Waytha Moorthy and Others Who Sell Out the Interests of Their Ethnic Community
to Seek Power and Position Will Be Spurned by the People
瓦达慕迪等人谋取权位官职 出卖族群利益必遭人民唾弃
to Seek Power and Position Will Be Spurned by the People
瓦达慕迪等人谋取权位官职 出卖族群利益必遭人民唾弃
An English Rendition of the Chinese Statement by
Sahabat Rakyat Johore Working Committee
released on 24 April 2013
Sahabat Rakyat Johore Working Committee
released on 24 April 2013
Hindraf's leadership headed by Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan signed off a Memorandum of Understanding entitled “Hindraf-Barisan Nasional (BN) Five-Year Blueprint” (hereinafter referred as “MoU”) with BN ruling clique headed by Najib Razak on 18 Apr. The following is a 4-point statement issued by Sahabat Rakyat Johore Working Committee with regard to this issue:
1. The signing of the MoU is obviously a “political deal” of “Najib – I help you, you help me” between BN ruling clique and Hindraf's leadership — In fact, “cooperation” in the MoU refers to Najib's commitment of continuing to assist the Indian ethnic community in participating mainstream development while Waytha Moorthy urged the Indian ethnic community to support BN in the 13th General Election (GE13), helping BN to retain its two-thirds Parliamentary majority. The cooperation between both parties was merely founded on Najib's promise to Waytha Moorthy that the four points will be realized, i.e. the upliftment of displaced estate workers, resolving the issue of statelessness, the provision of education and business opportunities.
We all know well that the Indian ethnic community in Malaysia, like other minority communities, after enduring the rule of the British colonial government for over 50 years, continues to suffer under the rule of UMNO-dominated Alliance and the present BN governments for another upwards of 50 years. Hindraf has been leading the Indian community since 2007 to accuse the British colonial government and the ruling clique in our country of being marginalised, and demand for a change. It has been 5 years since then and the Najib-led BN ruling clique has never made any real reform of its racist policy and economic, culture, education and social system. Indian community and other minority groups are still being marginalised further.
While the BN ruling clique is on the verge of collapsing, and is to be overwhelmed by people power after reformation, Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan had chosen to sign the abovementioned MoU with Najib just two days before the nomination day of GE13, urging the Indian community to render their support to BN to continue their rule. Both Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan are trying to acquire power and position and other personal interests by exploiting the Indian votes. In fact, this contradicts the aspiration and action of the Indian ethnic community and other ethnic communities who are trying to dump UMNO-BN.
2. Hindraf's grass-roots cadres should not allow their leaders or anyone to neglect and abandon their “core demands” in exchange for their personal interests, power and position — While Waytha Moorthy was in exile, he presented a report entitled "Institutional Racism and Religious Freedom in Malaysia" to the people and governments at home and abroad, in his capacity as the leader of the Human Rights Foundation Malaysia (in fact he is representing Hindraf). Hindraf has also launched a global electronic petition,demanding the Malaysian Government to repeal Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, all racist policies and legal provisions, and to treat all people equally.
Waytha Moorthy, after returning to the homeland on 1 Aug 2012, had organized road shows across the country, calling upon the BN government to repeal Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, as the concrete assertion of the core demands (the most fundamental demands) of Hindraf's struggle. In short, Hindraf fights for the rights and dignity of the marginalised Indian poor. The core demands of Hindraf's struggle are: Abolish the oppression of institutionalized racism, fight for freedom of religion and repeal Article 153 of the Federal Constitution. In fact, Hindraf's action signifies that the Indian community has put forward its demands for equality on behalf of all ethnic communities as an urgent agenda.
It is the doomsday of Najib and the BN hegemonistic rule if the justified, legitimate and appropriate action carries on. Therefore, the broad grass-root cadres of Hindraf, should not allow Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan or anyone, to neglect and abandon the “core demands” in exchange for their power, position and personal interests. They should stop them from misleading the Indian community to support the UMNO-BN ruling clique. They should stand together with people of all ethnic communities, democratic parties and organizations instead, to dump the UMNO-BN ruling clique into the dustbin of history.
3. Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan betray the interests of the Indian community and act as accomplices of the ruling clique to split the people of various ethnic groups —Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan urge the Indian voters to support BN to seize two-thirds Parliamentary majority in the forthcoming general election at the MoU signing event. They not only put aside and abandoned Hindraf's "core demands" but also disregard the situation of the Indian community, who are being oppressed. At this critical moment, both of them defected and accepted the "enlistment" by the BN ruling clique, and attempted to degenerate Hindraf into a tool of the BN ruling clique to split the people's unity.
Both of them fished the votes on behalf of BN openly and flagrantly. Their behavior makes no difference from the upper echelon of other BN component parties such as MIC and PPP. They deceived the Indian populations to believe in BN's promises again, driving the Indian ethnic group to continue accepting BN's racist hegemonistic rule. In order to seek position and personal interests, they ruined the golden opportunity of solidarity between the Indian community with the other communities to dump BN into the dustbin of history. Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan have sold out the interests of their community. Furthermore, they have become the accomplices of the BN ruling clique and are trying to throw people of all the ethnic groups into disarray.
4. Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan or other leaders have become traitors to the oppressed Indian community and go against the will of the people from all ethnic groups will be spurned —In the past, the Hindraf leaders including Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan, kept on saying that institutionalised racism ruling by the UMNO-dominated Perikatan and present BN government is the root cause of the enduring oppressed, discriminated and marginalized suffering of Indian, Chinese and other ethnic minorities in our country. However, they have now chosen to stand against the people of all ethnic communities.
One who betrays his own community will always be spurned by people. There will be no exception for Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan or other leaders who follow their path. They will certainly be spurned by the grassroots of Hindraf, broad Indian masses and the populace. We are willing to act in unison with the Indian community and people of the whole nation: Any democratic reform can only be brought about when various communities of any class, political party or religion do not entertain any illusion about the deceptive transformation programs of the BN/UMNO clique (including BN's main component parties) indulging in hegemonic rule. They must not harbour any illusion about the upper echelon of BN component parties' intention to safeguard the interests of the various communities.
1. The signing of the MoU is obviously a “political deal” of “Najib – I help you, you help me” between BN ruling clique and Hindraf's leadership — In fact, “cooperation” in the MoU refers to Najib's commitment of continuing to assist the Indian ethnic community in participating mainstream development while Waytha Moorthy urged the Indian ethnic community to support BN in the 13th General Election (GE13), helping BN to retain its two-thirds Parliamentary majority. The cooperation between both parties was merely founded on Najib's promise to Waytha Moorthy that the four points will be realized, i.e. the upliftment of displaced estate workers, resolving the issue of statelessness, the provision of education and business opportunities.
We all know well that the Indian ethnic community in Malaysia, like other minority communities, after enduring the rule of the British colonial government for over 50 years, continues to suffer under the rule of UMNO-dominated Alliance and the present BN governments for another upwards of 50 years. Hindraf has been leading the Indian community since 2007 to accuse the British colonial government and the ruling clique in our country of being marginalised, and demand for a change. It has been 5 years since then and the Najib-led BN ruling clique has never made any real reform of its racist policy and economic, culture, education and social system. Indian community and other minority groups are still being marginalised further.
While the BN ruling clique is on the verge of collapsing, and is to be overwhelmed by people power after reformation, Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan had chosen to sign the abovementioned MoU with Najib just two days before the nomination day of GE13, urging the Indian community to render their support to BN to continue their rule. Both Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan are trying to acquire power and position and other personal interests by exploiting the Indian votes. In fact, this contradicts the aspiration and action of the Indian ethnic community and other ethnic communities who are trying to dump UMNO-BN.
2. Hindraf's grass-roots cadres should not allow their leaders or anyone to neglect and abandon their “core demands” in exchange for their personal interests, power and position — While Waytha Moorthy was in exile, he presented a report entitled "Institutional Racism and Religious Freedom in Malaysia" to the people and governments at home and abroad, in his capacity as the leader of the Human Rights Foundation Malaysia (in fact he is representing Hindraf). Hindraf has also launched a global electronic petition,demanding the Malaysian Government to repeal Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, all racist policies and legal provisions, and to treat all people equally.
Waytha Moorthy, after returning to the homeland on 1 Aug 2012, had organized road shows across the country, calling upon the BN government to repeal Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, as the concrete assertion of the core demands (the most fundamental demands) of Hindraf's struggle. In short, Hindraf fights for the rights and dignity of the marginalised Indian poor. The core demands of Hindraf's struggle are: Abolish the oppression of institutionalized racism, fight for freedom of religion and repeal Article 153 of the Federal Constitution. In fact, Hindraf's action signifies that the Indian community has put forward its demands for equality on behalf of all ethnic communities as an urgent agenda.
It is the doomsday of Najib and the BN hegemonistic rule if the justified, legitimate and appropriate action carries on. Therefore, the broad grass-root cadres of Hindraf, should not allow Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan or anyone, to neglect and abandon the “core demands” in exchange for their power, position and personal interests. They should stop them from misleading the Indian community to support the UMNO-BN ruling clique. They should stand together with people of all ethnic communities, democratic parties and organizations instead, to dump the UMNO-BN ruling clique into the dustbin of history.
3. Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan betray the interests of the Indian community and act as accomplices of the ruling clique to split the people of various ethnic groups —Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan urge the Indian voters to support BN to seize two-thirds Parliamentary majority in the forthcoming general election at the MoU signing event. They not only put aside and abandoned Hindraf's "core demands" but also disregard the situation of the Indian community, who are being oppressed. At this critical moment, both of them defected and accepted the "enlistment" by the BN ruling clique, and attempted to degenerate Hindraf into a tool of the BN ruling clique to split the people's unity.
Both of them fished the votes on behalf of BN openly and flagrantly. Their behavior makes no difference from the upper echelon of other BN component parties such as MIC and PPP. They deceived the Indian populations to believe in BN's promises again, driving the Indian ethnic group to continue accepting BN's racist hegemonistic rule. In order to seek position and personal interests, they ruined the golden opportunity of solidarity between the Indian community with the other communities to dump BN into the dustbin of history. Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan have sold out the interests of their community. Furthermore, they have become the accomplices of the BN ruling clique and are trying to throw people of all the ethnic groups into disarray.

One who betrays his own community will always be spurned by people. There will be no exception for Waytha Moorthy and N. Ganesan or other leaders who follow their path. They will certainly be spurned by the grassroots of Hindraf, broad Indian masses and the populace. We are willing to act in unison with the Indian community and people of the whole nation: Any democratic reform can only be brought about when various communities of any class, political party or religion do not entertain any illusion about the deceptive transformation programs of the BN/UMNO clique (including BN's main component parties) indulging in hegemonic rule. They must not harbour any illusion about the upper echelon of BN component parties' intention to safeguard the interests of the various communities.
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