[《人民之友》编者按语] 本文是一名新加坡部落客发表的对近来的新中关系的感概贴文。作者所用的“蓝瘦香菇”一词,是新近出现的网络热词,源自中国广西南宁一名名叫韦勇的小伙失恋之后发布的一段视频。由于口音关系,小伙把“难受想哭”说成了“蓝瘦香菇”,而“蓝瘦香菇”也就不可思议地成了网络热词。
李显龙在2004年接任总理的时候,国际上的冷战局面已经结束。这是一个1997亚洲金融风暴和2007/2008世界金融风暴之间的变化时期。这也是一个很容易出现错觉的年代,判断错误的年代;也因此,很容易高处不知寒。不知寒就是不知道世界经济政治局势的演变和发展,已经出现根本性的改变 ——美国一国独大的垄断已经结束。
因此,我们的师爷,希望中国了解新加坡的多元种族特色,我们的苦衷,我们的蓝瘦香菇,我们的不得已。就像王乙康说的:新加坡历史很短,不能理解长历史。所以,我们是做短线投资,而不是长线投资。所以,我们认为我们的四大种族就是多元种族,而忽略了56个民族的中国,没有多元种族?因此,我们有“去中国化”,“去华校化”, “去方言化“的必要。这样才能配合多元种族国家的发展。
这就是新加坡在外交上的蓝瘦香菇了。 TPP的梦已经成为过去; 中国海军竟然可以停靠越南金兰湾; 而菲律宾这个美国"小三", 居然也敢移情别恋......
长历史是怎么一个概念?2000多年前, 东西间就有贸易往来,当时在陆路上,依靠快马,骆驼来经商。今天,同样的路,利用高铁,快速公路来完成。
短历史又是怎么一个概念?你看看新加坡兵乓总会如何处理球员的问题, 就大约明白了. 新加坡连一粒小小的兵乓球问题,都无法解决,就更不用说那五千年的文化传统了。
说到底,当前的蓝瘦香菇困境,就要看新加坡的现任领导和所谓的接班人的能力了。李显龙是否还有什么怪招没有使出来?现任领导中,有没有懂得对华的政治艺术的人?如果统统都没有,那就不幸被东森言中了。 而一直被动的新加坡人,将会是最大的受害者。
[ 附件 ]
Sunday, 23 October 2016
Two published commentaries in the Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao confirmed China-Singapore relationship is not as good as before.
# Tommy Koh talks about China’s four misunderstandings (Singapore not a Chinese state, support ASEAN, foreign policy towards big countries, and different world views)
# Wang Gungwu’s looking back to understand the future that China must understand Singapore’s self-image as a multicultural nation with a global outlook.
Is this a coincidence two commentaries appearing at the same day, from Koh’s misunderstandings to Wang’s understanding? What do they want to tell their readers? Not to worry, just a misunderstanding and China needs to understand us to improve the relationship.
Both Koh and Wang stress that even though 75% of Singapore population are Chinese, we are a multicultural and multiracial society. Does it mean we don’t need to understand (master) Chinese to understand China?
Have they mentioned anything about our foreign policy and the work done by Singapore’s foreign ministry?
It is very obvious that after the departure of George Yeo, the two foreign ministers are just part-time ministers as they also hold other important portfolios. When a ministry without a calibre minister, this is the expected outcome. One will wonder why PM Lee Hsien Loong does not appoint a ‘qualified’ minister to head the foreign ministry.
Before talking about the fourth generation leadership, we may have to seriously searching for a suitable foreign minister. So far, none of the potential ‘six’ has the calibre. Or maybe Ong Ye Kung who talked about short and long history in Beijing recently ("We cannot over-rely on history because it was not too long ago in history that Singapore did not exist," ). Ong also stated our position: "A small country needs a world order that respects and abides by international law and the sanctity of contracts and agreements,"
Is Ong’s short-long history different from Wang’s looking back to understand the future?
After all, we want China to understand we are small, we are multicultural and we want others to respect international orders.
Are these thinking up-to-date? Or is this a stagnation thought, a cold war thinking?
China’s development is a world history. The world order is no more a bipolar. Chinese domestic politics will affect how it interacts with the world.
Xi Jinping now emphasized not only the defense of territorial sovereignty and maritime resources but also increasing China’s cultural influence and improving regional security cooperation. He is less interested than previous Chinese leaders in abiding by the liberal economic order and more interested in molding the international order to match Chinese interests.
The two commentaries have not discussed Singapore’s own problems: attitude of new citizens, declining Chinese proficiency, lack of foreign affairs/Chinese experts, …
When Xi is promoting Chinese cultural influence, he is, in fact, targeting our weakest point. This is very different from participating at a singing contest in China!
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