Wednesday 20 November 2019

近800人和平离开港理大, 有3暴徒逃跑数秒即被捕 / CNN: What's left of one Hong Kong university after hundreds of protesters fled


发表于2019年11月20 日08:53时分

占领香港理工大学的自首者在警方带领下前往登记身份  (图源:香港<文汇报>)











What's left of one 
Hong Kong university 
after hundreds of 
protesters fled

By Joshua Berlinger, CNN



Updated 1850 GMT (0250 HKT) November 19, 2019

❶Wreckage left at Polytechnic University shows make-shift bomb operations . | 占领者遗留在香港理工大学内的物品显示他们制造汽油弹的行动。

Hong Kong (CNN) Last week, thousands of student protesters streamed into Hong Kong Polytechnic University and occupied the campus as the city's violent political unrest reached fever pitch.

Once inside, they soon faced an impossible choice: stay inside until supplies run out, or leave the university and risk getting tear gassed and arrested for rioting, a charge which can fetch a 10-year prison sentence.

Police accused protesters of turning PolyU and other universities into "weapons factories" that "look like military training grounds" and surrounded the campus.

Police have been on the edge of the campus for more than two days, firing round after round of tear gas at protesters who responded with makeshift petrol bombs, catapults and bows and arrows.

❷One of the main entrances to Hong Kong's Polytechnic University as seen Tuesday morning.  | 图示11月19日(周二)早晨,香港理工大学的一个主要入口处一片狼藉。

Hundreds of protesters were trapped, but some slowly managed to get out. Authorities said they had processed 1,100 people -- 600 of whom left willingly. Protesters were arrested if they were older than 18 or registered and then released if they were minors, police said.

By Tuesday morning, the violence had subsided and the campus was in ruins. Only a small number of demonstrators remain in the university.

❸Charred remains of the PolyU campus are seen near the Cross-Harbour Tunnel. | 图示位于靠近过港隧道的理大校园建筑物被焚毁后的残骸。

Atop one of the campus' entrances, there was a noticeable stench of smoldering rubbish and petrol that burned the nose.

❹Piles of unused of petrol bombs are seen near one of the entrances to the university. | 图示靠近理大入口的走道,堆积着许多未用的汽油弹和瓶子以及装有汽油的桶罐。

Thousands of unused petrol bombs littered the campus on the path to the canteen, which had become something of a main headquarters for the protesters.

Only about 50 or so protesters were inside when CNN visited Tuesday morning. Some slept while others looked aimlessly at their phones.

❺Graffiti is seen at the entrance of the canteen, which became something of a headquarters for protesters at PolyU. | 图示占领者在理大餐厅入口处的胡乱涂鸦,把这里变成了他们行动的一个司令部。

❻A statue near the entrance to the canteen and gymnasium is seen decked out in attire typical of Hong Kong's protesters.  | 图示占领者把理大体育馆内的一座雕像,改扮成“香港抗争者”相貌。

An 18-year-old in a black ski mask sat beside the entrance. Only his eyes were visible on his face. His hands appeared to have fresh cuts on them.

He told CNN he arrived at the PolyU two days ago. But things had changed on Tuesday.

❼ The entrance to the Cross-Harbour Tunnel, one of three tunnels connecting Hong Kong Island to Kowloon. The roadway is usually among the city's most packed.  | 图示这是一条过港隧道入口处的车道。这条隧道是链接香港和九龙的3条隧道的其中一条。这个车道,在平时是香港最为拥挤的车道,车辆满满挤在车道上。

Fewer people were on the streets outside and the number of protesters inside were dwindling.

Protesters have been holed up at the PolyU campus since last week, after an escalation in the months-long unrest that saw multiple universities across the city fortified and turned into temporary protest camps. They had used the PolyU campus as a base from which they launched operations to block nearby roads and the Cross-Harbour Tunnel which connects Kowloon to Hong Kong Island.

By Tuesday, police had surrounded the school, and there didn't appear to be a way out. A handful of desperate protesters took to shimmying down a rope from a bridge and getting away on motorcycles.

❽A view of the hose used by protesters to sneak out of PolyU. The normally bustling roads were abandoned Tuesday morning.  | 图示平时熙熙攘攘的车道在11月19日周二上午就无法使用。图中的红色大胶管是占领者用来潜逃出理工大学。

The teen in the canteen said he had barely slept because of fears that police could storm the campus at any moment.

"I'm definitely very tired," he said. "I'm trying my best to look for a way out. Even though I know that the chance of (finding) a safe way out exists less and less by the second."

The teenager, like all those who spoke to CNN, declined to give his real name or have his photograph taken because he feared being identified and arrested by police.

❾ Items from a nearby library were piled up and used as barriers. | 图示占领者将从附近的图书馆的物品堆积起来,用作阻止警方行动的障碍。

Across the hall from the canteen, protesters had turned the gymnasium into a dormitory, despite the fact that an alarm was going off. Several people were still sleeping there at about 11:30 in the morning when CNN visited.

❿Protesters sleep inside the gymnasium. | 占领者在理大体育馆内睡觉。

⓫The nearly-empty gymnasium.  | 空空荡荡的体育馆,占领者用作睡觉的好地方

Back outside, groups of roving protesters looked for exits near the Jockey Club Innovation Tower, an impressive piece of architecture designed by Zaha Hadid. Several tried to jump across a highway near the pool, which had been emptied and used for Molotov cocktail-throwing practice. Protesters have justified this type of violence as proportional and meant to keep police at bay, but authorities say their actions are dangerous and potentially deadly.

⓬A pool that was emptied and used for petrol bomb practice by protesters is seen Tuesday.  | 游泳池放空了,占领者用作抛掷汽油弹的训练场所。

One of those looking out was a surgeon who identified himself as Dr. Chiu. Chiu had come as part of a group of first aid volunteers two days earlier, and said he treated some pretty serious wounds -- lacerations deep enough to see the muscles, broken ribs and a fractured arm among them.

⓭Protester appear to search for a way to leave PolyU without being caught by police.  | 图示周二当天,占领者显得正在查找离开理大的一个途径,企图逃脱警方逮捕。

The less-experienced volunteers working with him struggled to cope at times. "I saw a lot of other first-aiders and other students, kids -- they're all crying," Chiu said.

He paused, took a deep breath and continued: He said had hoped that this generation of young people could have avoided this experience.

"They shouldn't bear this kind of responsibility."

⓮An area near the entrance of PolyU is seen Tuesday.  | 图示靠近理工大学入口处的一个区域,周二当天所见情景。

But Chiu also said it was important to empathize with Hong Kong's police force, which has been criticized for alleged police brutality over the course of the city's almost six months of protests.

"They have been working under a lot of pressure these months," Chiu said.

Chiu then went off and looked for an exit. Trailing a few hundred meters behind were a group of three girls, including a 14-year-old who wouldn't give us her real name, but wanted to be called "Hannah."

Hannah said she came to defend not just PolyU, but the city and its freedom. She said she feels it's important for young people to fight for their freedoms and a democratic system.

"I know it's tough for everyone, and for us too. But faced with the authoritarian government, we can't be afraid. We have to go on," Hannah said.

⓯A Starbucks on the PolyU campus was heavily vandalized, as were others near the school. The coffee chain is regularly targeted by protesters because the family that owns Maxim's, which owns the Starbucks franchise in Hong Kong, has criticized protesters and supported police.  | 图示香港理大校园内的一间星巴克(Starbucks)咖啡厅,像其他靠近理大的同牌子的咖啡厅一样,遭受严重破坏。这个咖啡连锁店成为香港示威者进行破坏的对象,是由于这个拥有美心饮食集团(Maxim)的家族,也拥有星巴克(Starbucks)的香港经营权,他们曾经批评示威者并支持警方。

Hannah explained that the situation hasn't been easy.

Like everyone else on campus during the protest occupation, sleep for Hannah has been hard to come by. She said Monday morning -- when police fired numerous rounds of tear gas in a bid to clear the campus -- was particularly tough, because they were not fully prepared for their encounter with police.

Hannah said she's a been a regular at protests since they began happening frequently back in June.

She usually is tasked with either neutralizing tear gas canisters fired by police or throwing them back at authorities.

⓰Protesters are seen running through the center of the PolyU campus. | 图示已被警察围困的占领者在理大校园中心流窜,企图逃出警方的封锁。

"We have been here for over 48 hours now. It's very very tough for us, but we are worried that police might raid the campus. So we stay here and wait for rescue."

Hannah said that her mother was among the group of parents who had gathered near the university for a sit-in, requesting that police let the student-protesters inside the university leave without fear of arrest or harm.

⓱One of the streets near Hong Kong Polytechnic University is seen filled with detritus Tuesday. | 图示香港理工大学附近的一条街道上,周二当天,一眼所见,全是杂物碎石。

[ CNN's Isaac Yee, Chermaine Lee and James Griffiths contributed to this report ]


通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)