


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

 photo mahathir_PRU14_1.png


 photo the-new-phase-of-democratic-reform-reject-state-islamization.jpg

马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Tuesday 31 October 2017














马来西亚已独立一甲子,追溯我国教育政策,《1957年教育法令》是马来西亚建国前夕通过之教育法令。它汇集了各族群之诉求,广具民意基础,为相对合理的教育方针。林连玉先生、董总、教总等民间代表、马华公会与巫统皆曾参与拟订《1957年教育法令》。为体现多彩多姿、共存共容的精神,为贯彻民族平等、民主自由,在尊重差异、维护人权、多元开放基础上,我们促请政府即刻恢复并落实《1957年教育法令》之精神。《1957年教育法令》第三条阐明 “联合邦的教育政策是建立一个为全体联合邦人民所接受的国民教育体系来满足他们的需求和促进他们的文化、社会、经济及政治发展,目的在于使马来语成为国语,同时也维护及扶持我国其他族群语文及文化发展。”



  1. 林连玉基金
  2. 马来西亚留华同学会
  3. 马来西亚留台校友会联合总会
  4. 马来西亚华校校友会联合会总会
  5. 独立大学有限公司
  6. 华社研究中心
  7. 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华大会堂
  8. 马六甲中华大会堂
  9. 森美兰中华大会堂
  10. 柔佛州中华总会
  11. 砂拉越华人社团联合总会
  12. 雪隆华校董联会
  13. 马六甲华校董联会
  14. 森美兰华校董事联合会
  15. 柔佛州华校董教联合会
  16. 吉兰丹华校董教联合会
  17. 新纪元大学学院校友会
  18. 雪隆尊孔学校校友会
  19. 坤成校友会
  20. 马来西亚永春美山林氏家族会

Sunday 29 October 2017

《东方网》专栏作者陈海德 妙喻希望联盟"饮鴆释前嫌"









希盟的铁粉和辩护者自然有说不尽的“道理”和“理由”来说服人们继续支持这个“不圣洁同盟”(unholy alliance),甚至不惜以侮辱和扣人黑帽,目的是要人们在下届大选支持希盟“改朝换代”、“告別腐败”。这些口號在上届大选听起来很动听且有强大號召力,但与老马合伙后却大打折扣,结果就像本月14日的「爱国锄盗」集会那般狼狈收场。




Saturday 28 October 2017

Joint statement by 77 concerned Malaysian NGOs: Mahathir brought calamity to the nation while being in power and should publicly apologise and earnestly repent 【Updated endorsed organisations list on 28 Oct 2017】

Mahathir brought calamity to the nation while being in power
and should publicly apologise and earnestly repent

Joint statement by 77 concerned Malaysian NGOs on the  
30th anniversary of Operation Lalang (full text), 28 October 2017

【Updated endorsed organisations list on 28 Oct 2017】

马哈迪当权时曾祸国殃民, 必须公开道歉并真诚忏悔

[Sahabat Rakyat Editor’s Note] Mahathir who had been the Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years all the while represents the Malay ruling class and the bureaucratic bourgeoisie in the country to carry out Malay racial and hegemonic rule on the people of all ethnic groups (certainly including Malay working class). He is the chief culprit who has left a ‘track record’ of bringing calamity to the nation. Mahathir and Najib are “jackals of the same lair”. Mahathir after stepping down, is still coveting the power and status to protect his vested interest. After he was crowded out of UMNO by Najib,  the leaders of “Pakatan Harapan (PH)” welcome him and trumpet him as the “Supreme Commander” of “overthrowing Najib, save Malaysia” to hype the people. 

Operation Lalang was carried out on 27 October 1987 when Mahathir was the Prime Minister cum Minister of Home Affairs. In order to lift the fierce challenge he faced in UMNO and to consolidate his political power over the country, he made use of the incident of the Chinese community fighting for the basic rights of mother-tongue education, and deliberately created the tension between Chinese and Malay ethnic groups. He gave lame excuses that the “government must maintain stability and harmony of the nation” and carried out a major crackdown on all the forces who potentially threatened his power and status.

There is a forum organised by PH in Penang this Saturday (28 October) and 4 NGOs in Kuala Lumpur are also jointly organising a forum this Sunday (29 October). Both forums are meant to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Operation Lalang, both are to allow the organisers and the speakers to express their own views about the historical event of Operation Lalang. According to the media reports, both forums invited Mahathir to deliver a speech, and surprisingly, Mahathir had turned down the invitation by the forum organiser in Penang.  Inferring from some signs, Mahathir will even not have the courage to participate in the forum in KL which will expose his shortcomings.

NGOs who are always being with the people, in facing the political situation above, have the responsibility to remind the people of all ethnic groups to be persistent in Opposing UMNO hegemonic rule! At the same time preventing the return to power of  Mahathir’s faction !

Below is the full text of the joint statement endorsed by 77 NGOs in Malaysia on 28 October 2017 pertaining to “Operation Lalang” which marked the historical incident of “bad thing that Mahathir had done”.

Thirty years have passed since the Mahathir government launched ‘Operation Lalang’, the arrest and detention without trial of more than 100 innocent Malaysians under the ISA and the continued detention of more than 30 of them for more than a year at Kamunting Detention Camp. Three newspapers were also closed down for at least 3 months.

The crackdown against dissidents at the end of 1987 was the precursor to the assault against the Malaysian Judiciary in 1988 when the Lord President and several other Supreme Court judges were sacked. Civil liberties were further eroded by new changes to the law. It is quite clear, therefore, that this so-called “Operation Lalang” was a signal for calculated repression and intimidation of the Malaysian people and to divert attention from the irresolvable problems confronting the ruling party. As a consequence of those actions by the Mahathir government, the Malaysian Judiciary has not recovered its independence up to the present day.

For all the lame excuse given by the Mahathir government for this abuse of democracy in the country, the crisis in 1987 was in fact the creation of the power struggle within UMNO. As the Tunku, our first prime minister put it:
“UMNO was facing a break-up. The Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s hold on the party appeared critical when election rigging was alleged to have given him a very narrow victory against Tengku Razaleigh. The case alleging irregularities brought by UMNO members was pending in court. If the judgement went against him he would have no choice but to step down. So he had to find a way out of his predicament. A national crisis had to be created to bring UMNO together as a united force to fight a common enemy – and the imaginary enemy in this case was the Chinese community…If there was indeed a security threat facing the country, why was action not taken much sooner?" (The Why? Papers by Suaram & K. Das, 1989)
According to a law professor and keen observer of Malaysian legal affairs:
“What Dr Mahathir has done in my view is to sacrifice, for the sake of a transitory, temporary and possibly illusory political advantage to himself and his supporters, the priceless asset of judicial independence... it is the Constitution, as the supreme law, entrusted to the judges, which is the best guarantee that the executive, once elected, will not act dictatorially.”
This view was echoed by the former Lord President Tun Mohammad Suffian Hashim and many more notable national and international figures.

Since 1987, the ruling coalition has continued to use detention without trial as a convenient tool against dissidents – PBS in the early nineties, Al Arqam, the Reformasi movement and more recently, Islamic groups. While the ISA has been rescinded since 2012, other laws allowing detention without trial have taken its place, ie. SOSMA, POCA and POTA.

Before and during Operation Lalang, affidavits have been produced to show that detainees were tortured and dehumanized. In the last thirty years, the cases of torture have not diminished and they include the highly publicized cases of Anwar Ibrahim, Munawar Anees and Malek Hussein. Contrary to claims by the ruling coalition, ISA detentions have been for punitive rather than preventive purposes.

Through the years, state endorsed torturers have been getting away with their actions, not unlike what has been happening at Guantanamo Bay. Until the Independent Police Complaints Commission is established as recommended by the Royal Commission, detainees will continue to be at the mercy of these torturers.

Thus, on this 30th anniversary of Operation Lalang,

1.  We call on all Malaysians who cherish justice, human rights and the rule of law to demand the end to detention without trial and to restore the rule of law in Malaysia. Freedom from arbitrary arrests and detention, coupled with the right to challenge it in a court of law are sacred civil liberties which Malaysians are entitled to 50 years after Independence. It is worth reminding Malaysians that the sixty days of solitary confinement allowed under the ISA and the removal of judges’ ability to make an objective appraisal of the ISA cases are more draconian than countries facing terrorist threats, for example Northern Ireland in the 70s; South Africa under Apartheid, or even the US and Britain today.

2. We demand a public apology and a sincere expression of remorse from the former Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad for depriving so many innocent Malaysians of their freedom and the torture they went through under Operation Lalang as well as the assault on the Malaysian Judiciary which has still not fully recovered since the Eighties. Mahathir owes an apology not only to all the victims of Operation Lalang but also to the former Lord President and the Supreme Court judges that he sacked in 1988 and to the Malaysian rakyat for all the financial scandals since the eighties that have cost the rakyat billions of ringgit! The leader of the Opposition called Mahathir’s privatisation of our national assets, “piratisation” to show the billions squandered by UMNO crony capitalists.

3. We would like to remind the public that even wartime detainees are afforded basic protections under the Geneva Convention, which condemns torture and inhuman treatment of detainees. The National Human Rights Commission, Suhakam has also concluded that “there appears to be sufficient evidence to justify a finding of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of some of the detainees.” We demand a thorough investigation into all allegations of torture under the ISA and for the torturers to be accountable for their actions.

Initiating organisations:
1. Civil Rights Committee of KLSCAH
2. Youth Section of KLSCAH
3. Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy
4. Suara Rakyat Malaysia, SUARAM

Endorsed organisations:
1) Academy of Tamil Studies 淡米尔研究学院
2) Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Aliran) 国民醒觉运动
3) Amateurs 业余者
4) Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (WargaAMAN) 马来西亚和平份子阵线
5) Association of Women Laywers 女性律师协会
6) Ban Cyanide in Gold Mining 抗山埃保家园
7) Baramkini 当今峇南
8) Centre For Malaysian Chinese Studies 华社研究中心
9) Community Development Centre (CDC) 社区发展中心
10) Damn the Dams Action Group 反对水坝组织
11) Dewan Perhimpunan China Melaka 马六甲中华大会堂
12) Diversity 异样
13) Federation of Malaysian Indian Organisations (PRIMA) 马来西亚印裔组织联合总会
14) Group of Concerned Citizens 关心公民组织
15) Himpunan Hijau 绿色盛会
16) In between cultura 之间文化实验室
17) Institute for Development of Alternative Living (IDEAL) 另类生活发展研究所
18) Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD) -
19) Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT) 被压迫人民大联盟
20) Johor Yellow Flame 柔南黄色行动小组
21) Kelas Pencerahan 启蒙课室
22) Kill The Bill 创意集会小组
23) Kita Forum -
24) KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Civil Rights Committee 隆雪华堂民权委员会
25) KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Youth 隆雪华堂青年团
26) Kuliah Buku -
27) Let's Art At Sawit Center 沙威文创社
28) LLG Cultural Development Centre 林连玉基金
29) Malaysia Youth & Student Democratic Movement (DEMA) 马来西亚青年与学生民主运动
30) Malaysian Indian Network Development Society (MINDS) -
31) Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS) 马来西亚印裔进步协会
32) Malaysian Indians Transformation Action Team (MITRA) 马来西亚印裔转型行动团队
33) Malaysian Youth Care Association (PRIHATIN) 马来西亚青年关怀协会
34) Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture (MADPET) 马来西亚反死刑与酷刑组织
35) Mama Bersih 净选盟妈妈
36) Melaka Chinese Assembly Hall Youth Section 马六甲中华大会堂青年团
37) Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation -
38) Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) 改变砂拉越运动
39) North South Initiative -
40) Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute 东方思想研究机构
41) Partners of Community Organisation in Sabah (PACOS) 沙巴社区伙伴信托组织
42) People Ideas Culture 人思文
43) Perak Civic Forum 霹雳公民论坛
44) Perak Young Graduate 霹雳大专青年社
45) Persahabatan Semparuthi Johor 柔佛大红花之友
46) Persatuan Alumni Bahasa Tionghua USM Bahagian Utara 北马理华同学会
47) Persatuan Alumni PBTUSM Selangor & KL 雪隆理华同学会
48) Persatuan Hainan Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan Youth Section 雪隆海南会馆青年团
49) Persatuan Komuniti Prihatin Selangor, KL dan Perak
50) Persatuan Kwangsi Selangor dan KL 雪隆广西会馆
51) Persatuan Pendidikan Du Zhong Pulau Pinang 槟洲独中教育基金会
52) Persatuan Persahabatan Berpanjangan Kuala Lumpur 雪隆老友联谊会
53) Persatuan Rapat Malaysia (RAPAT) 马来西亚紧密协会
54) Persatuan Wui Leng Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur 雪隆会宁公会青年团
55) Research for Social Advancement (REFSA) 义腾研究中心
56) Sahabat Rakyat 人民之友
57) Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia 马来西亚之子
58) Selangor and Federal Territory Kwong Siew Association 雪隆广肇会馆
59) Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Hokkien Association Youth Section 雪隆福建会馆青年团
60) Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) 大马青年团结阵线
61) Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) 人民之声
62) Sunflower Electoral Education Movement (SEED) 向日葵选举教育运动
63) Tenaganita 妇女力量
64) Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy 赵明福民主基金会
65) The Association of Graduates From Universities & Colleges of China, Malaysia 马来西亚留华同学会
66) The Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC) 原住民关怀中心
67) The Federation of Alumni Association of Taiwan Universities, Malaysia 马来西亚留台校友会联合总会
68) The Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Teo Chew Association 雪隆潮州会馆
69) The United Chinese School Committees' Association of Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 雪隆华校董事会联合会
70) The United Chinese School Teachers' Association of Malaysia 马来西亚华校教师会总会(教总)
71) Thinking Society 思辨会社
72) University of Malaya Association of New Youth (UMANY) 马大新青年
73) Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO)  妇女权益维护协会
74) Writer Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI) 维护媒体独立撰稿人联盟
75) Young Progressives of Malaysia -
76) Youth Era 势代青年
77) Youth for Change 动力青年

77民间组织联合声明:马哈迪当权时曾祸国殃民, 必须公开道歉并真诚忏悔 【10月28日更新:联署单位名单】




Mahathir brought calamity to the nation while being in power
and should publicly apologise and earnestly repent

【<人民之友>编者按语】 曾任马来西亚首相22年的马哈迪,从来就是一个代表国内马来统治阶级、官僚资产阶级对国内各民族被压迫人民(当然包括马来劳动人民)实施马来种族霸权主义统治,并且已经留下不可磨灭的祸国殃民记录的罪魁祸首。马哈迪与纳吉,原本就是“一丘之貉”,马哈迪下台后依然觊觎权位以维护其既得利益,他被纳吉挤出巫统之后,却有号称“希望联盟”的领袖们把他迎接过来并捧为“打到纳吉、拯救马来西亚”的“最高统帅“来糊弄人民。






马哈迪政府在1987 年10 月27 日展开“茅草行动” (Operation Lalang) 迄今30年了。在这项“茅草行动”下,超过100名无辜的国人在<内安法令>下遭受逮捕和无审讯扣留(60天),其中超过30人被继续关押在甘文丁扣留营超过一年。3家报章即英文<星报>、中文<星洲日报>及马来文<祖国日报>被令停刊逾三个月。


上述1987 年对持不同政见者的镇压行动,是马哈迪政府在1988 年恣意破坏我国司法体系、革除大法官及最高法院法官的前奏。此后,公民的自由权利因新法律的出台而进一步被侵蚀。因此,这项所谓的“茅草行动”,非常明显就是马哈迪政府为了转移国人对当权者的无法消除的愤懑以及进行对国人的威逼恐吓而预先计划的镇压行动的信号或标志。马哈迪政府采取上述的镇压行动之后,马来西亚司法机关的独立性遭到重创,至今尚未复原。

“当时巫统正在面临分裂。身为首相,马哈迪在党选中仅以微差险胜东姑拉沙里后,出现权力危机。巫统党员入禀法庭,要求宣判党选违法的官司悬而未决。如果判决对他不利,马哈迪无可选择只有下台。他必须设法摆脱如此窘境,因而制造一场国家的危机,以便他促使巫统全党力量联合起来,向着一个共同的敌人斗争,而这个想象中的敌人就是华人社会……如果国家真正遭遇安全威胁,为何不更早地采取行动呢?”(引自The Why? <为什么>,马来西亚人民之声、K.Das 合著,1989 年)

以上这项看法获得前大法官敦苏菲安(Tun Mohammad Suffian Hashim )和许多国内和国际著名人物的认同。


自1987 年起,国阵这个执政联盟就不断利用“无审讯扣留”作为方便的手段来对付持不同政见者,例如对付90年代的沙巴团结党(PBS)、阿尔甘教派(Al Arqam)、烈火莫熄运动( Reformasi movement),以及对付最近的伊斯兰团体(Islamic groups)。虽然<内安法令>已于 2012 年废除,但无审讯扣留的条款,仍然通过<2012 年安全罪行(特别措施)法令>(SOSMA)、<防范罪犯法令>(POCA)和<防范恐怖主义法令>(POTA)借尸还魂。

在“茅草行动”之前和期间,已有许多宣誓口供述显示,在<内安法令>下的被扣留者遭受拷问折磨和不人道的虐待。过去30年来,违反人道的案件并未减少,其中以安华(Anwar Ibrahim)、慕纳华•阿尼斯(Munawar Anees)和马力•胡申(Malek Hussein)案件最受矚目。早已发生的事实跟政府所宣称的正好相反,<内安法令>下的扣留,是以惩罚为目的,不是以防范为目的。



一、 我们呼吁所有追求正义、人权和法治的国人,要求废除“无审讯扣留”,恢复马来西亚的法治。免于恣意逮捕拘留,以及依法寻求正义,是国人在独立50年来应享有的不可侵犯的公民自由。必须提醒的是,<内安法令>允许60天单独监禁,无疑是剥夺法官对<内安法令>案件给予客观评估的能力,比起上世纪70年代的北爱尔兰、种族隔离政策下的南非,甚至比今日的美国和英国等受恐怖主义威胁的国家,更为严峻。
二、 我们要求前首相马哈迪一个公开道歉和真诚忏悔。马哈迪理应为他在“茅草行动”期间剥夺许多无辜国人的自由、用拷问虐待对付被扣留者,以及为他在80年代破坏司法制度而至今未能复原,作出公开道歉和真诚忏悔。马哈迪不仅应该向在“茅草行动”下的所有受害者(被扣留者及其家属),也应该向那些在1988年被他罢黜的最高法院院长和法官,还应该向全体国人为他在80年代丧失数十亿令吉人民血汗钱的金融丑闻,表示公开道歉和真诚忏悔!反对党领袖当时曾经指责马哈迪将国家资产私有化,“私有化”意味数十亿令吉的国家资产被巫统朋党资本家挥霍了。
三、 我们也提醒民众,即使战争时期的被扣留者,在<日内瓦公约>下也能获得基本保护。这项公约禁止对被扣留者施展酷刑和不人道对待。马来西亚人权委员会也曾经指出,“有足够证据证明某些被扣留者确实遭受残酷、不人道和卑鄙的对待”。为此,我们要求彻查所有在<内安法令>下遭受酷刑对待的指控,并要求相关人士对此负责。

1、隆雪华堂民权委员会(Civil Rights Committee of KLSCAH)
2、隆雪华堂青年团(Youth Section of KLSCAH)
3、赵明福民主基金会(Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy)
4、马来西亚人民之声(Suara Rakyat Malaysia, SUARAM)

1) Academy of Tamil Studies 淡米尔研究学院
2) Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Aliran) 国民醒觉运动
3) Amateurs 业余者
4) Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (WargaAMAN) 马来西亚和平份子阵线
5) Association of Women Laywers 女性律师协会
6) Ban Cyanide in Gold Mining 抗山埃保家园
7) Baramkini 当今峇南
8) Centre For Malaysian Chinese Studies 华社研究中心
9) Community Development Centre (CDC) 社区发展中心
10) Damn the Dams Action Group 反对水坝组织
11) Dewan Perhimpunan China Melaka 马六甲中华大会堂
12) Diversity 异样
13) Federation of Malaysian Indian Organisations (PRIMA) 马来西亚印裔组织联合总会
14) Group of Concerned Citizens 关心公民组织
15) Himpunan Hijau 绿色盛会
16) In between cultura 之间文化实验室
17) Institute for Development of Alternative Living (IDEAL) 另类生活发展研究所
18) Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD) -
19) Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT) 被压迫人民大联盟
20) Johor Yellow Flame 柔南黄色行动小组
21) Kelas Pencerahan 启蒙课室
22) Kill The Bill 创意集会小组
23) Kita Forum -
24) KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Civil Rights Committee 隆雪华堂民权委员会
25) KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Youth 隆雪华堂青年团
26) Kuliah Buku -
27) Let's Art At Sawit Center 沙威文创社
28) LLG Cultural Development Centre 林连玉基金
29) Malaysia Youth & Student Democratic Movement (DEMA) 马来西亚青年与学生民主运动
30) Malaysian Indian Network Development Society (MINDS) -
31) Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS) 马来西亚印裔进步协会
32) Malaysian Indians Transformation Action Team (MITRA) 马来西亚印裔转型行动团队
33) Malaysian Youth Care Association (PRIHATIN) 马来西亚青年关怀协会
34) Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture (MADPET) 马来西亚反死刑与酷刑组织
35) Mama Bersih 净选盟妈妈
36) Melaka Chinese Assembly Hall Youth Section 马六甲中华大会堂青年团
37) Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation -
38) Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) 改变砂拉越运动
39) North South Initiative -
40) Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute 东方思想研究机构
41) Partners of Community Organisation in Sabah (PACOS) 沙巴社区伙伴信托组织
42) People Ideas Culture 人思文
43) Perak Civic Forum 霹雳公民论坛
44) Perak Young Graduate 霹雳大专青年社
45) Persahabatan Semparuthi Johor 柔佛大红花之友
46) Persatuan Alumni Bahasa Tionghua USM Bahagian Utara 北马理华同学会
47) Persatuan Alumni PBTUSM Selangor & KL 雪隆理华同学会
48) Persatuan Hainan Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan Youth Section 雪隆海南会馆青年团
49) Persatuan Komuniti Prihatin Selangor, KL dan Perak
50) Persatuan Kwangsi Selangor dan KL 雪隆广西会馆
51) Persatuan Pendidikan Du Zhong Pulau Pinang 槟洲独中教育基金会
52) Persatuan Persahabatan Berpanjangan Kuala Lumpur 雪隆老友联谊会
53) Persatuan Rapat Malaysia (RAPAT) 马来西亚紧密协会
54) Persatuan Wui Leng Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur 雪隆会宁公会青年团
55) Research for Social Advancement (REFSA) 义腾研究中心
56) Sahabat Rakyat 人民之友
57) Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia 马来西亚之子
58) Selangor and Federal Territory Kwong Siew Association 雪隆广肇会馆
59) Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Hokkien Association Youth Section 雪隆福建会馆青年团
60) Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) 大马青年团结阵线
61) Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) 人民之声
62) Sunflower Electoral Education Movement (SEED) 向日葵选举教育运动
63) Tenaganita 妇女力量
64) Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy 赵明福民主基金会
65) The Association of Graduates From Universities & Colleges of China, Malaysia 马来西亚留华同学会
66) The Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC) 原住民关怀中心
67) The Federation of Alumni Association of Taiwan Universities, Malaysia 马来西亚留台校友会联合总会
68) The Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Teo Chew Association 雪隆潮州会馆
69) The United Chinese School Committees' Association of Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 雪隆华校董事会联合会
70) The United Chinese School Teachers' Association of Malaysia 马来西亚华校教师会总会(教总)
71) Thinking Society 思辨会社
72) University of Malaya Association of New Youth (UMANY) 马大新青年
73) Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO)  妇女权益维护协会
74) Writer Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI) 维护媒体独立撰稿人联盟
75) Young Progressives of Malaysia -
76) Youth Era 势代青年
77) Youth for Change 动力青年

Friday 27 October 2017

10所新华小命名 独缺"林连玉华小", 张哲敏呼吁补上,为林连玉冤案平反!

 10所新华小命名 独缺"林连玉华小", 


来源:《当今大马》malaysiakini.com/ news/399677

发表于 2017年10月27日11时55分  更新于同日下午1时5分



政府昨天(10月26日)宣布批准增建10间新华小,其中9间以杰出华人领袖命名,然而霹雳行动党宣传局主任张哲敏质疑独漏族魂林连玉,并建议雪州征阳镇(Sunsuria City)的征阳华小易名为林连玉华小。

张哲敏(左图)今天(10月27日)发表文告表示,政府应把新华小中唯一不是以华人领袖命名的征阳华小,易名为林连玉华小。 “让马来西亚的年轻一代记得林连玉当年号召华人争取公民权和为母语教育抗争与请命,才有华人和华文教育今天在马来西亚的地位。”







这10所新华小其中9所以华裔领袖命名,包括: ⑴郭鹤尧、⑵沈慕羽、⑶陈嘉庚、⑷敦李孝式、⑸敦林苍佑、⑹敦翁毓麟、⑺谢华、⑻李莱生、⑼朱运兴,唯一例外是征阳华小。




10所新建的华小中,有5所位于柔佛新山,即⑴茂奥斯丁(Mount Austin)的郭鹤尧华小、⑵避兰东东美丽丁(Meridin East)的沈慕羽华小、⑶列光镇的敦李孝式华小、⑷依斯干达公主城的陈嘉庚华小、⑸双威依斯干达的谢华华小。

其余5所则坐落在雪州,即⑴瓜雪斯里煤炭田镇(Bandar Seri Coalfields)的李莱生华小、⑵雪邦征阳城(Sunsuria City)的征阳华小、⑶瓜冷金务大湾(Gamuda Cove) 的敦翁毓麟华小、⑷本查阿南(Puncak Alam )的敦林苍佑华小,以及⑸雪邦的朱运兴华小。


Monday 23 October 2017

槟建筑工地斜坡土崩埋没11人, 4民间组织炮轰州政府忽视民意(10月23日10时30分更新)




发表于2017年10月22日中午12时14分  更新于同日下午1时5分


这4个非政府组织是:槟城论坛(Penang Forum)、大马自然之友、槟城消费者协会、槟城居民协会与管理层委员会(代表槟城的25个居民协会与管理层委员会)。




他们指,在2015年12月,槟城论坛曾因担忧如此的负面发展趋向,继而主办了一场半天的“拯救我们的山林”(Save Our Hills)论坛。





他们说,槟城论坛早前也曾推展“槟城山坡观察”行动(Penang Hills Watch,PHW),那是个公民主导的行动,主要汇集公众的举报,之后为州政府和地方政府提供山坡被开发的资讯消息。



“槟州首长在《山坡发展的安全指南》里写道:‘槟城的地方政府(槟岛市政厅和威省市政局)需加强他们的岩土单位(Geotechnical unit)。他们处理和批准山坡发展计划的申请,随后要严厉执法。同时,一个监控部队将会成立来确保施工工程遵守指南以及监控山坡状况’。”




“所有相关人士,从批准所有山坡计划的州级规划委员会(State Planning Committee),到也有批准权的槟岛市政厅的‘一站式委员会’(One-Stop-Committee)、理应监控计划的工程师、施工执行计划的发展商和承包商,通通都需被调查和负起责任。”


  • (一)即刻停止一切的山坡计划。
  • (二)即刻修改2009年的指南里所提到的“特别计划”(special projects),必须明确地禁止一切在山林高地的发展计划,除非那是必需的基本公共设施。
  • (三)修复所有已开发和光秃的山坡和山林区,以防止更严重的水土流失。
  • (四)严厉的执法,采取有效且有威慑性的惩罚,以对付那些非法开发土地或不遵守强制性条件避免水土流失的相关人士。
  • (五)地方当局应经常并有效地监控所有的山坡活动。
  • (六)若发现哪些山坡和地区不安全,必须公开宣布和警告。






土崩事故地点是在Lorong lembah permai 3的Taman Sri Bungah的可负担房屋工地。消拯局初步报告指,土崩发生在10公尺长的工地斜坡上,当时气候良好,三天以来也没有下雨。

Sunday 22 October 2017

Vote for “candidates who are against State Islamisation”: Oppose UMNO hegemonic rule! Prevent “the return to power of Mahathir’s faction”!

Vote for “candidates who are against State Islamisation”:
Oppose UMNO hegemonic rule
Prevent “the return to power of Mahathir’s faction”!

———  Specially written for the upcoming 14th General Election,
 in commemoration of the 16th anniversary of Sahabat Rakyat
Text below is translated from original version in the Chinese language published on 24 September 2017. In the case of any discrepancy between the English rendition and the original Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

The 14th General Election of Malaysia should take place at the end of this year or early next year. Leaders of the opposition parties who flaunt the banner of “Save Malaysia, End Kleptocracy” are weaving the sweet dreams of “making use of Mahathir to bring Najib down” and “taking over Putrajaya” whereas NGOs and the ordinary people who long for social reform are hoping that the next and subsequent parliamentary terms will have more “representatives of the people” who are courageous enough to voice up for the oppressed communities, to effectively vote down the “Act 355 Amendments” and other acts of the similar nature, in order to stop any Malay hegemonists from willfully Islamising the multiracial multi-religious secular state. 


Sahabat Rakyat was formed on 9 September 2001, it is commemorating its 16th anniversary this year. Coinciding with the upcoming general election (GE), to continue its ideology and ideas that NGOs should “remain independent and autonomous” and “be with the people” as practised in the previous two GEs (12th and 13th), Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee has decided to put forward our position and views pertaining to the upcoming GE.

However, due to the following grounds, our committee members were not able to reach consensus at this stage on some crucial issues resulted from the disintegration and reshuffling of the enemy camp as well as the peoples camp, in which should be understandable:

1. The aggravation of the social contradictory struggle in our country (mainly referring to the contradictory struggle between the hegemonic ruling clique and the people of various ethnic groups who are being ruled) has led to the unique phenomenon of the present phase: where dividing and restructuring are taking place within both the hegemonic ruling camp and the peoples camp of various ethnic groups. Furthermore, the ruling camp is increasing the level of “penetration” and “offering appeasement” on the peoples camp, where some leaders from the peoples camp are also eagerly looking forward to “wielding the political power”; 

2. The substance of our parliamentary election is indeed a fraud which is in favour of the hegemonic ruling clique to prolong its rule towards the people of all ethnic groups. Moreover the political struggle lines of those main political parties in our country are ambiguous and the arrangement of seats contested in the upcoming election among themselves is still equivocal. 

However, Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee cannot do nothing, hence we have decided to release this proposition which is in accordance to the aspiration of most of our committee members. This also serves as a small gift for our democratic reform movement in conjunction with Sahabat Rakyat’s 16th anniversary.

We hope that individual committee member will express their views and ideas. We even hope that democratic parties and organisations and democrats around the country will be inclusive towards different views and stands, to examine in practice which view and stand are in line with the interests and aspirations of the people of all ethnic groups, as well as to examine in practice whether the “strategy” of “making use of Mahathir to bring Najib down” that is vigorously advocated by the leaders of the “democratic parties and organisations” of the present phase is actually beneficial or harmful to the democratic reform struggle of the people of all ethnic groups?

In the 12th GE in 2008, Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee (back then was still the branch of Suaram) released a Letter to the voters nationwide on GE12 entitled “Vote for the opposition party to show your determination of reform; Cast spoilt vote for the ruling party to show your hatred”. After that in the 13th GE in 2013, we jointly released a Letter to the Johore people entitled “Unite! People of Johore, Realize 3 Pressing Demands; Smash UMNO Hegemony, Form a Democratic United Front!” with Hindraf Johor. At that time, in order to win the Malay votes, the key leaders of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) avoided the just demands of the oppressed ethnic communities including the demand about “Eliminating racial oppression and working towards equality for all ethnic groups” in our letter. On 8 March 2014, we jointly released “Demands of Kajang state seats by-election” with Youth Section of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Youth Section of Malacca Chinese Assembly Hall and 15 democrats. We mentioned that “PR should change the attitude of ‘political leaders and political elites above everything else’, earnestly abandon its flashy and ambiguous declaration, conscientiously endorse the just demands of the NGOs, to show PR’s sincerity in reforming the existing system.” “Otherwise, the voters of Kajang and other areas in the country, will make a wise decision and response in this by-election and any other upcoming by-elections and even the upcoming GEs!” 

After the lessons learnt from the last two GEs, voters of all ethnic groups and from all walks of life (especially those who are concerned of the democratic movement and future of the country) in general have lost their passion and expectation in the upcoming GE and even come up with the saying of “not wanting to vote / abstain from voting” or the idea of “casting spoilt vote”. Many NGOs, leaders of democratic parties and political commentators are now worried about such scenario and some are even debating relentless about it.

We are of the view that, voters of all ethnic groups and from all walks of life around the country will certainly express their personal will and aspiration in the upcoming GE based on their own experience and political understanding and according to their self-interest. This will not be subjected to the will or aspiration of any politicians’ (or demagogues).

The idea of“Casting spoilt vote” is the result of the people having doubts in PH leaders

Since the independence of the country for 60 years, the people of all ethnic groups in our country have gradually realised that UMNO hegemonic rule is the root cause of the slow or even stagnant social development, the increasing distress of the economic life of the lower class people, the intensification of the religious and racial oppression and the deprivation of political rights of the oppressed communities. As a result, people of all ethnic groups and from all walks of life via the 12th and 13th GE, had spurned BN component parties and their candidates in many cities and urban areas, expressing their resentment and resistance towards UMNO hegemonic rule. The people of all ethnic groups are extremely upset and disappointed that the political party leaders and political alliance (before this was “Pakatan Rakyat”) who are preparing to form an alternative government before the election acted deaf and dumb towards the core demands of the oppressed communities in order to win over Malay votes, and after the election fighting amongst themselves for power, position and fundamental interests. It is very certain that the confidence of the people of all ethnic groups on the political party leaders who are leading the present democratic reform politics has greatly diminished.

The Najib-led UMNO ruling clique has been trying to offer Hadi Awang-led PAS leadership appeasement from the very beginning to divide the political forces against UMNO hegemonic rule in order to resolve all kinds of internal and external problems to consolidate his regime. Both parties stepped up on the state Islamisation agenda, collaborated in pushing for the amendment of Act 355 in the Parliament, these internal conflicts that could not be mediated had ultimately led to the disintegration of PR. From the perspective of PR, this is the external factor of the breaking up of PR from the 6 years long political struggle which PR leaders had led the people in opposing UMNO hegemonic rule; whereas the internal factor of the breaking up of PR is because, in the last GE, leaders of the 3 PR parties intentionally neglected or being ambiguous by adopting cunning and duping attitude towards the various just demands put forward by the minority communities (in particular the Chinese and Indian ethnic communities in peninsular Malaysia and Iban Dayak and Kadazan Dusun communities in Sabah and Sarawak) who have been facing racial oppression carried out by BN hegemonic rule. After encountering failure in the GE, although some PKR leaders tried their best to rope in PAS and to maintain their collaboration, DAP and PAS were unable to reconcile the fundamental contradictions and conflicts of interests between safeguarding the Federal Constitution and promoting Islamic law. Therefore PR eventually had to disintegrate.  

The historical facts show that: the arbitrary implementation of Malay racism and hegemonism and arbitrary Islamisation of a secular state are the key ruling means of UMNO ruling clique to prolong and strengthen its hegemonic rule; Mahathir who was in power for 22 years of the UMNO hegemonic rule is the chief culprit of declaring “Malaysia is an Islamic state”, disregarded the will of non-Muslims who comprise nearly half of the population of our country. Our people must bring down UMNO hegemonic rule first in launching democratic reform struggle, in which opposing Malay racism and hegemonism and state Islamisation are the core contents and mandatory conditions of opposing UMNO hegemonic rule. 

The facts in front of us show that: in order to win the Malay votes, to realise the sweet dream of “changing the government (Ubah) and taking over Putrajaya” and winning more states, PH leaders of PKR, DAP and Parti Amanah who split from PAS, not only ignore the main contradictions of the social democratic reform of our country, they also continue to avoid the ruthless issues of the continuous violation of rights of the oppressed communities by the Malay hegemonism and state Islamisation. Furthermore, they welcome Mahathir, the chief culprit of ruining the nation and the people and his faction who are originally from UMNO, who established “Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM)” to become the “Supreme Commander” and “Core Leadership” of “overthrowing Najib, save Malaysia”.

The popular masses of all ethnic groups are very clear that the PH formed by 4 parties will repeat the mistakes of PR and end with failure. Therefore, today the masses are lack of interest about the slogan of changing government in the upcoming GE that PH leaders are trying to hard sell. Some are even disappointed and discontent, hence it is totally understandable how the opinions such as “voting is useless”, “being forced to spoil the vote” surfaced.

People has the rights to cast spoilt votes in the General Election to express their resentment towards Malay hegemonic rule

In order to protect the interest of Malay bureaucracy and monopoly bourgeoisie, the UMNO-BN hegemonic ruling clique led by Najib is insisting to implement “Malay-privileged” racial economic system and policies; giving way to the rent-seeking and corrupt behaviors of Malay bureaucrats; rejecting democratic reform, which causes the national productivity to be stagnant; imposing various kinds of “goods and services tax” besides implementing all kinds of exorbitant taxes in order to cope with the enormous national spending. All these are resulting increasingly heavy economic burden of people of all ethnic groups. Apart from this, in order to counter discontent of the popular masses, especially the Malay working class who are also being ruled and oppressed, the UMNO-BN hegemonic ruling clique led by Najib will work more closely with the reactionary leaders from PAS to accelerate the progress of state Islamisation and further undermine the constitutional foundation of secular state of Malaysia. Together, they will intensify religion and national oppression to continue to swindle the support of the Malay working class, and hence further break up the force of a united people of all ethnic groups in resisting UMNO hegemonic rule. In actual fact, the broad masses of all ethnic groups are hoping to express their greater and deeper resentment towards the UMNO hegemonic rule in the past 5 years through their votes in the upcoming GE.

We are of the view that, people of all ethnic groups absolutely has the rights to express their resistance towards Malay hegemonic rule and state Islamisation based on their personal experience and political awareness, as well as the fundamental interest of themselves and the oppressed communities. People has every right to vote for candidates who oppose state Islamisation in order to strengthen the voice of opposing state Islamisation in the Parliament and further frustrate the plot of proceeding or reinforcing Malay hegemonic rule and state Islamisation by UMNO or any clique.

Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee has, before this supported a human rights group named “BEBAS” in a call to “mobilize voters from all around the nation to monitor whether their MP’s opinion and stand with regards to the proposed amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (better known as Act 355) are in accordance with the aspiration and in line with the interest of people of all ethnic groups”. The call to mobilise people’s power to supervise the political leaders is a justified, legitimate and appropriate struggle against state Islamisation. The call has yet to be carried out due to the postponement of the motion to amend Act 355. Therefore, we are willing to proceed with the call. We propose that: As long as the candidates in the upcoming GE publicly committed to oppose Hadi Awang’s motion to amend Act 355, we will not hesitate to urge voters of all ethnic groups to vote for them and support them to carry out the struggle in opposing state Islamisation until the end.

People of all ethnic groups are hoping that the Pakatan Harapan formed by PKR, DAP and PAN (formed by the faction split from PAS) will learn the lesson from the failure of “Pakatan Rakyat” and stand firm in opposing state Islamisation and continue the struggle to resist UMNO hegemonic rule until the end. But, after the leaders of 3 parties mentioned above parted ways with PAS (that advocates the establishment of Islamic state), they unexpectedly welcomed PPBM, a party which flaunts to uphold Malay sovereignty formed by Mahathir who had been in power in UMNO for 22 years but was crowded out by Najib in the battle of UMNO ruling clique’s internal conflicts and his faction. They even allow Mahathir and his gang to play the role of “Supreme Commander” and “Core Leadership” to “raise Malay political tsunami”. This has inevitably caused doubts, worries and even dissatisfaction of people of all ethnic groups!

Even though leaders of PH (referring to the original 3 parties) displayed their weaknesses and vacillation in opposing state Islamisation, most of the grassroots members, cadres and supporters of DAP, PKR and PAN are still standing on the position of resisting UMNO hegemonic rule. In the current phase, these 3 parties of PH are still much in line with the reform aspiration of people of all ethnic groups and belong to the peoples camp. Therefore, it is understandable that people of all ethnic groups in the country will vote in support to the candidates from DAP, PKR and PAN in the upcoming GE. There is nothing wrong if they cast spoilt votes (for example drawing a moon or anything on the vote to express their dissatisfaction) for Mahathir and candidates from PPBM as a result of worrying that the return to power of Mahathir’s faction will bring more far-reaching scourge onto the people of all ethnic groups, especially the oppressed ethnic communities.

Political hype is not what masses need, pay attention to the peoples’ demands before asking for votes

In recent years, main opposition party leaders are putting in a lot of efforts to hype that Najib is the major culprit of kleptocracy in our country. In Lim Kit Siang’s message delivered for the 60th Merdeka Anniversary this year, he stated that “the US Government had virtually branded the Malaysian Prime Minister as “kleptocrat” by being “MO1” (Malaysian Official No 1)”, and “Najib has not cleared himself after being branded as a kleptocrat by being “MO1” in the United States Department of Justice (DOJ)’s largest kleptocratic forfeiture suits.” From the allegations on how 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) channeled USD 681 million (approximately RM 2.6 billion) into the bank account of “MO1” held with Ambank in 2 separate transactions, the people has seemed gotten numb and the loud urge by Lim Kit Siang to “bring Najib down and end kleptocracy” does not seem to arise grave repercussions.

When Mahathir formed Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM, or known as “Bersatu”), DAP leaders have since busy in hyping that Mahathir is the “key person who will set off the Malay tsunami”. Lim Kit Siang, in one of his statement, mentioned that Mahathir is the key person who can break the fortress of UMNO because neither PKR, PAS, Parti Amanah Nasional (PAN) nor DAP can shake the Malay rural areas (constituencies). Only Mahathir is able to influence these Malays to change and raise the “Malay tsunami”. But the fact is, Mahathir is the representative of Malay hegemony who is longest in-power, using the most sinister means and with the deepest sin whom Lim Kit Siang had attacked vigorously. The pro-BN commentators commented that Lim Kit Siang is willing to discard his dignity for the sake of Malay tsunami and taking over Putrajaya.
If the two major speculations above are able to stimulate the enthusiasm of voters of all ethnic groups towards the coming GE, and if these speculations are able to bring about grave impact and effect on the election results, then there is no need to worry about views that “voting is useless”, “no choice but to spoil our votes” and etc. by anybody.

In the upcoming GE, as always, we opine that: All NGOs to exert its independence and initiative. NGOs should bring forward election demands representing the aspiration and interest of the masses without hesitant and request all political leaders and candidates appointed by them who are participating in the upcoming GE to accept and pay attention to these demands. We are of the view that, the following demands from several aspects should not be avoided and must be responded by leaders of PH (referring to the 3 original parties) who are preparing to take over Putrajaya:
  1. People oppose state Islamisation and demand to maintain the original secular state system; 
  2. The demands of the people of Sabah and Sarawak for “rights to develop” and “rights to self-determination”; 
  3. The demands of the oppressed ethnic communities to abolish “Malay privileges” and “racial quota system”;
  4. The demand of the oppressed class to reform the current taxation system that is unfair to the low-income earners.

We observed that some leaders of PH (referring to the original 3 parties) have been following the footsteps of Mahathir since Mahathir bombarded the “Forest City” development project in Johor Bahru jointly developed by Country Garden Group (from China) and the Johor royal family. They targeted infrastructure projects that are undergoing development by China and that will be drawing large sum of investment funds from China such as the Malacca Gateway, expansion of Port Klang (the third port), East Coast Rail Link (ECRL), High Speed Rail (HSR) connecting Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, and etc. They also criticized Najib for “selling off state sovereignty” and “pawning the people’s interest” to China.

From the above situation, the corruption scandal of Najib’s regime and the investment of China in Malaysia may become two hot topics that will be debated intensely in the upcoming GE.

We are of the view that if leaders of PH (referring to the original 3 parties), like Mahathir, stand against the deployment of China’s One Belt One Road strategy and destroy the strategic cooperation that has been established between Malaysia and China for the sake of “bringing Najib down” and “taking over Putrajaya” regardless of the consequences, it can only be concluded that, either they have other political intention or they are lack of profound political wisdom.

We are of view that, it is exemplary and commendable to criticize against the “Forest City” development project by Country Garden Group in Johor Bahru. This development project does not meet the actual needs of the people in Johor nor in Malaysia. It does not bring benefits to families that barely make ends meet in Johor. It may also bring adverse effects to Johor that cannot be estimated. There are many indications showing that “Forest City” is actually a large-scale development of high-end buildings specially located in Johor Bahru (a place near Singapore) to attract illegal capitals from within China by private enterprise group of China. According to media reports, China government has tightened the control over funds transferred out of China for the purchase of properties in “Forest City” by its people.

We are of view that, it is an excellent opportunity of a lifetime to the people of our country that China, to realize the deployment of its One Belt One Road’s strategy, decides to invest large amount of money for the development of infrastructure in Malaysia in order to promote the economic development and common interests of both countries. China today has risen as one of the most powerful economy in the world. China has never plundered resources and wealth of other countries and peoples. A lot of leaders and people of other countries (especially countries that are not along the lines of One Belt One Road) have been dreaming about getting in China’s investment. Thus, what is the reason to oppose or give up easily on such investment?

If there are a lot of spoilt votes in the upcoming GE, it only reflects that the people, still with much patience, are earnestly reminding the opposition leaders: “Pay attention to the demands of the people before asking for votes.”

Wednesday 18 October 2017



作者 / 来源:Mask Man / 正义之声@facebook

[原标题] 《茅草行动——你不知道的真相》

[《人民之友》编者按语]  《茅草行动——你不知道的真相》是一名署名“Mask Man”的作者在2012年初发表于正义之声脸书上的一篇由以下3个章节组成的文章——





相信大家都听到过,也都知道,大马(上世纪)80年代末期发生过一次以内安法令到处胡乱捉人的所谓“茅草行动”,马来文叫做“Operasi Lalang”。















10月15日,巫统宣布,原本预订11月在新山举行的党周年庆典改在吉隆坡举行,并宣称将号召50万人走上街头 “誓死捍卫马来人权益”。



刚刚在4月党选中选为巫青团总团长的纳吉,故意怂恿巫青团员及巫统极端种族主义分子,大肆抨击马华署理总会长兼劳工部长李金狮 ;炮火也扫到教育部长安华。当时巫统党内有一股声音,要求首相马哈迪革除李金狮和安华的部长职位。整个事件已经演变得渐渐失控。












前面说过,国内的紧张气氛,在1987年10月17日马来人大肆攻击华人的大集会之后,已经像一粒濒临爆炸边缘的气球。这粒气球,隔天就在枪声中爆破了!10月18日,当天中午,一名“据说”精神有问题的,名字叫做阿丹的士兵,擅自离开了鹅唛军营,手持M16 Rifle冲锋枪,步行到人口稠密的秋杰路,对着人群胡乱扫射,当场打死一个马来人和两个华人,同时射伤数人。








因为他们都是挑起骚动事件的“元凶”之一。如果李金狮被捕,而巫统部长没有一个被捉,“茅草行动”将可能失去正当性。所以,李金狮无论如何必须走,走的越远越好!茅草行动在10月27日雷历展开,被捕的人士多达119人,全部是在内部安全法令(Internal Security Act)下被捕。



民主行动党被捕的国会议员有7人,包括国会反对党领袖林吉祥和马六甲市区国会议员林冠英父子、副主席日落洞国会议员卡巴星、甲洞国会议员陈胜尧、怡保国会议员刘德琦,还有P巴都、V 大卫。

巫统方面,被捕的是Pasir Mas国会议员伊布拉欣阿里、巫青团教育主任莫哈默法米伊布拉欣。








2007年4月,刚刚从监狱里被释放不久的公正党顾问安华,在雪兰莪州的依约镇(Pekan Ijok)发表政治演说的时候,公开承认在1987年茅草行动中,自己担任教育部长时“委派不谙华文老师出任华小高职”的政策执行过程中,出现偏差个案。他承认在处理这件事方面出现错误,并且向广大华社道歉。



沈慕羽局绅在(上世纪)60年代曾经是马华青年团的创立人兼第一任团长(后来被陈修行开除党籍),对于政府内部的运作多有了解,因此他明白安华的处境,接受安华的解释。不过,沈慕羽局绅也认为,除了安华之外,还有两个人必须对1987年“茅草行动”事件 ,向大马华社道歉。这两个人,就是前任首相马哈迪,和现任首相纳吉。









1987年“茅草行动”中,被逮捕的4名华文教育机构最高领导人,包括董总主席林晃升、教总主席沈慕羽局绅、教总副主席兼尊孔独中校长庄迪君博士,和华社研究中心主任柯嘉逊博士。柯嘉逊博士在他的回忆录中这样写着:“‘茅草行动 ’已经彻底暴露了《内安法令》完全只是国阵的工具的虚伪!”






















第三个,是莫哈默拉末Mohamed Rahmat。觉得有点意外?其实,他绝对是其中一个最大的受益者。当年他在老马上台之后,一度被边缘化,1982年还被派去印尼担任大使。1987年,由于在党争中力挺马哈迪的A队,结果押中积宝Jackpot,政治前途咸鱼翻生;在内阁改组中受委为新闻部长。











当年被吊销出版准证的国文《祖国报》(Watan);英文《星报》(The Star)和中文《星洲日报》,经历过这段苦难日子以后,各自的发展不尽相同。尤其中文报界,因为这次事件之后,出现了天翻地覆的变化!报界的版图从此洗牌!





























接着,马哈迪制定一项全新的《官方机密法令》(Official Secret Act,简称OSA)。任何人如果泄露属于官方机密法令保护下的文件资料,包括贪污滥权的证据,只要是被列为官方机密文件,任何人如果谈论、泄密,都会被OSA对付。




当年同时受到对付的三大语文报章,分别是马来文《祖国报》(Watan)、英文《星报》(The Star)和中文《星洲日报》。



巫统则在Kg.Baru的Raja Muda路体育场举行马来人大集会,种族冲突的可能性越来越大,中南区的华人商店纷纷关门走避,似乎都有预感,类似5•13的种族冲突事件即将再次发生。








当时的英文报两大主流,就是《星报》和《新海峡时报》(New Straits Times)。两家报纸的发行量势均力敌。《新海峡时报》是巫统投资臂膀直接控制,算是自己的报章,没有理由拿自己的报章来当替死鬼的。那么,只有《星报》了。《星报》当时最大股东就是马华。


















通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)