


人民之友工委会针对第15届全国大选投票提出 5项建议 和 两个选择

人民之友恭祝各界2024新年进步、万事如意!在新的一年里,坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!

[人民之友20周年(2001-2021)纪念,发表对国内政治局势的看法] 坚持抗拒种族霸权统治! 阻止巫统恶霸卷土重来!




Sahabat Rakyat akan mengemukakan pendapat khusus mengenai situasi politik di negara kita selepas "Rampasan kuasa Sheraton" pada 9 September 2020 untuk tatapan rakan semua bangsa dan semua strata yang komited terhadap reformasi demokratik tulen negara kita. Kami bersedia bertukar pendapat dan saling belajar dengan semua rakan-rakan sehaluan.


Bersatu padu, mempertahankan reformasi demokrasi tulen, buangkan khayalan, menghalang pemulihan Mahathirism.

 photo mahathir_PRU14_1.png


 photo the-new-phase-of-democratic-reform-reject-state-islamization.jpg

马来西亚民主改革的新阶段马来西亚民主改革的新阶段 / The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia / Fasa Baru Reformasi Demokratik di Malaysia


人民之友根据2017年9月24日发表的《人民之友 对我国第14届大选意见书 》的内容与精神以及半年来国内和国外的政治形势,对5月9日投票提出具体意见,供全国选民参考。

Sunday 21 October 2012

国内外媒体对“柔州人民3大诉求”的反响 / Gema dan Reaksi Media Terhadap "3 Tuntutan Utama Rakyat Negeri Johor" / The reactions of the mass media at home and abroad towards the Johor Demands / The reactions of the mass media at home and abroad towards the Johor Demands


Gema dan Reaksi Media Terhadap
"3 Tuntutan Utama Rakyat Negeri Johor"

The reactions of the mass media at home and abroad towards the Johor Demands


Wakil-wakil daripada Hindraf Makkal Sakthi (Johor) dan Jawatankuasa Kerja Sahabat SUARAM Johor membuat pengumuman "Seruan NGO-NGO negeri Johor kepada Rakyat Sempena PRU ke-13" dan membalas persoalan yang dibangkit oleh wartawan dalam sidang akhbar yang diadakan pada 19 Oktober di Johor Bharu.

Representatives from Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF MAKKAL SAKTHI) (Johor) and Friends of SUARAM (FOS) Working Committee (Johor) launched "Letter from Johore NGOs to the Johore people" and responded to questions asked by reporters in the press conference held in Johor Bharu on 19 October 2012.







Berikut merupakan sebahagian laporan media elektronik bahasa English, Mandarin dan Melayu dan komen-komen pembaca terhadap "3 Tuntutan Utama Rakyat Negeri Johor":

Below are some of the reactions of the electronic mass media at home and abroad towards the Johor Demands:

1、Malaysia Chronicle: Groups call for UNITED FRONT in Johor to send UMNO packing!
2、Harakah Daily: Groups call for 'united front' in Johor to dispose UMNO
3、Free Malaysia Today: Pakatan must endorse Johor Demand
4、Malaysia Today: Pakatan must endorse Johor Demand
5、Rakyat Marhaen Blog: Groups call for UNITED FRONT in Johor to send UMNO packing!
6、《当今大马》:柔民间组织发表大选告人民书  倡组民主阵线,提三迫切诉求
7、Pakatan diminta menyokong Permintaan sahabat Suaram dan Hindraf Makkal Sakti Johor

9、victorlim1982.blogspot.com: Johor NGOs want UMNO out

Friday 19 October 2012

Memecahkan Hegemoni UMNO, Menubuhkan Barisan Persatuan Demokratik; Menyatukan Rakyat Seluruh Negeri, Merealisasikan Tiga Tuntutan yang Mendesak! Seruan NGO-NGO negeri Johor kepada Rakyat Sempena PRU ke-13 [Kemaskini: Komik & Laporan]

Seruan NGO-NGO negeri Johor kepada Rakyat Sempena PRU ke-13

Memecahkan Hegemoni UMNO,
Menubuhkan Barisan Persatuan Demokratik;

Menyatukan Rakyat Seluruh Negeri,
Merealisasikan Tiga Tuntutan yang Mendesak!

Komik: Buangkan BN ke Tong Sampah Sejarah!Oleh: Ah Pei

Wakil-wakil Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF MAKKAL SAKTHI) negeri Johor dan wakil-wakil Jawatankuasa Kerja Sahabat SUARAM (FOS) negeri Johor mengambil gambar bersama selepas mengadakan sidang akhbar di Kelab Akhbar Cina Johor Selatan pada hari ini (19 Oktober 2012).
Duduk dari kiri (baris hadapan): Stephin Micheal, Y. Mohan, Yong Siew Lee, Chen Xin
Berdiri dari kiri: M. Suba, Kumaradevan a/l Muthusamy, Thirunavukkarasu, Segaran. S, Choo Shinn Chei, Goh Chee Horng


Keputusan Pilihanraya Umum Ke-12 menyaksikan kumpulan berkuasa BN yang didominasi oleh UMNO (UMNO-BN) terus menguasai kerajaan pusat walaupun telah hilang kuasa di lima negeri, iaitu Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perak (dirampas balik oleh BN apabila terdapat ADUN PR yang membelot), Selangor dan Kelantan. Kumpulan berkuasa BN (pusat) yang diketuai oleh Najib menopengkan program transformasi politik, ekonomi dan sosial, terus melaksanakan pemerintahan institusionalisasi fahaman perkauman, yang menindas dan mengeksploitasi pekerja negara kita dengan kejam dan meminggirkan atau mengasimilasi secara paksa kaum minoriti, bahkan ada (seperti kaum India dan kaum minoriti di Sabah dan Sarawak) yang dihimpit sehingga menghampiri keadaan pupus.

Dalam 4 tahun yang lepas, majoriti rakyat masih menghadapi pelbagai keadaan kritikal, seperti pemerintahan kuku besi hegemoni, penyalahgunaan kuasa dan korupsi, harga barangan semakin meningkat, kehidupan semakin susah dan keterpinggiran budaya, pendidikan, agama kaum minoriti.

Hanya menjelang pilihanraya, kumpulan berkuasa akan sedekahkan sedikit gula-gula pilihanraya dalam bentuk peruntukan kepada aspek kebudayaan dan pendidikan atau aspek lain kaum minoriti, untuk memujuk hati rakyat tanpa mengubah dasar sedia ada, supaya pemimpin parti komponen BN seperti MCA, Gerakan, SUPP, MIC dan PPP boleh merebut jasa daripada kaum masing-masing dan menipu undi kaum minoriti demi mengekalkan kedudukan politik mereka.

Setelah mengalami pengajaran yang pahit selama lebih daripada 50 tahun di bawah pemerintahan hegemoni yang didominasi oleh UMNO, rakyat tertindas semua kaum negara ini, terutamanya kaum India di semenanjung Malaysia dan kaum Iban (Dayak) di Sarawak dan Kadazan-Dusun di Sabah telah bangkit. Kaum Cina, selain daripada segelintir golongan berkuasa dan strata atasan yang berkepentingan diri, rata-rata telah timbul rasa sugu dan tak puas hati yang kuat terhadap pemerintahan hegemoni yang didominasi oleh UMNO.

Kini, majoriti kaum Cina telah mengenali muka sebenar pemimpin MCA yang hanya mementingkan nama dan kepentingan diri dan puak-puaknya sehingga mengkhianati pendidikan bahasa ibunda (Mandarin) setelah menyaksikan nasib buruk “Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Cina” (du zhong) dan “Sekolah Rendah Cina” yang dibina dengan titisan peluh nenek-moyang kini semakin dikakis.

Rakyat semua kaum mula menyedari: hanya dengan  menyingkirkan khayalan terhadap program transformasi yang diwar-warkan oleh UMNO; hanya dengan menyingkirkan khayalan bahawa pemimpin atasan parti-parti komponen BN akan membela hak dan kepentingan kaum masing-masing; hanya dengan rakyat semua kaum tanpa mengira kelas, aliran parti politik dan agama bersatu-padu untuk membuangkan UMNO dan BN (termasuk parti komponen utamanya) ke tong sampah sejarah, baharulah aspirasi untuk pengubahan demokratik negara kita dapat dilaksanakan.

Untuk menyambut pilihan raya umum kritikal kali ini, NGO-NGO (pertubuhan-pertubuhan rakyat) dari pelbagai bidang, berasaskan perbincangan demokratik dan keputusan bersama, telah mengemukakan “ Tuntutan (20 poin) PRU 13 Pertubuhan-Pertubuhan Rakyat”. Tuntutan-tuntutan ini merupakan aspirasi dan permintaan khusus rakyat semua kaum berdasarkan situasi Malaysia dari segi politik, ekonomi, masyarakat, dan budaya. Dengan kata lain, 20 tuntutan ini merupakan satu “agenda perubahan” untuk  membina sebuah negara yang saksama, adil, samarata dan demokratik. “Agenda perubahan” ini dikemukakan oleh NGO-NGO yang bersifat tidak kepartian (non-partisan) kepada parti politik dan individu demokratik, dengan harapan mendapat endosmen daripada parti-parti politik dan calon-calon bebas yang bertanding di kerusi parlimen dan DUN.

Sebagai NGO yang bekerja untuk demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia di negeri Johor, kami akan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk mempropagandakan “agenda perubahan” ini di negeri Johor.
Jika dilihat dari keluasan dan kedalaman isu yang dikemukakan, dan jangka masa yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tuntutan-tuntutan ini, kami berpendapat bahawa “20 Tuntutan” yang disebut di atas adalah lebih sesuai dijadikan sebagai ‘program kerja’ NGO-NGO dalam jangka masa 20-30 tahun yang akan datang, daripada dijadikan sebagai tuntutan pilihanraya umum kali ini.

Oleh itu, kami berpendapat bahawa ada keperluan menggabung semangat “20 Tuntutan” (ataupun agenda perubahan) ini dengan situasi khusus di negeri Johor, sebagai negeri barisan hadapan tenaga-tenaga demokratik untuk merempuh kubu kuat UMNO, untuk mengemukakan “tuntutan (piliharaya) yang mendesak oleh rakyat negeri Johor” yang dapat dilaksanakan (sebahagian atau secara dasarnya) dalam tempoh lebih kurang 5 tahun antara PRU kali ini dengan PRU berikutnya.

Kami, setelah berbincang dan mengkaji berulang-kali, mengumpul dan menyimpulkan tuntutan-tuntutan yang mendesak oleh rakyat semua kaum dan semua lapisan negeri Johor kepada 3 tuntutan seperti di bawah, dengan harapan mendapat sokongan dan endosemen daripada parti-parti politik demokratik dan calon-calon bebas, yang akan bertanding kerusi parlimen mahupun DUN di negeri Johor.

Kami juga akan menyeru semua pengundi negeri Johor supaya mengundi parti-parti politik demokratik dan calon-calon bebas yang menyokong tuntutan yang mendesak itu. Kami yakin bahawa rakyat semua kaum, setelah mengalami pengalaman yang sedih pedih selama 55 tahun di bawah pemerintahan hegemoni UMNO-BN, pasti akan menolak calon-calon UMNO dan parti-parti komponen BN (terutamanya MCA, MIC, Gerakan dan SUPP) dalam pilihan raya umum kali ini.

Tuntutan-tuntutan kami adalah konkrit. Maka, parti-parti politik demokratik dan calon-calon yang bertanding wajib menunaikan janji memelihara dan mempertahankan kepentingan rakyat, jika mereka menang dalam pilihan raya nanti. Kami akan berpakat dengan pertubuhan-pertubuhan rakyat negeri Johor yang lain untuk mengawasi parti-parti politik dan wakil-wakil rakyat yang dipilih, untuk memastikan mereka menunaikan janji mereka terhadap tuntutan-tuntutan ini.

Tuntutan Pertama: Hapuskan Penindasan Kaum, Tegakkan Kesamarataan Kaum

Kandungan utama tuntutan ini merangkumi:

Mansuhkan Perkara-perkara Ketidaksamarataan Artikel 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan
Kenyataan membuktikan: Artikel 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan merupakan asas perundangan kepada institusinalisasi fahaman perkauman yang dilaksanakan oleh kumpulan berkuasa UMNO-BN. Ia mengujudkan dua kelas warganegara, iaitu “orang Melayu” dan “orang bukan Melayu”.

Akibatnya, hubungan antara kaum menjadi tidak samarata dan tidak harmoni sehingga menghalang dan menjejaskan pembinaan negara dan pembangunan masyarakat dengan teruk. Oleh itu, perkara-perkara ketidaksamarataan kaum Artikel 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan harus dimansuhkan demi menghasilkan perpaduan rakyat, keharmonian masyarakat dan kemakmuran negara.

Mansuhkan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) dan “Sistem Kuota Bumiputera”
Kenyataan membuktikan: Sejak dilaksanakan pada tahun 1970-an, DEB (dan dasar-dasar selepas itu diberi nama-nama lain), sekadar cara utama kumpulan berkuasa UMNO-BN dan kroni atau konco-konco mereka untuk mengaut sumber kekayaan negara bagi memperkayakan diri.

DEB menghasilkan segelintir kecil kapitalis besar dan borjuisi Melayu yang teramat kaya, sementara rata-rata rakyat kaum Melayu masih hidup sengsara. Sistem Kuota Bumiputera hanya merupakan alat yang digunakan oleh kumpulan berkuasa untuk membius rakyat jelata berkaum Melayu dan memecah-belahkan perpaduan antara kaum.

Oleh itu, DEB dan Sistem Kuota Bumiputera mesti dimansuhkan supaya penghijrahan cendekiawan negara kita ke luar negeri (brain drain) dapat dihentikan, dan sebaliknya cendekiawan luar negeri berbondong-bondong masuk ke negara kita, untuk kemajuan negara dan masyarakat.

Mansuhkan Seksyen 17(1), Akta Pendidikan 1996 dan Dasar yang berkaitan
Kenyataan membuktikan: Seksyen 17(1), Akta Pendidikan 1996 dan dasar-dasar berkaitan berasaskan matlamat muktamad untuk mencapai "satu negara, satu bahasa, satu aliran" (pendidikan aliran Bahasa Melayu sahaja) yang berasal dari tahun 1950-an. Akta Ini telah mengakibatkan keadaan kelam kabut dan kegagalan pendidikan Negara.

Adalah berangan-angan dan bodoh bagi kumpulan berkuasa negara kita yang masih teringin menghapuskan sama sekali pendidikan aliran bahasa Cina dan aliran bahasa Tamil di atas tanah yang didiami oleh 6.96 juta rakyat berkaum Cina (24.6%) dan 2.07 juta rakyat berkaum India (7.3%) dalam era negeri China dan negeri India bangkit menjadi negara yang besar dan kuat.

Oleh itu, Seksyen 17(1), Akta Pendidikan 1996 dan dasar berkaitan mesti dimansuhkan. Kedudukan sah pendidikan bahasa ibunda setiap kaum (selain daripada pendidikan bahasa Melayu) harus diiktiraf - menerima pendidikan bahasa ibunda sebagai salah satu hak asasi manusia yang diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa. Di negeri Johor, harus ditambahkan bilangan SRJK (C) dan SRJK (T) dengan serta-merta.
Membina Sekolah Rendah Cina di kawasan-kawasan tumpuan penduduk Cina. Sekolah Rendah Tamil di Bukit Indah, Mount Austin, Kota Tinggi, dan kawasan tumpuan penduduk India lain-lain di Johor pun harus di bina dengan segera. UEC sekolah persendirian Cina dan ijazah Universiti Selatan harus diiktiraf. Membekalkan peruntukan yang adil kepada pendidikan aliran bahasa Cina dan bahasa Tamil dalam bajet negara, dan sebagainya.

Kepercayaan Agama dan Adat Resam Kaum Minoriti harus Dihormati dan Dilindungi
Kenyataan membuktikan: Walaupun Perlembagaan Persekutuan menjamin kebebasan beragama, kerajaan UMNO-BN mengehadkan amalan hak asasi tersebut. Kebebasan beragama yang sepatutnya dinikmati oleh kaum minoriti menghadapi gangguan yang tidak munasabah. Tempat-tempat beribadat atau patung sembahan diroboh secara paksa atau dilarang dari pembinaan serta lain-lain keadaan yang membimbangkan sehingga menggeramkan.

Oleh itu, demi perpaduan dan keharmonian hubungan antara kaum, dan kestabilan dan pembangunan masyarakat dan negara, kepercayaan agama dan adat resam kaum minoriti harus dihormati dan dilindungi. Tanah perkuburan kaum India (penganut Hindu) di kawasan Masai telah penuh, masyarakat India amat memerlukan kerajaan negeri untuk memperuntukkan tanah yang berhampiran kawasan Masai sebagai tanah perkuburan masyarakat India, supaya penganut-penganut Hindu dapat tenang bersemadi selepas meninggal dunia, terutamanya mengelakkan keluarga miskin daripada terjerumus ke dalam kesengsaraan kerana terpaksa meminjam daripada lintah darat untuk menanggung kos yang amat tinggi bagi kremasi mayat ahli keluarga.

Tuntutan Kedua: Membantah Program “Pemutihan Pendatang Asing (6P)”, Memerangi Punca Korupsi Agensi Penguatkuasa

Kandungan utama tuntutan ini merangkumi:

“Membantah Program 6P” yang Memudaratkan Hak Sivil Rakyat Malaysia
Amalan memutihkan sejumlah besar pendatang asing yang tak sah di sisi undang-undang telah dilaksanakan di Sabah (Projek “M”) oleh kumpulan berkuasa UMNO-BN. Amalan itu kini diteruskan di Semenanjung Malaysia. Seramai lebih daripada 3 juta imigren telah diampun dan “diputihkan” di bawah “Program Pemutihan Imigren ‘6P’” dengan cara yang tak sah di sisi undang-undang di Semenanjung.

Ada tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan imigren-imigren yang melalui proses pemutihan ini bukan sahaja mempunyai permit kerja jangka panjang, malah telah mempunyai kad pengenalan warganegara (Jumlah 3 juta ini merupakan angka rasmi yang diumumkan; angka sebenar tidak dapat dikenalpasti).

Tidak syak lagi, ini merupakan susunatur politik kumpulan berkuasa UMNO-BN sebelum berlangsungnya pilihanraya akan datang untuk menambahkan undi mereka. Kami tegas membantah program ‘6P’ yang jelas memudaratkan hak sivil rakyat Malaysia. Kami menuntut penyiasatan menyeluruh terhadap kesahihan pengundi baru dalam senarai pengundi yang bermaklumat ragu.

Memerangi Punca Korupsi Agensi-agensi Penguatkuasa
Kemelut kekurangan tenaga kerja tetap membelenggu pengusaha industri kecil sederhana (IKS) dan pertanian tempatan walaupun pengambilan pekerja asing secara besar-besaran. Ini disebabkan oleh amalan merentir dan rasuah dikalangan penguatkuasa terutamanya Jabatan  Imigresen dan PDRM (Polis DiRaja), dan tindakan orang tengah dan agen-agen yang menyertai amalan mengaut keuntungan. 

Apabila membawa masuk pekerja asing bagi menggalakkan pembangunan ekonomi negara, kerajaan harus menerima pengawasan bersama oleh orang ramai, pertubuhan-pertubuhan rakyat dan parti-parti pembangkang. Kerajaan seharusnya memerangi amalan merentir dan rasuah pegawai penguatkuasa; mengharamkan kumpulan pengaut keuntungan yang memanipulasi pekerja asing, serta membenarkan majikan memohon terus kepada pihak berkuasa untuk mengambil pekerja asing.

Tuntutan Ketiga: Membantah ‘Pengambilan Tanah’ Mendalihkan Pembangunan di Pengerang; Memastikan Kepentingan Rakyat Johor Terjamin di dalam Projek PIPC

Kandungan utama tuntutan ini merangkumi:  

Menjamin Hak dan Kepentingan Rakyat Johor dalam Projek Kompleks Petroleum Bersepadu Pengerang (PIPC)
Rakyat Johor mesti menikmati 20% daripada jumlah hasil yang dibawa oleh projek PIPC, yang antaranya merangkumi ‘Terminal Petroleum Laut Dalam Bebas Pengerang’ dan ‘Pembangunan Bersepadu Penapisan Minyak dan Petrokimia’ (RAPID), sebagai dana pembangunan ekonomi dan perubatan negeri Johor.

Kerajaan perlu memastikan pencemaran alam semulajadi terkawal pada tahap yang paling rendah semasa membangunkan industri petrokimia. Pendudukan Pengerang yang dijejas oleh projek ini perlu diberi ganti rugi yang munasabah dan mendapat penempatan semula yang sesuai. Masalah tanah perkuburan Cina dan Muslim perlu ditangani dengan sempurna.

Membantah Pengautan Keuntungan oleh Golongan Berkuasa melalui Proses Pengambilan dan Penjualan Tanah (Enclosure Operation) di Pengerang
Kerajaan perlu memastikan bahawa pengambilan tanah penduduk Pengerang adalah hanya untuk kepentingan awam dan membendung segala aktiviti mengaut keuntungan haram melalui operasi 'pengambilan tanah (dengan harga murah) dan penjualan semula tanah (dengan harga mahal)' (iaitu operasi 'enclosure') oleh kumpulan berkuasa (bigwig) atas nama pembanguan. Oleh itu, proses pengambilan tanah mesti terbuka dan telus, membanteras segala operasi tipu helah dan menerima pengawasan rakyat, pertubuhan-pertubuhan rakyat dan parti-parti pembangkang.

Kesimpulan: Bersatu untuk Membentuk Barisan Persatuan Demokratik Negeri Johor demi Menumbangkan Pemerintahan Hegemoni UMNO

Pada masa kini, menolak pemerintahan hegemoni UMNO merupakan keinginan terbesar rakyat jelata negara kita, ia juga adalah prasyarat untuk merealisasikan reformasi demokratik di negara kita. Oleh itu, kami menyeru semua parti politik, pertubuhan masyarakat dan individu yang sanggup menentang pemerintahan hegemoni UMNO bersama-sama menubuhkan barisan persatuan demokratik negeri Johor.

Barisan persatuan demokratik ini bukan sahaja terdiri daripada tiga parti politik dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang sedang menentang BN [iaitu Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS) dan Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP)], tetapi juga mesti menyatukan semua parti-parti politik lain yang menentang UMNO-BN, termasuk Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM), Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), Parti Hak Asasi Manusia (HRP), dan juga pertubuhan-pertubuhan rakyat (NGO) dan individu pelbagai kaum, lapisan masyarakat dan bidang.

Di samping itu, kami mengalu-alukan pemimpin-pemimpin kanan parti-parti komponen BN yang memutuskan untuk meninggalkan BN, dan juga pemimpin-pemimpin akar umbi dan ahli-ahli parti komponen BN, yang memutuskan untuk menolak sepenuhnya barisan pimpinan kanan MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP dan lain-lain parti komponen BN, dan bersedia untuk menentang korupsi dan hegemoni perkauman UMNO-BN, bersama-sama menyertai barisan persatuan demokratik ini.

Kami dengan ikhlas menyeru kepada rakyat Johor agar bersatu-padu!
Tanpa mengira kaum, tanpa mengira kelas, tanpa mengira parti, tanpa mengira agama, sama-sama menamatkan pemerintahan hegemoni UMNO, dan sebaik-baiknya dapat membentuk kerajaan campuran demokratik di negeri Johor!

Jawatankuasa Kerja Sahabat SUARAM (FOS) negeri Johor dan Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF MAKKAL SAKTHI) negeri Johor telah membuat pengumuman bersama pada 19 Oktober 2012.

Pihak-pihak yang ingin endos, sila hubungi:

Y.Mohan (019-7102895)

Ang Pei Shan (013-7708320)

Sila layari: hindraf.org dan sahabatrakyatmy.blogspot.comuntuk maklumat lanjut.

Laporan Terkini:
'3 Tuntutan Rakyat Johor' secara rasminya diserahkan kepada pemimpin Parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat

Barisan pimpinan ketiga-tiga Parti Pakatan Rakyat mengambil gambar dengan wakil Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) Negeri Johor dan Jawatankuasa Kerja Sahabat Suaram (FOS) Negeri Johor apabila secara rasminya menerima "Seruan NGO-NGO Negeri Johor Kepada Rakyat Sempena PRU ke-13" di majlis makan malam 10,000 orang 'Ubah Sekarang, Selamatkan Malaysia' anjuran DAP Johor pada 28 Oktober 2012 di Taman Sutera Utama, Johor Bahru.
Depan dari kiri: Steven Choong (Timbalan Setiausaha Agung PKR Pusat), Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir (bekas Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan bekas Menteri), Boo Cheng Hau (Pengerusi DAP Negeri Johor), Er Teck Hwa (ahli Parlimen DAP kawasan Bakri)
Belakang dari kiri: Liang Peck Kuan (wakil FOS Johor), pengawal keselamatan masjlis (nama tidak diketahui), Yong Siew Lee, Goh Chee Horng (wakil FOS Johor), Kumaradevan a/l Muthusamy (wakil HINDRAF Johor), Mohamad Sabu (Timbalan Presiden PAS Pusat), Stephin Micheal (wakil HINDRAF Johor), Ang Pei Shan (wakil FOS Johor)
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Polisi dan Perancangan Strategik DAP pusat Lim Kit Siang sedang berucap di atas pentas yang terletak di belakang meja tetamu khas. Selepas ucapan beliau tamat, Kumaradevan a/l Muthusamy dan Stephin Micheal (wakil HINDRAF Johor) bersama-sama dengan Ang Pei Shan dan Yong Siew Lee (wakil FOS Johor) telah menyerahkan "Seruan NGO-NGO Negeri Johor Kepada Rakyat Sempena PRU ke-13" kepada beliau dan Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng.
Sebelum ini, kedua-dua pihak HINDRAF Johor dan JK Kerja Sahabat Suaram Johor telah menyerahkan "Seruan NGO-NGO Negeri Johor Kepada Rakyat Sempena PRU ke-13" ini kepada Steven Choong pada 19 Oktober dan kepada Boo Cheng Hau pada 20 Oktober.

Letter from Johore NGOs to the Johore people: Unite! People of Johore, Realize 3 Pressing Demands; Smash UMNO Hegemony, Form a Democratic United Front! [Updated: Comic & News]

Letter from Johore NGOs to the Johore people

Unite! People of Johore
Realize 3 Pressing Demands

Smash UMNO Hegemony
Form a Democratic United Front

Comic: BN Belongs to Dustbin of History!Created by: Ah Pei

Representatives from Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF MAKKAL SAKTHI) (Johor) and Friends of SUARAM (FOS) Working Committee (Johor) took a picture together after holding a press conference in Kelab Akhbar Cina Johor Selatan today (19 October 2012).
From left to right (front row - sitting): Stephin Micheal, Y. Mohan, Yong Siew Lee, Chen Xin
From left to right (standing): M. Suba, Kumaradevan a/l Muthusamy, Thirunavukkarasu, Segaran. S, Choo Shinn Chei, Goh Chee Horng


The 12th General Election delivered a severe blow to BN. BN lost 5 states (namely, Penang, Kedah, Selangor, Kelantan, and Perak) to the opposition, and also lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament, though still holding on to the federal government. (The Perak State was subsequently snatched back by BN through manipulating the defection of Pakatan turncoats.)

The BN regime under Najib rolled out various political and socio-economic transformation programs with a view to prolonging its hegemonic rule that hinges on institutionalized racism. Under Najib’s BN, the laboring masses continue to be ruthlessly oppressed and exploited, while the ethnic minorities are subject to forced assimilation, or are excluded from enjoying the fruit of development, thereby sending the ethnic minorities to the depths of despair. The Indian community and the minorities in East Malaysia are cases in point.

Over the past 4 years, the broad masses of the people are still suffering under the BN’s hegemonic rule, corruption and abuse of power, ever rising cost of living, and marginalization in culture, education and religion of ethnic minorities.

Only when a general election is looming would the BN regime allocate meager sums as a sweetie, for the development of culture and education of ethnic minorities in order to assuage their widespread discontentment, and at the same time allow MCA, Gerakan, SUPP, MIC and PPP to claim credit for the allocations, in the hope of fishing votes and prolonging their political rule.

From the nasty experience of more than 50 years’ rule by BN, the oppressed ethnic minorities, especially the Indians in the peninsular Malaysia as well as the Dayaks, Kadazan-Dusuns and others in East Malaysia, have finally awakened.

Within the Chinese community, (except for those bigwigs with vested interests in the ruling regime and the upper strata of the community) wide-spread discontent towards UMNO-led hegemonic rule has never been more intense.

The Chinese primary schools and the Chinese independent secondary schools were established and have been maintained with huge sacrifices made by the forefathers of the Chinese community. The broad masses of the Chinese community have witnessed the gradual changes in character of these schools. They have learnt well of the true colours of MCA leaders and their cronies, who would not hesitate to sell out Chinese education for their personal gains and position.

People of all ethnic groups have realized that any democratic reform can only be brought about when various communities of any class, political party or religion do not entertain any illusion about the deceptive transformation programs of the BN/UMNO clique indulging in hegemonic rule. They must not harbour any illusion about the upper echelon of BN component parties’ intention to safeguard the interests of the various communities.

The people of various ethnic groups must unite, regardless of class, political party or religion, and be prepared to consign UMNO and BN (including its main component parties) to the dustbin of history, so that the popular aspirations for any democratic reform will become a reality.

For the coming 13th General Election, NGOs from various sectors have put forward “Civil Society 13GE (20) Demands” following discussions based on equal and democratic principles. These demands represent the common aspirations of people of all ethnic groups as well as their concrete requests in the light of current political, economic, social and cultural situation in Malaysia.

These demands constitute a reform agenda for a fairer and more democratic country, proposed by the non-partisan civil society to all democratic political parties and independent candidates. It is hoped that such demands will be agreed upon by all democratic political parties and independent candidates.

As a member of civil society striving for democracy and human rights, we, Friends of Suaram (FOS) Johor, will spare no effort to promote this reform agenda in the State of Johore. We are of the view that though the 20 demands represent a set of General Election demands, they are more akin to a “working agenda” of civil society for the next 20 to 30 years, as it covers far and wide the various aspects of life.

We feel that it is necessary to apply the spirit of these 20 demands to the concrete conditions of the State of Johore, since the people of Johore will constitute a democratic force in the southern part of Johore, aimed at capturing the stronghold of UMNO which regards Johore as its frontline.

Within the next 5 years or so, from the eve of the coming GE13 to the eve of the next following General Election, we propose to realize at least basically or partially the pressing Johore Demands.

After some discussions and studies, we together with several civil society groups, consolidate the numerous demands into 3 pressing demands. We hope that candidates of all democratic political parties and independent candidates will endorse them. We also urge the Johore people to vote for the candidates who have committed themselves to the Johore demands.

We firmly believe that people of all ethnic groups will abandon and reject the candidates of UMNO and BN component parties. The population has had enough of the bitter experience of 55 years’ hegemonic rule under the UMNO /BN. The Johore demands are concrete. The democratic political parties and independent candidates must honour their promises after winning the elections, to safeguard the interests of the people. We together with other civil society groups in Johore will oversee the performance of the elected state assemblymen, in order to ensure that they live up to their commitment to the Johore Demands.

1. Eliminate racial oppression and work towards equality for all ethnic groups.

Repeal the unequal provision in Article 153 of the Federal Constitution
Facts have substantiated that Article 153 of the Federal Constitution lays the legal basis for the UMNO-dominant BN ruling clique to practise institutionalized racism. It has created two classes of citizens, namely, Malays and non-Malays, resulting in national inequality and disharmony, thereby impeding and damaging nation-building and social development. Thus, Article 153 of the Federal Constitution has to be repealed in order to achieve unity among all ethnic groups as well as social harmony and prosperity of the country.
Abolish NEP and bumiputera quota system
Since 1970s, NEP and its related policies allow the BN ruling clique and its cronies to enrich themselves, and to create a few super-rich and well-connected Malay capitalists. But the broad masses of the Malay community at large remain poor and live in abject poverty.

The quota system favouring bumiputras is a sweetie for the Malay masses, and a tool to disrupt national unity. NEP and the quota system must therefore be abolished to stop brain drain and outflow of capital, so as to encourage inflow of talents and influx of capital instead.

Repeal s.17(1) of the Education Act 1996 and its related policies
s.17(1) of the current Education Act 1996 has been premised upon the “ultimate objective” of “one nation, one language, and one medium of instruction” (Malay) implemented since the 1950s. The existing Education Act and its related policies have led to confusion and fiasco.

In this era of China and India emerging as big powers, any attempt to eliminate totally the education conducted in Chinese and Tamil language in Malaysia (with a population of 6.96 million ethnic Chinese and 2.07 million ethnic Indian) is wishful thinking, and it is the height of absurdity.

Therefore, s.17(1) of the Education Act should be repealed. More Chinese primary schools must be established immediately in areas densely populated by the Chinese community, and more Tamil primary schools should also be established in Bukit Indah, Mount Austin, Kota Tinggi and other areas in Johore. Application for the revival of the Segamat Chinese Independent Secondary School must be approved, and United Examination Certificate (UEC) and the degree of the Southern College University should be fully recognized. Mother tongue education in Chinese and Tamil must be allocated with sufficient funds under the national Budget.

Respect and protect religious beliefs and custom of ethnic minorities
Although the Federal Constitution safeguards freedom of religion, UMNO-dominated BN government has been imposing unreasonable restrictions on this right. As a result, freedom of religion of ethnic minorities has been curtailed; statues and places of worship of minority groups demolished or the construction thereof prohibited. This has caused anxiety and resentment among the community.

The religious beliefs and custom of ethnic minorities should be respected and safeguarded, only then can racial harmony and unity be achieved. The country will then be able to enjoy stable development.

The Indian (Hindu) cemetery at Masai has hardly any more vacant burial land left. The state government should therefore allocate sufficient land for such purpose. This will go a long way to prevent Indian poor families from falling prey to loan sharks who collect exorbitant interest on loans taken for the purpose of defraying high cost of cremation. These poor families can hardly pay back the loans taken, and they are forced to lead a miserable life.

2. Stop “Project M” and eliminate source of corruption in law enforcement agencies

Stop “Project M” - prejudicial to the rights of our citizens
UMNO-led BN ruling clique has through “Project M” (Mahathir’s Project) legalized illegal immigrants in Sabah. Such project is now extended in its application to the peninsular Malaysia by way of legalizing more than 3 million illegal immigrants (according to conservative official statistics) giving them long-term work permits and even citizens’ identity cards.

This is undoubtedly a political ploy used by the UMNO-led BN ruling clique to inflate their votes in the coming General Election. We resolutely oppose such project being implemented in peninsular Malaysia, as it is highly prejudicial to the rights of our citizens. We demand that thorough investigations into this matter be conducted, removing suspicious votes from the electoral roll.

Root out the source of corruption in law enforcement agencies
Despite high influx of foreign workers, shortage of labour force in small and medium industries and the agricultural sector remains a pressing problem as a result of rent seeking and corruption in law enforcement agencies (such as the immigration department and the police) and profit grabbing by middlemen.

While bringing in foreign workers helps propel economic growth, any move on the part of the government and the law enforcement agencies must be monitored by the people, civil society and opposition parties. Employers should be allowed to apply direct to the relevant departments for employment of foreign workers, with a view to curbing corruption and exploitation.

3. The Johore people's interests must be protected from wanton land acquisition ("enclosure" operation) in the name of Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex (PIPC) project.

20% of the total profits derived from PIPC project and petrochemicals integrated development project under RAPID, should be used for the purpose of economic development and health care services in the state of Johore.

The government should minimize the environmental pollution in the process of producing petrochemical products. Pengerang residents adversely affected by the development project should be given adequate compensation, and should be appropriately resettled. The issue of relocating Chinese cemetery and Malay cemetery must be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

We are against groups well connected to the powers-that-be making huge profits from land acquisition ("enclosure" operation).
The government should ensure that the acquisition of land from Pengerang residents should be for public purposes only. The government should also prevent any group well-connected to the powers-that-be from making huge profits through resale of land acquired in the name of implementing development projects. The land acquisition process should be open and transparent, and above suspicion, to be monitored by civil society and opposition parties.

The people of Johore, Unite!
Form a Johore democratic united front, and overthrow the UMNO hegemonic rule

It is the highest aspirations of the populace to reject UMNO hegemonic rule - a prerequisite for realising the democratic reform in our country. We call upon all political parties, NGOs and individuals opposed to the UMNO hegemonic rule, to form a democratic united front in the State of Johore.

This democratic united front includes the three parties in Pakatan Rakyat, i.e. Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) and Democratic Action Party (DAP) as well as all parties, including Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM), Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), Human Rights Party (HRP), etc., NGOs and individuals from all walks of life who are opposed to the UMNO-BN rule.

Besides, we also welcome the higher echelon of leaders from BN component parties to pull out from BN, and all grassroots leaders and members from the BN component parties to spurn or reject BN if they are opposed to the corruption and the racist hegemony of UMNO-BN, and join the democratic united front.

We sincerely call upon all Johoreans from all walks of life to unite!
Together we put an end to the UMNO racist hegemonic rule, and form a democratic coalition government in the State of Johore!

This letter was jointly released by Friends of SUARAM (FOS) Working Committee (Johor) and Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF MAKKAL SAKTHI) (Johor) on 19 October 2012.

For any organisation that wishes to endorse, please contact:
Y. Mohan (019-710 2895)
Ang Pei Shan (013-770 8320)

For more information, please visit hindraf.org or sahabatrakyatmy.blogspot.com.

Updated news:
"Johor Demands" was officially handed over to leaders of 3 Pakatan Rakyat parties

Representatives from Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF MAKKAL SAKTHI Johor)("HINDRAF") and Friends of SUARAM (FOS) Working Committee Johor ("FOS") handed the "Letter from Johore NGOs to the Johore people" over to leaders from 3 Pakatan Rakyat parties at the dinner organised by DAP at Sutera Mall, Skudai on 28 October 2012. They accepted the memorandum with pleasure and took a group photo with us.
Front row (from left): Steven Choong [Deputy Secretary General of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)], Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir (former UMNO Supreme Council and former Cabinet Minister), Boo Cheng Hau (President of Democratic Action Party (DAP) Johore), Er Teck Hwa (DAP Member of the Parliament of Bakri constituency)
Back row (from left) : Liang Peck Kuan (FOS representative), security officer of the program (name is unknown), Yong Siew Lee, Goh Chee Horng (both are FOS representatives), Kumaradevan a/l Muthusamy (HINDRAF representative), Mohammad Sabu [Deputy Chairperson of Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS)] Stephin Micheal (HINDRAF representative), Ang Pei Shan (FOS representative)
Lim Kit Siang, Chairman of the Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission DAP delivered a speech on the podium in front of the VIP table. After his speech, Kumaradevan a/l Muthusamy and Stephin Micheal (HINDRAF representatives) as well as Yong Siew Lee and Ang Pei Shan (FOS representatives) officially handed over the "Letter from Johore NGOs to the Johore people" to him and Lim Guan Eng (DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister).
On 19 and 20 October 2012, HINDRAF and FOS representatives also handed over the Letter to Steven Choong and Boo Cheng Hau respectively.

打破巫统霸权,建立民主联合阵线;团结全州人民,实现三大迫切诉求! •柔州非政府组织第13届大选告人民书• 【更新:漫画与报导】




前排左起为:Stephin Micheal、Y. Mohan、杨秀丽、陈成兴
后排左起为:M. Suba、Kumaradevan a/l Muthusamy、Thirunavukkarasu、Segaran. S、朱信杰 、吴志鸿










事实证明: 自上个世纪70年代实施的新经济政策及其后用其他名目包装的相关政策,只是巫统主导的国阵统治集团及其朋党或团伙掠夺资源财富以自肥的重要手段;它造就了一小撮富可敌国的马来大资本家和马来资产阶级,广大马来群众依然生活在水深火热之中;土著固打制,只是统治集团用来麻醉马来群众、分化民族团结的一套工具罢了。因此,新经济政策和土著固打制必须废除,国内人才资本才不会外流,外国人才资本才会涌进来,国家社会才会兴旺起来。

事实证明:源自上个世纪50年代旨在实现“一个国家,一种语文,一个源流”的“最终目标|”(只有马来文教育)的现行的《1996年教育法令》第17(1)条文和相关政策已经导致国家教育的混乱和失败;我国统治集团在中国和印度崛起成为大国强国的时代,还想要把华、印语文教育从这块还有696万华裔和207万印裔(各占全国人口24.6%及7.3%)族群生活和奋斗的土地上彻底消灭,那真是痴心妄想、愚不可及了!因此,1996年教育法令第17(1)条文和相关政策必须废除,承认马来语文教育以外的各个民族母语教育的合法地位——接受母语教育是国际公认的一种基本人权。立即在柔佛州多个华族人口密集地区增建华小和在武吉英达(Bukit Indah),茂奥斯丁(Mount Austin),哥打丁宜(Kota Tinggi)等地区增建淡小、批准昔加末华文独中(及淡米尔文中学,若有此需求)的申办,承认独中统考文凭和南方大学以及在国家预算中公平拨款资助华、印语文教育等等。






柔佛人民必须从边加兰石油综合发展建设计划(Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex)获得权益的保障
柔佛州人民必须享有边加兰石油综合发展建设计划(PIPC)包括边加兰深水(码头)石油终站(Pengerang Independent Deepwater Petroleum Terminal)、以及石油化工综合发展计划(RAPID)所带来总收益的20%,作为州内经济发展和医疗保健用途。政府在进行石油化工生产同时,必须将环境污染控制到最低。受此计划影响的边佳兰居民必须获得合理赔偿和妥当安顿。华人义山和马来墓地问题必须妥善处理。








Y.莫翰(019-710 2895)
洪佩珊(013-770 8320)




前排左起为:钟少云(人民公正党全国副总秘书)、Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir(前巫统最高理事兼前内阁部长)、巫程豪(民主行动党柔佛州主席)、余德华(民主行动党柔佛麻坡峇吉里区国会议员)
后排左起为:梁碧琴(工委会代表)、会场保安人员(姓名不详)、杨秀丽、吴志鸿(两位皆是工委会代表)、Kumaradevan a/l Muthusamy(兴权会代表)、末沙布(伊斯兰党全国署理主席)、Stephin Micheal(兴权会代表)、洪佩珊(工委会代表)
在主桌后方讲台上演讲者是民主行动党中央策略及研究局主席林吉祥。在林吉祥演讲后,兴权会代表Kumaradevan a/l Muthusamy和Stephin Micheal及工委会代表杨秀丽和洪佩珊也把《柔州非政府组织第13届大选告人民书》正式呈交给他与民主行动党秘书长兼槟城首席部长林冠英。

Saturday 13 October 2012




来源:新华网 2012年09月25日 16:00:30


前 言


日本在1895年利用甲午战争窃取钓鱼岛是非法无效的。第二次世界大战后,根据《开罗宣言》和《波茨坦公告》等国际法律文件,钓鱼岛回归中 国。无论日本对钓鱼岛采取任何单方面举措,都不能改变钓鱼岛属于中国的事实。长期以来,日本在钓鱼岛问题上不时制造事端。2012年9月10日,日本政府 宣布“购买”钓鱼岛及附属的南小岛、北小岛,实施所谓“国有化”。这是对中国领土主权的严重侵犯,是对历史事实和国际法理的严重践踏。



钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿位于中国台湾岛的东北部,是台湾的附属岛屿,分布在东经123°20′-124°40′,北纬25°40′ -26°00′之间的海域,由钓鱼岛、黄尾屿、赤尾屿、南小岛、北小岛、南屿、北屿、飞屿等岛礁组成,总面积约5.69平方千米。钓鱼岛位于该海域的最西 端,面积约3.91平方千米,是该海域面积最大的岛屿,主峰海拔362米。黄尾屿位于钓鱼岛东北约27千米,面积约0.91平方千米,是该海域的第二大 岛,最高海拔117米。赤尾屿位于钓鱼岛东北约110千米,是该海域最东端的岛屿,面积约0.065平方千米,最高海拔75米。


中国古代先民在经营海洋和从事海上渔业的实践中,最早发现钓鱼岛并予以命名。在中国古代文献中,钓鱼岛又称钓鱼屿、钓鱼台。目前所见最早记 载钓鱼岛、赤尾屿等地名的史籍,是成书于1403年(明永乐元年)的《顺风相送》。这表明,早在十四、十五世纪中国就已经发现并命名了钓鱼岛。

1372年(明洪武五年),琉球国王向明朝朝贡,明太祖遣使前往琉球。至1866年(清同治五年)近500年间,明清两代朝廷先后24次派 遣使臣前往琉球王国册封,钓鱼岛是册封使前往琉球的途经之地,有关钓鱼岛的记载大量出现在中国使臣撰写的报告中。如,明朝册封使陈侃所著《使琉球录》 (1534年)明确记载“过钓鱼屿,过黄毛屿,过赤屿,……见古米山,乃属琉球者”。明朝册封使郭汝霖所著《使琉球录》(1562年)记载,“赤屿者,界 琉球地方山也”。清朝册封副使徐葆光所著《中山传信录》(1719年)明确记载,从福建到琉球,经花瓶屿、彭佳屿、钓鱼岛、黄尾屿、赤尾屿,“取姑米山 (琉球西南方界上镇山)、马齿岛,入琉球那霸港”。


以上史料清楚记载着钓鱼岛、赤尾屿属于中国,久米岛属于琉球,分界线在赤尾屿和久米岛之间的黑水沟(今冲绳海槽)。明朝册封副使谢杰所著 《琉球录撮要补遗》(1579年)记载,“去由沧水入黑水,归由黑水入沧水”。明朝册封使夏子阳所著《使琉球录》(1606年)记载,“水离黑入沧,必是 中国之界”。清朝册封使汪辑所著《使琉球杂录》(1683年)记载,赤屿之外的“黑水沟”即是“中外之界”。清朝册封副使周煌所著《琉球国志略》(1756年)记载,琉球“海面西距黑水沟,与闽海界”。



早在明朝初期,为防御东南沿海的倭寇,中国就将钓鱼岛列入防区。1561年(明嘉靖四十年),明朝驻防东南沿海的最高将领胡宗宪主持、郑若 曾编纂的《筹海图编》一书,明确将钓鱼岛等岛屿编入“沿海山沙图”,纳入明朝的海防范围内。1605年(明万历三十三年)徐必达等人绘制的《乾坤一统海防 全图》及1621年(明天启元年)茅元仪绘制的中国海防图《武备志•海防二•福建沿海山沙图》,也将钓鱼岛等岛屿划入中国海疆之内。

清朝不仅沿袭了明朝的做法,继续将钓鱼岛等岛屿列入中国海防范围内,而且明确将其置于台湾地方政府的行政管辖之下。清代《台海使槎录》、 《台湾府志》等官方文献详细记载了对钓鱼岛的管辖情况。1871年(清同治十年)刊印的陈寿祺等编纂的《重纂福建通志》卷八十六将钓鱼岛列入海防冲要,隶 属台湾府噶玛兰厅(今台湾省宜兰县)管辖。


1579年(明万历七年)明朝册封使萧崇业所著《使琉球录》中的“琉球过海图”、1629年(明崇祯二年)茅瑞徵撰写的《皇明象胥录》、 1767年(清乾隆三十二年)绘制的《坤舆全图》、1863年(清同治二年)刊行的《皇朝中外一统舆图》等,都将钓鱼岛列入中国版图。


1809年法国地理学家皮耶•拉比等绘《东中国海沿岸各国图》,将钓鱼岛、黄尾屿、赤尾屿绘成与台湾岛相同的颜色。1811年英国出版的 《最新中国地图》、1859年美国出版的《柯顿的中国》、1877年英国海军编制的《中国东海沿海自香港至辽东湾海图》等地图,都将钓鱼岛列入中国版图。




1884年,有日本人声称首次登上钓鱼岛,发现该岛为“无人岛”。日本政府随即对钓鱼岛开展秘密调查,并试图侵占。日本上述图谋引起中国的 警觉。1885年9月6日(清光绪十一年七月二十八日)《申报》登载消息:“台湾东北边之海岛,近有日本人悬日旗于其上,大有占据之势。”由于顾忌中国的 反应,日本政府未敢轻举妄动。

1885年9月22日冲绳县令在对钓鱼岛进行秘密调查后向内务卿山县有朋密报称,这些无人岛“与《中山传信录》记载的钓鱼台、黄尾屿和赤尾 屿应属同一岛屿”,已为清朝册封使船所详悉,并赋以名称,作为赴琉球的航海标识,因此对是否应建立国家标桩心存疑虑,请求给予指示。同年10月9日,内务 卿山县有朋致函外务卿井上馨征求意见。10月21日,井上馨复函山县有朋认为,“此刻若有公然建立国标等举措,必遭清国疑忌,故当前宜仅限于实地调查及详 细报告其港湾形状、有无可待日后开发之土地物产等,而建国标及着手开发等,可待他日见机而作”。井上馨还特意强调,“此次调查之事恐均不刊载官报及报纸为 宜”。因此,日本政府没有同意冲绳县建立国家标桩的请求。

1890年1月13日,冲绳县知事又请示内务大臣,称钓鱼岛等岛屿“为无人岛,迄今尚未确定其管辖”,“请求将其划归本县管辖之八重山官署 所辖”。1893年11月2日,冲绳县知事再次申请建立国标以划入版图。日本政府仍未答复。甲午战争前两个月,即1894年5月12日,冲绳县秘密调查钓 鱼岛的最终结论是:“自明治十八年(1885年)派县警察对该岛进行勘察以来,未再开展进一步调查,故难提供更确切报告。……此外,没有关于该岛之旧时记 录文书以及显示属我国领有的文字或口头传说的证据。”


1894年7月,日本发动甲午战争。同年11月底,日本军队占领中国旅顺口,清朝败局已定。在此背景下,12月27日,日本内务大臣野村靖 致函外务大臣陆奥宗光,认为“今昔形势已殊”,要求将在钓鱼岛建立国标、纳入版图事提交内阁会议决定。1895年1月11日,陆奥宗光回函表示支持。同年 1月14日,日本内阁秘密通过决议,将钓鱼岛“编入”冲绳县管辖。







1941年12月,中国政府正式对日宣战,宣布废除中日之间的一切条约。1943年12月《开罗宣言》明文规定,“日本所窃取于中国之领土,例如东北四省、台湾、澎湖群岛等,归还中华民国。其他日本以武力或贪欲所攫取之土地,亦务将日本驱逐出境”。1945年7月《波茨坦公告》第八条规 定:“《开罗宣言》之条件必将实施,而日本之主权必将限于本州、北海道、九州、四国及吾人所决定之其他小岛。”1945年9月2日,日本政府在《日本投降 书》中明确接受《波茨坦公告》,并承诺忠诚履行《波茨坦公告》各项规定。1946年1月29日,《盟军最高司令部训令第677号》明确规定了日本施政权所 包括的范围是“日本的四个主要岛屿(北海道、本州、九州、四国)及包括对马诸岛、北纬30度以北的琉球诸岛的约1000个邻近小岛”。1945年10月 25日,中国战区台湾省对日受降典礼在台北举行,中国政府正式收复台湾。1972年9月29日,日本政府在《中日联合声明》中郑重承诺,充分理解和尊重中 方关于台湾是中国不可分割一部分的立场,并坚持《波茨坦公告》第八条的立场。






1971年6月17日,美日签署《关于琉球诸岛及大东诸岛的协定》(简称“归还冲绳协定”),将琉球群岛和钓鱼岛的“施政权”“归还”给日 本。海内外中国人对此同声谴责。同年12月30日,中国外交部发表严正声明指出:“美、日两国政府在‘归还’冲绳协定中,把我国钓鱼岛等岛屿列入‘归还区域’,完全是非法的,这丝毫不能改变中华人民共和国对钓鱼岛等岛屿的领土主权。”台湾当局对此也表示坚决反对。

面对中国政府和人民的强烈反对,美国不得不公开澄清其在钓鱼岛主权归属问题上的立场。1971年10月,美国政府表示,“把原从日本取得的 对这些岛屿的施政权归还给日本,毫不损害有关主权的主张。美国既不能给日本增加在他们将这些岛屿施政权移交给我们之前所拥有的法律权利,也不能因为归还给 日本施政权而削弱其他要求者的权利。……对此等岛屿的任何争议的要求均为当事者所应彼此解决的事项”。同年11月,美国参议院批准“归还冲绳协定”时,美 国国务院发表声明称,尽管美国将该群岛的施政权交还日本,但是在中日双方对群岛对抗性的领土主张中,美国将采取中立立场,不偏向于争端中的任何一方。


1972年3月8日,日本外务省发表《关于尖阁列岛所有权问题的基本见解》,阐述日本政府对于钓鱼岛主权归属问题的主张:一是钓鱼岛为“无 主地”,不包含在《马关条约》规定的由清政府割让给日本的澎湖列岛和台湾及其附属岛屿的范围之内。二是钓鱼岛不包含在“旧金山和约”第二条规定的日本所放 弃的领土之内,而是包含在该条约第三条规定的作为西南诸岛的一部分被置于美国施政之下,并根据“归还冲绳协定”将施政权“归还”日本的区域内。三是中国没 有将钓鱼岛视为台湾的一部分,对“旧金山和约”第三条规定将钓鱼岛置于美国施政区域内从未提出过任何异议。


钓鱼岛属于中国,根本不是“无主地”。在日本人“发现”钓鱼岛之前,中国已经对钓鱼岛实施了长达数百年有效管辖,是钓鱼岛无可争辩的主人。 如前所述,日本大量官方文件证明,日本完全清楚钓鱼岛早已归属中国,绝非国际法上的无主地。日本所谓依据“先占”原则将钓鱼岛作为“无主地”“编入”其版图,是侵占中国领土的非法行为,不具有国际法效力。

无论从地理上还是从中国历史管辖实践看,钓鱼岛一直是中国台湾岛的附属岛屿。日本通过不平等的《马关条约》迫使清朝割让包括钓鱼岛在内的 “台湾全岛及所有附属各岛屿”。《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》等国际法律文件规定,日本必须无条件归还其窃取的中国领土。上述文件还对日本领土范围作了明 确界定,其中根本不包括钓鱼岛。日本试图侵占钓鱼岛,实质是对《开罗宣言》和《波茨坦公告》等法律文件所确立的战后国际秩序的挑战,严重违背了日本应承担 的国际法义务。

美国等国家与日本签订的片面媾和条约“旧金山和约”所规定的托管范围不涵盖钓鱼岛。美国擅自扩大托管范围,非法将中国领土钓鱼岛纳入其中, 后将钓鱼岛“施政权”“归还”日本,都没有任何法律依据,在国际法上没有任何效力。对于美日上述非法行径,中国政府和人民历来是明确反对的。



中国通过外交途径强烈抗议和谴责美日私相授受钓鱼岛。1951年8月15日,旧金山会议召开前,中国政府声明:“对日和约的准备、拟制和签订,如果没有中华人民共和国的参加,无论其内容和结果如何,中央人民政府一概认为是非法的,因而也是无效的。”1951年9月18日,中国政府再次声明, 强调“旧金山和约”是非法无效的,绝对不能承认。1971年,针对美、日两国国会先后批准“归还冲绳协定”的行为,中国外交部严正声明,钓鱼岛等岛屿自古 以来就是中国领土不可分割的一部分。


中国通过国内立法明确规定钓鱼岛属于中国。1958年,中国政府发表领海声明,宣布台湾及其周围各岛属于中国。针对日本自20世纪70年代 以来对钓鱼岛所采取的种种侵权行为,中国于1992年颁布《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》时,明确规定“台湾及其包括钓鱼岛在内的附属各岛”属于中国领土。2009年颁布的《中华人民共和国海岛保护法》确立了海岛保护开发和管理制度,对海岛名称的确定和发布作了规定,据此,中国于2012年3月公布了钓 鱼岛及其部分附属岛屿的标准名称。2012年9月10日,中国政府发表声明,公布了钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿的领海基线。9月13日,中国政府向联合国秘书长交 存钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿领海基点基线的坐标表和海图。


一直以来,钓鱼岛问题受到港澳同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞的共同关注。钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国的固有领土,这是全体中华儿女的共同立场。中华 民族在维护国家主权和领土完整问题上有着坚定的决心。两岸同胞在民族大义面前,在共同维护民族利益和尊严方面,是一致的。港澳台同胞和海内外广大华侨华人 纷纷开展各种形式的活动,维护钓鱼岛领土主权,强烈表达了中华儿女的正义立场,向世界展示了中华民族爱好和平、维护国家主权、捍卫领土完整的决心和意志。


钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国的固有领土,中国对其拥有无可争辩的主权。20世纪70年代,中日在实现邦交正常化和缔结《中日和平友好条约》时, 两国老一辈领导人着眼两国关系大局,就将“钓鱼岛问题放一放,留待以后解决”达成谅解和共识。但近年来,日本不断对钓鱼岛采取单方面举措,特别是对钓鱼岛 实施所谓“国有化”,严重侵犯中国主权,背离中日两国老一辈领导人达成的谅解和共识。这不但严重损害了中日关系,也是对世界反法西斯战争胜利成果的否定和 挑战。


Thursday 11 October 2012

Dong Zong faint-hearted, 926 Campaign petered out - A feature article on "926 Save Chinese Education Campaign" (Picture Story)

Dong Zong faint-hearted,
926 Campaign petered out
- A feature article on "926 Save Chinese Education Campaign"
(Picture Story)

The rejection and suppression of the banners against Wee Ka Siong and MCA by the organiser of "926 Save Chinese Education Campaign" (especially the two banners on the right) – Was it a hidden agenda of the leaderships of Dong Zong and MCA?
[1] At about 5 a.m. early in the morning of 26 September 2012, 3 FOS Johor committee members (Chen Xin, Goh Chee Horng, and Liang Peck Kuan), together with Mohd Nasir (PAS Chinese Community Liaison Officer), drove to Simpang Renggam to meet up with some local Chinese educationists. All of us then travelled by bus hired by the Chinese School Committees and Teachers' Association Johore, to the venue of 926 rally. We distributed leaflets on FOS statement entitled "926 Demand for resignation of Wee Ka Siong - a symbolic demand expressing the resentment of the Chinese community" to the passengers on the bus. They were quite engrossed in reading the statement. Some of them even struck up conversation with us, and expressed their agreement with and appreciation towards our views on this issue.
[2] We reached Padang Merbok, the venue of the rally at about 10.45 a.m. There was a drizzle, but that could not dampen the spirit of the masses. Everyone came either carrying an umbrella or in raincoat, bringing along with them banners or placards to be displayed.

We were particularly excited when we found that many slogans shown on the banners and placards were expressing the common aspirations of the masses demanding for Wee Ka Siong's resignation as well as spurning and rejecting MCA. This is undoubtedly the most significant concrete action on the part of the masses in support of Dong Zong's "926 Save Chinese Education and Protest Movement".

We were one with the masses demanding resignation of Wee Ka Siong before the official opening of the assembly in response to Dong Zong's call to fight for the interests of Chinese education.
[3] We split into two teams: one team distributed leaflets to the crowd, while the other team held up our banners. When the organiser using microphone invited the crowd to "gather on the platform", Chen Xin, Nasir together with a few others (who came in the same bus) immediately responded to the call. They carried two bilingual banners and slowly moved towards the steps leading up the platform. The banner in Chinese read: “马华领导典当华教!魏家祥须辞职谢罪!” ("MCA leadership sells out Chinese education! Wee Ka Siong should resign to make an apology!"). The banner in English read: "KA SIONG, MCA & BN BELONG TO DUSTBINS OF HISTORY!"

Some of the masses could not refrain from repeatedly clamouring for Wee Ka Siong's resignation at the sight of our bilingual banners.
[4] When we tried to move our banners higher up the platform, the organiser immediately made an announcement: "Please remove any banners with political overtones. Your views and feelings are noted. We appreciate your cooperation." Standing on the stairs leading up the platform, we insisted on displaying our banners. An elderly person (in white shirt facing the camera) approached us (without telling us who he was), demanded the removal of our banners. Chen Xin then asked him, "Isn't it true that Dong Zong issued a statement listing 5 indictments against Wee Ka Siong and demanded for his resignation?", "Please tell me: What's wrong with the contents of our slogan?" He did not answer these questions, but left mumbling in a fit of anger.
[5] While standing on the stairs on a higher level leading up the platform, we managed to display our two bilingual banners, expressing the aspirations of the Chinese community. Meanwhile, some among the crowd shouted for Wee's resignation, expressing their resentment against MCA and BN. This undoubtedly showed that the masses were extremely irritated by the constant move on the part of MCA leadership to sell out Chinese education. They realized that only by disdaining and rejecting MCA leadership and BN's hegemonistic rule, will there be any hope of ending the plight of the masses.
[6] The organiser repeatedly urged the masses, through microphone, not to display any banners or placards with political overtones. Now and then, they appointed personnel to harass those who did not comply with the request. Pictures above: Some of the crowd expressing their indignation against Wee Ka Siong and MCA leadership were forced to put aside their banners or cover up the portion of the banners that contained sensitive words like "Wee Ka Siong". In the end, they could only show the remaining portion of the banners with incomplete slogans.

Top left: the banner brought by Kampung Batu 9 Cheras Committee. The complete original slogan was: "Wee Ka Siong, Deputy Education Minister practised sophistry! Lots of education problems remain unresolved."

Top right: Another original slogan read: "Saying one thing but doing another. Wee Ka Siong, please explain!"

Bottom left: The banner from Kampung Baru Semenyih Committee. The original slogan is: "Wee Ka Siong, Deputy Education Minister is incompetent. The issue of shortage of Chinese school teachers has been dragging on year after year."

Bottom right: The original slogan: "Wee Ka Siong sells out the interests of Chinese education

(Phrases highlighted in grey were hidden after complying with the organiser's request).

How would you feel after seeing such slogans, which are neither fish, flesh nor fowl? How would you feel after seeing the top leaders in the highest governing body of the Chinese education making such preposterous request?
[7] At about 11.30 a.m., with a view to avoiding unnecessary conflicts, and to avoid being accused of disrupting the rally, we decided to leave the platform. We continued to display our two banners in the field. Picture above (from left): Nasir (wearing Kopiah), Chen Xin (wearing leather hat), Nyam Kee Han (behind the banner), the supporter (in yellow T-shirt and white trousers), Lee Chen Feng (in blue jacket).
[8] Our banners in the field immediately attracted some participants. They put up their banners and placards with similar contents side by side with ours.

A man in black shirt, holding a video camera, approached us with a scowl and said "Didn't the organiser say that the assembly should not be involved in politics?", "Why are you still displaying the banners/placards here?", "You are out to destroy Chinese education!"

Chen Xin retorted, "We have the right to be here to express our views on the Chinese education issues. What right have you got to prevent us from doing so?"

When Chen Xin questioned his identity, he claimed that he was from the media, but was unable to mention the name of the media and refused to identify himself. He challenged us to be interviewed, and said: "I will record what you are going to say and broadcast it on the Internet half an hour later. You cannot do anything to me!"

Chen Xin told him that he was welcomed to record our slogans and speeches and upload them online. Chen Xin also expressed the intention to record what he said and what he did, and let the public be the judge.

When Goh Chee Horng came over, intending to do the recording, that man left in haste, and he seemed worried. One person (not in the picture) came forward to offer us assistance. He queried the man in black for swearing at us. Thereupon, the man in black left and never returned to harass us. Whenever we met him again, he would shy away from us.
[9] We did not stop displaying the two banners despite the drizzle and the hot sun. Obviously, the message conveyed by the banners aroused the sympathy of many participants of the rally. Many of them, one after another, gathered and took pictures in front of our banners to show their support.

Picture above: A group of women carrying self-made handbags with handprinted slogan "fight for the establishment of the branches of Catholic High School and SJK(C) Yak Chee" gathered in front of our banner. (We got to know subsequently that they were residents from Puchong.) The lady (front row, 3rd from the right) wearing a black jacket and a pair of light green trousers, took out from her bag a card printed with the slogan: "Wee Ka Siong sells out Chinese education", and held it in her hand when her photo was taken. The banners were carried by Nasir (left) and Nyam Kee Han (right).
[10] The women were reluctant to leave after taking the picture in front of the banner that bore the message "MCA leadership sells out Chinese education! Wee Ka Siong should resign to make an apology!". They then moved on and took a photo in front of the other banner that read: "KA SIONG, MCA & BN BELONG TO DUSTBINS OF HISTORY".

Picture above: See their happy faces. They appeared in a happy mood, while looking at Wee Ka Siong with disdain. They seemed to agree that the Chinese community should consign MCA and BN to the dustbin of history. The banner was carried by Nyam Kee Han (standing behind with his face being covered) and Lee Chen Feng (right). The one half squatting (right hand side), showing "thumbs down" gesture was Chen Xin.
[11] Our slogans had moved the hearts of more and more people. Some of them even showed their support via action. The organiser sent another personnel (the person in 325 campaign's T-shirt), trying to discourage us from displaying our banners.

Picture above: Chen Xin (wearing leather hat) confronted the man who claimed to be the officer in charge of the assembly. But he was reluctant to identify himself. "We respect the organiser and assembly by distancing ourselves away from the platform. This is a public place. We have the right to express our opinion in this field. On what grounds are you preventing us from expressing our views? If Dong Zong's leadership thinks that they can do so, they are free to have a debate with us!"
[12] Not long after that, the organiser asked RELAs they hired temporarily to request us to remove our banners. Chen Xin, FOS Johor committee member, flatly refused, and told them that we were here today to express our views. We did not mean to disrupt the rally. Chen Xin told them very gently that we wished to know: who ordered them to request us to remove our banners; he belonged to which organisation; what position he was holding. On what grounds and pursuant to what regulations, he was making such request? One of the RELAs (wearing a brown cap) immediately made a phone call, and requested the person in charge to come over to negotiate. However, no one turned up till the end of the assembly.
[13] Since then, no one came to pester us about the banners. The middle-aged man in black (on the left in the picture above) by his gesture signified his agreement with our slogan: "MCA leadership sells out Chinese education! Wee Ka Siong should resign to make an apology!".

Two young men were holding yellow placards (on the right). One of them had a headband "Step down, Wee Ka Siong!". The young man in black shirt and short jeans held a placard: "It has been 55 years. Man has even gone to the moon. Why do the Chinese education issues have yet to be resolved? MCA betrays Chinese community. They sell out all the interests of Chinese education and Chinese community!!!"

Another young man standing behind our banner, held the front page of Oriental Daily dated 28 July. "Where is the Chinese secondary school that you had promised?" - a question was written on both sides of the newspaper cutting. It well reflects the thinking of the younger generations who are concerned about Chinese education. They realised that MCA has been deceiving the Chinese community all the while; and MCA is selling out Chinese education.
[14] About noon time, many participants displayed their banners containing such words as "Wee Ka Siong", "MCA", "Deputy Minister of MCA", "Ministry of Education", etc by the side of our banners, revealing their wishes and aspirations. They might have been embolden by our firm determination to display our banners despite unreasonable intimidation by the organisers.

From the left: "MCA Betrays Chinese Education. Dong Zong Safeguards Chinese Education" (part of the contents are blocked by a participant in red shirt and black pants), "Deputy Minister of MCA, don't overburden the Chinese Community!", "MCA leadership sells out Chinese education! Wee Ka Siong should resign to make an apology!" (our banner), "Wee Ka Siong is Incompetent. Step Down Now!" and "KA SIONG, MCA & BN BELONG TO DUSTBINS OF HISTORY" (our banner in English). The eye-catching banners lined up together conveyed a very clear message.
[15] Although repeated announcements had been made by the organiser that "We are above political parties, but not above politics!", "Today is a gathering about Chinese education. It is a matter of education, not a matter of politics", Pictures above: Many participants still courageously displayed their placards and banners to express their thoughts and feelings towards Chinese education. This is so despite being repeatedly "reminded" by the organiser not to show or express their opposition to MCA and Wee Ka Siong. All this goes to show Dong Zong's fruitless efforts to prevent participants from expressing their resentment against Wee Ka Siong, MCA and BN.
[16] A lady in black (working in advertising industry) admired the calligraphy on the Chinese banner "MCA leadership sells out Chinese education! Wee Ka Siong should resign to make an apology!". She wanted to have a photo taken ­together with us. She took out a hand-made "Wee Ka Siong Betrays Chinese Education" placard and held it in one hand, while the other hand held a Friends of Suaram Johor Working Committee's 10th Anniversary Special Edition (souvenir issue). From the left: Nasir, Nyam Kee Han, the Lady and Chen Xin.
[17] A group of participants brought their banner "Wee Ka Siong is Incompetent. Step Down Now!" and fastened it to the poles supporting our banners. They then took a photo in front of the banners. They were the very first group to link up their banner with ours. Perhaps they appreciated our determination to resist the absurd request made by the organiser. Meanwhile, their action had prompted many others to raise their banners again, and join forces with us without scruple.
[18] Participants equipped with cameras would not miss the chances of shooting a photo of our banners. Many of them opted to have photos taken of themselves in a standing or squatting position, in front of our banners, to show their support for our resolute stand. Some of them even showed gesture of "thumbs down" (meant to refer to "Wee Ka Siong"). Others through body language indicated that: "MCA leadership sells out Chinese education! Wee Ka Siong should resign to make an apology!"
[19] Although the organiser time and again reminded participants of the "taboo" imposed, that is, not to attack any individual or political party, someone went to the extent of singing a song entitled 'Give Me Back My Independent School' on stage. This song (adapted from a pop song) alleges that MCA leaders reneged on their promise to revive the Segamat Chinese Independent Secondary School within a time frame of 3 months. But the Chinese community has since waited in vain for as long as 26 years (equivalent to 9,490 days instead of 3 months).

Not long after that scenario, another person appeared and sang another adapted song, expressing general dissatisfaction with Wee Ka Siong's inability to resolve problems faced by Chinese education. Wee even misled the Chinese community. This song severely critized MCA leaders represented by Wee Ka Siong in the Ministry of Education. These songs were greeted with great hilarity among the crowd.
[20] A group of residents from Puchong decided to leave early after their bilingual banner was forcibly removed from the stage. To them, it was meaningless to wait for Dong Zong representatives to return from Parliament after presenting a memorandum. The Puchong residents displayed their banner and took a photo before they left. The banner read: "Penduduk Puchong Membidas Wee Ka Siong Sabotaj Usaha Kerajaan S'gor Beri Tanah Kpd Sekolah Cina" and "Puchong Residents Condemn Wee Ka Siong For Sabotaging Selangor State Government's Effort to Allocate Land For Chinese Primary Schools". "Wee Ka Siong Must Step Down!" (in Chinese). On the banner, there was a photo of Wee Ka Siong being given a "thumbs down". Isn't this clear enough that it is the people's aspirations and demand for Wee Ka Siong to step down?

[21] About 1 p.m. Dong Zong representatives led by Yap Sin Tian (wearing suit) returned to the venue of the gathering after they had submitted a memorandum to Nazri, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office.

The crowd moved forward, and cheers were heard when the representatives walked towards the stage. Some people even shouted "Long Live Dong Zong! Long Live Dong Zong!", showing their respect for Dong Zong in safeguarding the Chinese education.

They happily believed that the representatives (led by Yap Sin Tian) were the champions of the cause of protecting Chinese education in the fight against MCA leadership.

But little did they realise that the representatives (led by Yap Sin Tian and Chow Siew Hon) had already been interviewed shortly after submitting the memorandum. In the interview, they made it clear that the "926 gathering" had nothing to do with "Thumbs down Wee Ka Siong". They did not intend to demand for Wee Ka Siong's resignation.
[22] Yap Sin Tian (holding microphone) spoke to the crowd about the process of submitting the memorandum. No mention was made of the demand for Wee Ka Siong's resignation. After the short speech from Yap, the crowd started singing the song Together We Are Stronger, and began to disperse.

Dong Zong (under the leadership of Yap Sin Tian and Chow Siew Hon) betrayed the aspirations of the Chinese community expressed at "325 gathering" and "926 gathering", that is, Wee Ka Siong should resign. Dong Zong leadership had duped the 40,000 supporters into signing the petition for the "926 Save Chinese Education Campaign".

Dong Zong initiated the "926 Save Chinese Education Signature Campaign", and urged the people to attend the gathering on September 26. They accused Wee Ka Siong of breaking his promise to the people, selling out Chinese education and demanding Wee Ka Siong to step down! The masses signed the petition and attended the gathering simply because they were of the view that the MCA leadership represented by Wee Ka Siong (in the Ministry of Education) has betrayed the Chinese education.

The stark reality is: Dong Zong leadership is faint-hearted, and 926 campaign has petered out. One wonders: how would the Chinese community react to such sad state of affairs?

Related links and videos (in Mandarin):

通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)