Sunday 6 March 2016

Save Malaysia from UMNO BN rule

PSM `s Press Statement  dated 5th March,2016
Save Malaysia from UMNO BN rule
Original Title: Save Malaysia OR Save UMNO BN rule?

Picture above was taken when A.Sivarajan, Secretary General of PSM released this statement.
(source of the picture:

Since yesterday’s press conference with Mahathir announcing the grand coalition to oust Najib Tun Razak, both Pakatan Harapan and civil society leaders have been dodging brickbats and criticism from the rakyat.

PSM is shocked and surprised how quickly the opposition and civil society have agreed to Tun M’s grand declaration. Even though the respective leaders were called on a personal capacity, but it would be preposterous to draw the line between personal opinion and the organization/political party that they represent in this case.

Did they ever consult their members on their decision? Did their insist that the declaration must be amended with their inputs before they inked it?

The historical press conference only proves how weak in strength and in ideas the opposition and civil society really are. Unable to settle squabbling amongst themselves and basically running out of ideas to unseat Najib Tun Razak, they have decided to ally with any ex-dictator that made the same call.

This is the symptom of targeting the individual and not understanding the political economy this nation has been moulded into by UMNO BN. Any short term plan to remove only the cancerous leader but maintain rule of the same dominant party spells disaster for future Malaysian politics. The rakyat will continue to suffer under the same anti people neoliberal economic policies.

Taxes on the rakyat will continue, more subsidies on necessary items will be withdrawn, income disparity will continue to widen, minimum wage will remain unrealistic, cheap labour policy will continue etc.,.

Najib’s administration is a continuation of Mahathir’s authoritarian, neoliberal legacy. Both leaders and the rest of the pack in UMNO BN share the same economic principles that will further impoverish the rakyat. Thus what is the Pakatan Rakyat and civil society hoping for? Short term gain, long term misery!

On what basis will Pakatan Harapan campaign for them as an alternative pro people political coalition, when they just signed on a declaration which indirectly affirms UMNO BN rule with supposedly some structural change?

Even on an optimistic note, does the Pakatan Harapan and civil society really believe that;
1.      Mahathir and the coalition of the willing will be allowed to do significant structural changes within the MACC, PDRM, SPR and judiciary while UMNO BN is still in power?

2.     Do they expect the DPM Zahid Hamidi and the rest standby quietly as these so called reforms are made, even when they are fully aware that their political future will be jeopardized?

3.      After the declaration what next?  How will it be executed? What executive power does the coalition of the willing have?

4.      Who is calling the shots in this coalition? Is it a democratic coalition or is it dominated by Mahathirism?

PSM seeks to remind the Pakatan Harapan and civil society that there have been many declarations before this, but do not really make significant change. The downfall of Marcos and Suharto were not achieved by declarations of political elites alone.

PSM strongly believes that true change can only happen when a political system is replaced by another clearly alternative system, We believe that the UMNO BN legacy has to be ended immediately for the entire judiciary, executive, legislative to be overhauled not reformed.

Thus, we should not mislead the rakyat by proclaiming such initiatives will truly bring changes to their lives. Only a political alternative movement that crushes neoliberalism and builds a truly pro people economy will be able to sustain humanity and the environment.

Save Malaysia from UMNO BN! True Change Not Reform !

Secretary General PSM


通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)