Monday 25 July 2016

《砂拉越报告》全球独家新闻: 涉嫌比尔卡勇谋杀案 种植集团老板被通缉 / Plantation Boss Wanted Over Bill Kayong Murder - WORLD EXCLUSIVE By SARAWAK REPORT

《砂拉越报告》全球独家新闻 –

作者 / 来源:《砂拉越报告》7月16日报道
华文译者: 朱信健、陈添平

命案主谋嫌犯李志坚                     命案死者比尔卡勇

通缉拿督李志坚(Dato’ Lee Chee Kiang,译音)

在马来西亚,极少有人敢直呼拿督李志坚(Dato’ Lee Chee Kiang,译音)的名字,因为他与政治(人物)有良好关系。

但是,我们可以发现一张控状指名李志坚涉嫌唆使谋杀一名维护原住民土地权的英雄 ——比尔卡勇(Bill Kayong)。在同一张控状底下执行夺命枪杀任务的其他嫌犯已经遭到逮捕。


上星期枪杀比尔卡勇的被告和李昌隆(Lie Chang Loon,译音)一起被带上法庭。起诉李昌隆的控状书这么写道:

“.......你和李志坚(身份证号码:710816-13-5079)以及正在潜逃的其他人.......唆使一名莫哈末费德里(Mohamad Fitri Pauzi).......执行谋杀比尔卡勇(Bill Kayong)的行动.......”

上图所示,提呈法庭的控状上,李昌隆(Lie Chang Loon,译音)被指名为谋杀比尔卡勇的教唆犯。

对同发种植有限公司(Tung Huat Plantation)的斗争


公司注册资料显示,天猛公父亲(李旭同)与儿子(李志坚)是公司原始的董事 —— 注意:上图椭圆形红圈内的身份证号码与控状书内的相同。


生活在该原住民习俗地的居民多年来多次入禀法庭,跟同发种植有限公司展开法律斗争。这些原住民得到维护原住民土地权的律师阿本瑞(Abun Sui)以及社运人士比尔卡勇的支持。他们两人都跟在野的人民公正党有联系,其中比尔卡勇曾是砂州议会选举的一名候选人。







尽管这父子俩扮演了如此显要的的公共角色,他们的同发种植有限公司所发生的以暴力对付原住民利益的捍卫者的事件,成为砂拉越近年来以暴力欺压胁迫社区的许多案件中最为恶劣的实例。自由砂拉越电台(Radio Free Sarawak)从2011年起就报导了这些事件,维护民权工作者也在此期间持续地表达了关注和忧虑。



与此同时,同发尼亚种植公司针对其公司在双溪柏格立(Sungai Bekelit)的发展计划下受影响的当地伊班社区发动了一系列骇人听闻的暴力攻击。






莫哈末费德里(Mohamad Fitri Pauzi)昨日被带上法庭




共犯 ——根据控状,李昌隆雇用费德里行凶




《婆罗洲邮报》仅敢以暗示的语言“一名拿督级的主谋人物正在潜逃”作出报道。 该报只以一句“李昌隆与仍在潜逃的Lee CK以及另外两人,被控唆使莫哈末费德里(Mohamad Fitri)进行谋杀社运分子”含糊地交代“神秘拿督”的身份。


快乐的日子不复再!在一次国阵的竞选活动中,人联党前主席陈华贵(Peter Chin)与嫌疑枪手莫哈末费德里(Mohd Fitri Pauzi)手臂与手臂相靠合照 !

更令人震惊的是,此案的嫌疑人 —— 李志坚与人联党及国阵的政治关系,让他在砂劳越境内继续得到庇护。有关当局甚至没将他列为涉及此凶杀案的主要嫌疑人。

与此同时,砂劳越报告取得了上述照片。照片里能清楚看到被指涉及此案的枪手,当时和人联党前任主席陈华贵在一个国阵举办的竞选活动里肩并肩站在一起。健壮魁梧的莫哈末费德里(Mohamad Fitri Pauzi),熟络的将手搭在这位政治领袖的肩上,显示他们之间关系匪浅。

比尔卡勇 ——一名著名的社运人士破坏了拥有密切政治关系的同发种植有限公司的经济利益。







Plantation Boss Wanted
Over Bill Kayong Murder
So politically well-connected is Dato’ Lee Chee Kiang that it seems that no one has so far dared to name him in Malaysia.

However, we can reveal that he is squarely cited in the charge sheets against others arrested over the fatal shooting of the land rights hero Bill Kayong, where he is named for having abetted the murder.

Lee is believed to have fled Sarawak for Australia at about the time Kayong was shot dead in his car at a traffic light in Miri, yet there has been no public notification so far that a Red Notice Alert has been issued for his arrest and we ask if the Australian police are aware that a wanted Malaysian suspected killer is at large and believed to be in their territory?

After all, the charge sheet against Lie Chang Loon who appeared in court last week together with the man accused of shooting Kayong plainly reads:

“ together with Lee Chee Kiang (I.C. No.: 710816-13-5079) and other persons at large.. abetted one Mohamad Fitri Pauzi the commission of murder of Bill Anak Kayong."

Named as an abettor in the murder of Bill Kayong in the charges laid against Lie Chang Loon.

Tung Huat Plantation Battle

The murder of one of Sarawak’s best known land rights figures was immediately widely suspected as being linked to the gangster timber politics of the state.

Temenggong father and son were the original Directors of the company – note the ID number matches the charge sheet above.

Indeed, the criminal nexus between land grabbing timber/plantation companies and top politicians, who hold undue influence over the forces of the law, has been perfectly illustrated in the case of Tung Huat Plantation, where Lee Chee Kiang is a Director and key shareholder.

For years native landowners have been locked in legal battles against the company, supported by land rights lawyer Abun Sui and campaigner Bill Kayong, who are both linked to the opposition PKR party – Kayong was a candidate at the state election.

Temenggong Lee (left) received his extension from SUPP Vice President just before the murder.

Lee Chee Kiang, on the other hand, is very closely linked to BN’s SUPP party, whose local election battles have been heavily financed by Najib personally (as million ringgit cheques signed by him at the general election bear testimony).

Lee’s father and fellow director, Lee Sie Tong, is none other than the present Temenggong of Miri, known to have close ties to the SUPP.

On June 1st that post was extended in a ceremony officiated by an SUPP Vice President, the Tourism Minister Lee Kim Shin, who openly congratulated Temenggong Lee for having “been instrumental in getting the community to support the Barisan Nasional (BN) government“.

Together with his son, the Temenggong is not only a Director of Tung Huat Plantation they are the major shareholders also.

Father and son – Major shareholders and directors of Tung Huat plantation, as well as movers and shakers in Miri politics.

Despite this prominent communal role the struggle involving Tung Huat has been one of the worst examples of violence and bullying towards local communities in recent years in Sarawak. Radio Free Sarawak has reported on the issue since 2011 and civil rights campaigners have raised ongoing major concerns throughout this period.

Tua Rumah (headman) was attacked with parangs in his car Central Miri.

Bill Kayong himself and other campaigners had received unrelenting verbal threats from Lee himself and gangsters allegedly paid by him for months, often receiving up to 20 phone calls a day, according to people close to the case.

Meanwhile, a series of appalling violent attacks had been launched against the local Iban community affected by the Tung Huat Niah Plantation in Sungai Bekelit.

In one incident late last year the headman was run off the road by gangsters, who were in a vehicle registered to the plantation company and slashed with a parang.

In a string of other incidents cars have been burnt out, houses firebombed and gangsters have been reported numerous times arriving at the village to intimidate locals who had mounted blockades. In some cases they were reported for deliberately running people over in their vehicles, landing them in hospital.

How Radio Free Sarawak reported the issue on Friday 27th November.


Yet, despite the unrelenting violence against villagers, local leaders and campaigners have complained that the police did precisely nothing to protect their safety.

Brought to court yesterday – Mohamad Fitri Pauzi.

To the contrary the villagers’ legal representatives found that instead the company had started mounting cases against them, denouncing them in the courts for incitement.

After months and years, during which local people were forced to stand their ground without the support of the forces of law and order, campaigners believe that the owners of Tung Huat Plantations came to the conclusion that they could act with impunity.

And in the case of the fugitive Dato’ Lee Chee Kiang it appears from the present charges that he decided that he could threaten the main political campaigner against his plantation and then order that those threats be carried out.

Accomplice – Lie hired Fitri according to the charges.

Sarawak Report has been told by those with knowledge of the case that Lee Chee Kiang had started asking around for local mercenaries in the absence of any police action against the earlier outrages, which had plainly been carried out by those associated with his company.

It is alleged that Lee approached Lie Chang Loon (one of the two in custody), who in turn sub-contracted the shooting to Mohamad Fitri Pauzi (also now apprehended and charged).

Yet, when the two men were brought to court yesterday and remanded on these charges there was no mention by the jubilant police force of the names of the other suspects they are hunting. Nor did the local papers name the key suspect for commissioning the crime, although they too have had access to the charge sheet information.

All the Borneo Post dared hint was that “A Dato’ ‘Mastermind’ is on the run“!

“Lie was charged together with one Lee CK and two others still at large for abetting Mohamad Fitri in the commission of the murder of the activist”

was the only coy reference to the identity of the “mystery Dato’ from Borneo Post.

SUPP Connection

Happier days! Ex- SUPP Chief Peter Chin stands arm in arm together with the alleged shooter Mohd Fitri Pauzi (centre) on the BN campaign trail!

The shocking extent to which the SUPP/BN political connections of this suspected gangster, Lee Chee Kiang, continues to protect him in Sarawak could not be clearer than the failure to even name him as the prime suspect in this murder.

Meanwhile, Sarawak Report has obtained the above picture of the very man accused of pulling the trigger, earlier standing side by side with the former SUPP boss Peter Chin on the BN campaign trail. The tall and muscular hit man, Mohamad Fitri Pauzi, has his arm draped over the shoulder of his political leader in a gesture of close affection.

Bill Kayong – a popular campaigner who got in the way of financial interests of politically connected Tung Huat Plantations.

Had the young man seen his contract to eliminate a charismatic opposition figure, who was getting in the way of the financial interests of SUPP-connected figures, as somehow part of a political mission in Sarawak?

It is time that the rulers of the state end their deafening silence over the shocking circumstances of this case and denounce the politically connected company, which benefited from the failure of the police to stand up to their criminal behaviour.

It is also time that Peter Chin spoke out to clarify SUPP’s position with relation to the Tung Huat Plantation company – in particular does he or any other SUPP politician hold shares or interests (or nominee shares or interests) in this company and, if not, why does he believe the police have for years failed to address its gangster activities against the locals whom SUPP are supposed to represent?

Finally, it is high time that the violent intimidation of the natives of Sarawak by greedy companies, who have raped their lands with the full support and backing of the political establishment, was ended.

Chief Minister Adenan Satem has claimed he wants more autonomy, but what hope is there for natives that their interests will be any better protected by a stronger state government, which has allowed such a state of affairs to develop?

A violent campaign which ended in murder at this traffic light in Miri – and with the powerful main suspect on the run.


通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)