Thursday, 24 July 2014

关于马航MH17坠毁乌克兰,西方媒体不会告诉你的几件事 / What The Press Isn't Reporting About Malaysia Airline Attack

 关于 马航MH17坠毁乌克兰,



作者罗恩•保罗(Ron Paul)系美国前资深共和党参议员,曾参选美国总统,其子兰德•保罗(Rand Paul)现为肯塔基州共和党参议员,是2016年美国总统选举共和党候选人。]

马航客机坠毁乌克兰东部,这一悲剧发生几天以来,西方政客和媒体一齐从灾难中积极榨取宣传价值。 “必须是俄罗斯!必须是普京!”——他们说。奥巴马总统举行记者发布会,宣称——虽然还没展开调查——这是该地区亲俄武装所为。他的驻联合国大使鲍威尔在 安理会紧急会议上的表态如出一辙——坠机事件才过了一天!




他们不会报:据欧安组织观察员统计,政变后的基辅政权自今年6月以来在卢甘斯克地区杀了250人,马航客机坠毁第二天,政府军就轰炸了市中心!被炸 死的大多是平民,要知道这一死难数字已接近马航事件。与此相反,俄罗斯在乌克兰没杀过哪怕一个人,分离武装打击的对象也主要是政府军,而非平民。






他们不会报:这和美国去年夏天指责阿萨德政府对平民使用毒气弹的做法如出一辙。阿萨德在与美国支持的叛军斗争中也占据上风,而美国却宣称叙利亚政府 军使用化学武器。然后,美国让我们想到中东地区即将爆发另一场战争。民众的反战呼声在最后一刻阻止了奥巴马——然后我们得知,美国的化武指责子虚乌有。




What The Press Isn’t Reporting About Malaysia Airline Attack


By Ron Paul || Just days after the tragic crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, Western politicians and media joined together to gain the maximum propaganda value from the disaster. It had to be Russia; it had to be Putin, they said. President Barack Obama held a press conference to claim – even before an investigation – that it was pro-Russian rebels in the region who were responsible. His ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, did the same at the UN Security Council – just one day after the crash!

While western media outlets rush to repeat government propaganda on the event, there are a few things they will not report.

They will not report that the crisis in Ukraine started late last year, when the European Union and United States overthrew the elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Without U.S.-sponsored “regime change,” it is unlikely that hundreds would have been killed in the unrest that followed. Nor would the Malaysian Airlines crash have happened.

The media has reported that the plane must have been shot down by Russian forces or Russian-backed separatists, because the missile that reportedly brought down the plane was Russian made. But they will not report that the Ukrainian government also uses the exact same Russian-made weapons.

They will not report that the post-coup government in Kiev has, according to OSCE monitors, killed 250 people in the breakaway Lugansk region since June, including 20 killed as government forces bombed the city center the day after the plane crash! Most of these are civilians and together they roughly equal the number killed in the plane crash. By contrast, Russia has killed no one in Ukraine, and the separatists have struck largely military, not civilian, targets.

They will not report that the US has strongly backed the Ukrainian government in these attacks on civilians, which a State Department spokeswoman called “measured and moderate.”

They will not report that neither Russia nor the separatists in eastern Ukraine have anything to gain but everything to lose by shooting down a passenger liner full of civilians.

They will not report that the Ukrainian government has much to gain by pinning the attack on Russia, and that the Ukrainian prime minister has already expressed his pleasure that Russia is being blamed for the attack.

They will not report that the missile that apparently shot down the plane was from a sophisticated surface-to-air missile system that requires a good deal of training that the separatists do not have.

They will not report that the separatists in eastern Ukraine have inflicted considerable losses on the Ukrainian government in the week before the plane was downed.

They will not report how similar this is to last summer’s U.S. claim that the Assad government in Syria had used poison gas against civilians in Ghouta. Assad was also gaining the upper hand in his struggle with U.S.-backed rebels and the U.S. claimed that the attack came from Syrian government positions. Then, U.S. claims led us to the brink of another war in the Middle East. At the last minute public opposition forced Obama to back down – and we have learned since then that U.S. claims about the gas attack were false.

Of course it is entirely possible that the Obama administration and the U.S. media has it right this time, and Russia or the separatists in eastern Ukraine either purposely or inadvertently shot down this aircraft. The real point is, it’s very difficult to get accurate information so everybody engages in propaganda. At this point it would be unwise to say the Russians did it, the Ukrainian government did it, or the rebels did it.

Is it so hard to simply demand a real investigation?

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