Submarine Scandal: Inquiry Commence 19 April
2012 at Paris Tribunal de Grande Instance (TGI)
Press Statement: 18 April 2012

SUARAM will also provide names such as then Defense Minister and current Prime Minister Najib Razak, Abdul Razak Baginda, Setev Shaariibuu and also others that are believed to be able to assist in the investigation to know the truth about this scandal of 10 years which was also associated with Altantuya's Sharibuu death in 2006.
SUARAM hope that with the commencement of this case in France, we can send a clear message that Malaysians will not sit back and look at corrupt politicians and rampant corruption activities in Malaysia. The Malaysian people wants a government that is transparent, free from corruption and that will also protect the interests of the people.
SUARAM will continue to provide information after the delegation returns from France. For further information, please call Nalini at 03-7784 3525.
Released by,
SUARAM Secretariat
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