Sunday 23 August 2015

Forum cum luncheon in commemoration of Sahabat Rakyat’s 14th Anniversary, 5 experts delivering speech and 2 guests are invited to speak (updated speaker's title on 27 Aug)

Forum cum luncheon in commemoration of
Sahabat Rakyat’s 14th Anniversary
5 experts delivering speech and
2 guests are invited to speak

Sahabat Rakyat will be holding its 14th anniversary commemoration event. Particulars are as follows: Date: 6 September 2015 (Sunday) Time: 11am – 2pm (11am – 1pm : “The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia” forum; 1pm – 2pm : Luncheon) Venue: DeFortune Restaurant, Kulaijaya, Johor

Due to our tight schedule, audiences are encouraged to be seated before 10:45am to ensure forum to begin on time and to allow sufficient time for Q&A session.

All invited speakers have confirmed their attendance except Ambiga Sreenavasan, the former co-chairperson of Bersih 2.0 who is prestigious in the legal profession is unable to join us due to some personal reasons. Therefore, Sahabat Rakyat has invited the President of Malaysian Bar or his representative to attend and speak in the forum. We were notified on 11 Aug that Malaysian Bar delegated the co-chairperson of the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee, Firdaus Husni to speak on behalf. Panel speakers and the titles of their speech are:
  1. Firdaus Husni: Federal Constitution: Preserve, Protect and Defend 
  2. P. Waytha Moorthy: Democratic Change is Meaningless without Commitment for True and Genuine Reforms 
  3. S. Arutchelvan: Mobilising for Change - What To Do First 
  4. Dzulkefly Ahmad: Strengthening Parliamentary Reforms: The Way Forward 
  5. Lina Soo: Malaysia 'Great Buttress of Freedom In Asia' - Truth or Fiction?
Speeches from the 5 panel speakers above will definitely have their own representative view. We hope that leaders of non-governmental organisations and individuals in the country, especially in Johor who are enthusiastic in democratic and human rights movement, will appreciate this opportunity and attend the program to exchange views face to face.

In order to make the commemoration event more meaningful, Sahabat Rakyat has also arranged 2 of the invited guests to speak on stage during luncheon. They are Ravi Sarma, son of the late anti-colonial fighter, P V Sarma and Tan Tai Kim, President of Dong Zong (United Chinese School Committees’ Association of Malaysia).

Ravi Sarma has spent plenty of his precious time and effort in translating two segments, i.e. “The rising of of Hindraf’s movement” and “Conclusion”, of Nyam Kee Han’s working paper in Chinese language entitled “Hindraf Movement is a Product of Current Democratic Reform Movement of the Malaysia Indian Community” to Tamil language, so that more Indian masses can have a more accurate and direct understanding on our position and views towards their dilemma and the support towards their struggle. Therefore, Sahabat Rakyat is inviting Ravi Sarma who has a good background, and has spared effort and contributed to Malaya’s (including Singapore) national democratic movement to bring along his family and his 88-year-old mother to attend our event. During luncheon period after two dishes have been served (pause serving), we will invite Ravi to speak and share about his feelings and his thoughts on being invited to translate The Rising of Hindraf’s Movement and Its Trend.

Apart from that, after serving four dishes (pause serving), we will then invite Tan Tai Kim, President of the Dong Zong, to briefly describe how does he and the reform faction deal with the disruption and damage created by Yap Sin Tian and the royalist faction led by Yap to avoid Dong Zong from the adversity of being deregistered by the Registrar of Societies (RoS), and to share with audience the correct standpoint of Dong Zong and its future trend, as the leadership of the Chinese education movement in the present phase of democratic reform movement in Malaysia.

Sahabat Rakyat was detached from Suara Rakyat Malaysia, SUARAM back in early 2013. This means we are now continuing the development of the theory of democracy and human rights that are in line with the interests and aspirations of the oppressed races or oppressed classes without receiving any funds. Sahabat Rakyat does not employ any staff, all committee members are volunteers, every activity carried out is self-sponsored by the participants or seek sponsorship from the general public. Thus, this commemoration event (“The New Phase of Democratic Reform in Malaysia” forum and luncheon) also aims to raise funds to cover basic expenses, including office rental, electricity, water and tele-communication services for the next one to two years. Hence, all participants will have to purchase coupon for attending this event, we welcome all concerned citizens to join this event [Coupons are available at RM60 each, while sponsorship tables are available at RM1000 each (10 seats per table)]. Organizer is preparing 30 tables in total (300 pax). For anyone who is interested, please contact 017-7696713 or email to


通告 Notification


人民之友工委会2020年9月27日常月会议针对徐袖珉(英文名: See Siew Min)半年多以来胡闹的问题,议决如下:



[ 漫画新解 ]




尤其是在新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)课题上,她公然猖狂跟人民之友的政治立场对着干,指责人民之友服务于中国文宣或大中华,是 “中国海外统治部”、“中华小红卫兵”等等等等。她甚至通过强硬粗暴手段擅自把我们的WhatsApp群组名称“Sahabat Rakyat Malaysia”改为“吐槽美国样衰俱乐部”这样的无耻行动也做得出来。她的这种种露骨的表现足以说明了她是一名赤裸裸的“反中仇华”份子。



[ 漫画新解 ]

注:这“漫画新解”是与<人民之友>4月24日转贴的美国政客叫嚣“围剿中国”煽动颠覆各国民间和组织 >(原标题为<当心!爱国队伍里混进了这些奸细……>)这篇文章有关联的。这篇文章作者沈逸所说的“已被欧美政治认同洗脑的‘精神欧美人’”正是马来西亚“公知”及其跟班的精神面貌的另一种写照!

[ 漫画新解 ]

编辑 / 来源:人民之友 / 网络图库

注:这“漫画新解”是与《察网》4月22日刊林爱玥专栏文章<公知与鲁迅之间 隔着整整一个中国 >这篇文章有关联的,这是由于这篇文章所述说的中国公知,很明显是跟这组漫画所描绘的马来西亚的“舔美”狗狗,有着孪生兄弟姐妹的亲密关系。


Malaysia Time (GMT+8)