuous economic downturn and various scandals swirling around him, will make full use of the ruling strategies, namely the state Malayisation, state Islamization, guise of parliamentary democracy and fascist repression to extricate all kinds of internal unrest and external invasion.

    With the notable cooperation of PAS leadership, UMNO hegemonic ruling clique will undoubtedly push forward state Islamization more comprehensively. It can be foreseen that more non-Muslim masses will join in to oppose state Islamization. On 26 May 2016, instigated by UMNO ministers and MPs, the Parliament gave greenlight to PAS president Hadi Awang to table his Private Member’s Bill motion aimed at convoying the implementation of Hudud law in Kelantan for debate. It was later asked by Hadi for the Bill to be deferred to the next parliamentary meeting in October. Again, it was inevitable for all democratic political parties and NGOs to face the question of whether to support state Islamization.

    The Functions of Independence and Autonomy of NGOs in the Current Phase of Democratic Reform

    The current phase of democratic reform in our country should adhere to the demands of people of all ethnic groups and religions instead of repeating the same mistakes and not learning the lessons from history. In face of the UMNO hegemonic ruling clique that carry out state Islamization as their main ruling strategy, the main demand of struggle of the oppressed masses, especially non-Muslims, is opposing state Islamization. Therefore, leaders of the democratic reform movement must look upon opposing state Islamization as the main content of democratic reform at present.

    We hope that DAP carry on their role to represent urban petty bourgeoisie and working class masses, and to continue the fighting spirit of late Karpal Singh to unequivocally oppose Malaysia to become an Islamic state and resolutely oppose state Islamization. We look forward to PKR and PAN with Malays-based masses to face the reality where rights of the non-Muslim masses are being violated by state Islamization squarely. We look forward for their support in the struggle of the people of all ethnic groups to oppose state Islamization, demand for ethnic equality and rights to religion to serve the struggle against UMNO hegemonic rule.

    The current phase of democratic reform must strive for wider support from people of all ethnic groups and religions to realize the objective of burying UMNO hegemonic rule. Three matters have to be addressed to achieve it:

    (1) All NGOs must demonstrate their independence and autonomous character to proactively put forward the demand of non-Muslim masses in opposing state Islamization as an important content of the struggle against UMNO hegemonic rule at present. Opposition parties (at the federal level) leaders must be urged to response. Finally, NGOs must strive to put forward the position to oppose state Islamization as the main content of democratic reform at present.

    (2) Leaders of the main oppostion parties should unite all other political parties that oppose UMNO hegemonic rule such as Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), as well as NGOs representing voices of different communities, particularly NGOs that struggle for basic rights of non-Muslim masses, including: Hindraf, who should not harbour any illusion about UMNO and continue to fight for rights of ethnic equality and rights to religion of the Hindu community; NGOs in Sabah and Sarawak that fight for rights to self-determination and rights to freedom of religion; Chinese education leading organizations such as Dong Zong that are not supposed to entertain any illusion about leaders of UMNO-BN and fight against policies that carry forward assimilation of mother-tongue education. Together we shall form a broad democratic united front with the aim of burying UMNO hegemonic rule.

    (3) Finally, we believe that as long as all political parties and NGOs respect each other on equal ground regardless of differences in strength and sincerely work together on the basis of seeking accord while containing differences and “everybody has a say”, the democratic united front will definitely grow in strength to realize the people’s aspirations to bury UMNO hegemonic rule.

    Note 1: The original quote is “In Malaysia, Islamic discourse is currently reflecting a tendency towards a singular truth. Moverover, this tendency manifests itself politically as systematic oppression. We term this strand within the Islamic tradition as ‘Islamofascism’. In Malaysia, perhaps the most overt example of Islamofascist tendencies is the restriction of the use of the word “Allah” by Christians. This word is deemed the sole property of Muslims and its use by non-Muslims is said to be corruptive to Muslims and may cause them confusion. Other examples of Islamofascist tendencies is the action by Islamic courts to legitimize the abduction of children by parents who had recently converted to Islam, that is converting after their marriage and starting their families with non-Muslim spouses. These policies reflect an attitude which supports a singularity of truth – that of an ultra-puritanical Sunni Islam.” Farouk A. Peru, “Understanding Religious Pluralism”, in “Breaking the Silence – Voices of Moderation: Islam in a Constitutional Democracy”, at pg. 175.

    通告 Notification


    人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



    [ 漫画新解 ]




    尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



    [ 漫画新解 ]

    注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

    [ 漫画新解 ]

    编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

    注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


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